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Chapter 131 A bit dazzling

Chapter 131 A bit dazzling


Author: What’s wrong

  Chapter 131 A bit dazzling

  The next morning, the autumn colors were rich and the maple forest was dyed.

  Jiang Qin’s entrepreneurial story was published in Linchuan Youth Daily and was delivered to the mail room by car early in the morning.

  College students generally don’t read newspapers, and they rarely pay attention to campus newspapers, let alone off-campus newspapers. But if there are people around them in the newspaper, it’s a different story.

  For example, Jiang Tian returned to the dormitory with a stack of newspapers early in the morning and distributed them one by one.

  ”He, an ordinary college student, he, a not dazzling entrepreneur in school, he, has aspirations and ideals, has a heart of enthusiasm, and is full of kindness…”

  Song Qingqing was the most excited when she saw the newspaper. She felt like chasing stars in reality, so she picked up the newspaper and read a few sentences, and her expression looked happy.

  Jian Chun didn’t want to read it at first, but Song Qingqing’s reading made her feel itchy, and she couldn’t help but open it in the end. She carefully read the news about Jiang Qin three times, and then her expression was unconsciously a little dazed, and her eyes were stained with a touch of bright sadness.

  In the eyes of college students, the two words “interest” and “honor” are often separated.

  Interest is interest, honor is honor, and they cannot be confused.

  Moreover, most students feel that honor is higher than interest, because the ideological education they have received over the years is largely dedicated education.

  That is, don’t talk about interests, pursue dedication, and yearn for honor.

  Therefore, Jiang Qin is involved in wind and rain, starting a business to make money, although the scenery is unlimited, but in the minds of college students, he is just a little capable, and is about the same level as the owner of the South Street Restaurant.

  But if you say that Jiang Qin is on the newspaper, officially certified, and becomes a typical figure, the effect is different.

  The image is instantly tall, and the style is instantly raised.

  Jian Chun and Song Qingqing’s personalities are essentially different. Song Qingqing attaches more importance to money, so the moment Jiang Qin appears in a Bentley, he becomes Song Qingqing’s male god.

  But Jian Chun has a good family background, does not worship money, has no concept of money, and has a higher pursuit of the spiritual level.

  At first, she thought Jiang Qin was a frivolous man, but later, because of the South Street collision incident, she felt that he was a mature, stable and reliable man. Finally, after seeing this newspaper, Jiang Qin was already extremely dazzling in her heart.

  Usually, someone being on the campus newspaper is already very glorious, but Jiang Qin was on a serious city-level newspaper, which is simply incomparable.

  ”What does the work-study program mean?”

  Jian Chun came back to his senses and explained to Pan Xiu: “It is to provide part-time jobs for poor students in school.”

  ”Jiang Qin went to the University of Science and Technology to help the poor?” Pan Xiu was a little surprised.

  Jiang Tian couldn’t help but say, “He has been absent for a while. I guess he is going to the University of Science and Technology. This is an activity between schools. Ordinary college students can’t even participate. But Jiang Qin not only participated, but also initiated the project.”

  ”No wonder even Linchuan Youth Daily came to interview him. Look at the picture. He and the director of the Youth League Committee of the University of Science and Technology are arm in arm. It’s magical.”

  ”It feels like Jiang Qin and we don’t live in the same world at all.”

  ”Now that I think about it, that vigorous school beauty competition was actually started by him. It’s unrealistic.”

  Jian Chun listened to their chat, her eyes were a little dazed, and she recalled the South Street incident, and she couldn’t help feeling a little weightless.

  When I started school, how could I regard such a dazzling man as a frivolous man?
It’s all

  Cao Guangyu’s fault. He didn’t sign his name when he wrote the note!

  Of course, maybe he signed it, but I didn’t see it.

  In fact, such misunderstandings are common in student days, and they won’t become a knot in the heart, but Jiang Qin is getting more and more dazzling, and the light on him is getting more and more prosperous. In this case, Jian Chun’s knot is getting harder and harder to untie.

  At the same time, in the male dormitory 302, Cao Guangyu was also holding a newspaper, chewing his teeth with a crunching sound.

  There were three pictures in the newspaper, one was a startup office, one was a photo of Jiang Qin and the person in charge of science and technology, and one was a photo of Jiang Qin alone. The more you look at it, the stronger the pretentiousness becomes.

  As a fan of showing off, Lao Cao is very jealous.

  Why can Lao Jiang have such a good platform for showing off?

  ”No wonder Lao Jiang has such a low sense of presence in the class recently. He dared to show off in the newspaper without taking me with him!”

  Zhou Chao also stared at a newspaper three times: “In this photo of Brother Jiang, his posture and temperament are more mature than my father.”

  ”Originally, I played games and fell in love every day. I thought my college life was quite meaningful. Compared with Brother Jiang, it’s nothing!” Ren Ziqiang couldn’t help but sigh.

  After hearing this, Cao Guangyu raised his head in disbelief: “We know that you play games every day, but when did you fall in love every day?”

  Ren Ziqiang’s face changed: “…”

  Zhou Chao also laughed: “Isn’t she my sister?”

  ”Who cares!”

  Originally, there were four bachelors in this dormitory, and Ren Ziqiang didn’t have a strong sense of disparity, but since Cao Guangyu found a partner and had a neck full of strawberries, he always mocked him, and Zhou Chao also joined in, which was simply infuriating.

  Ren Ziqiang ignored them and covered himself with the quilt when he lay on the bed, like an ostrich burying himself in a pit.

  Although escaping is shameful, it is useful!

  However, some people act as ostriches, while others act as ostriches for others, such as Wang Huiru.

  She is now a student union officer of the Law School. As soon as she got up in the morning, she rushed to the activity classroom for a meeting and accidentally saw a newspaper in the hands of a senior sister.

  Jiang Qin, a representative of young college students, founded a website and led more than 30 college students to start businesses and promote work-study programs at the University of Science and Technology.

  Wang Huiru was confused after reading these paragraphs, and her eyes were full of shock, but after a while, she quickly accepted the fact.

  Jiang Qin was very dazzling, and she knew this since the summer vacation.

  At that time, everyone had just finished the college entrance examination and was living a life of drunkenness and dreams, only Jiang Qin was doing business everywhere, and by the time school started, he had become a legendary existence.

  Therefore, even if the things in the newspaper were magical, Wang Huiru still felt that it was not outrageous at all, because she felt that judging from Jiang Qin’s performance during the summer vacation, it was more outrageous that he was unknown in college.

  It’s just…

  Wang Huiru suddenly thought of Chu Siqi, her face changed instantly, she thought that she must not let Siqi see this.

  Her former high school classmate was extremely outstanding, which made Wang Huiru feel proud, but for Chu Siqi, the person who once liked her and was rejected by her suddenly became very outstanding, this tearing feeling was very strong. Are you going to pretend that you

  don’t know anything again?

  Wang Huiru was about to cry.

  She had kept the matter between Jiang Qin and Feng Nanshu a secret for three months, and she was going crazy. She didn’t expect it to start again, which was really killing her.

  After the meeting, Wang Huiru returned to the dormitory as if nothing had happened, but

  she was frightened by the scene in front of her as soon as she entered the door. At this time, Chu Siqi was sitting on the bed, holding a copy of Linchuan Youth Daily in her hand. Her eyes were stunned, as if she was frozen on the newspaper, and she didn’t move for a long time.

  Wang Huiru walked over and glanced at Chu Siqi, but found that her bestie’s face was not as frustrated and depressed as she had imagined, but instead had an indescribable complexity.

  ”Siqi, are you… reading the newspaper?”


  ”Well, stop reading it. Let’s go to the cafeteria to eat.”

  Chu Siqi turned and looked at her: “Hui Ru, your acting is a little fake. I know there’s news about Jiang Qin in it.”

  Wang Huiru was slightly stunned, then she breathed a sigh of relief: “So you had seen it a long time ago.”

  ”I’m a reporter at Guangjiao now. When I interviewed that day, I was responsible for receiving the reporter from Linchuan Youth Daily. I also followed the interview with Jiang Qin throughout and even went to Jiang Qin’s office.”


  Wang Huiru’s scalp went numb listening to her bestie’s calm and emotionless voice. She couldn’t imagine how explosive that scene would be.

  Chu Siqi couldn’t help but look out the window: “Jiang Qin is too good now. I feel more and more that I am not worthy of him. It would be great if he was not so good. It would be great if he was just an ordinary college student. I wouldn’t have to regret it so much now.”

  ”You are wrong to think like this. Jiang Qin’s excellence is due to his own efforts.”

  ”I understand the truth, but the more dazzling his existence is, the worse my vision and taste are.”

  Wang Huiru didn’t know how to answer, so she could only sit on the bed and accompany her bestie in silence.

  During this period of silence, she couldn’t help but recall the conversation she and Yu Shasha whispered at the dinner table at the graduation party.

  Yu Shasha said that it was really unfortunate for the two of them to be in the same school with Jiang Qin, because when they were with such a dazzling boy, other boys would become foils, and they would not be able to find a satisfactory relationship at that time.

  Wang Huiru didn’t take this sentence to heart at first, but now it seems that her words are becoming a reality.

  ”Hui Ru.”


  ”I also met Feng Nanshu.”


  Chu Siqi clenched her hands subconsciously: “I couldn’t accept it at first, but when I think about it, Jiang Qin is so dazzling, he really deserves her.”

  Wang Huiru raised her head: “Siqi, I think you are wrong.”

  ”What’s wrong?”

  ”When Jiang Qin and Feng Nanshu were together, she was not dazzling at all. She accompanied him all the way through that period of time, not because he was dazzling that attracted Feng Nanshu. You have to figure out the order of priority.”

  Chu Siqi’s face turned pale in an instant, and then she pursed her lips and remained silent for a long time, her mood was extremely complicated.

  ”Don’t think about it, let’s go eat.”


  At the same time, someone in the chat area of ​​the forum was also discussing this matter.

  Most of the people who knew Jiang Qin had been infected, and they already had resistance in their bodies, so they were not too shocked.

  But when people who didn’t know Jiang Qin saw the news, their reactions were more agitated.

  Linchuan University has been encouraging college students to start businesses in recent years, but with little success and no projects to show off. Taking advantage of this trend, Linchuan University hopes to stimulate college students’ enthusiasm for entrepreneurship, so it directly uploaded the electronic version of this newspaper to its official website and course selection system.

  Because of this, the unfamiliar name Jiang Qin was exposed to everyone’s vision for the first time.

  ”What is the background of this Jiang Qin?”

  ”He must be a rich second-generation, otherwise who would dare to spend money to build a website.”

  ”It’s outrageous. It’s not even November yet. Has he made so much money?”

  ”Maybe some of it is fictitious, but the style of Linchuan Youth Daily has always been very serious, so even if there is water, it should be about the same.”

  ”Can you make so much money by building a website? I would have done it if I had known earlier. It doesn’t look difficult.”

  ”It’s really not difficult. You can do it in a week of computer science. I guess our school deliberately exaggerates to set an example.”

  A freshman, started a business for two and a half months, planned a school beauty competition, and promoted work-study.

  These keywords make people feel a little explosive, so they have attracted countless sour comments.

  This is actually a very normal phenomenon.

  Whose freshman is so outrageous?

  Everyone is obviously similar to what Ren Ziqiang described, except for classes, playing games, and dating. Now suddenly a freshman started a business and was reported in the newspaper, and even cooperated with the neighboring university to promote work-study programs. Compared with my own uneventful daily life, the disparity is really too strong.

  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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