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Chapter 142 Why can’t our kitchen make some food from the human world?

Chapter 142 Why can’t our kitchen make some food from the human world?


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 142 Why can’t our kitchen make some earthly food?

  [Task: Go to the Action Camp]

  [Introduction: Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Volunteers from Outpost 404! The reinforcements escorting you to the Action Camp have arrived at the north gate of the Wetland Park. We have prepared warm barracks for you ten kilometers away. Now please follow us! ] [

  Requirements: Follow the staff of the “Pioneer” to the Action Camp to start the follow-up tasks. ]

  [Reward: 10 activity points]

  At the north gate of the outpost.

  The players who were ready to go completed the assembly. They didn’t look like laborers who were going to move bricks at all, but rather like going on an outing. The

  players who didn’t get the qualifications looked at them with envy. Especially when they heard these people say that they would get 10 points when they arrived at the destination, they were so envious and jealous that they were about to cry!

  ”Is it reasonable to get 10 points for opening a map?”

  ”The gap has been forced to widen as soon as the expansion pack was opened. Is this reasonable?”

  ”Unreasonable! Too unreasonable!”

  ”Call the planner dad!”

  But it was useless.

  Most of them lined up, and the minority didn’t.

  Fang Chang, who was standing in the European team, laughed and said, “Brothers, don’t panic. We will go ahead to explore the way for you! I will update the forum as soon as there is anything good! When you come, you don’t have to cross the river by feeling the stones!”

  The canyon escaped mole who didn’t line up shouted immediately after hearing this.

  ”Fuck! Are you embarrassed? You have touched all the stones by yourself! Are you not going to play the dungeon? The priority exploration right is only seven days!”

  Fang Chang smiled and said, “What are you playing? The dungeon is not as good as the new map. How about you help me play for three days first?”

  The canyon escaped mole: “Go away!”

  In the distance, a black power armor appeared in the snow-covered forest and walked towards the north gate of the outpost.

  When they arrived outside the north gate market, Chu Guang shook the right hand that Captain Lu Yang extended, shook it, and said with a smile.

  ”I’ll leave my residents in my hands.”

  Lu Yang promised with a solemn and serious face.

  ”I swear on my honor and credit score that I will ensure the safety of every one of them!” What

  Chu Guang actually wanted to say was that there was no need to work so hard. If someone really died accidentally, it would not be a big deal. Just give them a pension.

  Not much.

  1000CR is enough.

  But what is a credit score?

  At this time, the little players standing around noticed that the beggar’s version of armor on their manager was gone, replaced by an exoskeleton that looked very expensive. There was still a hammer hanging on his back, but next to the hammer there was a handsome rifle.

  Although there were too many elements, this was very wasteland!

  Of course, what surprised them the most was that their manager actually changed his equipment again!

  ”Holy giao! You can look at the administrator’s exoskeleton!”

  ”Huh? When did he change his equipment?!”

  ”Wow, Fallout 2077 has become Cyber ​​2077!”

  ”Look at you guys who have never seen the world. Didn’t Brother Mole analyze it on the forum before? The NPCs in this game will become stronger with the players’ gaming behavior! Let’s analyze it rationally. It must be because of our hard work in completing the tasks that the administrator got a new skin!”

  ”Okay! This game is too real!”

  ”Brothers, work harder and try to get the administrator to wear power armor!”


  The captain was talking to the administrator. Luo Hua, who was standing nearby waiting to send them away, glanced at the unresponsive VM and said with a frown.

  ”Why does this translation function sometimes work and sometimes not?”

  Ai Si: “…”

  Luo Hua: “Hey, what do you think they are talking about?”

  Ai Si: “…”

  Luo Hua: “Aren’t you curious at all? Okay, just pretend I didn’t ask… I’ll go boil some water and soak the freeze-dried food in a while.”

  Ai Si: “I want corn.”

  Luo Hua: “…”

  After sending Captain Lu Yang and the players away, Chu Guang waved at their backs and suddenly noticed Luo Hua, who couldn’t stop talking, not far away.

  This guy is the type who can’t control his mouth. With

  a slight move in his heart, Chu Guang suddenly thought of an idea.

  However, it’s too early now, far from time for dinner. He has something to do later, so let’s talk about it when he comes back in the evening.


  It takes about 200 minutes to march ten kilometers in the wilderness, and the road conditions are still slightly better than in the city.

  In order to clear the snow on the road for the residents of the shelter, Lu Yang also brought an off-road vehicle when he came, installed a snow shovel in front of the bumper, and drove in front to clear the snow on the road.

  The morale of these shelter residents is quite high, and their physical fitness is also very strong. Lu Yang was originally worried about whether they would be tired, but later found that his worry was completely unnecessary.

  The journey that originally took 200 minutes was completed in 2 hours.

  Before 10 o’clock in the morning, the group arrived near the “Pioneer” land fortress.

  Looking at the four steel fortresses that are like mountains and connected to each other, many players showed surprise and even excitement on their faces. The

  broad and huge body is located in the wasteland, and behind the towering tracks are gullies extending to the horizon, with no end in sight.

  Whether it is grass or towering trees, whether it is a fragmented road or an abandoned rural house, there is a pool of rubble at its feet.

  There is no road in front of it.

  Wherever you pass is the road.

  Looking up at the towering fortress, [Save the Life of the Knife], a civil engineer, and other players next to him, all raised their heads and opened their eyes wide.

  In front of such a magnificent engineering miracle, he felt like a tiny primitive man, admiring an unheard-of miracle.

  Even though someone kept reminding him that this was just a game, the shock of being there was genuine.

  His Adam’s apple moved for a long time, and he only squeezed out two words.

  ”Holy crap…”

  This was too shocking!

  Ye Shi, who was standing not far from him, also raised his head and said “Holy crap”. However, the shock he felt was completely different from the one felt by sparing someone’s life.

  ”…This expansion pack is really too conscientious!”

  It’s rare to see a game that releases good stuff in the closed beta stage.

  The players followed the NPC and continued to move forward.

  When they arrived at the action camp next to the “Pioneer”, they saw the huge land-based fortress unfolding a gantry crane-like structure, using a mechanical cantilever to remove a container-like module from it and deploy it on an open space about five meters away from the steel platform.

  Dust rolled.

  A staff member in a gray coat walked forward, pulled out a pipe as thick as an arm from the side of the fortress platform, connected it to the module just deployed on the ground, and then entered the parameters on the touch screen.

  Power input.

  The equipment started working, but only a buzzing sound was heard, and no one knew what was being produced inside.

  The two survivors who served as assistants beside Old Luca opened their eyes wide and exchanged shocked looks with each other.

  ”What is that?”

  ”Production workshop,” Captain Lu Yang, who happened to hear the conversation between the two, smiled and said, “That should be a carbon dioxide collector, producing starch and glucose. We will also deploy one to produce long-chain alkanes and olefins in a while. The last one to be put down is the production workshop for smelting alloys and cutting processing.”

  ”But there is no rush for this. We can continue to deploy it after your people have rested and set off!”

  Deploying this modular production workshop will raise a lot of dust. They will try to choose to start construction when there are fewer people in the action camp.

  The two natives next to them looked at each other. They didn’t understand what the man dressed like a tin can was saying, nor did they understand why they had to wait until they set off before continuing to deploy.

  Old Luca understood a little, but only the second half.

  As for carbon dioxide collectors, long-chain alkanes, olefins, etc….

  Just treat them as some kind of garbage that is difficult to pick up.


  The action camp where the players are stationed is adjacent to the action fortress, less than 100 meters away.

  All the barracks are “sprayed” with heat-activated polymers, so they were built in just one night.

  These houses look like concrete from a distance and feel like plastic. Although they are light in texture, they are not weak in strength, and they are quite warm and soundproof. There are

  5 rows of barracks in total. The structure and layout are very similar to the mobile cabins on the construction site. They are divided into two floors, with 22 single rooms on each floor. The size of the suite is 3×4m, which is more than enough to put a single bed and a folding table. It is more spacious than the room in the shelter.

  In addition, there is a public bathroom and toilet for men and women in the center of the barracks, and a water tank for water storage on the second floor.

  Including the public area in the middle, the entire camp covers an area of ​​15 acres, which is equivalent to a playground with a runway of 400 meters. The volume ratio is still good, and it even looks a little more spacious than the players’ outposts.

  There are two quadcopters and two remote-controlled all-terrain crawlers patrolling the periphery of the camp, responsible for clearing out approaching gnawers or other threats.

  Seeing Li De at the door of the barracks, Luca’s expression was a little restrained, but thinking that he represented the administrator, he still straightened his back.

  ”Hello, dear sir. I am Luca from Shelter No. 404. I extend my sincerest greetings to you on behalf of my master. During the cooperation period, I will be responsible for contacting the residents of the shelter. If you have any needs, you can convey them through me.”

  Although it was a bit strange for the title of master to appear in the shelter, Li De didn’t say anything.

  It’s not that there are no slaves on the East Coast. The lower-level employees of some companies are nominally employed, but there is no difference between them and slaves. If they don’t work, they will soon be cleared out of the employee dormitory, and once they are cleared out, it means death.

  Of course, the welfare of middle-level employees is still good, not to mention that they are at his level.

  In order to prepare this first pioneering corps, the Silver Wing Group spent a lot of money. Their living standards are almost the same as when they were on the East Coast, and even better than when they were there.

  The only flaw is that it is a little far from home.

  Looking at old Luca, Li De nodded.

  ”I have learned about the situation from the liaison officer. My colleagues will connect with you for the next work arrangement.”

  As he said, the man standing next to Li De smiled and took the initiative to extend his right hand.

  ”Hello, my name is Witt! It’s a pleasure to work with you!”

  Old Luca quickly shook his hand.

  ”Hello! My name is Luca…”

  ”I just heard it. Relax. I also came out of the shelter, but it’s been a while. You can treat this place as your own home. If you have any questions, you can contact me.” Witt frowned. He looked like a humorous person.

  ”Okay, I’ll leave this to you. I still have to urge our engineers.”

  Li De patted Witt’s shoulder, then nodded to Old Luca, and left with Captain Lu Yang beside him.

  Old Luca’s expression was a little restrained.

  He wanted to say that although he brought a VM, he didn’t actually come out of the shelter, but it seemed a bit redundant to say so.

  But Witt didn’t care. He took out a folding computer from his pocket very skillfully, pulled open the flexible screen sandwiched in the middle, and began to hand over the newly completed mobile barracks to him.

  ”To make a long story short, this operational camp is yours now. During the period of cooperation, we will be responsible for your safety, and our water trucks will also deliver water to you for free. There are water heating pipes in the barracks, which are connected to the boiler in the central functional facility of the camp. It is very easy to use. Just boil the water, and the residual heat can be used to heat water for bathing. However, we are only responsible for delivering water. As for using firewood or coal to boil water, I’m afraid you will have to figure it out on your own.”

  ”But this is easy to solve. The thing that is least lacking nearby is wood. There is a forest a little further west. But I suggest that you try to collect as much as possible from the east. Our fortress flattened a lot of wood on the way here, and we can recycle it and use it.”

  ”In addition, here is today’s work. Our scouts found an underground garage at the community hospital in an abandoned town in the north, which contained about 2,000 car wreckages with high recycling value. We need to remove their frames, doors, wheels, hoods and suspensions… in short, all metals that can be recycled.”

  ”Our Marines have cleared out the aliens there. Your job is to use the equipment we provide to cut and disassemble the recyclable parts of the vehicle, then use a press to press the disassembled parts into blocks and load them onto our transport vehicles.”

  ”Due to the terrain, our transport vehicles can’t go deep into the city. The road conditions there are too bad. You will know when you go there. Anyway, it is about 800 meters from the community hospital to the resource point. I’m afraid you will have to use wheelbarrows to transport this distance.”

  ”That’s all for work. I’ll notify you if there are any new arrangements. It’s 10:15 now, and you can settle your people first. We will set off on time at 12 noon and return together at 6 pm. There will be no time to eat during this period, so you’d better prepare dry food.”

  ”If there are any supplies that need to be purchased, you can count them for me. You now have a budget of 600 CR, and today’s rewards will be settled at 12 o’clock in the morning.”

  Luca nodded.

  ”No problem.”


  The players quickly assigned the rooms.

  After the cooking utensils were delivered, Luca immediately VM issued a task, recruited several life professional players, set up a big pot in the middle of the barracks, and started to make a fire to cook.

  At this time, the water truck responsible for delivering water just drove over, using a pressure pump and a water pipe to inject water into the water tank in the center of the camp.

  While filling the water tank, two drivers from the logistics department took two barrels of freeze-dried food from the car and poured boiling water into it.

  This kind of food is very convenient. It can be eaten after soaking in boiling water. It contains carbohydrates, protein and vitamins. It is both hygienic and nutritious to eat, and there are five flavors to choose from.

  Generally, if they have work to do in the afternoon and are too lazy to take the elevator back to the fortress, they will use this thing to deal with a meal.

  In fact, they heard before that the logistics department originally planned to deploy mobile kitchens on the ground, but the residents of these shelters actually refused, saying that it would be better to give them money directly.

  I really don’t know what these blue jackets are thinking!

  Anyway, after hearing that their allies said they wanted to cook for themselves, their stingy boss canceled the plan to deploy a mobile kitchen.

  After all, most of the time, their people eat in the fortress, and only rarely come out on duty.

  It’s really not worth it to put a big thing down to cook for just a few people’s lunch, so it’s better to give them some money.

  Leaning against the door of the water truck.

  The two drivers watched the residents of the shelter who set up big pots to cook, while waiting for the freeze-dried food to soak, and chatted casually.

  ”What are they doing?”

  ”They seem to be peeling potatoes? Is that a potato?”

  ”I heard it’s called a sheep’s horn potato, probably a mutant potato… Look, they’re starting to boil water.”

  ”Cooking with firewood? That’s so primitive, at least use an electric stove. But then again, why don’t they just throw the potatoes into the pot, but put them on top of the pot?”

  ”Maybe they want to use steam to cook the potatoes… I’m suddenly a little curious, will the food cooked this way be delicious?”

  The two suddenly looked at each other tacitly and said at the same time.

  ”I’ll go and exchange with them.” X2


  A long line formed in the camp.

  The chef who was in charge of the fried tomato and egg shouted in front of the pot.

  ”One for each person, everyone has one, don’t cut in line and don’t panic! We are all the European emperors who are the first to experience the expansion pack! Don’t let the OB idiots in the forum laugh at us.”

  Finally, it was my turn. WC was really a mosquito holding a lunch box in his hand, and he was moved to tears.

  ”I miss it so much! I haven’t had a big pot of tomato and egg rice for a long time!”

  Ye Shi, who had just received his share, also sighed.

  ”Hey, I miss it +1. By the way, since which version did our respected manager stop taking care of food?”

  WC Zhenyou Mosquito said while holding the lunch box.

  ”I remember! After the currency system was developed in Alpha 0.3, you have to spend money to buy food! Thinking about it, I really miss it. At that time, no one knew how to cook, so they just bought a potato and squatted in the square to eat it!”

  ”Yes, yes, haha, I remember it! Later, after the North Gate Market was established, life professional players ran over to sell stews.”

  ”It’s a pity that Boss Crow refused to sell mushrooms that could see villains.”

  ”Speaking of which, where is Boss Crow?”

  ”I guess she didn’t get it. She never catches up with good things.”

  At this time, two NPCs in gray coats came over, and they seemed to be the two who drove the waterwheel just now.


  One of them raised his hand and greeted in a friendly manner.

  Mosquito and Ye Shi looked at each other and then at the two people.

  ”What are you doing?”

  One of the NPCs pointed at the uneaten lunch box in Ye Shi’s hand, then pointed at the bucket of “instant noodles” in his hand, and said something in a babble.

  Although I couldn’t understand, even monkeys could understand body language, plus the expressions and tone, it was basically no problem to guess roughly.

  Mosquito: “He seems to want to exchange with us?”

  Ye Shi: “Do you want to exchange?”

  Mosquito: “Nonsense, exchange! Why not? Try their food.”

  Ye Shi’s eyes lit up: “Good idea!”

  The two players happily handed the lunch boxes in their hands to the two NPCs driving the water truck, and then took the instant noodles from their hands. After

  thanking each other in their own language, the two NPCs quickly slipped aside.

  Ye Shi and Mosquito ignored them and couldn’t wait to lift the lid of the instant noodles.

  ”Let me see what’s in it?”

  ”Instant noodles? It doesn’t seem to be?”

  ”Damn! How many dried vegetables did they put in there? What are these?”

  ”I seriously suspect that they mixed noodles with freeze-dried vegetables!”

  ”But it smells pretty good.”

  ”Not as good as Brother Chaodan’s mashed potatoes! Oh, what a pity, Teng Teng is not here. Since Brother Chaodan stopped cooking and became a butcher, she hasn’t eaten for a long time, right?”

  Taking the lunch boxes from the two residents of the shelter, the two NPCs opened them as if they had found a treasure, and clumsily scooped a lump of mashed potatoes into their mouths with a wooden spoon, and immediately showed a surprised expression on their faces.

  ”This is not bad!”

  ”Not bad, not bad!”

  ”Mash the yam and mix it with soy sauce and minced meat? The taste is a bit like potatoes, but not like potatoes, it’s amazing.”

  ”This stewed meat is also terrible! What kind of meat is it?”

  ”Who cares! Anyway, it’s much more delicious than plant-based meat!”

  The two of them finished eating voraciously, looking unsatisfied.

  After returning the lunch boxes to the residents of the shelter, they looked at each other and immediately reached a consensus. They quickly went back to get two more buckets of instant noodles. They excitedly found the residents of the shelter who had just received the lunch boxes, and gestured as before, trying to trick them into giving them the lunch boxes. It

  was the first time for the players to see such a strange thing, and they didn’t even think about refusing. They decisively handed the lunch boxes to the NPC.

  After wolfing down the food again, the two NPCs finally returned to the water truck with satisfaction this time, and drove the empty water truck back to the outside of the camp, to the garage next to the “Pioneer”.

  ”It’s been so long since I left the East Coast, but this is the first time I’ve eaten such delicious food!”

  ”Me too! Compared to those mashed potatoes, those dried vegetables are just garbage! Tui!”

  ”I agree! Why can’t our kitchen make some food from the mortal world? Is it difficult to upgrade the program? We can obviously grow potatoes!”

  While counting the supplies that were about to be handed over to Shelter No. 404, Li De happened to hear the conversation of the two people who came out of the garage, and his expression was slightly stunned.

  Mashed potatoes?

  Dried vegetables are garbage?

  What the hell are these two idiots talking about.

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode