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Chapter 139 Eye-popping game PV!

Chapter 139 Eye-popping game PV!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 139: Eye-popping game PV!

  The promotional PV lasted a total of 1 minute.

  After all, it was a PV for pie-in-the-sky, so there were not many shots for the players, only the first 21 seconds.

  In these 21 seconds, considering that the equipment level of the players and mutants was too low and the viewing experience was not high, Chu Guang simply used a static shot to give a 2-second slow-motion close-up of the flying axe, bow and arrow, the flames sprayed by the iron rifle, and the bullets bursting out of the chamber.

  And it was accompanied by slow and melodious classical music, adding a sense of black humor to the cruel and bloody war scenes.

  At 0 minutes and 17 seconds, the BGM suddenly stopped, and the picture accelerated like an arrow from a bow. The frozen axe flew towards the player standing behind the bunker, and the bullet shot into the mutant’s chest, and blood was spilt! At

  18 seconds, a mutant removed the car door, pulled out the rusty and blunt knife, and roared and charged.

  The rhythm suddenly accelerated!

  Every frame and every second is a flash point!

  In 3 seconds, the originally stalemate situation exploded like a lit gunpowder barrel.

  At 0:21, the players were in a precarious situation, and they were about to be rushed in the face by the mutants. At this moment, four power armors suddenly rushed into the battlefield from one side of the street like a god-sent soldier! The

  electromagnetically accelerated metal projectiles set off a bloody storm on the street. The green muscle man wailed and fell down, and the concrete wall and vehicle wreckage beside him were beaten into a sieve.

  The battle situation instantly turned into a one-sided massacre!

  Mutants on the street died one after another.

  The last naked mutant roared and threw the gunpowder barrel in his hand, symbolizing the final barbarism.

  The focused lens gave a slow-motion close-up of the gunpowder barrel flying in the air. The bursting fire was followed by a combat boot that stepped out of the smoke without injury, and a heavily fallen green-skinned corpse, and the passionate heavy metal music was stepped on at the right time!

  As for the shot of the Marine being stunned by the explosion, Chu Guang certainly would not leave it in the PV to affect the overall rhythm, and cut it out cleanly.

  With the fast-paced BGM, the power armor rushed from the main road all the way into the alleys between the ruins. A total of fifteen minutes of street fighting and siege of the stronghold were all condensed into the essence of 30 seconds!

  There was no boring moment in the whole process!

  Less than two minutes after the PV was uploaded, the comment area below the video suddenly surged by hundreds, and continued to increase.

  ④Who knows: “Fuck?! Is this a game PV or a movie?!”

  The little match selling girl: “Shocked! I can actually see the feeling of a Hollywood blockbuster in the game PV!”

  Baofeng stomped his feet and said: “I’m so blown away by this picture and special effects!”

  Professor Yang, the King of Thunder and Lightning: “Damn, is this in the game? Or is it a separately made CG? The scene destruction effect is too awesome, the flying stones are just like the real thing!” What

  can I do with my father: “Haha, you look like you haven’t seen the world, please buy a movie ticket and go to the cinema to watch it Right. Which of those Bollywood IMAX blockbusters is not better than this? I am not being harsh, it is you who are praising it. This CG special effect is only at the level of a small domestic 18th-tier team. I can pick out 200 unreasonable problems. My uncle opened an animation company in Hangzhou, and any intern he hired can do better than this. ”

  Irena: “Did I remember it wrong? Why do I remember that your ancestors in the prairie could shoot 500 kilograms of bows per person? (Funny)”

  Chu Guang, who was sitting in front of the computer and peeking at the screen, almost couldn’t hold back his laughter. Watching the pets pretending to be cool has almost become his daily source of happiness. To be

  honest, there is nothing wrong with saying this.

  After all, this is really not a special effect!

  Every frame of this promotional PV was shot by Xiao Qi controlling the drone and under his command.

  At most, the shooting materials were edited, and a background music and filter were added to make the visual impact of the film stronger.

  However, Chu Guang didn’t expect that the pictures he shot would be mistaken for special effects by stupid netizens?

  It seems that he has a talent for directing.

  Looking at the hundreds of flattering comments, Chu Guang couldn’t help but smile. He

  should make more movies in the future!

  Edge paddling: “Fuck! This, this, this is actually a scene from the game? I was there at the time!”

  Master Cai, the human body outliner: “Game scene?! Bro, which one of them is you?”

  Elf King Fugui: “The one squatting on the ground!”

  Kakarot from the future: “Hahaha! Coward!”

  Edge paddling: “Get lost! I’m changing my equipment! (Angry)”

  Battlefield atmosphere group: “Go watch 21 seconds! The body on the ground is mine! Haha, I’m going to promote the PV!”

  Garbage picker level 99: “I just want to ask, can lizardmen wear this thing? QAQ”

  Meat Mountain Big Bun: “Can bears? QAQ”

  Garbage picker level 99: “What’s the point of giving it to you! You’re not going to go! Damn!”

  Irena: “I feel like it’s useless to give it to you, just give it to me. (Funny)”

  Garbage picker level 99: “Fuck!”

  The posts on the entire forum are discussing the PV with a total length of 1 minute, as well as the high-tech equipment that appeared in the PV. Even the popularity of the Alpha0.7 version update has been overshadowed!

  Actually, think about it.

  There are 10,000 to 20,000 active IPs on the entire forum, but only 250 have actually obtained the closed beta qualification and entered the game, and the 150 new players are still on the way.

  Although they are all pie!

  But the full-color pie is better than the black and white pie!

  Chu Guang glanced at the comment area below the video. In addition to the closed beta players who praised the picture and special effects and the crazy recommendation of the closed beta, most of the cloud players are concerned about two issues.

  One is whether the corpses on the ground are too bloody?

  The other is the most popular question-

  when will “Wasteland OL” be publicly tested!

  Half an hour has passed since the PV was uploaded. Chu Guang glanced at the number of reservations.


  It actually jumped from 2333 to 5777!

  And this is when the reservation threshold was raised to 100 questions!

  ”It feels like it’s going to be popular.” Chu Guang was so happy that he couldn’t close his mouth.

  In addition to some small players who were still stubborn, many players who originally firmly believed that this game could not exist also began to waver.

  What can I say.

  It seems that it’s not a loss to believe it?

  At least considering that there is no dog at the beginning of the PV animation and no dragonback cavalry, there is nothing wrong with clicking on the reservation to support it.

  What if it is true?

  Wouldn’t it be a huge profit?

  Chu Guang didn’t know how to respond to the players’ calls for a public beta test. This depends not only on whether the system gives him this face, but also on whether he needs so many people at the moment.

  Just shout, he is used to hearing it anyway.

  As we all know, good games need to be waited for. If they don’t delay the release for two or three years, how can they say they are 3A masterpieces?

  For example, if the pre-order players didn’t push too hard, would they serve a plate of shit? If it is released in 2077, there will definitely not be so many bugs!

  Chu Guang promised that he would definitely conduct a public beta test before the release of Heroes 6.

  Of course, if the sales of Heroes 5 suddenly plummeted.

  Just pretend he didn’t say anything.

  What shocked the players was not only the promotional PV, but also the CG of the “Pioneer” land fortress.

  The huge and heavy steel chassis and the heavy tracks that give off a sense of oppression perfectly match the aesthetic of the industrial party for mega-structures. The box-shaped buildings on the tracks and chassis, and the simple modular design, hit the XP of science fiction players.

  Many netizens are asking in the forum which artist created this CG.


  Niu Ma Club Group.

  Recently, this group has become a “Wasteland OL” game group. Every day, several big water pen discuss things in Wasteland OL.

  As soon as the Alpha0.7 version was updated, the group instantly became lively.

  Ye Shi: “Damn, the official website has been occupied by cloud players! Alpha 0.7 version has been out for half an hour, and there are only a few posts about the first version! It’s so drunk!”

  Kuang Feng: “Calm down, this is normal. I just took a look and the number of reservations is almost 6,000. You have to understand the friends who are still queuing in the forum.”

  Fang Chang: “+1, I don’t feel anything anyway. It’s more lively with more people. How can I pretend to be cool without anyone? (grin)”

  Ye Shi: “Fuck! Then why do you care about me when I pretend to be cool!”

  Lao Bai: “That’s not called pretending to be cool. That’s called jumping around and attracting hatred under the nose of the planner. Okay, no more nonsense. Have you read the update announcement? The content of this update seems to be a bit awesome!”

  Fang Chang: “New expansion pack, how can it not be awesome? I’m ready anyway! I’ll start to work hard as soon as the quartermaster NPC appears! (grin)”

  Ye Shi: “Wait, where is the copy of the Devil Moth?”

  Fang Chief: “Don’t panic, everything has its priorities. If you want to stay in T0, you must follow the version. Let’s find out the situation of the expansion pack first! As for the greenhouse ruins, there are 7 days. It doesn’t matter if it’s overdue. At most, I can spend some money to take pictures. At most, I will lose 50%, which is not a big deal.”

  Kuangfeng: “Indeed, this land boat expansion seems to have expansion-exclusive activity points. I saw it clearly. After the expansion pack is over, there will not only be limited titles, but also draws.”

  Lao Bai: “I care more about the mysterious gift for the top ten scores. I don’t know what the reward will be. If I get a power armor, it will be awesome. Killing a few moths is not easy. (grin)”

  Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes: “Alas, I don’t know if the chef can be used. TT” Spare Someone

  Under the Knife: “Stay calm, the local wooden dog is satisfied to be able to see the land fortress on the CG up close. As for other things, it’s not important anymore!”

  WC is really a mosquito: “Speaking of which, we are here to help repair that land fortress, right? I took a look at the CG. How do we repair this thing? Have you seen this thing in real life?”

  Fang Chang: “No, but for this kind of props in a sci-fi background, the game developers certainly don’t expect the players to figure it out on their own. I guess at that time, we should open a new map, and then arrange a few NPCs to issue some scavenging or exploration tasks to collect the materials needed to repair the equipment. As for the specific repair work, it must be done by the NPCs.”

  Kuangfeng: “That makes sense, but in this case, isn’t this new expansion equivalent to picking up trash in a different place?”

  Fang Chang: “Well, I don’t know. I feel that such a big guy suddenly appeared, there should be a plot branch, right? Why don’t you try to tag A Guang? He must know, but I guess he may not tell you. (Slant eyes)”

  Quit smoking: “@Guang!!! The planning dad is awesome! Brother Guang, I love you! Hahahaha, I finally got it! QAQ” Ye

  Shi: “?”

  Kuangfeng: “???”

  Lao Bai: “???”

  Garbage Picking Level 99: “Fuck?”


  The questionnaire for pre-ordered players has a total of 100 questions.

  It includes 30 general knowledge questions, 20 optional extra-point questions involving professional knowledge, 40 subjective questions to test personality, logical thinking, and personality portrait, and 10 fishing enforcement mine clearance questions.

  These 100 questions determine the weight score of each pre-ordered player and the user’s population portrait label. Both are used as references for issuing closed beta qualifications. They will not be displayed on any user-visible page, and the data will not be sold to Taobao, fully taking care of the user’s privacy.

  Players with scores between 100 and 60 points and who meet the requirements of the current version can enter the lottery pool for issuing closed beta qualifications.

  Every 10 points is a gear, and the number of places issued

  in different gears is different. In principle, the higher the score, the greater the probability of winning the closed beta qualification. Low scores are not completely without chance, but the chance is relatively small.

  In addition, the fishing enforcement mine clearance questions do not add or subtract points, but if you step on the mine in the option, the hidden weight score will be directly cleared.

  For example, in the question “What is your dream career?”, I ticked the plunderer, or in the multiple-choice question “What is the most fun way to play in Skyrim or Fallout series games?”, I chose to tick the city massacre.

  Many things are written on the user manual, and I am almost unable to tick them. If you answer the questions without reading them carefully, or fill them out randomly without taking them seriously, then wait for the public beta.

  Except for some players with special talents who are qualified by default due to background marking, most closed beta qualifications are issued in this way.

  As for the time of appointment, it will not affect the probability.

  If you have not been selected for several versions in a row…

  it is either because you are on the blacklist or your face is really bad.

  Chu Guang did not notice the tag of the quit smoking man. In fact, he did not even log in to the Penguin account. After browsing the official website, he focused on his system.

  The task of exterminating the mutant tribe awarded 200 reward points, which can be described as getting rich overnight.

  Chu Guang, who had just finished drawing two high-level blind boxes, can happily touch the prize again.

  ”211 reward points… I’ll open 2 advanced blind boxes and 11 primary blind boxes first.”

  An intermediate blind box is not very interesting.

  Chu Guang is not in great need of medicine, and his players don’t seem to need medicine. After several battles, they basically just give up treatment for serious injuries and lie down in the incubator for minor injuries.

  Up to now, Chu Guang has already stockpiled several bandages and one treatment needle. Even if he gets another one , it won’t make much sense.

  Unless he draws a needle with added attributes, he should still stockpile it. It’s better to use it to gamble on the primary blind box. It’s not a loss to open a lollipop with attributes, and it’s even more profitable to open a seasoning.

  The alloy door on the wall shook.

  Looking at the things delivered to him by the conveyor belt, Chu Guang held his breath excitedly and couldn’t help but swear.

  ”Fuck! This is–”

  Mechanical exoskeleton? !

  He actually saw an exoskeleton on the conveyor belt!

  The streamlined shape, the powerful alloy bracket, and the layers of armor attached to the bracket!

  Chu Guang couldn’t describe his excitement at the moment.

  His exoskeleton is finally no longer just a “skeleton”!

  [Type 5 “Light Cavalry” Light Police Exoskeleton]

  [Description: Compared with the Type 6 heavy police exoskeleton, the Type 5 light police exoskeleton has stronger mobility and longer endurance while combining light weapon defense, and is suitable for a variety of scenarios. It should be noted that although the composite armor plates made mainly of polymer materials can resist general bullets, the durability of the material itself is not high. It is best not to imagine yourself as a power armor and recklessly leave the bunker. If you encounter a bandit with fierce firepower, please call for support. In addition, if conditions permit, please try to use it with a bulletproof vest. ]

  Chu Guang roughly glanced at the detailed parameters of this police exoskeleton. Whether it is endurance or load-bearing capacity, the attributes of this exoskeleton are far superior to his KV-1!

  But this is also very obvious.

  After all, the KV-1 exoskeleton is a general model produced by Boulder City. Except for a battery that can be called black technology, other places are not very sophisticated technology at all.

  But this “Light Cavalry” is different.

  This thing not only comes from before the war, but also is police equipment! In the words of MMORPG, the prefix of the equipment is one level higher than [civilian equipment]!

  In addition to the carbon nano protective suit that Chu Guang has been wearing, he now has two sets of bulletproof vests.

  This sense of security is simply too strong!

  ”It’s decided to sell the eliminated equipment to the players!”

  ”The KV-1 exoskeleton bought from Lister requires 800 chips. Let me think about it… Well, I’ll sell it for 800 silver coins!”

  After all, it is the armor worn by the administrator. It’s not too much to sell it a little more expensive, right?

  In order to make the players feel that it is worth the money, Chu Guang decided to give his exoskeleton a name and make up a tortuous and bizarre story.

  Chu Guang, who wore the exoskeleton on his body, stood in front of the mirror and looked at his face for a while. He looked handsome no matter how he looked at it.

  ”Not bad, it looks like that!”

  ”It’s the embodiment of justice!”

  This equipment is simply tailor-made for him!

  Finally, the excitement passed, and Chu Guang then looked at another piece of equipment lying on the conveyor belt.

  Just by looking at the shape of this equipment, you can feel that it is not simple.

  The triangular buttstock, the black gun body, two long magnetic tracks extending outward from the gun body, leaving a hollow in the middle, looks like an absurdly long tuning fork from a distance.

  The light blue label is suspended next to it, answering all the confusion in Chu Guang’s heart——

  [20-type “Stinger” Gauss Rifle]

  (I only slept for 4 hours yesterday, and I feel like I will die if I don’t sleep any more. The next chapter should be finished within ten minutes, brothers, wait for me a little!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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