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Chapter 145 Cat teaser, belly exposed

Chapter 145 Cat teaser, belly exposed


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 145 Cat-teasing stick, belly exposed

  The snake’s tail tumbled back and forth in the stone chamber, stirring up waves.

  Jasmine looked solemn, constantly scanning the surroundings, and when she caught the figure of the black fox, she immediately whipped it with her snake’s tail.


  The black fox turned over and leaped over, flying towards her in mid-air.

  Jasmine just smiled lowly, and the winding snake body under her arched like a wave, knocking it away in mid-air.

  ”Although you are very strong and fast, your size is my advantage!”

  Jasmine spread her arms, and her snake body was like a rolling wave, turning into a continuous attack to chase the black fox.

  If she were in an open plain, she would naturally be helpless against it.

  But in a closed environment, even if she could dodge and run, she would be hit by the huge snake body like a hill.

  ”Watch this!”

  Jasmine swung her tail and whipped it, and the sound of breaking through the air whistled! The

  black fox was blocked by the snake’s body in front, and it was unable to dodge for a while, and was hit by the snake’s tail and smashed against the wall, as if the stone chamber was trembling.

  Jasmine’s face darkened again: “Sure enough, I won’t get hurt.”

  The black fox jumped out of the pit and ran away calmly.

  ”It’s amazing that Xiaorui could hold it for so long.”

  Jasmine looked solemn, twisted her snake body again, and chased it all the way.

  But her peripheral vision happened to sweep behind her, and her expression froze.

  ”Do you not consider the occasion when doing this kind of thing?!”

  Jasmine couldn’t help blushing and annoyed: “This dirty cat!” The

  white fox quietly jumped away and curled up beside Ji Shang.

  She seemed to be shy and used her little paws to block her eyes, but when she heard the faint panting, she couldn’t help but sneak a glance.

  The little girl was now blushing and her breath was as fragrant as orchids.

  Although the girl’s current appearance could not be seen, from the cat’s tail that was erected high and trembling from time to time behind her, it was obvious that she was as happy as a fairy.

  Bad man, bullying a little girl, shameless!

  ”Hoo hoo.”

  Yue Rui released her soft and elastic pink lips, and her pure and pretty face was stained with a hint of soft charm, and her eyes were full of the reflection of her brother.

  Yang Shifei stroked the girl’s hair gently: “Are you feeling more comfortable now?”


  Yue Rui’s voice was so soft that it dripped with water, and she leaned into his arms and rubbed against him: “I want to feel more comfortable.”

  Feeling the gentle rubbing of her waist and legs, Yang Shifei couldn’t help but look strange:

  ”Do you really want to do it here?”

  Since the absorption, he noticed that Yue Rui’s body was extremely filthy, obviously affected by the environment here.

  Just like a good girl who doesn’t drink normally, now she has drunk several glasses and is so drunk that she can’t tell east from west.

  ”I want my brother to kiss me~”

  Yue Rui pouted her little mouth, lying in his arms and rubbing against him coquettishly: “I want my brother to play with my legs and peaches, and you can pinch them however you want~”

  Although she was very “drunk”, she became a real little greedy cat.

  ”If it doesn’t work.” Yue Rui’s cat ears drooped slightly: “Then I’ll bear it.”

  Yang Shifei kissed her forehead: “I’ll listen to you, just in time for you to recover faster.”

  Yue Rui smiled immediately, straightened up, and kissed her mouth several times: “I like my brother the most~”

  Seeing her cute and adorable appearance, Yang Shifei couldn’t help but rub her chubby face.

  His own cat is really a caring little cotton-padded jacket.

  ”Yes, brother, look.”

  Yue Rui seemed to have thought of a good idea and gently touched her chest.

  The collar seemed to be burned by the fire, charred and broken, gradually revealing the white and delicate skin.

  Yang Shifei was stunned when he saw this, watching the girl’s shoulders exposed, the collar of her skirt blooming like petals, and her small purse was fully exposed.

  ”Why did you give your clothes to…”

  ”This is an illusion.” Yue Rui smiled shyly: “Only let my brother see~”

  She moved her little butt again, adjusted her sitting position, and then squeezed her legs together.

  Yang Shifei secretly breathed in, feeling a burst of ecstasy.

  ”Brother. Mmm.”

  Yue Rui kissed him again, twisting her slender waist and shaking her hips.

  Jasmine flicked her tail to ward off the black fox’s attack, and her heart itched. She couldn’t help but glance back.

  But this glance made her blush and she almost cried out in shame.

  ”Why are you getting worse!?”

  Xiao Rui, that filthy cat, is still playing this kind of trick now, her little butt is almost shaking out of shape!

  Although the two sides are more than ten feet apart, she can still hear the cat’s seductive meows.

  Until even the kitten’s paws that have nowhere to put are pulled away, the meows are even more sharp and charming, and the shouts are really tender.

  ”My husband really dotes on that greedy girl too much!”

  Jasmine blushed.

  Although she kept muttering in her heart, she did not slow down her offensive. She turned her waist and swung her tail, and wrestled with the black fox again.

  The two sides fought for a long time until they seized the opportunity to strike hard and knocked the black fox out again.

  Only then did Jasmine have the opportunity to distract herself and take another look –

  she said that this girl is greedy, but she actually ate it? !

  ”My husband, you guys should restrain yourself a little!”

  ”Uh, we will try our best!”

  Yang Shifei replied tremblingly, and then retracted his gaze.

  After a moment, Yue Rui sat up again, her face also blushing with shame, and she licked the water stains from the corners of her mouth.


  ”Are you satisfied now?”

  ”Yeah~” Yue Rui fell into his arms, her body limp.

  Yang Shifei hugged her back and patted her gently to comfort her.

  Yue Rui gradually fell asleep, and said softly: “I want more next time.”

  Yang Shifei didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. This girl, did she treat it as a ‘cat toy’?

  However, she likes to play, but she will be shy and meow after playing for a while, which is really ridiculous.


  Yang Shifei turned back slightly and saw the little fox hitting him with its ‘fox fist’ in shame and anger.

  He smiled awkwardly and touched the white fox’s head: “Sorry, I disturbed you.”


  The white fox’s ears trembled slightly, and it squatted down reluctantly, and swept the back of its hand with its fluffy fox tail a few times to express its dissatisfaction.

  After a while, the battle situation in the stone room gradually changed.

  Jasmine had no time to pay attention to the back, her delicate face became more serious, and she gritted her teeth to barely block the fierce attack of the black fox.

  She took a deep breath and wiped the sweat off her forehead. She realized how difficult and terrifying the tireless monster was.

  She was exhausted, but the black fox on the other side was calm. If she

  continued to fight

  the black fox would attack!

  Jasmine’s eyes suddenly fixed, but she couldn’t stop it in time, so she raised her arms to block it.


  A figure suddenly rushed out from the side and kicked the black fox in the face, sending it flying.


  Jasmine’s true self collapsed and she fell into a warm embrace.

  Yang Shifei chuckled, “Let me do it next.”

  Jasmine blushed and couldn’t help but hit him lightly on the chest, “Dirty husband!”

  Yang Shifei laughed, “Now that you are a hero saving a beauty, shouldn’t you say something nice?”

  ”You wish.” Jasmine came down from his arms and blushed and whispered, “Be careful.”

  ”Don’t worry, I’m full of energy now.”

  Seeing Jasmine retreating to Yue Rui’s side, Yang Shifei focused and looked at the black fox climbing up in the distance.

  He had witnessed how strong this monster was.

  Yue Rui and Jasmine could handle it properly, but he couldn’t let his attention wander, otherwise –

  the black fox narrowed his eyes and approached step by step.

  Yang Shifei abandoned all distracting thoughts, and the abundant cold energy surged through his body, staring at every move of the other party.

  The black fox gradually slowed down.

  Yang Shifei frowned slightly. This was going to

  happen, but before he could guess the black fox’s next move, he saw it suddenly lie down, turn over, and shake its tail.


  Yang Shifei was stunned.

  What was going on?

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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