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Chapter 135 Visitors from Afar

Chapter 135 Visitors from Afar


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 135 Visitors from afar,

  the northern suburbs of Qingquan City.

  Walking on the snow that buried their calves, five black power armors walked under the abandoned viaduct and headed towards Qingquan City.

  ”…Radio activity detected, about four kilometers ahead, the signal activity is low and cannot be analyzed.”

  ”Can you identify the other party?”

  ”Obviously not, we know nothing about the situation here… I suggest you find a local native nearby to ask about the situation.”

  ”Good idea.”

  Looking past the road sign with the place name, Lu Yang looked up at the dead city in front of him, and his eyebrows under the helmet frowned.

  ”Is this Qingquan City?”

  Qingquan City is located in the southern part of the Valley Province. As one of the important hubs of the central urban agglomeration, there used to be hundreds of millions of people living here.

  As for now, the number of people living here is probably not even a fraction of that in the past.

  Lu Yang stretched out his index finger and tapped the side of the helmet lightly, and soon retrieved the geographical information image of the Qingquan area from the database.

  Compared with the good times before the war, this place is now like hell, with only desolation, ruin, depression and death.

  ”This damn war…”

  Lu Yang checked the map, waved his fist forward, and continued to move forward with his four team members along the wreckage of the viaduct.

  It was not just Qingquan City that became a ghost. If they wanted to reminisce the past, they could reminisce from the horizon to the Kuiper Belt.

  But there was no point in doing so. The

  reason why they came here from the East Coast was not for archaeology or documentary filming, but to continue moving forward, all the way west, deep into the wilderness, to find the last hope of human civilization – the legendary No. 0 Shelter.

  As for why they stopped here…

  To be honest, Lu Yang didn’t want to.

  Unfortunately, their transportation had a problem.

  If they wanted to repair it as soon as possible, they could only seek help from nearby survivors.

  He didn’t want to waste several months here.

  According to the experience during the journey, once they stopped for more than a month, they would have troubles one after another.

  ”Captain, there are drones watching us.”

  The Marine walking on the left side of Lu Yang raised his head, looked at the airspace in front of him, and continued in a joking tone.

  ”It’s a cute little guy… I don’t have a matching model in my database, but judging from its appearance, it should be a modified civilian drone from before the war. It’s hard for it to fly so high.”

  Another Marine said lazily.

  ”It seems that there should be a shelter nearby. Great, finally we don’t have to deal with the natives.”

  ”How do you know that the people living in the shelter are not natives? Have you forgotten the blue jacket we met last time? He kept claiming that he was from Shelter No. 117, and then he swallowed the gum I gave him.”


  As they were talking, laughter came from the communication channel.

  Obviously, they didn’t take the little guy in the sky seriously.

  ”Don’t interrupt, others are watching us.”

  Pulling out the jammer gun on his waist, the Marine walking on the outermost side cast an inquiring look at their captain.

  ”Do you need me to get it down?”

  ”No need.”

  Lu Yang gestured to his comrades to stop, and then waved his hand towards the sky, indicating that he had found it.

  ”Friends from afar, we have no ill intentions. If it’s convenient, can we talk?”

  Lu Yang was not sure whether the drone had a sound collection system, so he turned on the speaker on the power armor helmet and used a loud voice to show his friendliness.

  The voice echoed in the ruins.

  Perhaps it heard his voice, or perhaps it realized that it had been discovered, the drone descended and flew in front of them.

  It was a silver-white sphere, surprisingly small, and the propeller blades were made of unknown materials. It was silent when flying.

  Lu Yang watched it stop in front of him, circle around him, and then slowly floated towards the wetland park in front.

  The team members on the side exchanged glances.

  ”Is this a friendly gesture?”

  ”Maybe, it seems to be inviting us over.”

  ”Captain, do we want to go over?”

  Lu Yang thought for a moment and spoke.

  ”Wang Yi stays here and looks for a commanding height nearby for observation. The rest of you follow me.”



  Outpost, third floor of the sanatorium.

  Chu Guang’s face showed a bit of solemnity as he watched the four people entering the wetland park through the screen on his arm.

  Power armor!

  He had only heard of this thing from the survivors before, but now he saw it with his own eyes for the first time, but he didn’t expect it to be more exaggerated than he imagined.

  The heavy full-protection armor covered every inch of their skin, and the rectangular modular rifles in their hands emitted a cold light.

  They were like human tanks from a science fiction studio, which was daunting.

  Chu Guang even had some doubts about whether a normal caliber bullet hitting them was any different from tickling.

  The heavy armor and equipment did not affect their mobility at all. At least from the way they moved freely in the jungle, crossing obstacles was like playing for them.

  Chu Guang roughly estimated that the equipment of these people was at least 1.5 tons or even more than 2 tons, and it should be driven by fusion batteries if nothing unexpected happened.

  Just now, he was operating the “Hummingbird” and flew around the power armor in front of him, but he did not see any obvious fuel tank or battery structure. If it is powered by a fuel cell such as solid hydrogen, the fuel density can certainly be made very high, but it cannot be so high.

  Obviously, the power armor these people are wearing is high-end!

  If a conflict occurs, it is estimated that in the entire outpost, only the hammer behind him can pose a certain threat to their armor.

  Compared with these people, the green-skinned muscle guy on Street 76 is a piece of trash.

  ”Xiao Qi, you go back underground first.”

  Xiao Qi tilted the camera and looked at Chu Guang and asked.

  ”But master, it’s only afternoon now.”

  ”It has nothing to do with what time it is. I’m not sure if those people outside are friends or enemies. If there is a conflict, I’m afraid I won’t be able to take care of you. It’s safer for you to go down first.”

  ”Although Xiaoqi is very happy that the master said so, Xiaoqi will not leave the master alone to hide. Also, you don’t have to be too nervous. Those people are likely to have come out of a shelter. They shouldn’t make things difficult for us.”

  Chu Guang looked at it in surprise.

  ”Can you see all this?”

  Xiaoqi said.

  ”Well, not necessarily, but the electromagnetic rifles in their hands do look like the models of pre-war standard weapons. And after they discovered our drone, they did not shoot down my drone, but took the initiative to show us their friendship… If they came with hostility, I always feel that there is no need to do so much. What do you think, master?”

  ”Me? I don’t know, but I generally don’t pin my hopes on the kindness of others.”

  After thinking for a moment, Chu Guang weighed the EMP grenade in his hand and stuffed it into his pocket.

  Although it is not clear how much this thing will affect the power armor, it is better to have it than not.

  Even if the opponent’s electronic equipment can only be paralyzed for two seconds, it can buy himself two more seconds to respond.

  Chu Guang will control the negotiation distance within 3 meters.

  In this way, even if an accident occurs, he can use the nitrogen-powered hammer in his hand to teach the opponent a profound lesson.


  North gate of the outpost.

  Looking at the four iron lumps coming from a distance, the players at the north gate market all showed expressions of inexperience.

  ”My god! What is that?”

  ”Is it the power armor on the official website!”

  ”Where did these NPCs come from?”

  ”Analyze rationally, this game should have a hidden prosperity setting. When the prosperity reaches a certain level, it will attract wild NPCs to visit!”

  ”Their guns are so handsome… To be honest, I want to buy them!”

  ”The price is at least 100,000 silver, buy it.”


  The sisters Qiucao and Qiuye, who were setting up stalls in the market, also noticed the situation outside the market.

  Looking at the four iron lumps walking towards the north gate, Qiuye blinked curiously.

  ”Sister, what is that? I feel their armor is more beautiful than the administrator’s.”

  ”I don’t know… It seems to be called power armor,” Qiu Cao nervously pulled her sister’s hand and pulled her into her arms, “Don’t stare at them.”

  Obviously, these people did not know the blue coats around them.

  A group of strangers with guns and live ammunition suddenly appeared at the door of the house. No matter what the situation was, it could not be assumed that they came with good intentions.

  Should I tell the clan leader?

  Qiu Cao thought nervously.

  Just then, a figure appeared at the north gate.

  The administrator, carrying a long-handled war hammer, walked out of the outpost surrounded by several blue coats.

  Looking at the man walking towards this side, a Marine next to Lu Yang couldn’t help but tease in the communication channel.

  ”Did you see the hammer behind him? I’ve never seen such a strange weapon… Is that a weapon?”

  ”Shut up.”

  Lu Yang glared at his teammates and put the weapon behind his back. He raised his index finger and tapped the side of his helmet, then put away the mask covering his face to show his friendliness.

  ”Are you from the shelter?”

  ”Chu Guang, the manager of Shelter No. 404,” Chu Guang stopped in front of the man and stared at him sharply. “Who are you? Why are you here?”

  ”Lu Yang, an employee of Enterprise, working for the First Pioneer Corps of the Overseas Division of the Silver Wing Group. We are from the far east coast and are heading to the west to find something. We have no ill intentions, we just happened to pass by here.” Chu Guang

  had heard of the word “Enterprise”. It was said to be a large survivor base located on the east coast. Some said it was Shelter No. 6, while others said it was Shelter No. 66. Their sphere of influence was very large, and it was said to cover an entire province on the east coast.

  However, due to its special expansion method, the Enterprise has very weak control over the “branch companies” within its sphere of influence. The only asset that is truly completely controlled by the “Enterprise” may be a survivor base that is larger than the Boulder City.

  Many caravans that are not Enterprises, or even merchants who are not from the East Coast, also like to do business under the banner of Enterprises.

  As for the Silver Wing Group, it is probably a branch of the “Enterprise”. Maybe they were just established to achieve a certain purpose. Anyway, Chu Guang has never even heard of it. The

  straight-line distance from the East Coast to the River Valley Province is thousands of kilometers. If the actual distance is even farther, it may be tens of thousands of kilometers.

  With such a long distance, any news that reaches here may be distorted.

  In short, no matter who they are loyal to, they can walk from the East Coast to the River Valley Province. The equipment and strength of this group of people should not be underestimated!

  Although he was very curious about what the “Enterprise” was going to find in the west, Chu Guang knew that even if he asked, this person would probably not tell him, so he did not speak presumptuously.

  After staring at Lu Yang for a while, Chu Guang continued to ask.

  ”Is what you are looking for in Qingquan City?”

  Lu Yang shook his head and said.

  ”Of course not. The River Valley Province can only be regarded as the central part of this continent at most, and the west we are talking about is a place farther away than here.”

  After a pause, he looked at Chu Guang and continued.

  ”Let’s be frank. Our large forces are stationed in an open area about 10 kilometers away from here. If possible, we don’t want to stay here, but our Pioneer has a little problem, so we can only come here to seek help.”

  Chu Guang: “What is the Pioneer?”

  ”You can think of it as our means of transportation. Its predecessor is four SC-500 crawler transport platforms, but we have slightly modified them, connected them together, and added some modular facilities suitable for long-distance travel. As for what it looks like…” Lu Yang didn’t know how to describe it, so he could only roughly gesture with his hands, “In short, it’s very big!”

  ”Crawler transport platform?”

  Chu Guang was confused by his general description and frowned, “Can you be more specific? For example, length, width or tonnage…”

  Lu Yang thought for a while and said in an affirmative tone.

  ”In terms of tonnage, it’s probably about 12,000 tons!”


  What the hell?!

  Twelve thousand tons?!

  Chu Guang was stunned when he heard this number.

  If he remembered correctly, the Gustav railway gun was only 1,500 tons, right?

  Even the tracked transport platform used to transport giant rockets like the Saturn V only weighed 3,000 tons, and the total load was only 8,000 tons…

  Twelve thousand tons! Did

  they drive the cruiser onto land?

  Chu Guang did not ask whether the twelve thousand tons was the net weight or the maximum load. Anyway, no matter what it was, this number was beyond his cognition.

  It was hard to imagine how such a big guy could “sail” on the wasteland.

  Anyway, it was definitely not burning oil.

  After recovering from the shock, Chu Guang took a deep breath and shook his head at Lu Yang who was looking forward to it.

  ”I’m sorry to disappoint you. Although there are some engineers in our shelter…but the kind of thing you are talking about is obviously beyond their capabilities. I’m afraid I can’t help you with this favor!”

  Not to mention beyond the scope of ability.

  For his little players, this kind of tonnage of transportation can probably only be understood by the game settings.

  Chu Guang suddenly became curious about what this thing looks like.

  If possible, he wanted to take a photo and post it on the official website.

  Seeing that the manager misunderstood his meaning, Lu Yang quickly waved his hand to explain.

  ”No, no, no, my friend, you misunderstood! We are not seeking technical help from you. We have our own engineers and production tools. We know how to repair damaged parts. But the problem is that we are short of manpower, and the reserves of materials and energy are almost exhausted.”

  In summary, is it a lack of people, mines, and electricity?

  But I also lack them!

  Chu Guang looked at him and asked cautiously.

  ”So what is your proposal?”

  Lu Yang said in a sincere tone: “We hope that you can lend us some manpower to help us collect nearby resources that can be used. In addition, we also need a guide who is familiar with the terrain in this area! We know where to find what we need! Of course, we won’t let you help us for free, we will pay you.”

  Hearing the word reward, Chu Guang finally became interested in his topic.

  And from what he said, they seem to know where to find the fuel for nuclear fusion?

  That’s a good thing!

  With a happy smile on his face, Chu Guang stretched out his right hand.

  ”Of course, my friend, helping others is the noblest virtue!”

  ”But the snow seems to be getting heavier. If it’s convenient, please come in with me and talk.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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