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Chapter 143 In addition to labor dispatch, we also provide additional “value-added services”

Chapter 143 In addition to labor dispatch, we also provide additional “value-added services”


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 143 In addition to labor dispatch, we also provide additional “value-added services”

  Seven o’clock in the evening.

  The night is deep.

  Next to the towering steel fortress, a heavy truck stopped steadily.

  Compared with the driver who jumped off the car, the size of this car can be described as majestic. However, if it is put together with the steel platform and tracks beside it, the majestic figure seems a little small.

  From a distance, it looks like a small insect crawling on the edge of the shoe.

  The driver got off the car and used a tablet to operate the automatic loading and unloading platform to unload cubic metal blocks from the truck.

  These metal blocks are all pressed from recycled garbage. The specifications are all cubes with a length, width and height of one meter each, and the density varies between 6~7g/cm.

  There are car doors, engine hoods, and various metal parts inside, all of which are firmly pressed together, and it is difficult to tell what they looked like before.

  It must be said that the residents of the shelter are really capable. Not only are they physically strong, but they are also very enthusiastic about work. They almost scrape off everything that can be recycled.

  The only complaint is that they seem to have stuffed in things that cannot be recycled…

  but it’s harmless.

  These metal blocks will later be sent to a special processing workshop, running from one module to another, undergoing a series of automated production processes, and finally become what they need.

  Unusable waste will be automatically removed from the production line during the production process.

  The engineer, wearing a thick protective suit and a hard hat, unfolded the flexible screen of the tablet computer and walked towards Li De who was standing next to the temporary warehouse.

  ”Today’s collection volume is a total of 112 tons of scrap steel. I will send them to the production line later, and we can start the track replacement operation tomorrow.”

  Li De: “How much steel do we need in total? I mean, that kind of garbage.”

  Engineer: “At least 3,000 tons… maybe 5,000 tons.”

  Li De frowned.

  ”Why is the error so big?”

  The engineer said helplessly.

  ”There’s no way. The quality of the steel used in those civilian vehicles is too poor. Probably to save cost and weight, they are filled with a lot of carbon-based copolymers that cannot be recycled. Plus the oxidized parts, basically one ton of scrap steel can be recycled 400 kilograms, which is very optimistic.”

  ”Also, I have to say that we need not only steel, but also rare metals… I don’t expect to get titanium or uranium in this damn place, but tungsten is the bottom line. Otherwise, we can only push 500 kilometers west at most and have to break down again.”

  Tracks and wheel hubs are the hardest hit areas for wear and tear.

  Not to mention mechanical structures such as bearings and drive wheels. Even if they are not as severely worn as tracks, regular replacement is necessary.

  In fact, in theory, the recycling value of abandoned vehicles in underground garages that are not soaked in water is relatively high, and the recycling rate can reach about 40% or even 50%.

  If it is those abandoned vehicles exposed in the wilderness or on uninhabited roads, the recycling rate may not be as high as 30%.

  After all, rainwater is weakly acidic under natural conditions. Even if the acidity of carbonic acid is weak, two centuries of “pickling” will cause damage even if the material technology is advanced.

  Moreover, pickling is more deadly than oxidation. Oxidation is just rust, and the frame may collapse, but the metal elements are still there and will not run away. If it is pickling, the ionized cations will be brought into the soil by rainwater, and then they will really be lost.

  Li De frowned even more tightly, thinking carefully about what the engineer said to him.

  Another anchorage in 500 kilometers…

  According to the route they planned on the map, they may not be able to get out of the river valley province in 500 kilometers.

  If they anchored in the wilderness, they would be really finished.

  ”I understand the situation. I will ask the Marine Division to send a search team to focus on searching for rare metal materials in this area.”

  The engineer shook his head and said.

  ”It’s hard to expect to find it in this area. I suggest looking for it near the Fifth Ring Road in Qingquan City. It’s a basic common sense that the more densely populated the place is, the higher the macro-utilization rate of rare metals is. Especially those maglev vehicles, whether it’s the magnetic generating device on the vehicle, or the high-rise buildings along the way and the maglev roadbed buried under the highway, they all contain what we need… These can’t be found in the suburbs without a three-dimensional road network.”

  ”Also, the work of finding controlled fusion fuel rods must be started quickly. The fuel rod we are currently using only has 8% of fusion fuel left. Even if our tracks don’t break down, I’m afraid we have to find a place to stop and solve this problem.”

  Li De: “How long will the remaining energy last?”

  Engineer: “It will last us a long time, but you know, we can’t stay here forever.”

  If it’s just that little production consumption, this 8% of energy will be enough for them to use until next year.

  But as his engineer said, they can’t stay here forever.

  The most energy-consuming part of this land-based fortress is not the production workshops on it, but its four engines.

  Pushing a fortress weighing tens of thousands of tons to move forward steadily on land, if converted into a diesel engine, it would take at least several tons of oil per kilometer, which is equivalent to 1~2 armored divisions marching on off-road terrain.

  Li De: “The contact point of Shelter No. 404 has just been built, and their people are helping us find a guide. We should be able to set off within two days at the earliest, and there shouldn’t be any big problems.”

  The engineer sighed.

  ”I hope so. In fact, compared with the collection work, recycling nuclear fuel rods is not so urgent. As long as we can find them before departure, it will be fine. Speaking of this, I have to praise those blue coats. Their work efficiency is beyond my expectation. What benefits did you promise them? I think they are working as hard as if they were on drugs.”

  When he said the second half of the sentence, the engineer had an unbelievable expression on his face and looked at his boss curiously.

  Li De also had a complicated expression on his face, as if he didn’t know how to answer this question.

  To be honest, when he saw the results of today’s resource collection, he was also very surprised.

  According to their past experience, hiring local survivors to help pick up garbage is good enough to collect 300 kilograms of garbage every day. After all, cutting, moving, and compacting all take time, and the natives are relatively stupid and slow at work, which makes people’s blood pressure soar.

  However, these blue jackets only took one afternoon to collect more than 500 kilograms per person!

  This reached 200% of their expectations! If they were given a whole day, wouldn’t the per capita scavenging capacity be more than one ton?

  This work enthusiasm is simply unparalleled!

  Although it had nothing to do with him, Li De couldn’t help but wonder how much their managers paid them to make them so motivated.

  ”Where are they?”

  ”They’re back and cooking in the camp now.”

  Li De nodded.

  It’s good that they’re back safely.

  At this time, a staff member from the logistics department suddenly came over.

  ”Chief, there’s a call for you.”

  ”Transfer the call to me.”

  Li De took out a toothpick box-sized headset from his pocket and hung it next to his ear. He stretched out his index finger and tapped the white headset lightly.

  The dark green beam projected forward and soon wove a three-dimensional holographic image in front of him, showing the other party’s facial features and bust.

  ”Your holographic communication system is good. How much is it?”

  Looking at Chu Guang who was curiously looking around, Li De coughed lightly.

  ”…We haven’t considered selling this for the time being.”


  Chu Guang in the holographic image nodded, as if to show understanding. Li De hoped that he really understood.

  Squeezing a smile on his face, Li De continued.

  ”What’s the matter?”

  Chu Guang did not answer the question directly, but looked at him and smiled, speaking in a relaxed tone.

  ”Nothing special, I just want to ask, how do you feel about the work efficiency of our workers?”

  ”Very…very good.” Li De wanted to say very good, but suddenly thought that the person in front of him was an old fox who was good at disguise, and immediately changed his words.

  Unfortunately, the other party seemed to have caught the change in his facial expression, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

  Li De suddenly felt a little regretful.

  Or maybe he shouldn’t have brought this holographic imaging communication equipment over.

  The original intention of this thing was to make communication more convenient.

  But now it seems that only one person is convenient.

  ”I’m glad to get such a high evaluation from you!”

  ”Well, it’s not as high as you think, but it’s not bad. I have to admit that your workers are very dedicated, which is very valuable.”

  ”Then let’s talk about the cost issue!”

  Hearing this, Li De’s expression changed instantly. Although it was far from turning hostile, it was still a bit ugly.

  ”My friend, haven’t we already discussed the salary? A temporary price increase is not a sign of keeping one’s word.”

  ”Please don’t be nervous, my friend,” Chu Guang smiled to ease the atmosphere, and then continued, “I’m not talking about the salary issue, but about… uh, value-added services.”

  ”Value-added services?” Li De was stunned for a moment, and his tense expression subconsciously relaxed a little.

  It was the first time he heard such a strange word.

  Chu Guang smiled and continued, “Yes, when you want to improve the efficiency of the workers, you have to put money in their pockets and bribe them to work harder, instead of giving them a fixed salary… or to put it more euphemistically, you have to give them commissions so that they can feel the joy of growth in the production process. Do you want to know how I do it?”

  Li De wanted to say that he didn’t want to know, but he always felt that no matter what he said, this guy would find a reason to continue the topic, so he simply stopped talking.

  Sure enough, the manager in the blue jacket in front of him did not “disappoint” him. This guy didn’t even give him time to answer the question, and continued to talk to himself without pausing for a second.

  ”In addition to the stipulated hourly wage, I will give them a sum of money for every kilogram of scrap steel they collect, so they will work hard. The numbers you see on the production list now are not because of their courage and strength or the dedication you mentioned, but because I spent money.”

  Li De didn’t want to listen anymore.

  It was just the same idea.

  He said with a straight face.

  ”How much do you want?”

  Chu Guang smiled and said.

  ”Not much, considering our close relationship, per ton… well, how about 5CR? For you, it’s just the money for a few more buckets of instant noodles.”

  Although he would not use this money to buy instant noodles.

  After hearing Chu Guang’s request, Li De did not express his opinion immediately, but silently calculated in his mind.

  If the daily production capacity is 200 tons, it means that they have to spend an extra 1,000CR budget.

  How to say it?

  This number is just stuck in a very ambiguous range.

  If he does not pay this money, then the other party probably will not use the “extra” money to subsidize their workers and stimulate them to increase production. By then, even if the blue jackets don’t slack off, it’s probably difficult for them to work as hard as they did today.

  Should we spend nearly 1,000 CR more every day to buy the so-called value-added services?

  Or should we maintain the current fixed expenses and let the production capacity drop to the “normal” level?

  Chu Guang didn’t urge him, but waited patiently for the head of the logistics department to think.

  His brows relaxed and then wrinkled, and he seemed to have made a judgment in his heart. Li De stared at his holographic image with a straight face and said.

  ”What about today’s value-added services? Do I have to pay you extra money?”

  Hearing this, Chu Guang’s face showed a happy smile.

  He knew this too well as he had worked in sales.

  When a customer keeps asking for prices or finding faults, it means that he is hesitant in his heart. Maybe he will buy it, maybe not, the probability is 50-50.

  And when the customer puts aside the transaction itself and asks about those insignificant gifts, the transaction is basically stable.

  The next step is to make the customer feel that he has got a bargain.

  ”That’s not necessary. Today’s 6 hours is the trial period of the value-added service, which is free of charge.”

  Li De laughed.

  ”You taught me a lesson… Are you interested in working for the company? I can write you a letter of introduction and recommend you to the management level. To be honest, it’s a waste of your talent to stay in this damn place.”

  Chu Guang said modestly, “I dare not. I just want my residents to survive in this miserable world, so I live a more frugal life.”

  He felt a little better.

  Li De sighed, looked up at the sky, and slowly lowered his head.



  It’s not unacceptable to spend an extra 1,000 CR per day.

  After all, here, the cost of labor is much cheaper than the cost of machinery, and the efficiency of the latter may not be higher than the former in complex environments.

  1000CR is only 500 kilograms of food, or one ton of monosaccharides or polysaccharides that can be synthesized by “consuming a little air”.

  If they need gunpowder rifles, it would be even easier. The cost may be cheaper than crops that need time to grow by processing the leftover scraps from machining parts. At

  this time, several soldiers from the Marine Division, drivers, and engineers were coming back from the direction of the shelter’s residential camp, with their shoulders hooked and their backs covered, talking and laughing.

  ”That mashed potato is absolutely delicious!”

  ”How did they come up with this? They can actually use steam to cook food! And it tastes so good!”

  ”According to the data, people seem to have eaten it this way 300 years ago.”

  ”300 years ago?! That’s really a long time ago.”

  ”Yes, longer than the prosperous era… But I doubt it, can steaming really kill the microorganisms in the food?”

  ”Look at your ignorance, the temperature of steam is much higher than boiling water!”

  ”That’s the truth… Well, the only problem that can be picked out is that it consumes more fuel. Boil the water first, and then use the steam to heat the food. These blue coats are enjoying their lives.”

  ”More strange knowledge.”

  Today’s work is over. If there is no emergency, the rest of the time belongs to them.

  The most pleasant enjoyment in life is to get off work on time after a busy day, take a comfortable hot bath, then go to the cafeteria to get a cup of synthetic milk or hot cocoa, go to the activity room to play a few games of billiards or poker with colleagues, and chat a few words.

  By the way, I have to share the joy of tasting delicious food with everyone!

  You only need the money of a bucket of instant noodles to buy a bowl of fragrant mashed potatoes, which is really affordable!

  And there is also pine nut stewed fish soup tonight! It seems to be called this name.

  I don’t know what kind of grass those blue jackets put in the soup, but it actually makes those fishy mutant catfish smell less smelly. When you bite it, you feel that it is full of collagen. The taste and taste are simply amazing! The

  food they usually eat is relatively light, with less salt and less oil. Although the nutrition is completely sufficient, the taste is always a little bit worse.

  The “canteen” of those blue jackets is good in every way. The only drawback is that you need to bring your own bowls and chopsticks, and there are no disposable bowls.

  But this is not a big deal for them.

  A few people first found the engineer brother who was engaged in production in the logistics department to discuss it, and soon persuaded the guy with a bowl of mashed potatoes, and asked him to use a tablet to operate the processing workshop and turn a few thin steel bowls like paper for them, as well as spoons for drinking soup.

  These steel bowls are not pure steel, but polymer composite steel. The materials are mainly the leftover scraps from cutting steel, plus some cheap synthetic resin, so the cost is very cheap. They are all used as disposable bowls and chopsticks, thrown away after use, and even the effort of washing dishes is saved.

  ”…We are busy outside, and those lucky dogs are sitting in the office blowing hot air. It’s so annoying!”

  ”That’s right, if we don’t show off to them, it would be a shame to drink northwest wind today!”

  ”I agree, we must show off!”

  ”Hahaha, these dogs are so greedy!”

  A group of young men reached a consensus and got on the elevator with laughter. This feeling is just like finding an oasis in the desert.

  Li De, who was standing not far away counting the materials, and the engineer holding the tablet were confused, as if they understood what they were saying, but also seemed not to understand.



   The next chapter will be updated before 11 o’clock~


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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