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Chapter 144 version answer is chef? !

Chapter 144 version answer is chef? !


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 144: The answer is chef?!

  After hanging up Li De’s phone, Chu Guang felt that his life was not easy.

  The neighbor who came from afar was heading west for a great ideal. Not only was his face full of confidence and faith of civilized people, but he was also well-off and could eat a bowl of food for three meals a day.

  On his side, he not only had to plan every supply carefully, but also had to find a way to make the players happy with limited supplies.

  Even if life was tight, he would occasionally get something good and use it to boost everyone’s morale.

  At this point, there were still children on the forum who were thinking about his two bricks for building the wall and analyzing how to prevent the “middlemen” from making a profit.

  Wouldn’t it hurt to touch his conscience?

  The weak have no choice. In fact, Chu Guang knew very well that even with a shelter as a bargaining chip, he and the group of people on the Pioneer had very little room for negotiation.

  Especially that Li De, who was much harder to fool than their Captain Lu, and his bottom line was even more elusive, leaving him no chance to take advantage of.

  But there was no way, Chu Guang had no choice.

  It was rare to meet a group of local tycoons on an outing, and coincidentally, these people admitted that they had a blue coat on. Even if it was difficult to get the wool, he had to bite the bullet and get it.

  After all, the people who came this time were friends. What if they came next time?

  Even if he couldn’t win, he would have to bite the bullet and fight. If

  nothing unexpected happens, today’s labor should be able to exchange for 1200CR. Counting the 600CR for meal allowance, it adds up to 1800CR, which can be exchanged for 6 assault rifles.

  These people are still very kind. They said it was 600CR for a day, and even if he didn’t have breakfast at their place, he still gave him the money.

  After the cooperation is over, the weapon store will update some new equipment in the 300 silver coin and 400 silver coin tiers, including automatic rifles and submachine guns, as well as modified sights, which can be used to update the equipment for those players who have already reached level 6~8.

  For a better tomorrow and a new version.

  I hope his little players will work hard!


  Before talking to Li De on the phone, Chu Guang took two little players of the perception system and found the signal tower mentioned in “Guardian Diary” and “Blood Hand Diary” near the mutant’s nest, and found that the equipment was just tripped. Although the parts were a little old, they were not completely broken.

  The backup power supply still had half of its power left. Without saying a word, he turned the switch back on, and the signal tower immediately restored power.

  Looking at the full signal on the VM, Chu Guang smiled.

  The signal coverage range was directly expanded to 10 kilometers away, and now the entire northern suburbs of Qingquan City were covered.

  Now his little players no longer have to worry about the problem of poor VM signals.

  As long as they are not buried under the ruins or walk too far, he can grasp their situation anytime and anywhere and issue tasks to them.

  That’s great.

  After the call with Li De, Chu Guang borrowed the office’s phone and contacted Old Luca.

  Old Luca on the other end of the phone respectfully reported today’s situation to him.

  ”Sir, I followed your instructions and used the 600CR meal allowance to buy 100 kg of potatoes, 100 kg of corn, and some salt, soy sauce, pepper and other condiments. But Li De just told me that if we use their car to help us transport the things, we will have to charge us 1CR for every 100 kg…”

  Oh my.

  This is a little temper.

  Chu Guang smiled and said, “It’s okay, we don’t need their car.”

  The outpost base now has 10 caravans and hundreds of strength players. Isn’t it easy to pull dozens of tons of goods back?

  The shift changes every three days. When the people here go over, the people over there just pull the supplies back.

  As for the batch of supplies exchanged today, it is mainly for the players’ meals.

  Although they brought some sheep’s horn potatoes, green wheat and dried meat when they went there, those foods were only enough for a few days and could not be eaten for too long. There will be players who will change shifts with them later, and then they will not need to bring dry food over.

  Luca: “My Lord, I found that starch… seems to be cheaper? 1CR can be exchanged for one kilogram, it seems to be edible.”

  Chu Guang sighed and said: “If you only eat carbohydrates, you will not be able to defecate. That thing is not for eating.”

  Old Luca didn’t quite understand. In his opinion, being able to eat enough is a blessing, and what to eat is not important. But since the master said so, he naturally couldn’t talk back.

  ”Yes… By the way, my Lord, I noticed that those people coming from the east seem to be very interested in what we eat, and are even willing to spend money to buy it.”

  ”Oh?” Chu Guang continued to ask with interest, “Did they come to you to buy food?”

  Luca nodded.

  ”Yes. I was not sure how much I should sell them, but I didn’t want to cause trouble, so I gave them one portion, and charged 1CR for each portion of mashed potatoes and fish soup.”

  Chu Guang said, touching his chin.

  ”You can estimate the cost of one portion… If we don’t count the labor, but only the materials.”

  Luca: “It’s not expensive. Mashed potatoes cost only two or three copper coins. Fish soup is cheaper, only two copper coins. But we’re almost done with the fish we brought, so we’ll probably cook something else tomorrow.”

  ”If those people come again tomorrow, you can sell them the 2CR and 4CR packages. 2CR for a 200g portion of mashed potatoes, 4CR for a portion of meat in addition to mashed potatoes… Forget it, I won’t set the menu. Let the professional players who cook food figure out what to eat every day. I’ll give them tasks later. Anyway, you can set the price according to the two standards I mentioned.”

  Luca said respectfully.

  ”Yes, sir.”


  Official website:

  [Xiaoyu kindly reminds you: Because the administrator has repaired the antenna of the shelter, the signal coverage of the outpost has now expanded to ten kilometers. ]

  [Today’s recommended recipes: meat-flavored mashed potatoes, pine nut stewed fish soup. ]

  Every time everyone goes offline, the forum is very lively.

  Fang Chang: “I’m back! Let me tell you the conclusion first. The new area unlocked by the expansion pack is almost exactly the same as the one shown in the promotional CG!”

  Daoxia Liuren: “Yes, I testify! Other games look for the sameness between the actual game screen and the promotional screen, but here we look for the difference between the two… The key is that I can’t find it yet! Can you understand the feeling of walking into the game CG?”

  Canyon Fugitive Mole: “Fuck! I don’t understand!!! I also want to go to the new map to move bricks. TT”

  Lao Bai: “To be honest, the feeling of moving bricks with high technology is quite fun, and it is slightly better than the experience of moving bricks near the outpost. (grin)”

  Battlefield atmosphere group: “Brother, tell me quickly! What is the process over there?”

  Fang Chang: “Let me tell you, we first followed the people from the Pioneer to the action camp they built for us, and lived in a small single room on the upper and lower floors of the construction site. Then Brother Chaodan made us a lunch after a long absence. There is nothing much to say about these. The focus is in the afternoon! We followed two power armors to the abandoned town in the north!”

  Fang Chang: “It is probably a place similar to the urban-rural junction. The building density is even lower than that near Linghu Wetland Park. It is mainly composed of a large number of single-family houses and a small number of high-rise buildings. We went nearly 800 meters deep into the city and came to an abandoned community hospital. This is a brand new map! We have never walked so far when we were scavenging before. “Fang!”

  Director Fang: “There is a thick layer of dust on the floor of the hospital. I made a simple exploration on the first floor and found that it has been looted, and more than once. I am not sure if there are other survivors nearby. Our ‘construction site’ is in the parking lot on the first underground floor, where there are a large number of well-preserved car wreckages and the bodies of gnawers!”

  Director Fang: “I guess that a battle broke out here before! Unfortunately, the battle was over when we arrived. Two power armors were patrolling in the parking lot with two mechanical dogs, and our job was to use the cutting machines they distributed to us to dismantle the valuable parts of the scrapped vehicles!”

  Director Fang: “The whole process is quite stress-relieving. The construction efficiency is much simpler than dismantling the car with an axe and a saw! We will dismantle The removed car doors, engine hoods and other parts are roughly pressed with a manual hydraulic press, and then dragged to the heavy truck parked at the entrance of the city. There are NPC engineers on board, who operate more professional equipment to perform secondary hydraulic pressure on the garbage, and then load the garbage pressed into metal blocks onto the truck. ”

  Fang Chang: “By the way, the NPC there will weigh the garbage, and then the collection amount will be counted in the VM’s task bar. It seems that 100 kilograms can be exchanged for 1 silver coin.” “The

  Elf King Fugui: “Wait, isn’t that a good loss? The garbage recycling task at the outpost base is also priced at this price. I remember it was 100 kilograms of scrap steel for 1 silver coin.” “Lao Bai:

  ”It’s different. For the garbage recycling task at the outpost base, you have to pick up the garbage from outside the wetland park. It’s at least 1 kilometer just to leave the park, and if you go to… The underground parking lot in the residential area is even more troublesome. Not to mention the long distance to transport, there are often sneak attacks by gnawers. ”

  Fang Chang: “Yes, and our base does not have that kind of cutter. It takes a lot of time to remove the car door and hood. In addition, this task also has activity reward points, about 1 point for 100 kilograms.”

  Night Ten: “Strength system players are epically enhanced! By the way, I found a fun thing. When I and Mosquito brother were squatting in the camp to eat lunch, an NPC came over and exchanged lunch with us for instant noodles. (Funny)”

  Roller shampooer: “Damn? ! So smart?” ”

  Lao Wang next door: “What does the NPC’s instant noodles taste like? Is it delicious?”

  Night Ten: “It’s delicious, it’s just a mess of boiling water, a bag of vegetables mixed with some noodles, I think it’s a loss. But it’s okay to eat fresh, their stuff is not very hungry, anyway, I was hungry at four in the afternoon. (Funny)”

  WC Really Mosquito: “I have to complain about this. I feel sorry for the NPCs on the Pioneer. They live in dire straits and can’t have a decent hot meal.”

  Irena: “You two are too good eaters. You are definitely gluttons. (Funny)”

  Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes: “When Brother Ye Shi said this, I remembered that there seemed to be NPCs from the Pioneer coming to eat here tonight? I saw Old Luca took their money. Each of them took a piece of paper. I don’t know how much it was.”

  Debt Big Eyes: “! ? The version answer is actually the chef?”

  Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes: “What the hell, that banknote is not for me. (Rolling eyes)”

  Macababa: “But what’s the use of that piece of paper? Can it be used to buy things? I didn’t see any NPC store that takes this thing.”

  Ye Shi: “I don’t know. It seems that only Boss Crow has one at the moment. I don’t know if she has figured it out. Why don’t we ask her some other day? (Funny)”

  Irena: “Boss Crow: Are you polite? (Funny)”


  North gate of the outpost.

  Looking at the deserted market, Yaya, who had just finished cooking mushroom soup, sighed.

  This was the third time she sighed in an hour.

  Usually at this time, her stall would have been crowded with people. Today everyone went to the new map to explore, and there were more sellers than buyers in the market.

  There were two little players chatting just now, and the topic changed to “There are so few people in the market today”, “Let’s go to the forum!”, “Let’s go! “.

  And then…

  the two of them really left.

  Yaya suddenly felt that those annoying people who were clamoring to buy Mufeng mushrooms, to watch her stew themselves in an iron pot, and to beg her to hit them with mushrooms were not so annoying.

  ”It’s so quiet today…”

  How about closing the stall?

  It’s okay if you’re doing tasks, but it’s boring to set up a stall with too few people.

  It’s better to go to the official website to watch the stupid netizens brag.

  It’s just at this time, it’s almost dawn in reality, and many people are offline. The official website is probably very lively.

  Those big guys who went to the new map to open up the wasteland should have made a guide, and they can probably see some interesting things .

  Just when Yaya was thinking about this, a pair of clear big eyes came to the stall at some point, and blinked curiously at the big pot.

  There were mushrooms, venison and some herbs floating in the pot, exuding a very fragrant smell. Qiuye swallowed his saliva unwillingly, his eyes full of desire.

  Looking at the first little customer of the day with surprise, Yaya hurriedly greeted him.

  ”Would you like a bowl? ”

  Qiu Ye blushed, nodded embarrassedly, then shook her head and spoke in a non-standard pronunciation.

  ”No, it was used.”


  The expression on Ya Ya’s face was even more surprised, as if she had discovered a new world.

  This NPC can actually speak!

  Seizing the opportunity, she hurriedly continued.

  ”Today’s mushroom soup is 50% off, do you want to buy a bowl?”

  Qiu Ye blinked, not understanding this sentence.

  She doesn’t know many words, all learned when she followed her sister to set up a stall.

  Those blue coats always say something difficult to understand, but some words that appear more frequently, combined with body language, can still guess the meaning.

  This way of communication is a bit like other nomads they met during their journey.

  Some people who come from far away places seem to speak the same language as them, but they still sound quite different.

  At this time, you have to rely on intuition.

  Yaya picked up the wooden bowl and served the little girl a bowl of hot mushroom soup. With a sweet smile on her face, she said softly.

  ”Forget it, there are no customers today anyway. Since you are so cute, I will treat you to this bowl.”

  ”Drink it while it’s hot.”

  Looking at the bowl that was suddenly stuffed into her hand, the little girl was at a loss, and her anxious expression was as if she had done something bad. When

  this person was anxious, she uttered a few more words.

  She opened her mouth and said in a slurred voice.

  ”I, I don’t have money…”

  Yaya smiled gently, stretched out an index finger and shook it gently, and said in a mixture of poor game language and Mandarin.

  ”No money, I’ll treat you.”

  This time, the little girl seemed to understand that this bowl of mushroom soup was free, but she still had an embarrassed expression on her face.

  Looking at the steaming hot soup in her hand, she finally couldn’t resist the temptation of delicious food. She picked up the bowl and blew it, and drank it all in one gulp.

  Watching the customer gulp down the soup, Yaya smiled like a loving mother.

  As expected.

  Compared to silver coins and the like.

  This is the satisfaction she is looking for.

  ”Drink slowly, do you want another bowl? Sister will add more meat for you.”

  After finishing the soup, Qiu Ye put down the bowl in her hand, looking embarrassed. After hesitating for a while, the little girl rummaged in her pocket and secretly placed a necklace on the table. There were

  a few beautiful stones hanging on it.

  ”This is an amulet I picked up on my journey… for you.”

  Leaving behind this incomprehensible sentence and the handmade necklace, the little girl turned around and ran away without waiting for Yaya to continue making the soup.

  Yaya was slightly stunned, put down the soup spoon, and picked up the necklace on the table.


  Quest props?

  It doesn’t seem to have any attributes. No matter how you look at it, it’s just an ordinary quartz.

  But Yaya still happily took the necklace.

  At this time, a strange customer came to the market at the north gate.

  The customer had a sneaky look on his face. After entering the market, he looked around as if he was looking for something.

  When he saw the stall selling mushroom soup, his eyes suddenly lit up. He walked over and pointed at the pot, then opened his wallet, took out a banknote and slapped it on the table.

  ”I want to buy a bowl. How much?”

  Why are all the people here today NPCs?

  Looking closely, it seems that he is the quartermaster of the office?

  Looking at the 100CR banknote on the table and listening to the completely incomprehensible tone, Yaya didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

  What the hell?

  Are you here to buy a whole pot again?

  Just when Yaya was at a loss, a tall figure suddenly appeared beside her stall and helped her out.

  ”Haha, my friend, I’ve been looking for you for a long time. So you’re here! I just used your phone. By the way, you can’t spend money with this kind of paper. You have to use a special coin here. This pot of soup, consider it my treat.”

  Chu Guang gently took the banknote on the table and scratched the VM with his index finger.

  Hearing the “ding” sound of his VM, Ya Ya quickly raised his arm to take a look, and then he was so surprised that he seemed to be able to stuff a goose egg into his mouth.

  100 silver? ?

  ? Ah, this!

  Isn’t it too much? !

  Looking at Chu Guang who put the banknote away, Luo Hua was also stunned.

  Wait a minute…

  Didn’t you agree to treat me?

  Give me back the money.

  ”You haven’t eaten yet, right? Come with me, I’ve prepared good wine and good food,” Chu Guang said as he picked up the whole pot of mushroom soup.

  It smells pretty good.

  It should be enough to drink two more bottles of wine for this guy.

  ”Wine? You have wine here?” Luo Hua was pleasantly surprised, and instantly forgot about the money.

  Chu Guang looked at him strangely.

  ”You don’t have any?”

  Luo Hua looked a little embarrassed, and said with a chuckle.

  ”We do have alcohol, but we can’t drink it, right? And the captain doesn’t let us drink, saying that drinking will interfere with work…”

  Chu Guang seemed to be thinking about something.

  ”Then wouldn’t it be a violation of your discipline if I invited you to drink…”

  Luo Hua quickly glanced around, and seeing that the people who were in the way were not there, he waved his hand and said.

  ”It’s okay, I’m willing to have a couple of drinks with you, this is also part of official business!”

  Looking at the impatient expression on his face, Chu Guang smiled knowingly, and reached out to pat his not-so-strong shoulder.

  ”My friend, how can this be called official business? It’s time to get off work now, we should say… let’s toast to friendship!”

  Luo Hua was overjoyed and nodded vigorously.

  ”Yes, yes, yes, let’s toast to friendship!”

  Looking at the two men walking away, the confused Ya Ya finally recovered from the shock of the 100 silver coins and jumped up from the chair.

  ”Wait, wait a minute!”

  ”Master Manager, I have another duck here!!!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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