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Chapter 137 War Correspondent Xiao Qi and Director Chu

Chapter 137 War Correspondent Xiao Qi and Director Chu


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 137: War correspondent Xiao Qi and Director Chu

  Near the east gate of the wetland park.

  The players’ exchange of fire with the mutants continued.

  After Bian Yi led the team to steal the head, he led the team members to fight and retreat, following the retreat route marked on the VM map, and quickly retreated to the evacuation point on the adjacent street.

  Logically speaking, ordinary FPS games are almost finished here.

  But for open world games like “Wasteland OL”, the hatred value of monsters does not seem to depend on how far it is from its home, but really depends on how much it wants to tear you apart.

  The mutants who chased Bian Yi did not rush into the ambush circle in a swarm, but divided into three teams to flank and enter.

  This also resulted in the mutants who rushed to the street first and were caught off guard by the players ambushed here. The remaining two teams of mutants entered the battlefield with almost full status and full anger.

  Fifteen people against thirty.

  Even if the players have the advantage in numbers, the advantage of only twice is obviously not enough to fill the gap in level and attributes.

  The battle situation became tense for a while.

  ”Fuck! How thick is the blood of this mutant?!”

  ”Two shots to the chest didn’t make him fall, must he be shot in the head to die?!”

  ”Too disgusting, there is no way to fight without anti-material rifles!”

  ”Anti-material rifles are probably useless. It’s not a question of whether to wear them or not, it’s just fine if you wear them. I think at least a recoilless gun or a Tao is needed!”

  ”Fuck? Brother, you also play Luffa, wait until you die and play together!”

  ”Uh, I play Amazing 3 more… I don’t understand what you are saying.”

  ”The dog planner got up and worked! This blood recovery speed is too unreasonable!”

  After a few rounds of cold arrows, the mutants gradually began to realize that these humans seemed to have no other means except a few small water pipes. There

  seemed to be no other reinforcements around.

  A hideous smile gradually appeared on his face. The mutants who were close to him carried the hood and doors removed from the wreckage of the car as shields, pulled out axes and short knives, and prepared to fight these skinny humans in close combat.

  Looking at the fallen teammate next to him, remembering the man’s promise, Bianbianhuashui showed a sad and angry expression on his face, took off the VM on his arm, and stuffed it to the comrade next to him.

  ”Brother, this is my VM, you take it back for me!”

  The player was stunned and said stupidly.

  ”What the hell? What are you doing?”

  ”I said I would bring all the brothers back alive, but in the end I was the only one left.”

  The more he talked, the more embarrassed he felt. Bianbianhuashui felt sad, and stuffed the beloved gun that was almost patinated into the hands of his teammates, and picked up the spear on the ground.

  ”You retreat, I’m going to fight these dogs——”

  Before he finished speaking, there was a bang.

  I saw a mutant soldier who left the bunker and rushed over, his head instantly exploded with a string of blood mist, and he fell to the side.

  Looking at the sudden scene, the players squatting behind the bunker and shooting were stunned.

  What the hell?

  What happened?

  Did the planner get up to work? !

  The mutants who had just rushed halfway were also dumbfounded. They looked at their fallen comrades in confusion and fell into chaos for a while.

  Where’s the head?

  How come it’s gone? !

  Time did not stop because of the confusion of the two parties. The sonic boom that pierced the air sounded like beans being scattered! The

  metal projectiles accelerated to Mach 5 by the electromagnetic rails burst out of the chamber and suddenly poured down from one side of the street like a storm.

  The mutant warriors who rushed to the street were instantly swept up by this sudden firepower, and their limbs and arms flew.

  Some mutants didn’t even have time to wail before they were beaten into sieves by the mass bullets that were shot at them, and they fell in a pool of blood and stopped breathing.

  Not to mention flesh and blood.

  Even homogeneous steel plates below 20mm are like paper in front of this terrifying kinetic energy.

  Looking at the four power armors that walked out of the shadows on the side and the arcs flashing at the muzzles, the players squatting behind the bunkers stared straight.

  ”Oh my god… what the hell is this?!”

  ”Power armor! Awesome! It’s the power armor from the official setting set!”

  ”Are they friendly forces?!”

  ”Maybe? It looks like they are here to cause trouble for the mutants!”

  ”The planner is awesome!”

  ”This is so cool…”

  Many young players showed envy on their faces.

  The streamlined ergonomic design, the angular chest armor and shoulder armor perfectly matched the violent aesthetics in their hearts.

  And the powerful Gauss rifle!

  These green-skinned muscle guys are just like paper in front of it.

  In a word, it’s so damn cool!

  ”No exaggeration, I bet this group of people is at least level 30!”

  ”Not necessarily, it’s the equipment that’s strong, not the people. Give me a set and I can do it!”

  ”You’re bragging! But then again, there seems to be no level limit for equipment in Wasteland OL?”

  ”I saw in the settings that some weapons seem to have attribute requirements, such as the hammer of the administrator, which requires a high level of strength… at least that’s the setting.”

  ”What do you think will happen if you use the administrator’s hammer to hit the chest armor of the power armor?”

  ”Emmm… ask the planner.”

  The battlefield turned into a one-sided massacre.

  The players had stopped firing and were watching from the side, leaving the dominance of the battlefield to this group of friendly forces that suddenly rushed into the battlefield.

  Anyway, their small water pipes can’t help.

  It’s better to save some bullets and watch the plot.

  In the center of the storm, the mutants who were aroused by the ferocity did not retreat, but roared and charged at the four power armors, waving their muscular arms, and greeted stones, javelins, and axes.

  However, facing the thick armored steel plates, these attacks were no different from tickling, only making a clanging sound on the armor.

  Just like cavalry charging a tank head-on.

  The reckless behavior of these mutants hastened their demise.

  ”Have these beasts grown their muscles into their brains? It’s fine if they charge at these survivors, but they actually dare to charge at the power armor?”

  Looking at the axe that bounced off his chest, a Marine grinned, pulled the overheated barrel out of the magnetic track, replaced it with a new one, and continued to fire while holding the trigger.

  ”Hahaha, I agree! The green monsters on the East Coast at least know to put two useless steel plates on their chests!”

  They had just entered the battlefield for less than three minutes, and most of the mutants had been killed or injured. The streets were full of broken limbs and bloody corpses.

  The battlefield was tragic!

  The fighting basically stopped.

  Lu Yang raised his right fist to signal his teammates to cease fire, and was about to go forward to check on the situation of his friendly forces.

  However, at this time, something strange happened!

  In the shadows beside the street, there was a furious roar.

  I saw a naked green muscle man, holding an iron bucket in his arms, standing up and swinging it forward.

  He used the most primitive brute force to throw the iron bucket and anger at these iron lumps that slaughtered his teammates.

  The fuse burned out!

  The iron barrel filled with explosives exploded in mid-air!

  Although the mutant who suddenly jumped up was shot into a sieve by the soldiers who reacted in an instant, the billowing smoke and shrapnel still swallowed the nearest power armor. The

  flying shrapnel obviously could not hurt the armor at all, leaving only some small scratches. However, due to the angle, the shock wave of the explosion still shook the shoulders of the Marine.

  ”Cough cough——”

  A messy cough came from the communication channel.

  The Marine, who was stunned by the explosion, staggered out of the smoke, with his Gauss rifle on the ground. His right hand pressed on the helmet that was not damaged at all, and shook his dizzy head hard.

  Seeing this, his teammates next to him went up to help him.

  ”Fuck… brother, are you okay?”

  ”He’s fine, probably laughed himself into a choke.”

  ”Go… fuck you! Ahem… I think I need to see a doctor.”


  ”Maybe anorectal, I think he got startled and swallowed the gum he was chewing.”

  ”Shut up!”

  Scolding his teammates who were making jokes, Lu Yang reached out and grabbed the comrade who was caught in the explosion, pinched his shoulders and asked him to look at him, staring at his helmet and said seriously.

  ”Are you okay?”

  Taking a deep breath, the soldier nodded.

  ”I… am okay!”

  ”Very good!”

  Patting his shoulder armor, Lu Yang nodded affirmatively, then raised his right fist and waved it forward, making an offensive gesture.

  ”Keep pushing forward!”

  ”Let’s get rid of all the bugs before the sun sets.” ”

  Leave no one behind!”


  in the distance.

  Chu Guang, who was peeking at the screen through the drone, told Xiao Qi to capture the wonderful moments while commenting on the fighting ability of these people.

  ”…It seems that this power armor is not completely invincible. I thought it would at least be equipped with a nitrogen shield or something else on it.”

  ”However, it is also very powerful to be able to withstand dozens of kilograms of explosives at such an extreme distance. The humanoid tank is a bit exaggerated, but there must be a humanoid armored vehicle.” The

  mutant technology tree basically only reaches black gunpowder, and the explosive equivalent of the same mass of black gunpowder is only about one-fifth to one-seventh of T-En-T.

  Ignoring the influence of other factors such as detonation speed and explosive burning speed, the power of the previous attack is probably comparable to the power of 5 to 10 kilograms of T-En-T.

  This power is not small.

  ”If a conflict occurs, let me think… 10 kilograms may not be enough, but 50 kilograms of T-En-T equivalent will definitely be enough.”

  Chu Guang gave a high evaluation to these honeymoon allies in his heart.

  At this point in the battle, there is basically no suspense.

  Under the cover of an observer, the four power armors advanced along the alleys between the abandoned buildings and cleanly eliminated the mutants ambushed in the alleys and ruins.

  Maybe it was because of my own sentimentality, or maybe it was because these soldiers were unconsciously showing off, Chu Guang always felt that they were showing off to him.

  But it didn’t matter.

  Chu Guang wanted them to show off more, and it would be best if they could bring out all the performance of the power armor, so that his game CG could be more exciting.

  ”Xiao Qi, get closer, stick to their upper left, let the camera rush with them, and shoot the momentum of dribbling and hitting people!”

  ”Ah? Still closer? But I’m worried about stray bullets…” And what kind of momentum is dribbling and hitting people?

  Xiao Qi was busy climbing over the wall to search for information on the Internet in another world, but the information he found was actually several hundred GB.

  I don’t understand it at all!

  ”It’s okay, just watch and shoot, anyway, if it’s damaged, ask them to pay for it!” Chu Guang said without hesitation.

  ”Okay, okay…”

  Looking at the power armor that jumped five meters high with the help of the vortex engine, easily crossed the obstacle and landed steadily, Chu Guang was envious, while directing Xiao Qi to take a few close-up shots of those big brothers.

  This mobility is really awesome!

  It’s like a Hummer flying in an alley.

  If you have this jumping ability, why are you afraid of RPGs?

  I’m afraid you can chase RPGs!

  Oh, I really want to get one!

  In just five minutes, the battle outside the mutant camp was over, and the remaining sporadic resistance was just a dying struggle.

  Chu Guang, who directed Xiao Qi to pull the camera up again and looked at the power armor that broke into the mutant camp and took enough material, had an expression of unsatisfied on his face.

  ”It would be great if there was another long-range tactical nuclear strike.”

  Xiao Qi said weakly: “But, won’t your players be injured by mistake?”

  At this time, the players had already entered the alley near the mutant camp.

  It’s not to support allies, but mainly to pick up heads.

  A mutant corpse can be exchanged for a lot of money!

  Does it matter whether you kill it yourself?

  Anyway, NPCs will not compete with players for credit.

  Chu Guang didn’t care about the behavior of those little players. The corpses of mutants can also be used, and there are still a lot of active substances produced.

  At the same time, a light blue pop-up window appeared in Chu Guang’s eyes.

  [Mission Completed!]

  [Requirement: Destroy the mutant tribe on Street 76]

  [Reward: 200 reward points]


  ”Area cleared.”

  ”47 mutants confirmed killed… much more than the intelligence provided by friendly forces. And these beasts also blew up the brain of one of our guys. I think they should give us some compensation.”

  ”Get lost… If you dare to mention my brain again, I will put my fist in your mouth!”

  ”Hahaha, calm down, I was just joking.”

  The soldiers who occupied the camp were bragging and talking nonsense in the communication channel. This time Lu Yang didn’t care about them. After experiencing a big battle, they really needed to relax.

  All mutants have been eliminated, not a single one was left alive.

  It’s better to say that these mutants didn’t leave them a chance to survive.

  Since they entered the fortress, the green-skinned monsters in the camp dressed in strange clothes rushed towards them like crazy.

  However, this was useless.

  In front of the Gauss rifle, let alone their muscles, even their wooden camp was as if it was made of paper.

  They drove the remaining mutants to the east side of the camp, which was probably the leader’s tent, or something like that. Then they fired at the inside until the barrel of the gun clamped by the magnetic track burned red, then they stopped firing and went in to finish off the mutants.

  There was no need to be merciful to the mutants.

  They had not done a single good thing in the past two centuries.

  ”Captain, come and see here…”

  ”What did you find?”

  ”Some interesting things… You’ll know when you come and see.”

  Hearing the voice of his comrade, Lu Yang, who was explaining the situation on the front line to the Pioneer 10 kilometers away, immediately walked towards the Marine.

  In front of the two was a spacious wooden house, the door of the house was wide at both ends and narrow in the middle, and barbs hung on the eaves, like the mouth of a monster. Inside the house were some parts taken from the prey, including bear claws, deer heads, two-headed dogs, and human hands.

  Mutants have a unique tribal culture. They not only worship blood and violence, but also have a unique feeling for the alien species in the wasteland.

  They would not eat the whole prey, but would keep part of it, smear half of it with juice containing copper sulfate and nitrite, and collect it as a trophy, and throw the other half at the door of the camp or outside the wall as a tribute to the gods in their minds… although most of these tributes were eventually eaten by creatures such as rats and cockroaches.

  This place is a bit like an altar for storing spoils.

  ”Is there anything worth noting here?” Lu Yang glanced at the situation in the room, and a trace of disgust appeared on his face.

  If possible, he really didn’t want to stay here for a second longer.

  ”Yes, Captain… I found something strange here.”

  As he said, the Marine shone the light on his helmet on the floor.

  Lu Yang looked along the light and saw a very deep bloodstain on the wooden floor.

  Judging from the shape, it looks a bit like the drag mark of a corpse.

  ”This is a bit like a place for sacrifice. The mutants slaughtered their prey here and then dismembered them–”

  ”Okay, you don’t have to say it. I know how they do it.”

  Lu Yang frowned, walked forward, and stepped on the floor made of a whole piece of wood with his right foot.

  The sound coming from his feet seemed a little wrong.

  His heart moved slightly, and his right foot stepped forward with force, directly breaking the wood into two pieces.

  Sure enough!

  The floor below was empty.

  Lu Yang broke a few more pieces of wood in the same way, and shone a beam of light down. What came into view was a tunnel with strange symbols engraved on the wall.

  ”… There is actually a tunnel?”

  The Marine soldier walked to his side and compared it with the pre-war map in the database.

  ”You are now in the central flower bed of the community… Judging from the concrete structure below, this underground passage should have been built before the war.”

  So those symbols on the wall were left by the mutants?

  ”Where do you think this tunnel leads to?”

  ”Sir, I don’t know, but based on experience… only some special shelters need to be hidden under the flower beds.”

  Lu Yang thought for a moment and quickly made a judgment.

  ”Let’s go down and take a look.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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