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Chapter 143 Jiang Qin is a bad guy

Chapter 143 Jiang Qin is a bad guy


Author: What’s wrong

  Chapter 143 Jiang Qin is a bad guy.

  It was a late autumn afternoon, and the sun was high in the sky.

  Although the campus of Linda University was bleak and the air was a little dry and cold, the sun was particularly bright and gentle, and it felt warm on the body.

  The red bricks on the sidewalks on both sides of the road were no longer visible, but were completely covered by golden fallen leaves. Occasionally, wandering seniors rushed out of the green belt and fluttered on the soft leaves.

  Jiang Qin wore a black coat, with a well-proportioned and upright figure, and walked with a bit of indulgence.

  Feng Nanshu wore a white coat, with a small piece of white collarbone exposed at the neckline. Her tall figure showed off her royal sister temperament to the fullest, and she looked like a real Korean drama lady.

  The two stepped on the fallen leaves on the sidewalk, strolling forward hand in hand. Whether it was their shoulders pressed together or the height difference between them, they pulled the atmosphere similar to that of a campus romance novel to the fullest.

  ”You are the boss lady of Xitian. You can’t just go to other people’s milk tea shops to buy milk tea in the future. People who don’t know will think that Xitian’s milk tea is not delicious.”

  Jiang Qin stretched out his foot to ask the homeless student who was blocking the way to leave, and subconsciously clenched Feng Nanshu’s delicate little hand.

  ”Their cups have your name on them, but ours don’t.”

  Feng Nanshu raised her soft and quiet face, her skin was white and smooth, her delicate eyes blinked lightly, and her eyelashes kept trembling.

  ”You can have cups in ours, but it’s not necessary. Who else would buy milk tea for my name except you?”

  Jiang Qin was slightly stunned after he finished speaking.

  What do you mean by ours? He almost got carried away!

  He turned his head to observe Feng Nanshu’s reaction, wondering if she did it on purpose.

  It was just that the profile of the little rich woman was really beautiful. Not only was her white and moving, but it was also as smooth and moist as a boiled egg that had been peeled off the shell. It made people unable to look away, and also made Jiang Qin forget the original purpose of this glance, and only the appreciation of beauty remained in his eyes.


  ”Don’t look at me, I’m a little shy now.” Feng Nanshu warned him seriously. Jiang Qin

  couldn’t help holding his breath: “Your best friend looks at you, what are you shy about?”

  ”I don’t know.”

  ”You don’t have any improper thoughts about me, do you?”

  Feng Nanshu pursed her rosy lips: “I don’t, my mind is empty.”

  Jiang Qin was silent for a while, and couldn’t help frowning, with a vague sense of anxiety in his heart.

  She wasn’t shy when I took her to the hot springs during the summer vacation, and she wasn’t shy when I touched her feet. Why is she shy now after looking at her twice more?

  Jiang Qin didn’t dare to think about it, because thinking about it is the easiest to confuse people.

  So the two continued to walk forward, the atmosphere was a little silent, which made Jiang Qin feel a little uncomfortable, as if he was worried about something.

  He hesitated for a while, reached out and picked up a beautiful fallen leaf, and shook it in front of Feng Nanshu: “Does it look good? Give it to you as a gift.”

  ”But I don’t have hands anymore, can you hold it for me first?” Feng Nanshu wanted it very much, but she didn’t want to give up either the cup with her name or Jiang Qin’s hand.

  Jiang Qin was surprised: “Where is your hand?”

  The rich girl raised her right hand, holding the cup she had just taken from the supermarket in the college. The two cups were now stacked together, and the rim of the cup was pinched by her slender fingers.

  ”Isn’t there another one?”

  Feng Nanshu:?

  Jiang Qin suddenly realized that he seemed to be holding a delicate and soft little hand, which was slightly cool and a little delicate, so he quietly raised it and took a look. His eyes were stunned for a moment: “Feng Nanshu, when did you put your hand in mine?”

  ”In the supermarket.”

  ”What a thief, I didn’t even notice it, and I held your hand all the way?” Jiang Qin was very surprised.

  Feng Nanshu pursed her rosy lips: “My hand was actually stolen.”


  Jiang Qin thought about it and was about to let go, but he couldn’t help pinching it again because it was so soft and fragrant. He thought that since their feet had touched each other, what was there to be afraid of holding hands? It wasn’t like holding hands with ten fingers, so there was no need to be so particular.

  ”I’m in a good mood today, so I allow us to be unrestrained once, but you can’t do it again next time. Holding a boy’s hand secretly is a hooligan behavior. I don’t blame you this time.”

  Feng Nanshu looked at him expressionlessly: “Jiang Qin, you are a big bad guy.”

  ”Tsk, tsk, tsk, you are still a bad guy, so damn sweet…”

  Gao Wenhui couldn’t help but complain, and took a few photos with her mobile phone. She felt that each one was so beautiful that it could be used as a wallpaper.

  Fan Shuling also followed the two of them, but not as close as Gao Wenhui. She also felt that Jiang Qin and Feng Nanshu were a good match. Although they were close, they didn’t have the greasy feeling of a couple in love. Even the hand-holding action was very pure, just like a cat’s claw scratching the heart, which made people feel itchy and couldn’t help but suddenly have the idea of ​​wanting to fall in love.

  ”If you want to eat, you have to have a goal. What do you want to eat?”

  ”Hot pot, this kind of weather is most suitable for hot pot.”

  Linchuan in late autumn was already very cold, especially when it was close to dusk, the north wind was rustling, and the chill suddenly became very obvious.

  In such a cold weather, Feng Nanshu, Gao Wenhui and Fan Shuling all suggested to go eat hot pot. Jiang Qin nodded and drove them to a hot pot restaurant in the city center.

  Maybe everyone thought that today was a good day for hot pot, so the restaurant was crowded.

  The four of them ordered a double-flavored hot pot and a table full of meat.

  After a while, the dishes on the table were half eaten. The rich woman’s mouth was already red from the spiciness, but the joy in her eyes was clearly visible.


  After eating at the hot pot restaurant, Jiang Qin drove back to Linda and sent the three girls back to the dormitory.

  It was getting dark at this time, and the cold air enveloped the campus, freezing the few couples on the street.

  Jiang Qin was planning to take a bath in the bathhouse, but suddenly received a call from Lv Guangrong.

  Old Lv first pretended to be concerned about him, asking him how his business was recently and whether he needed help. He also generously said that if he had any requests, he could ask, and the college would definitely help solve them.

  He was a counselor who was usually elusive. At this time, he suddenly called to express his concern, which immediately made Jiang Qin alert.

  Sure enough, the next second, Old Lv changed the subject and said that several leaders were going to visit 208 and would arrive in an hour. He asked him to tidy up and clean up, and to welcome the inspection with the best spirit.

  ”Teacher Lu, who are the leaders coming?”

  ”They are all leaders in our school. One is Principal Zhang who is in charge of school affairs, and the other is Director Gu from the school publicity department.”

  ”Okay, I got it.”

  Jiang Qin hung up the phone and put his phone back in his pocket.

  His entrepreneurship application form was registered with the name of the School of Finance, so it was normal for Lao Lu to know about this first.

  In addition, he knew that 208 would sooner or later face this inspection.

  After all, the freshman’s entrepreneurship has been reported in the newspaper, and the school leaders will definitely pay attention to it.

  He thought for a while while holding the bath basket, wondering whether he should take a bath or not? If he took a bath, it would only delay him for 20 minutes at most, so it would not be too late to greet the leaders.

  But then he thought about it and felt that it was not appropriate.

  What if the leader arrived early?

  What if Sunai was the only one in the office?

  What if…

  Oh my god, it would be terrible

  . Even if Sunai was not in the office, if Dong Wenhao took people to play cards again, it would not look good if the leaders saw him.

  So Jiang Qin turned back from the bathhouse halfway and arrived at 208 first.

  Sunai didn’t look at the messy stuff, but sat quietly at her workstation to test the website. She looked like an ordinary homegirl with no strange hobbies.

  But Dong Wenhao was indeed leading people to play cards. Judging from the notes on Lu Feiyu’s face, they were probably in high spirits.

  ”Okay, okay, stop playing. Hurry up and clean up and tidy up your doghouse.”

  Dong Wenhao lifted the notes in front of him: “Boss, didn’t you say that? We have worked so hard at the University of Science and Technology for so long. We can have a good rest these two days. It’s time to play and have fun.”

  ”Today is a special situation. The leaders of the school are coming to inspect.” Jiang Qin kicked Lu Feiyu’s butt, “Hurry up and wash your face. Look at the notes on your face, they are hanging like door curtains.”

  ”Boss, a gentleman talks, not hands!”

  ”Don’t talk so much. People are coming soon. Hurry up and get moving!”

  Under Jiang Qin’s repeated shouting, the people in 208 all moved, cleaned up the cards on the floor, threw them into the cupboard, and cleaned up the workstations, restoring the appearance of an office.
“How’s it going, boss? Is this

  all right

  ?” Dong Wenhao came over and asked. “It’s
still a little short.”

  ”What’s missing? I’ll ask someone to do it right away.”

  Jiang Qin narrowed his eyes and looked around: “It’s missing a few computers, a few heaters, a few printers, and a few good chairs.”

  Dong Wenhao: “????”

  ”How about this, move everyone’s laptops to 207 next door and hide them, leaving only three, move the heater we bought ourselves there, and the printer, water dispenser, move my boss chair to 207, and move those new chairs there and lock them up.”

  ”Boss, are we moving?”

  Jiang Qin lowered his voice: “The powerful school leaders are here to inspect, it’s time to cry poor, the crying child gets the milk!” Dong

  Wenhao understood instantly, and asked people to move the things to 207 quickly.

  ”Lu Feiyu, you changed the light bulb last time, right? Unload two for me.”

  ”Boss, you won’t cheat me out of a few more light bulbs, right?” Lu Feiyu was shocked.

  Jiang Qin glanced at him: “The important thing is the atmosphere, don’t you understand? When the leader comes, he will see a small dark room with few valuables. At least he should arrange some for us!”

  After listening to him, Lu Feiyu thought it made sense, so he put two newspapers on the table and unscrewed two light bulbs.

  Just like that, a good office now looks shabby and dark, with a sense of hardship and simplicity.

  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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