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Chapter 140 Impressive Manager

Chapter 140 Impressive Manager


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 140 Impressive Managers

  [20-type “Stinger” Gauss Rifle]

  [Description: As the standard anti-material equipment of the orbital airborne troops, the 20-type “Stinger” Gauss rifle adopts a barrelless design and a hollow magnetic guide. Its standard ammunition is a 9mm caliber, 100g mass “Spike” tail-stabilized bullet. ]

  [When shooting with standard ammunition, the theoretical muzzle velocity can reach Mach 5, and the muzzle energy is 144,755 joules. Considering the special combat environment of the orbital airborne troops, the 20-type “Stinger” Gauss rifle is designed to fire conductive working fluids such as truncated iron nails and steel balls through side loading even without standard ammunition. However, it should be noted that when firing non-standard ammunition, the stability and accuracy of the shooting cannot be guaranteed. Please refer to the user manual and make careful choices. ]

  144,755 joules of muzzle energy!

  When Chu Guang saw this number for the first time, he thought he had seen it wrong.

  If I remember correctly, the 20mm caliber M61 aircraft cannon on the F16 fighter has a single shot energy of only about 50,000 joules.

  The muzzle kinetic energy of more than 140,000 joules is an order of magnitude higher than that of a cannon!

  Can this still be called a gun? ? ?

  But if you only look at the caliber, there is nothing wrong with calling it a gun.

  Chu Guang picked up this powerful Gauss rifle from the conveyor belt, took it in his hand and looked at it for a while, and took off the bulky magazine.

  The bullet stuffed in the magazine is very long, and its shape is more like a long shuttle than a long nail. The pattern on the tail is probably its “stabilizing tail”, which can keep the bullet stable during flight.

  The Gauss rifle used by Lu Yang and his team members seems to adopt another technical route, that is, a fully enclosed magnetic track, and a rifled barrel is added in the middle of the magnetic track.

  Chu Guang noticed when he was peeking at the screen of the drone before that their Gauss rifle needed to actively replace the overheated barrel after continuous shooting.

  Chu Guang’s intuition told him that the barrelless design might have a higher technical content, but it was hard to say about the maintenance and use costs.

  ”The recoil is probably not small… Without an exoskeleton or power armor, it may not be possible to control it.”

  ”And the ammunition, 10 bullets are too few.”

  ”I wonder if it’s okay to use tungsten steel to make a bullet of similar shape.”

  Under the production conditions of the previous outpost, it was unlikely to expect the materials to be exactly the same, but it shouldn’t be a problem to make a bullet of similar shape by copying the gourd.

  Chu Guang planned to use these 10 “original bullets” sparingly and save them for valuable targets. To deal with ordinary alien species, some imitation ammunition is almost enough.

  In addition, the optical sight on the gun is also a good thing, with a maximum magnification of 12 times.

  However, perhaps because all the luck was used up on the advanced blind boxes, 11 primary blind boxes actually opened 11 lollipops in a row.

  And they were all chocolate flavored. But

  Chu Guang was in a good mood. Not only did his blood pressure not rise, but he gave Xia Yan and Xiao Yu a lollipop each, sharing the joy in his heart at the moment.

  A cannon and a piece of armor.

  This wave is more than just a bloody profit.

  It’s simply a fortune!


  The next day, it was a rare sunny day.

  There was not a single cloud in the cloudless sky.

  But the snow last night was very heavy. The snowflakes as big as goose feathers floated all night. When the sun rose, the thickest snow even reached above the knees.

  Two nomads were still hired to clean up.

  After inspecting the training of the guard team, Chu Guang found Old Luca.

  ”I’ll give you a task. The details have been updated on your VM. Now you go to the brick factory and pick two smart survivors to be your assistants.”

  ”Our allies will send people to register the list of labor dispatch here. After that, you just need to take them with you according to what I said on the VM.”

  Old Luca nodded respectfully.

  ”Yes, sir.”

  Old Luca went to the direction of the brick factory for a while.

  Chu Guang soon saw through the drone in the sky that an off-road vehicle with large tires broke through the snow and drove over from the north.

  There were 4 people in the car.

  Except for the driver and the bodyguard sitting in the passenger seat who were wearing exoskeletons and carrying light weapons, the two people in the back seat were not even equipped with exoskeletons. They only wore uniform gray coats, probably civilian staff.

  The road conditions in the wasteland were very poor, especially in the urban area. One road could even count ten uneven folds. Some wider cracks even exposed the buried pipelines, and the width difference was more than two meters.

  Not to mention that cars could not pass, even people and livestock had difficulty passing through, and they could only walk around the ruins with deep foundations on the street.

  The road along the wreckage of the elevated road out of the city was not flat, and many pits were buried by snow.

  Chu Guang was watching from the sky, guessing with Xiao Qi when the car would break down. In the end, Xiao Qi guessed it right. About 1 kilometer away from the wetland park, the front wheel of the off-road vehicle fell directly into the ditch.

  Xue Mozi was swept into the sky, but no matter how the tire was spinning in the pit, it could not be dug out.

  The co-pilot and the driver could only get out of the car, grab the wheel with both hands, and rely on the brute force of the exoskeleton to lift the front of the car out of the ditch.

  Chu Guang originally planned to find two strength players to help, but he immediately gave up the idea when he saw this scene.

  ”The power of technology is still strong.”

  When can I give each of my cute little players a set.

  Wouldn’t it be very fast to move bricks?

  With a sigh in his heart, Chu Guang looked at the group of people who got back in the car and drove to the north gate of the wetland park, turned off the VM screen, went downstairs to wait at the north gate.


  The off-road vehicle could not drive into the wetland park, so the driver and the car stayed in front of the north gate of the park and waited, while the other three got out of the car and continued to move forward.

  The group soon arrived at the outpost base, met the manager here at the north gate, and came to the reception room at his invitation.

  ”Let me introduce myself first. I am Li De from the logistics department of the first pioneering corps of the Silver Wing Group, which belongs to the company. The person behind me is Luo Hua, a colleague of our logistics department. He is the person in charge of the temporary office of your camp and is responsible for liaison and communication. The other one is Ai Si from the security department, who is mainly responsible for his safety.”

  ”Hello, Mr. Manager.” The man named Luo Hua wore glasses and looked a bit gentle.

  The heroic female bodyguard just nodded to him without saying anything or participating in the topic, as if she didn’t exist in the air.

  Chu Guang shook the right hand that Li De extended, and a smile like spring breeze appeared on his face.

  ”Chu Guang, the manager of Shelter No. 404, is honored to cooperate with you. Please take a seat.”

  A handsome face always makes people feel good.

  Even though his facial muscles were stiffened by the north wind, Li De still squeezed out an equally friendly smile after seeing Chu Guang’s smile.

  It’s so comfortable to communicate with civilized people.

  It doesn’t matter if you are a little poor, at least you can communicate.

  The natives Li De met along the way really made him fed up. There was no way to communicate in a civilized way.

  Except for the bodyguard standing on duty at the door, the three people in the room sat down one after another.

  Li De didn’t beat around the bush. After sitting down, he went straight to the point and took out a tablet from his bag.

  ”Then let’s get started. I have a list here. It shows what we can provide to you. The price we offer to each laborer is still 1CR per hour. 200 people work 10 hours a day, and the daily salary expenses total 2000CR… This is our budget.”

  Chu Guang took the tablet from him, swiped the screen with his index finger, and glanced at the list above.

  In general, the purchasing power of CR is still very strong.

  Perhaps because the production line was carried on the tracks, the prices on the list were closer to the local level of the East Coast than those of the merchants who came from nowhere, and even felt cheaper than the local survivor bases on the East Coast. There

  were many commodities that could be wholesaled for 1CR.

  However, when Chu Guang saw one kilogram of starch, one kilogram of glucose, one kilogram of sucrose, one kilogram of amino acids (lysine, tryptophan and other 30 kinds)… these strange trading varieties, he was stunned.

  Can the goods be split into molecules and sold?

  Of course, in addition to these overly hardcore varieties, there are also normal trading varieties.

  For example, rice, wheat and corn, the price of these agricultural products is 2CR per kilogram.

  Chu Guang remembered that the starch content of rice is only 75%. Would it be more expensive to buy rice than starch?

  In addition, there are plant meat patties or minced meat, which are also only 2CR per kilogram, which is the same price as rice and wheat.

  In any survivor gathering place in Qingquan City, meat cannot be sold at the same price as things grown in the ground!

  In addition, processed and mature foods are also on the list.

  A Class C nutritional package with a net content of 430g costs 1CR, which contains enough carbohydrates, fiber, protein and other mineral nutrients required for a normal diet. However, there seems to be a lot of water in it. A Class A nutritional package with a net content of 800g actually costs 8CR.

  Is this a family bucket?

  These are basically the foods that can be traded. Starting from 10CR, the trading varieties become some daily necessities and industrial products.

  For example, a kilogram of sulfur soap is sold at exactly 10CR. According to the net content of 100 grams, 10 pieces can be cut out, which is equivalent to 1CR per piece.

  For example, salt, they only sell refined salt, or pure sodium chloride, which also only costs 10CR per kilogram.

  It is very interesting that their salt price is equivalent to 10 times that of grains and 10 times that of meat. Chu Guang couldn’t tell for a while whether this was cheap or expensive.

  Anyway, salt is sold by “liang” here.

  Then starting from the 100CR level, some good things will appear.

  For example, there are submachine guns that cost 200CR, and assault rifles that cost 300CR. There are also bulletproof vests that cost 100CR, and heavy full-protection bulletproof armor that costs 300CR.

  Bullets are very cheap, 1CR can buy three bullets, which is equivalent to a pound of rice.

  ”Why is there no Gauss rifle?”

  Chu Guang directly scrolled to the bottom of the list, and found some production tools that he might use, but did not find the power armor and Gauss rifle that he wanted more.

  Li De said with a serious expression.

  ”I’m sorry, Mr. Manager, our power armor and Gauss rifles are the lives of soldiers, and they cannot be sold.”

  Chu Guang nodded.

  ”I understand, I am presumptuous.”

  Got it.

  It seems that it is not easy for you to produce that thing, at least not to the extent that everyone has a set.

  In Chu Guang’s impression, although the principle of the coil gun is very simple, it is actually a very expensive technology. It costs so much money that the Americans installed all the guns on the ship, and then dismantled them after defrauding the military funds.

  Think about it, how cheap are traditional artillery?

  It is easy to maintain. If a round explodes after firing, replace it if the barrel breaks and continue firing.

  Chu Guang studied it all night yesterday, but he still didn’t understand what material the magnetic track of the 20-type “Stinger” Gauss rifle was made of, and he didn’t dare to take it apart to take a look.

  He is not stupid.

  What if the magnetic track is filled with metallic hydrogen?

  It will explode directly.

  Researching black technology is even more exciting than opening a blind box. After thinking about it, Chu Guang decided not to spend the effort. Not to mention that it may not be possible to do it even if you understand it, there is no equipment and prerequisites to understand it.

  Any small breakthrough is the accumulation of hundreds of topics and tens of thousands of experimental results. When quantitative changes accumulate into qualitative changes, it is specific to a mature technology, which contains tens of thousands of small breakthroughs.

  So it’s better to open a blind box.

  At least the things opened in the blind box can be used immediately.

  Only with guns and cannons can there be food, and only with food can there be people, and only with people can we develop industry, expand territory, and pick up garbage farther away. When grain, electricity and mines are all in place and production capacity is increased, then we can talk about the technology tree.

  Otherwise, no one can help.

  Chu Guang: “There is no problem with the treatment. Here, one kilogram of rice costs… well, 10 copper coins. So after conversion, I think the reasonable exchange rate is 1CR for 5 copper coins.”

  Chu Guang originally wanted to say 2CR for 1 silver coin.

  But on second thought, he changed his EQ statement.

  However, he didn’t expect that this quartermaster friend didn’t appreciate it at all, and shook his head and said.

  ”Mr. Manager, I may be a little blunt. Our captain is a rough man and he really doesn’t understand these things, but do you think I don’t understand them either?”

  ”Let’s not make it so complicated. Besides, there is no point in exchanging each other’s money. We can’t stay here forever. We will pay you all the money directly according to the standard of 1CR hourly wage. As for how many silver coins you plan to pay to your residents, that is your internal matter and we will not interfere.”

  ”As for the problem you raised about the normal circulation of CR, we have solved it for you. The list in your hand was summarized by our colleagues in the logistics department overnight. I believe that the supplies listed on it are definitely richer than any caravan you have seen here. What do you think?”

  In summary, you can’t fool me. You can

  pay whatever hourly wage you want to pay, but that’s all we give you.

  We sell everything to you at cost price, which is already very conscientious.

  Chu Guang, who has been in sales for so many years, of course understood his implication and smiled embarrassedly.

  ”That’s fine.”

  He originally wanted to say that the minimum hourly wage for his people (players) was 1 silver coin, which should be 2 CR in conversion. But he didn’t expect that they were quite smart and didn’t want his money at all.

  Seeing Chu Guang’s affirmative attitude, Li De looked at him cautiously.

  ”Then can I think that we have reached a consensus?”

  Yesterday, Lu Yang boasted to him that the manager of Shelter No. 404 was a very straightforward person and that they reached a consensus in less than ten minutes.

  Now it seems that it is not this guy who is straightforward, but their captain is too straightforward…

  ”Half of it has been achieved,” Chu Guang nodded, and continued, “Your captain promised me that he would provide food and lodging for our people. After all, there is a distance of 10 kilometers from us to your place, and our people cannot waste so much time on the road every day. And eating is also a big problem.”

  When Li De heard the first sentence “half of it has been achieved”, he was still reaching for blood pressure medicine in his pocket, and he relaxed his nerves when he heard the second half of the sentence.

  This is a reasonable request.

  ”Don’t worry about this. We have built a temporary camp for your workers. Although it is not as comfortable as the shelter, it has no problem with windproof and warmth. Don’t worry about the meals. We will prepare a mobile kitchen for you and provide three meals a day at the standard of 1CR per meal.”

  Chu Guang nodded and said thoughtfully.

  ”1CR per meal, so 3CR a day?”

  Li De was slightly stunned and nodded cautiously.

  ”Uh, yes sir.”

  Chu Guang smiled.

  ”According to the standard of 3CR per person per day, you can directly transfer the money to us. We will purchase collectively and prepare our own food. In this way, you don’t need to prepare any mobile kitchens. Just give us some cooking utensils. What do you think?”

  Li De was confused.

  Is this possible? ? ?

  However, he did not express his opinion immediately, but silently calculated the cost in his mind.

  If mobile kitchens are to be deployed in the camps of these workers, the actual cost per day will be at least 1000CR. If they get sick, they will have to argue.

  Similar problems had occurred when they cooperated with the natives before.

  According to the standard of 3CR per person per day, 200 people will be 600CR, which directly cuts the cost by 40%, and there is no risk.

  Li De nodded decisively and agreed.


  Chu Guang also decisively stretched out his right hand.



  After reaching a consensus, the two parties quickly drafted a contract in black and white, signed their names on it, and pressed their handprints instead of official seals.

  At this moment, Li De finally realized the captain’s evaluation of this manager as “frank”.


  His efficiency was impressive.

  It was a waste of talent to stay here…

  Luo Hua, the head of the office, stayed, while Li De set off under the escort of Ai Si and returned to the bus stop at the entrance of the wetland park.

  After that, she would return to the outpost base, and she and Luo Hua would use the materials they brought to build a simple barracks as an office.

  ”The conditions here are too simple… They are still using primitive steelmaking methods to produce steel.” Looking at the large chimney in the south, Luo Hua couldn’t help but sigh.

  Ai Si didn’t comment on these facilities, but said after a moment of silence.

  ”That person is very strong.”

  ”Very strong?”

  ”Yes, he is an awakener, probably in the first stage.”

  ”Which one?” Luo Hua looked up curiously and found that there were quite a few residents in the surrounding shelters.

  These people also looked at them curiously, and I don’t know what they were looking at.

  ”The one who talked to you before.”

  ”You mean their manager?” Luo Hua was surprised, “But I remember that awakening doesn’t require-”

  ”Go through countless life and death tests, at least walk through the gates of hell once.”

  Ai Si’s face was still expressionless, but there was a trace of caution in his pupils, and he rarely said one more sentence.

  It seems that the captain’s evaluation is correct.

  ”That person is very strong.”

  (Sorry, it’s a little late, I just fell asleep on the table… QAQ)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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