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Chapter 135 Keep this secret

135. Chapter 135 Keep this secret


Author: A smile

  Seeing the nervous look of the family members, Xu Jinning smiled and said, “I know.”

  If it was a few days ago, Xu Jinning might be afraid, but now, she is not afraid.

  Even if Lin Wangshu’s arrival may bring some changes to her life, she will face it bravely.

  The family told her that Lin Wangshu would come two days ago, and then they have been doing all kinds of psychological preparation for her, and have said it many times. In their hearts, Lin Wangshu must not be comparable to her. The

  family members said so, and Xu Jinning’s confidence became more and more firm.

  After hearing Xu Jinning’s answer, the Xu family members were relieved.

  At this time, a voice suddenly came from outside the door.

  ”Mom, sister, eldest brother, second brother, I’m back.”

  Xu Jinning’s body was slightly startled, and then he looked in the direction of the voice.

  Soon he saw the person who was talking. The girl looked fifteen or sixteen years old, with wide-leg pants, shirts, and tweed coats…

  How to say it, perhaps in the eyes of people of this era, the girl’s dress is fashionable, and the clothes and pants she wears are also uncommon in rural areas at this time.

  But for Xu Jinning, who grew up in the 21st century, has been exposed to so many fashions, and has her own cloakroom, the girl’s dress looks very ordinary, even a little rustic.

  But Xu Jinning didn’t want to complain about these. After all, she traveled here, and the clothes and pants she wore now were not fashionable. The clothes and pants made by her mother also conformed to the styles of clothes and pants worn by most people in this era.

  It can even be said that her dress is more rustic than Lin Wangshu in front of her.

  But because it was made by her mother, it was more comfortable and joyful to wear than the clothes full of fashion labels in the past.

  Somehow, seeing Lin Wangshu in front of her, the little uneasiness that had remained in her heart was gradually dissipating.

  It was as if she had originally regarded Lin Wangshu as an invincible heroine with the aura of the heroine, but now, she was regarded as an ordinary person, and there was no need to deify or demonize her.

  Yes, from the words just now said by the person in front of her, she knew that the girl in front of her was Lin Wangshu, the heroine of this true and false Qianjinwen.

  To be honest, Lin Wangshu’s appearance is the worst if ranked among the Xu family, because the Xu family, whether it is Xu Aiguo, Zhang Ailian, Xu Fanghua, Xu Xiangdong, etc., all have very good facial features.

  Lin Wangshu’s facial features are a little above average.

  But the Xu family members are all delicate and regular.

  Lin Wangshu is called good-looking in this era, perhaps because she was raised in wealth. She didn’t have to work much, just study, and her quality of life was relatively good. Children who grew up with love and care were naturally raised in wealth.

  Therefore, Lin Wangshu’s capital was given to her by the Xu family.

  Her biological parents in the city are now taking her back to the city. As for how she will live in the future, it depends on Lin Wangshu herself.

  Xu Jinning could clearly feel that when she was looking at Lin Wangshu, the latter was also looking at her with his peripheral vision while talking.

  Inexplicably, Xu Jinning felt that Lin Wangshu came back to the Qinghe Production Team because of her.

  ”Fangfang is back. No, I should call you Lin Wangshu now.” Zhang Ailian said calmly.

  ”Mom, no matter what my name is, I am your daughter and the younger sister of my brothers and sisters. Sister, eldest brother, second brother, before I returned to the city, you said that you would always treat me as your only sister.”

  Xu Fanghua and others immediately looked at Xu Jinning nervously.

  Yes, they did say such words before.

  Now thinking about it, they don’t understand why they said such words at the beginning, why did they say such words, and why did Lin Wangshu say it in front of Ningning now? Isn’t this deliberately making Ningning uncomfortable? At

  this moment, several people instantly disliked Lin Wangshu, and for the first time felt that Lin Wangshu was not as simple as he seemed, but was deep-minded.

  Xu Jinning didn’t care much, after all, she knew before that her family members were controlled and had not awakened.

  What she cares more about is the present of her family.

  [Lin Wangshu is really good at pretending. In fact, she has long known that she is not the biological daughter of the Xu family! ]
The Xu

  family, who were originally worried about whether Xu Jinning would be affected by Lin Wangshu’s words just now, heard Xu Jinning’s voice at the same time.

  This is the first time that the Xu family heard Xu Jinning’s voice at the same time.

  Almost when they heard the voice, they looked at each other, and then they understood something in their eyes.

  This is also thanks to the fact that a few days ago, Xu Fanghua summoned other Xu family members one night after Xu Jinning fell asleep and held a meeting quietly.

  Xu Fanghua first tested other people in the family to see if they could hear Xu Jinning’s voice.

  The result was that everyone could.

  However, it was all one-way and there were designated people.

  For example, Xu Jinning’s voice was about Xu Fanghua, so only Xu Fanghua could hear it.

  If it was about Xu Xiangdong, only Xu Xiangdong could hear it.

  Those voices were like Ningning’s advance prediction or the original predetermined fate.

  They could know in advance and change in the past.

  But they couldn’t say it, nor could they remind it.

  Neither they nor Ningning could say it clearly.

  Moreover, Ningning didn’t know that they could hear her inner voice

  After confirming this, they unanimously decided that they had to keep this secret, that is, to protect Xu Jinning.

  Moreover, they all had the same feeling.

  That is, before they heard Xu Jinning’s inner voice, many of their words, actions, and even thoughts were not like their own style.

  It felt as if their behavior and thoughts were controlled before, and they couldn’t be themselves.

  They felt that they were stupid and stupid before.

  After hearing Xu Jinning’s inner voice, they seemed to wake up instantly and get an epiphany.

  The world became clearer, and they could see people and things more clearly.

  For example, if it were before, they would think that Lin Wangshu was a simple, naive, weak, and protected little girl.

  But now when they look at Lin Wangshu, they can easily see her scheming and depth hidden under her simplicity.

  In the past, they spoiled Lin Wangshu without thinking. Even if Lin Wangshu committed murder or arson, they would help conceal it and even applaud her. They thought she was right and that she must have her reasons for doing so.

  But now, they have little feelings for this girl who is not their daughter/sister. After seeing how scheming she is, they gradually dislike her.

  Not to mention, Ningning just said that Lin Wangshu knew that she was not their child.

  What is going on?

  How did Lin Wangshu know? !


After Being Mind-read by the Cannon Fodder Group, the Foolish Beauty Effortlessly Won at Life

After Being Mind-read by the Cannon Fodder Group, the Foolish Beauty Effortlessly Won at Life

Score 3.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

Xu Jinning transmigrated and found herself in a fictionalized version of the 1980s from several novels, where she was the fake rich daughter cannon fodder destined to suffer from depression and die three years later. Knowing that this was an unchangeable world, Xu Jinning chose to be indifferent and live one day at a time.

Suddenly, the cannon fodder group from these novels discovered that they could hear Xu Jinning’s inner thoughts!

[“Big sister, your plastic best friend will only deceive you. She’ll even plot to marry you off to an ab*sive man, snatch away your college acceptance letter, and make you die from a miscarriage caused by d*mestic v*olence.”] Xu Fanghua: … After completely falling out with her best friend of over a decade, she turned the tables, pushing her friend towards the ab*sive man and going to college with her acceptance letter.

[“Aunt, they’re going to demolish this house. It’s large, and you’ll get subsidies for several houses. Please don’t sell it.”] Aunt Xu: … Gritting her teeth, she didn’t sell the house. Three months later, they moved into a new house, starting a life of collecting rent.

[“This year, don’t raise pigs. There will be a swine flu outbreak, and you’ll lose money until you cry.”] The director of the poultry factory, who switched to raising chickens and ducks: … While everyone else’s pigs died, only the chickens, ducks, and geese raised in his factory brought in a full pot of wealth.

Xu Jinning realized that she was just casually commenting, but everyone around her was changing, and they were being exceptionally good to her.

Her big sister, who used to dislike her, was now helping her prepare for college. Her second brother took charge of vast lands for her. The director of the poultry factory unexpectedly wanted to acknowledge her as his goddaughter, ensuring she had meat to eat every day. Most shocking of all, her aunt wanted to transfer one of the houses acquired from the demolition into her name, as a gift…

Unconsciously, Xu Jinning found that she seemed to be effortlessly winning at life!


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