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Chapter 147 He is our good partner, he deserves more money!

Chapter 147 He is our good partner, he deserves more money!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 147 He is our good partner, he needs extra money!

  No one expected that this would happen at the end of the mission.

  Everyone was in a heavy mood and morale was low.

  Except for the three confused little players and the Beth Street guide who didn’t know what to do.

  Chu Guang said that he wanted to be alone for a while and think calmly about how to inform the families of the victims of this cruel fact.

  He was not very good at saying comforting words.

  If he acted too exaggeratedly and got caught, it would be embarrassing. It would be better not to speak at this time.

  Sometimes silence is the best language.

  Lu Yang put his hand on Chu Guang’s shoulder and expressed his understanding.

  ”I understand your feelings very well, but it will be dark in two hours, and the situation in the city will become very complicated. After we go back, I will let Li De contact you…about the compensation of the families of the victims.” It is

  at least 20 kilometers from here to the Pioneer, and they have to try to get back before dark. Although the night is not a fatal danger to them, it is better not to delay it too late for caution.

  ”You guys go back first, I’ll deal with the aftermath and then leave.”

  ”But… is it really okay for you to stay here?” Lu Yang said with a slightly hesitant expression, and couldn’t help but take a look at the equipment in the hands of the other three residents of the shelter.

  Iron pipe rifle.

  The most common weapon in the wasteland.

  But rather than being a weapon, it looks no different from a water pipe to him.

  ”Don’t worry, we are very familiar with this area and have always lived like this.”

  Seeing that Chu Guang said so, Lu Yang no longer insisted. After giving him a firm look, he led his people back a long way. After

  they walked away, Chu Guang issued a task through VM, asking the other three little players to recycle the shells on the ground, and then they also took the body of Brother Maka on the road.

  To be honest, Chu Guang was not greedy for the two shells.

  It was mainly because it was too difficult to play a whole road. He used to be a salesman, not a funeral director, and he really had no experience in this area.

  So let Lu Yang and the others go first.

  On the way back to the outpost, when passing by Beth Street, Chu Guang remembered the reward, so he took out 5 silver coins and threw them into Zhao Yang’s hand.

  Looking at the silver coins in his hand, Zhao Yang was delighted and nodded his head to thank him.

  ”Thank you, sir!”

  At first, everyone in Beth Street was very opposed to this metal currency, but since they found that this thing could buy many good things that they could not buy before, they gradually began to accept it.

  What’s the difference between using chips or silver coins?

  There will be no caravans from Boulder City strolling here in the winter.

  What they need is food, fuel, and warm clothes, and it would be best if they can add a new set of bedding to their homes to make life a little better.

  That’s all.

  ”This is the reward you deserve. If I need it, I will come to you again.”

  After sending Zhao Yang away, Chu Guang returned to the outpost and sent the body in the corpse room into the active substance extractor.

  Three days later, he was a hero again.

  As for what to do if someone remembers his face? Chu Guang felt that this was not a problem at all. If someone really doubted it, it would just be another twin brother.

  Or post an announcement on the official website?

  For example, due to a bug that could not be solved temporarily, the players who died in the expansion pack could not be resurrected temporarily. Later, the official would issue a limited edition assault rifle or event reward points to the affected accounts as compensation?

  This was quite reasonable.

  Where is there a game without bugs?

  Not to mention the closed beta stage, the game itself can only be regarded as a gift for bugs.

  As long as the compensation reward is reasonable, the players can still accept it emotionally. At most, they will have withdrawal reactions like Yaya did before, unable to sleep for three consecutive days.

  Chu Guang was a little troubled. He actually had a lot of cards in his hand.

  However, the problem now was that he didn’t want his little players to cheat insurance as soon as they saw the reward. That would be too fake and he would treat people as fools.

  But at the same time, he hoped that the little players could help him earn more pensions. After all, working for three days can earn at most 13CR. It’s not too much to pay four figures for one person’s death, right?


  If only there was some way to cool down in a reasonable way.

  Chu Guang thought that Li De would probably call soon, so he walked towards the barracks of the office.

  Coincidentally, just when Chu Guang was walking in that direction, Luo Hua just came out of the barracks. Seeing him, his eyes lit up and he took the initiative to greet him.

  ”Hey, you’re finally back.”

  ”Your section chief is looking for me?”

  Luo Hua looked at Chu Guang in surprise and nodded.

  ”Yes, he asked me to call him if I saw you back… How did you guess that?”

  Chu Guang was about to laugh, but then he remembered that he couldn’t laugh, at least he shouldn’t laugh, so he held it back and sighed.

  ”This is a sad story… Let’s talk about it next time we drink.”

  Luo Hua looked confused, not understanding why he had to wait until they drank to talk about it, and even more so why the expression of Brother Chu, who was always gentle and elegant, was so heavy.

  However, he was just asking casually, and since it was presumptuous, he didn’t ask any more questions.


  Chu Guang nodded, and walked towards the office.

  Passing through the door of the barracks.

  Ai Si, who was maintaining his weapons, looked up at him, and without saying a word, he skillfully turned on the holographic communication system on the table and sent a contact request to the Pioneer.

  This bodyguard usually speaks very little, or even almost nothing.

  Chu Guang admires her character very much, and it would be great if Boss Xia could learn from her.

  Whether it is the attitude towards work or the professionalism.

  Dark green beams of light intertwined in the air, weaving a three-dimensional net.

  After a short wait, Li De’s bust appeared in the holographic image. After

  staring at Chu Guang for two seconds, the head of the logistics department saw that Chu Guang had no intention of opening the conversation, so he cleared his throat and spoke.

  ”I have heard about what happened from the captain, and I am very sorry for the death of that young man. Of course, regret alone is not enough to express our apology. If you have no objection, let’s talk about the pension next.”

  As expected.

  Chu Guang understood, but his face didn’t show it.

  He nodded slightly and said.


  Guessing that this old fox would not take the initiative to “quote”, Li De did not waste time waiting and continued to speak.

  ”You are not employees of the company. We can’t pay your people according to the company’s standards and employee levels. The compensation plan after our research is… 1000CR, equivalent to 1000 hours of hourly wages.”

  Chu Guang stared at him.

  ”I can’t accept it. Is a life only worth 1000CR in your eyes?”

  A ton of starch is too much!

  Makabazi is our good partner!

  We have to pay more!

  Li De also stared at Chu Guang, and was not fooled by this concept-changing statement.

  ”I know that a life is much more than this price. Life cannot be measured by money, but we also have to consider realistic factors… What’s more, his death was not caused by us, am I right?”


  Chu Guang was slightly surprised. He didn’t expect this guy to be smart.

  It can be seen that before answering the phone, the head of the logistics department should have done a lot of homework, at least he asked their captain to understand the entire process of the operation.


  Strictly speaking, brother Maca did not die because of their mistakes, but because he was too unlucky and stepped on a landmine when rummaging through boxes and cabinets.

  Li De’s hint in his words was very obvious, and it can even be said that it was not a hint, but a clear indication – the deceased did not die because of us, but he died in an operation related to us after all. We are willing to pay a compensation out of moral obligation, but don’t go too far.

  Chu Guang was of course very clear in his mind, but expecting him to give up like this would underestimate his professionalism.

  Nodding, Chu Guang retreated to advance.

  ”Yes, it is undeniable that we are all responsible for what happened, and I have no intention of putting all the responsibility on you. To be honest, your willingness to compensate the families of the victims is already a noble and precious act. But please understand that from my perspective, I naturally have to find a way to help our people get more.”

  Li De: “I understand, so what is your answer?”

  Chu Guang: “I accept the compensation you proposed. In addition, I will give his widow a pension of 2,000 silver coins in my personal name. This money is enough for her not to worry about material things for a period of time.”

  Li De’s brows relaxed slightly.

  Before making this call, he had made psychological preparations for a long time, but he didn’t expect the communication to be so smooth.

  To be honest.

  He was quite surprised.

  This old fox didn’t take the opportunity to blackmail them, which was really unexpected for him, so that the draft he had prepared in his stomach was completely useless.

  What a waste.

  ”It seems that we have reached a consensus.”

  ”Yes, we have reached a consensus on the issue of pension.”

  Li De had a smile on his face when he heard the word “yes”, but when he heard the modifier in the second half of the sentence, his blood pressure instantly soared.

  Staring at Chu Guang’s holographic image, he went to his pocket to find blood pressure-lowering medicine while speaking aggressively.

  ”What do you mean? Are you trying to tell me that every resident of the shelter is the collective wealth of the shelter, and in addition to his personal losses, we have to compensate you for a sum of money?”


  Can it be interpreted this way?

  Chu Guang, who had not considered this level at all, was surprised, but he couldn’t help but secretly admire him in his heart. He silently wrote down this excuse and planned to use it when he had the chance.

  He spent a second to sort out his emotions, staring at Li De in the holographic image neither humble nor arrogant, and said righteously.

  ”What do you mean by this? In your mind, is there only money in my eyes?”


  Li De resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

  ”Don’t beat around the bush. Just tell me what you want?”

  Chu Guang said with a heavy face.

  ”I have seriously reflected on the cause of today’s accident. The reason why this happened is not because your people did not protect us well, but because we did not protect our own people well.”

  ”If we could prepare a bulletproof vest and a helmet for him, he would not be killed on the spot. If we could provide him with a submachine gun or a shotgun, today’s tragedy would not even happen. If–”

  Li De couldn’t help but interrupt him.

  ”If we can provide you with a few sets of power armor, you can help us find fuel rods without us even having to do anything, right? Is that what you want to say?”

  Chu Guang actually wanted to say “yes”.

  But he knew that it was useless to say such things, and it was meaningless except for getting a roll of the eyes.

  Some things are not negotiable, such as those power armors, and those modular production units that can be used by plugging in electricity.

  But some things…

  can still be fought for.

  ”I’m so sorry. It’s too much trouble for you. And it’s better to teach a man how to fish than to give him a fish.” Chu Guang continued without blushing, “Our requirements are not high. In order to prevent similar tragedies from happening again, I implore you to send an engineer to support our construction. For example, help us build a production line to produce steel, cement, helmets, protective gear and weapons.”

  ”You call this low requirements?” Li De stared at him, his eyes bulging, “What do you think we are, magicians?”

  Building a production line to produce rifles is much more difficult than producing a rifle.

  Depending on the type of process, product quality, degree of automation, and expected production capacity, the cost and time required to build this production line are also very different.

  Moreover, it doesn’t make much sense to build a single production line without the industrial system. Parts on the production line are wearing out all the time. If these replaceable standardized parts cannot be produced, it is better to use the money to buy products directly.

  ”No need to say more.”

  Interrupting Chu Guang who wanted to say something, Li De pinched his eyebrows, paused for a while, and continued.

  ”You are very lucky… I happen to have a ‘Magnetic Confinement Plasma CNC Machining Machine’ here. That thing is quite interesting, with very high precision, easy to use, and relatively easy to maintain. It is an antique we found in the last city. But we have more advanced production tools, and we don’t actually need that thing, so it has been thrown in the warehouse to gather dust.”

  Chu Guang’s eyes lit up: “How much is it!”

  Li De smiled and said, “I can give it to you for free, do you want it?”

  Chu Guang: “…Is that thing broken?”

  Li De looked at him in surprise and said with a smile, “Yes, and it is paralyzed in every sense. Even we have to spend some time to fix it.”

  After hearing this, Chu Guang finally understood what this guy wanted to do.

  But he had no choice but to bite the bullet and ask.

  ”How much?”


  Chu Guang: “…”


  100,000? !

  200 people work 10 hours a day, plus a total of 600 meal allowances per day, and nearly 1,000CR commissions, they have to work for 27 consecutive days to earn this money!

  What does 27 days mean?

  It is unknown whether these people will stay here for 27 days!

  ”…Your inflation is really severe.”

  ”How could it be? This is already a very conscientious price. If you don’t believe me, you can ask the caravans from the enterprise to see if they can offer a cheaper price than ours.”

  Seeing the frustrated expression on Chu Guang’s face, Li De couldn’t help but smile smugly, but soon he coughed lightly and restrained this inappropriate expression.

  ”Well, do your best. I will send you the instructions for using that thing later. Of course, if you really can’t afford it, don’t force yourself. The assault rifles and bulletproof vests we produce can also give you the ability to protect yourself. And I bet that the quality will definitely be much better than what you produce yourself.”

  ”By the way, the pension will be transferred later… I almost forgot such an important thing because you went too far off topic.”

  After throwing down this sentence, Li De happily ended the communication.

  From his expression in the last second, Chu Guang could feel the pride in this guy’s heart.

  This feeling must be very good.

  Chu Guang tried to put himself in his position.

  He found that it was more than just good, it was simply very good.

  ”Do you still need the phone?” Seeing that he hadn’t made any movement for a long time, Ai Si, who was waiting on the side, asked.


  Hearing that it was no longer necessary, Ai Si didn’t hesitate and reached out to turn off the holographic communication device.

  The dark green beam disappeared from the barracks.

  Ai Si was slightly stunned when her eyes inadvertently swept across Chu Guang’s face, and a hint of subtle surprise appeared on her expressionless face.

  She clearly remembered that this man had a frustrated expression a second ago, but now there was no trace of frustration.

  On the contrary…

  there seemed to be a flash of excitement?

  Not really…

  Ai Si felt that she must have seen it wrong.

  After all, no matter what, they only lost one companion, and the compensation did not seem to meet expectations. She really couldn’t imagine that he had any reason to be happy.

  But this old Li from the logistics department is really stingy.

  One hundred thousand CR…

  It will take a long, long time to work.

  (This month I updated 260,000 words in total. To be honest, I was quite surprised. But I also felt that my body was exhausted. Sometimes I didn’t sleep for more than six hours a day. Maybe my writing skills and hand speed still need to be improved. I have to reflect on this.

  At the beginning of a new month, I will set a small goal for myself, and try to update 10,000 words a day! I will try to maintain the old tradition of updating at 10 o’clock! If you can’t do it, just give me a light slap. I will try my best to reach more than 8K while ensuring the quality.

  In view of my hard work this month, I kindly ask for half a day off. I will go to the clinic later… Although I know that it is probably a minor cold caused by a disordered work and rest schedule, I feel more at ease to check it out and see if I need to take medicine.

  Sorry, there is only one chapter today.)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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