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Chapter 136 Can that be called labor dispatch? That’s called a limited-time event!

Chapter 136 Can that be called labor dispatch? That’s called a limited-time event!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 136 Can that be called labor dispatch? That’s called a limited-time event!

  Three power armors were left at the north gate.

  As for their captain Lu Yang, he followed Chu Guang into the outpost base.

  It can be seen that he is very confident in his own strength and is not worried about any accidents.

  Of course, Chu Guang did not intend to cause trouble for himself.

  Inviting Lu Yang to the reception room of the sanatorium, Chu Guang wanted to bring something to entertain him, but when he took out the wine glass, Lu Yang quickly waved his hand to stop him.

  ”I appreciate your kindness! But I am still on a mission and cannot drink.”

  ”What about milk?”

  ”Really, there is no need. We have reserves of fresh water and liquid food on our armor. During the mission, we can only eat our own food. This is discipline.”

  ”The stool-”

  ”No need, it will collapse when you sit on it.”


  I didn’t expect to encounter a disciplined army in the wasteland.

  Of course, it might be out of caution.

  Chu Guang didn’t insist and put the things away.

  ”Speaking of which, I’m a little curious about what your SC-500 crawler transport platform looks like, and what it means to put it together… Can you satisfy my curiosity?”

  Lu Yang nodded.

  ”Of course, no problem.”

  As he said that, he reached out and tapped his helmet. The button-sized integrated light at the collar projected a beam of light on the burning brazier.

  Looking closely, the light was composed of many beams as thin as cilia. Soon, those “cilia” gently swayed, interweaving a transparent three-dimensional holographic image above the flame.

  ”Holographic projection?”

  ”Yes,” Lu Yang nodded, with pride on his face, “This is our Pioneer! Isn’t it magnificent?”

  Four tracks nearly 20 meters long carry a square platform with a length and width of 50 meters. On the platform are stacked rectangular modules, spliced ​​and stacked like containers. From a distance, they look like uneven Rubik’s cubes or three-dimensional mosaics. There are

  four similar platforms in total, distributed in a matrix at the four corners, connected by pipelines in the middle, and it seems that they can be separated.

  Rather than a cruiser on land,

  it’s more like a fortress on four legs!

  ”It’s really magnificent… Do you have any photos? I mean, the kind of photographic photos, not this kind of holographic image that looks like a skeleton.”

  Lu Yang was stunned for a moment and nodded.

  ”Photos? Yes, yes… If you need it, I can send it to your VM.”

  ”Please send me one!”

  Although he was confused about what Chu Guang wanted the photo for, Lu Yang still picked a less sensitive photo and sent it to him.

  Hiding the joy on his face, Chu Guang coughed lightly, looked at Lu Yang with a serious expression and continued.

  ”Thank you, it’s a great help. In addition, I roughly understand your demands. In short… you need one hundred workers to engage in resource collection and material transportation, right?”

  Lu Yang nodded seriously.

  ”That’s right, it would be better if there were more people! We need a large number of manpower to collect vehicle wreckage and other metal waste, drag them to our production workshop for recycling, re-smelting, and producing the steel and other alloy materials we need.”

  ”As for technical problems, don’t worry, our engineers will be responsible for solving them! Your people only need to do some simple work.”

  ”And as a reward, we are willing to provide food and accommodation for each worker, and pay them an hourly wage of 1CR, settled on a daily basis.”

  Chu Guang asked.

  ”What is CR?”

  ”…I almost forgot, this is it!” Lu Yang slapped his head, pulled out a 100 CR note from his waist, showed it to Chu Guang, and explained with a smile, “The bonds issued by the company are also used as currency. The full name is credit points, abbreviated as CR! You can use it to buy anything you want at any survivor base on the East Coast…as long as they have it.”

  ”In addition, all caravans from the East Coast recognize its value, and you can use this note to exchange for all the goods they have. A note like this is enough for a company employee to spend for a week, and it’s enough for two weeks if you save it!”

  Chu Guang joked with a smile.

  ”So 1CR hourly wage is the minimum wage of the company?”

  ”We don’t have such a thing as a minimum wage, but basic physical labor is priced at this price. 1CR hourly wage for 12 hours a day is 12CR. Isn’t that enough? We will provide food and accommodation for your workers!”

  ”This is the River Valley Province, not the East Coast. Well, do you have any chips?”

  Lu Yang looked confused.


  ”Yes, this generation of Qingquan City mainly uses this kind of plastic as currency. All the merchants who come here know it. I thought you know it a little bit.” Chu Guang took out a white chip from his pocket and shook it gently in front of Lu Yang.

  The anti-counterfeiting paint printed on the chip still has no signs of fading even after two centuries, as if it has merged with the material itself.

  Lu Yang’s face was a little embarrassed.

  ”It’s a pity that we are not businessmen… To be honest, we are going to the west to carry out a very important mission, which is related to the fate of everyone on this planet. Can you make some concessions for the sake of the future of civilization? As far as I know, the River Valley Province is also within the business scope of the enterprise. I guarantee you with my credit score that these banknotes are all usable!”

  ”For the future of civilization, such words have been chewed up a century ago. Now it is the 211th year of the Wasteland Era, and nothing has changed.”

  Putting away the chips in his hand, Chu Guang looked at Lu Yang and continued.

  ”You must have something to trade, right? Have you been living on air all this way? Whether it’s food, weapons, or production tools and methods, we need them all here. It’s meaningless for you to give me this piece of paper. God knows when your caravan from the East Coast will pass by us. And what’s the use of just being able to use it? Even if 100CR can buy a set of power armor on the East Coast, it may not be able to buy a cow here!”

  Even in a civilized society with convenient logistics, the purchasing power of different currencies in different regions is different, let alone the wasteland.

  A caravan crossed an actual distance of tens of thousands of kilometers to arrive here, just to exchange the goods in their hands for a bunch of paper that can’t be spent locally?

  They are doing business, not delivering couriers.

  They have to ship some things back!

  Lu Yang coughed lightly and said, “…No matter where you are, 100CR can’t buy a power armor, even if it is scrapped. But I roughly understand what you mean. What you need is food, weapons and production tools, right?”

  ”Very correct!” Chu Guang looked at him with his eyes bright, and continued, “If you want to hire my people, you have to give them silver coins and copper coins. If you want silver coins, exchange them with what we need!”

  Lu Yang nodded.

  ”I understand. This is a reasonable request. But I’m not good at this. I will let the logistics department come to talk to you about the transaction. He will arrive here tomorrow morning. In addition, if it is convenient, I hope to set up an office here so that we can communicate in time. The scale of this office will not be very large, and the staff should be two people. How about it?”

  Chu Guang nodded happily.

  ”This is exactly what I expected!”

  Lu Yang’s face finally stretched out a smile.

  Communicating with civilized people is always much more refreshing than communicating with natives. Although the transaction is a bit troublesome, it can be left to the logistics department to worry about.

  The Pioneer has no shortage of food and fresh water, and can produce its own daily necessities. It only lacks minerals and electricity. With the laborers working, the mineral problem has been solved, and now there is only one problem left.

  ”… Then the next thing is the guide.”

  Chu Guang looked at him and said, “No problem, my people know this area very well. The key is what you want to find.”

  Lu Yang: “Controlled fusion fuel rods! Of course, I’m not talking about the kind of fusion batteries used for power armor, tanks or small workshops, but fuel rods with a helium-3 reserve of more than 5 kilograms and an output power of between 100MW and 1GW, which can make the Pioneer move! This type of fuel rod is a bit special, but our people can recognize it.”

  Chu Guang: “Then do you know where to find this thing?”

  Lu Yang nodded confidently.

  ”Of course, according to our analysis of the pre-war map data, there is a carbon dioxide collection station near the Fifth Ring Road in the northern suburbs of Qingquan City. This kind of public facility is very common in densely populated cities. Its main function is to use low-peak electricity to absorb carbon dioxide accumulated in urban agglomerations, that is, to maintain the so-called carbon balance.”

  ”The backup generators in the carbon dioxide collection station have fuel rod models similar to ours, but the more troublesome thing is that they are usually not marked separately on civilian maps, but merged with some high-rise buildings such as office buildings and apartments, usually located between the 20th and 30th floors. We can only speculate its approximate location based on limited information.”

  Hearing this, Chu Guang couldn’t help but interrupt him.

  ”Are you sure it hasn’t been searched there?”

  ”We’re not sure, so we need a local guide to cooperate with our Marines to find what hasn’t been looted yet.”

  After a pause, Lu Yang proposed the conditions for the exchange.

  ”If we are lucky enough to find it, we only want the controlled fusion fuel rods there. As for other by-products, such as long-chain alkanes, alkenes, or ketones and esters, you can take them away at will. Whether you use them as firewood or make them into other things.”

  It shouldn’t be burned.

  Chu Guang felt that he should not do such a thing of squandering.

  This kind of high-quality industrial raw materials, even if they can’t be used temporarily, can be sold. Survivor bases with industrial capabilities like Boulder City should be happy to buy them.

  Chu Guang remembered that old Luca once said that every year there would be caravans from Boulder City to buy oil and resin from the Kamm tree at Brown Farm.

  Looking at Lu Yang, Chu Guang nodded.

  ”No problem.”

  ”I’m glad we have reached a consensus, that’s all,” Lu Yang showed a happy smile on his face and stretched out his right hand, “I wish us a happy cooperation!”

  Chu Guang shook his outstretched right hand, and his face was also smiling.

  ”Happy cooperation!”


  Seeing the captain coming out of the wall, the several Marines standing at the north gate with their nerves tense finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  The curious eyes around them made them feel uncomfortable.

  Have these country bumpkins never seen power armor?

  Fortunately, these people were restrained and did not come up to make a move.

  ”It’s getting late, let’s go back first!” Walking to the side of his teammates and stopping, Lu Yang looked at Chu Guang and said with a smile, “Our people will come tomorrow!”

  Chu Guang nodded.

  ”Then I won’t see you off.”

  Lu Yang prepared to leave with his men.

  However, at this moment, the voice of his teammates came from the communication channel.

  ”Captain, there are explosions and gunshots to the east of you… My vision here is not good, but it looks like there is a firefight.”

  Lu Yang was slightly stunned, looked at Chu Guang and asked.

  ”Are you fighting?”

  Guessing that it was probably the big brother who stayed outside who saw it, Chu Guang said calmly.

  ”You mean the east? If that counts as a war, our people are indeed fighting mutants.”

  ”Mutants?” Lu Yang’s face changed slightly, “Are there mutants here?”

  ”Where aren’t there? Those green-skinned guys are everywhere,” Chu Guang smiled, “Of course, I’m not sure if the mutants in the Valley Province are the same as the mutants on your east coast. I heard that dark green and light green are not the same.” “No

  matter which one they are, they are a bunch of disgusting guys! This group of beasts that look like humans and dogs are like tumors. They can never be killed. They are simply the cancer of civilization!”

  Lu Yang gritted his teeth and said, with a look of hatred for evil. Chu Guang always felt that there was a story.

  With a move in his heart, Chu Guang looked at him and said.

  ”Then are you willing to help us solve this trouble? For the future of civilization.”

  Lu Yang was stunned, and said after a moment of hesitation.

  ”This… is not good. Our discipline does not allow us to intervene in the disputes of local people.”

  If we intervene in the disputes of local people, troubles will come one after another. He is too experienced in this. It’s okay

  not to intervene in the disputes of local people.

  Why didn’t you say this when you asked us for help?

  ”Mutants can’t be considered human beings,” Chu Guang did not give up and said patiently, “and by lending a hand to us, you are actually helping yourself.”

  Lu Yang: “What does this mean…”

  Chu Guang: “Think about it, if we have to deal with the harassment of mutants, how can we help you with all our strength? I promise you that as long as you solve the mutant troubles for us, we can double the number of workers supporting you… that is, 200 people. Is a reasonable transaction against your discipline?”

  Two hundred workers…

  It seems that the Alpha 0.7 version will be released ahead of schedule.

  Chu Guang thought to himself that the new version would open a new map and send players to work. Of course, this cannot be considered “labor dispatch” in name, but a limited-time activity in the game.

  There are limited-time activities in the closed beta stage, and rewards can be obtained without krypton gold. Where can such a conscientious game company be found?

  Chu Guang himself was almost moved by his conscience.

  But Lu Yang, who was standing opposite him, was stunned.

  Two hundred people? !

  Are there two hundred people in this survivor settlement? ?

  If the village outside is counted, there should be some, but what he needs is strong and healthy laborers, not those old, weak, women and children.

  But it is also possible that there are still people underground who have not come up.

  After weighing the pros and cons in his mind, Lu Yang finally nodded reluctantly.

  ”I hope you keep your promise.” With

  more people to help, their progress will be faster. If possible, he didn’t want to waste too much time here. They had already walked slowly enough on the road after entering the River Valley Province!

  ”Of course, I am the most trustworthy person!”

  Chu Guang smiled brightly when he said this.

  He knew.

  From the moment the man in front of him lowered his head, the mutants who refused to leave Street 76 were already dead…

  (It’s a little late today, sorry! I was tired of looking for typos TT)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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