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Chapter 142 Brothers and sisters work together to kill the devil

Chapter 142 Brothers and sisters work together to kill the devil


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 142 Brothers and sisters work together to slay demons.


  Lingshan suddenly shook violently, causing a flock of birds to fly.

  Jasmine hurried out of the house and looked at the mountain in astonishment: “Why did the earthquake happen suddenly?”

  ”It’s the birth of the great demon!”

  Ji Shang turned over and sat up, her face solemn: “There is danger in the dragon tomb!”

  Jasmine’s heart tightened when she heard it.

  Aren’t my husband and Yue Rui in danger? !

  ”Miss Ji, you stay here first, I’ll go to help–”

  ”I’ll go with you.”

  ”Now is not a time to fight.”

  Before the words fell, Ji Shang put on his outer robe and floated out of the wooden house as light as dust.

  Jasmine was stunned: “Can you move?”

  ”I can’t use the power of heaven and man yet, but I have accumulated a lot of filth in the past few days, and I have the strength to fight.”

  Ji Shang’s body was swirling with black light, and he stood barefoot, with a stern look: “At least I won’t be a burden to you.”

  The white fox also jumped onto his shoulders at some point, with a serious face.


  Jasmine nodded, and immediately ran to push the boulder away, running side by side towards the secret passage.

  ”Get out of the way!”

  Miao Yiren’s scream exploded in everyone’s ears.

  The giant palm suddenly hit the ground, shaking the entire underground palace.

  Everyone in the Jintian Palace staggered by the impact, and then felt the strong wind coming from above, and hurriedly hid again.


  The bloody giant monster that crawled out of the cave kept waving its palm, smashing it continuously.

  Everyone in the Jintian Palace fled in a panic, and soon one of them was hit against the wall, his bones and muscles were broken, and blood splattered.

  ”——Don’t be impulsive against the enemy.”

  Yang Shifei hugged the girl and retreated violently to avoid a palm, and asked calmly: “Can you see the original appearance of this monster?”

  ”Yes.” Yue Rui’s eyes moved: “This monster is covered with corpses all over.”

  Yang Shifei thought to himself: “Is this huge body made of filth?”

  His ears moved slightly, and he suddenly jumped up to avoid the oncoming straight punch, and stepped on the wall in the air to move away several feet.

  ”Have you seen its weak spot?”

  ”It seems to be in the head!”

  Yue Rui had just finished speaking when three more people were hit by the monster’s fists and wailed miserably.

  Everyone in the Jintian Palace roared in anger and tried to fight back.

  But after just a few moves, those masters were quickly blown away by the huge force and smashed into the walls like cannonballs.

  Only Miao Yiren and Jin Liang barely blocked the frontal attack with their powerful internal skills.

  They no longer held back, and all the top three-grade skills burst out, and for a while they actually fought the monster head-on.

  Yang Shifei watched the battle from behind, lowered his voice and suddenly shouted: “The weakness of this monster is in the head, attack quickly!”

  The two old men were shocked.

  But the underground palace was dark, and there was no time to distinguish between enemies and friends, so they could only gamble!

  Jin Liang gritted his teeth, stepped on the giant monster’s arm first, and leaped away.

  But just as he was about to use his palm to hit his face, the giant monster opened its mouth, and dense corpses poured out like a wave!


  Jin Liang couldn’t help but swear, and hurriedly backhanded to resist, but was pushed back to the original place by the tide of corpses.

  Miao Yiren punched to force back several corpses, but the giant monster took the opportunity to raise his palm and sweep across –


  With a muffled sound, the two altar masters and a large number of corpses were slapped away by a palm.

  The two people hit the wall heavily, their faces twisted in pain, and their internal breath disordered.

  Noticing that the corpses kept roaring and rushing towards them, they stood up and fought again, but were soon hit by the monster again.


  The stone wall of the underground palace was smashed into a circle, and the two altar masters slid down the wall. Hearing the corpses around them, they hurried to hide.

  But after running a few steps, they staggered to their knees and spit out blood.

  They looked in the direction of the giant monster, and their old faces were full of fear.

  Even if they had cultivated to the sixth level of the Heavenly Demon Ashes, they were defeated by such a demon –

  clang! The

  sound of the knife suddenly rang, and the giant monster’s wrist was directly cut open, and the broken hand fell down with a bang.

  Yang Shifei and Yue Rui seized the opportunity and jumped up together, stepped on its left and right arms, and ran wildly along!


  The giant waved its arms, trying to get rid of the two.

  Yang Shifei immediately took advantage of the force and jumped, landing on its shoulders.

  Yue Rui also jumped to the giant’s face, and saw another wave of corpses opening its mouth and gushing out. The blade in her hand danced quickly, and a large number of corpses were cut off and flew away.

  ”Give it to me.”

  Yang Shifei quickly ran to the side of the neck, twisted his waist and turned around, roaring and kicking up to the sky: “Shut up!”

  The giant’s chin was hit hard, and its mouth was forced to close, and the tide of corpses stagnated.

  Yue Rui stepped on the corpses and flew into the air again, just about to raise the knife to kill –


  The giant roared suddenly, and dozens of bloody and flesh whips burst out of its body!

  Yang Shifei reacted very quickly, almost at the same time, kicked his legs and jumped back, and took advantage of the situation to grab Yue Rui who was in mid-air.


  The whips shot out through the air, twisting and dancing in the underground palace.

  Yang Shifei held Yue Rui to keep his balance, listened carefully to the sound of the wind, found the right direction, stepped on a whip thorn, and stepped on it.

  ”Be careful to dodge!”

  The two separated in mid-air again, each stepping on the whip thorns and running fast.

  But just as they were about to approach the giant monster, dozens of corpses on the ground suddenly jumped up and reached out to grab the two.

  Yang Shifei turned his head to avoid the two whip thorns, and punched the corpses that rushed over.

  A shadow flickered behind Yue Rui, and her claws tore the corpses and whip thorns into pieces.


  At this time, the stone door of the underground palace was destroyed by external forces and collapsed!

  Countless rubble fell to the ground, and the lights in the secret hall shone into the dim underground palace, and the vision was slightly bright.


  Seeing the urgent situation, Jasmine did not hesitate at all and immediately called out her true form.

  The huge snake body was covered with several layers of scarlet scales, and the snake’s tail rolled up a whistling wind, sweeping across the underground palace!

  Bang bang bang!

  Dozens of corpses were blown away by the snake body, slammed against the wall, and immediately exploded into pieces of meat.

  Ji Shang stepped on the snake’s body and used the force to kick it. She flew in the air like catkins, flicking her fingers to deflect several whip thorns.

  Seeing the two reinforcements, Yang Shifei retracted his gaze, jumped up with all his strength, and caught Yue Rui who jumped over as if he had telepathy.


  The flesh and blood giant screamed, and a palm grew again from the broken wrist, and was about to close his palms to attack.

  But a thick and long snake tail suddenly broke through the air and forcibly broke its right arm.

  The black light in Ji Shang’s palm was like a raging fire, and she slapped it horizontally, directly smashing the monster’s other hand.

  Facing the two people coming head-on, the giant monster opened its mouth again, and blood and flesh surged.

  ”Cut it!”

  Yang Shifei swung his fists fiercely, shaking away the corpses that were ejected. Jasmine and Ji Shang helped strongly on the side, blocking a large number of whip thorns and corpses.

  Yue Rui took advantage of the situation and jumped out of his arms, grabbed the True Demon Sword with her true form, and slashed at the monster’s head fiercely!

  The pitch-black blade swung freely, tearing and slicing his face in an instant, and blood and flesh fell like an avalanche.

  In the blink of an eye, half of his head was chopped and chopped!

  But at this moment, a tumor suddenly bulged on the giant’s chest,

  turning into a meat hammer and shooting out! Yue Rui quickly blocked it with her sword, but was shocked and flipped in the air, and the True Demon Sword flew out of her hand.

  With a flash of thought, she immediately transformed into a cat’s claw to grab Yang Shifei who was chasing her, and threw it hard into the air.


  Yang Shifei reacted faster, turned over and stepped on the top of the underground palace, turned around vigorously, and kicked the handle of the True Demon Sword heavily!


  The pitch-black long sword fell like lightning, directly inserted into the monster’s neck, and completely pierced its disintegrating flesh and blood, leaving only half of the head rolling down.


  The flesh and blood giant seemed to be struggling to death, staggering back, and finally fell back into the pit with a bang, and filth was scattered everywhere.

  ”Just in case it happens again!”

  Jasmine twisted her snake body to get closer, raised her huge snake tail covered with scales high, and smashed it into the pit.

  Boom, boom, boom!

  Soon, the giant monster was completely smashed and crushed into debris all over the ground.

   First update


  (end of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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