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Chapter 147 Distorted Emotions

Chapter 147 Distorted Emotions


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 147 Distorted Emotions

  This sudden kiss made the stone chamber fall into silence.

  After a moment, Ji Shang slowly released her red lips and licked them as if she was still not satisfied.

  Yang Shifei felt his whole body soften and quickly calmed down.

  Ji Shang saw that he was covered with scars and frowned slightly: “Does it hurt?”

  ”Not bad.”

  Yang Shifei looked strange: “Miss Ji, has your temperament changed?”

  His behavior was strong and his tone was cold, just like the original ‘Master of Jintian Palace’.

  ”The Heavenly Demon Ashes Technique will have a slight effect on your mood.”

  Ji Chang squeezed her soft hand, as if feeling the powerful power: “Rather, this is my usual temperament now.”

  She looked at him calmly again: “Thanks to your help.”

  ”Why are you being so polite now?” Yang Shifei smiled: “I see that the young lady’s figure has become fuller. These two magical skills still have such an effect?”

  ”The magical skills have just affected the physical body after transformation.”

  Ji Chang did not explain much: “The original fetus of the great demon has been eliminated. Leave this place as soon as possible.”

  As she said that, she suddenly slapped her palm back and slapped the exit of the stone chamber.


  The invisible palm force smashed the stone door in the air, and the air waves rushed, even blowing away all the smoke and dust.

  Such power shocked Yang Shifei.

  ”Young lady, have you recovered your skills?”

  ”And you have improved a lot.”

  ”Really amazing.” Yang Shifei’s sincere admiration made Ji Chang subconsciously look at her sideways and hum twice.

  But she didn’t say anything after all, and glanced at the stone platform not far away: “Remember to bring the real dragon bone.”

  ”Of course I won’t forget.”

  Yang Shifei thought: “Will the filth in this Lingshan Mountain be dissipated?”

  Ji Shang shook her head: “The filth emerges from the depths of the earth and will not disappear out of thin air.”

  Yang Shifei secretly thought it was tricky.

  It seems that this Lingshan and even Jiuhuan Mountain will eventually become a demon cave.

  Unless one day a Taiwu Saint Soldier approaches this place, it can be resolved.

  While thinking, he stepped onto the stone platform and looked at the real dragon bone again –

  this bone is indeed not like a human body, it is very thick, and both hands cannot be grasped. There

  are dense and fine lines on the bone, and I don’t know which dynasty or country it is.

  He carefully picked it up and tried to pinch it.

  No wonder it can be preserved for hundreds of years, this hardness can be called a magic weapon.


  Yang Shifei’s eyes moved slightly, and there seemed to be a trace of coldness in his palm, which penetrated his whole body.

  ”The real dragon bone has the effect of strengthening the body and nourishing the vitality.” Ji Shang whispered beside him: “You can carry it with you for a long time, it’s good for your body.”

  Yang Shifei raised his eyebrows: “You don’t want it?”

  ”No need.”

  Ji Shang refused flatly and turned to help Jasmine and Yue Rui up.

  ”Can you still stand?”

  ”Yes, I have recovered a little.” Jasmine blinked: “You have changed a lot.”

  Ji Shang pursed her red lips slightly: “I will get used to it.”

  Yue Rui muttered: “Bad fox”

  Ji Shang secretly pinched her little face, which made Maomao angry, but unfortunately she was too weak to resist.

  Yang Shifei hung the real dragon bone on his belt and stepped forward to take over the two women: “Let’s go out first. The filth here is still strong and it’s not good to stay for long.”

  The white fox gently jumped onto his shoulder.

  Ji Shang followed the three people and was about to walk out of the stone room when she paused.

  She glanced at the stone wall with the corner of her eyes and raised the corner of her mouth.

  Immediately, she suddenly flicked her sleeves –


  The stone walls on both sides exploded, crumbling into rubble, and the flames went out.

  Everyone turned around at the same time, and Yang Shifei hurriedly said, “Girl?!”

  ”I’m fine.”

  Amid the smoke and dust, Ji Shang calmly walked out of the stone chamber: “Maybe the real dragon bone was taken away, triggering some kind of mechanism.”

  Yang Shifei breathed a sigh of relief: “It’s good that you’re not injured.”

  Seeing that the stone chamber was pitch black, he no longer paid attention to it.

  When he walked to the edge of the pit, he was about to jump out of the wall when he felt a gentle force on his back.


  The three of them jumped out of the pit and landed lightly back into the underground palace.

  Yang Shifei looked back in surprise: “This is…”

  ”A little trick.”

  Ji Shang put down his right hand that was stroking his back, and whispered: “Will your injuries affect your walking?”

  Yang Shifei smiled: “This little injury is not a problem.”

  Ji Shang walked in front of everyone: “I will lead the way in front, you can follow me safely.”

  Jasmine looked puzzled: “Is there any danger in this dragon tomb?”

  ”The filth is in chaos.”

  Yue Rui whispered: “Since my brother took away the real dragon bones, the filth in the underground palace seems to be agitated.”

  ”That’s right.” Ji Shang nodded slightly: “The real dragon bones have been removed, and the balance of filth in the dragon tomb has been disturbed, which will naturally attract all the demons in Lingshan.”

  As he spoke, there were bursts of strange noises in front of the main hall.

  The next moment, two demons smashed the stone wall and rushed towards everyone with a roar!

  Yang Shifei’s heart tightened and he subconsciously wanted to attack.

  But Ji Shang just waved his sleeves, and two finger forces broke through the air and instantly pierced the demon’s head.


  As the dirty blood sprayed, the two corpses fell to the ground and twitched.

  Ji Shang waved his sleeves calmly: “Let’s keep going.”

  Everyone returned to the secret passage and walked a quiet road.

  But as soon as the exit of the secret passage was opened, dozens of demons rushed out at once!


  Ji Shang suddenly touched the ground with her toes, and the ground seemed to collapse, and the boulders lifted up.

  She took advantage of the situation and swung her palm forward, and the boulders exploded, and countless broken stones flew everywhere, forcing the attacking demons to retreat.

  ”You don’t have to pay attention to it, just go back at ease, and leave everything to me.”

  Ji Shang left a word of advice and turned into a ghostly shadow and rushed into the passage.

  Wherever her figure went, no matter what kind of demon it was, it could not withstand a palm or a punch. Only a series of flesh and blood bursting sounds were heard, like thunder, and groups of blood and flesh continued to explode on both sides of the passage.

  Yang Shifei hugged Jasmine and Yue Rui and took the opportunity to hurry on.

  But when he heard the movement behind him, he couldn’t help but look back and couldn’t help but smack his lips.

  ”This is too strong.”

  ”I’m a little worried about you.”

  Jasmine muttered, “Don’t forget, husband, you played with her wantonly two days ago, and even touched her water. What should I do if you come to you for revenge now?”

  Yang Shifei: “.”

  Yue Rui puffed up her little face: “I will protect my brother!”

  ”Hey, don’t worry.”

  Yang Shifei pinched her little face and smiled helplessly: “Miss Ji won’t be so vengeful.”

  The three of them supported each other and walked out of the Embedded Dragon Tomb. They saw that the sky above Lingshan was gradually darkening, as if covered by dark clouds.

  ”You change your clothes first, I’ll go get a basin of clean water.”

  After cleaning up and washing for a while, Yang Shifei helped Yue Rui and Jasmine to bed.

  They had both fought hard, and as soon as their heads touched the pillow, they felt tired and sleepy.

  But Jasmine still forced herself to sleep, with concern on her face: “Husband, you too…”

  ”I’ll go wash it right away.”

  Yang Shifei lowered his head and kissed her thin lips, sucking out the excess filth in her body.


  Jasmine’s face suddenly flushed, her delicate body trembled, and a seductive sound came from her throat.

  After her lips loosened, she fell back, panting in a daze, her legs unconsciously rubbing together.

  Yang Shifei helped them cover the quilt: “I’ll go see how Ji Shang is doing first.”


  ”And you, little guy.”

  Yang Shifei rubbed the little white fox curled up beside the pillow: “Have a good sleep too.”


  Seeing that the two girls and the fox had closed their eyes and fell asleep, he walked out of the wooden house.

  Back to the entrance of the mausoleum, a figure soon appeared in the dark tunnel.

  Confirming that Ji Shang was unharmed, Yang Shifei breathed a sigh of relief:

  ”It’s good to be back safely.”

  ”These beasts can’t hurt me.”

  Ji Shang landed lightly on the ground and whispered: “I killed all the demons inside and outside the dragon tomb. I don’t expect any more trouble.”

  Yang Shifei smiled: “Miss Ji is so powerful, it has eliminated a big disaster for Lingshan.”

  As he said that, he pushed the boulder back to its original position.

  ”Your change of clothes are ready, wash them first–”

  Yang Shifei turned his head and was stunned.

  Ji Shang actually showed a seductive smile, with an evil light flashing in her fox eyes.

  Thunder roared in the dark clouds, and the flash of lightning frightened Yang Shifei.

  ”Miss Ji, what are you doing…”

  ”They are all asleep.”

  A shadow appeared on Ji Shang’s face, and she approached slowly, with her fox tail dancing seductively behind her.

  She gently touched his chest, but her tone was extremely gloomy:

  ”Now, you are mine.”

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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