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Chapter 147 If the Ending is Bad

Chapter 147 If the Ending is Bad


Author: What’s wrong

  Chapter 147 If the Ending is Bad

  The most abundant thing in the university is people, and a large crowd represents sufficient purchasing power.

  Jiang Qin started from the forum and constantly organized activities to gather traffic. In fact, the main purpose is to get a huge traffic pool.

  With traffic, any business expansion will have unlimited possibilities.

  Now there is a traffic pool.

  Then group buying has become the last link to realize after consuming traffic.

  Traffic-group buying-goods on arrival-payment.

  In the case of smartphones and online payment is not popular, this is the best realization chain he can think of, because the traditional group buying logic is to impact sales with sufficient purchasing power, so as to realize profit conversion.

  And before doing forum advertising and collecting advertising fees, it was actually just to raise funds for group buying.

  Whether this consumption model can be accepted by college students and how long it will take to accept it are all unknowns, so the early preferential activities and discount strength are invisible costs.

  For example, discount coupons for new users, and new product promotions, these are all parts that require financial support.

  Without these discounts and offers, it would be difficult for group buying to consume all the traffic of Zhihu in a short period of time.

  Therefore, it was indeed a helpless move to cheat this and that. After all, in Jiang Qin’s mind, group buying was the last blade of the sword, and other parts could be saved as much as possible.

  And now, he led his makeshift team and finally persisted to this step.

  Half an hour after returning from the University of Science and Technology, all the employees of 208 returned to the entrepreneurial base one after another. Shi Miaomiao was still holding half a tray of buns and half a cup of soy milk in her hand, as if she had returned from lunch.

  Jiang Qin didn’t want to disturb everyone’s lunch, so he asked everyone to sit down, and tried to be brief and get straight to the point.

  ”The group buying is about to go online. Time is tight and the task is heavy. Let me assign the next specific tasks.”

  ”Lu Feiyu, you are responsible for leading the content team, adjusting the focus of creation, and launching some topics of good product recommendations and food sharing to pave the way.”

  ”Tan Qing and Sunai are responsible for connecting with merchants, checking product information and pricing, and ensuring that there are no mistakes after going online.”

  ”Wenhao, you have met with Yue Zhu. You will be responsible for connecting with Wanzhong Mall. You must make it clear that they will be responsible for delivering all mall orders.”

  ”Lanlan, you will contact the part-time job agency again to confirm the recruitment of on-campus delivery staff and do a simple training according to the original plan.”

  ”And Xuemei, keep an eye on Shengshi and urge them to prepare all the materials quickly. They must be in place by the night after tomorrow at the latest.”

  After receiving their respective tasks, 208 re-entered the hot work atmosphere.

  The people in the content team began to transform into a presence similar to a live broadcaster, and wrote detailed soft articles for the main products listed by the merchants in the first person.

  Dong Wenhao began to communicate with Yue Zhu about issues such as the time and frequency of goods delivery.

  Wei Lanlan went back to the East Campus directly and contacted the part-time job agency to recruit and train the delivery staff.

  Lu Xuemei went to Shengshi to confirm the progress of the production of billboards and promotional posters.

  Everything began to move forward in an orderly manner.

  Now everything is ready, and there is only one last problem to be solved, that is, picking up the goods.

  This is determined by the subjective will of the consumers, and it is impossible to unify. Some people have classes in the afternoon and some in the morning, so some people pick up the goods in the morning and some in the afternoon.

  Jiang Qin is short of manpower, and it is impossible to find a part-time student who can stay in the dormitory building all day, so this matter may have to trouble the aunties in each dormitory building.

  The dormitory aunt is under the management of the school logistics department, and the logistics belongs to the school affairs department, so the top leader should be the vice president Zhang Baiqing who I met a few days ago.


  Principal Zhang is a good person. He specializes in entrepreneurship and filling the gaps in entrepreneurship.

  Jiang Qin thought about it and planned to find an opportunity to meet this vice president and talk to him about the re-employment of the dormitory aunt.


  Shi Miaomiao suddenly raised his head: “Don’t you have classes in the afternoon? Why haven’t you left yet?”

  Jiang Qin was stunned for a moment: “What class?”

  ”College English.”

  Jiang Qin smacked his lips, put on his coat and prepared to go to class. He didn’t go because he liked this course. The main reason was that his absence rate had reached the red line. If he didn’t go, he would fail without taking the exam. Failing a course doesn’t matter, but he doesn’t know how to do this or that. If he fails too many times, he will probably be persuaded to drop out. It would be

  great if students didn’t have to go to school.

  Jiang Qin drove all the way to the teaching building of the School of Finance, but he was still late as expected.

  But to his surprise, Cao Guangyu was also late, and he was huddled like a little chicken, standing against the wall motionless.

  ”Lao Cao, why don’t you go into the classroom?”

  ”I was caught late, so I was punished by standing

  for a while.” Jiang Qin’s mouth twitched: “You are already in college and you are still punished by standing? Is there no law?”

  Cao Guangyu glared at him and motioned him to speak in a low voice: “I was unlucky this time. I was caught by the student union of the school. They said they wanted to launch a campaign to supervise the study style, but they really didn’t give me any face at all.”

  ”Then you stand still, I’m leaving.”

  ”Don’t go, they will come into the classroom to check the absences. If you go now, you will walk into their trap.”

  ”Damn it, I don’t really know anyone in the student union of the school, let’s hide for a while.” Jiang Qin had to retreat.

  Cao Guangyu laughed: “You are late because of love too? That’s not right, where is Feng Nanshu, you are talking to a ghost alone?”

  Jiang Qin glanced at him: “Your mind is full of love? I just came from the entrepreneurship base!”

  ”You are such a jerk. Don’t laugh at me, big brother.”

  As they were talking, the student union members led by Zhu Feng left the classroom. Jiang Qin turned around to hide. He would be fine with the deduction, but he couldn’t accept the punishment of standing. But before he could hide, Zhu Feng called his name from behind.

  ”Jiang Qin!”

  ”Deduction, I’m not afraid, but I refuse to stand.” Jiang Qin was just playing badly.

  Zhu Feng glanced at him and said, “Who arrested you? Let me introduce you to Zhuang Siyu, the president of the Student Union.” The

  short-haired senior sister next to Zhu Feng smiled and said, “Junior brother Jiang, do you have time to chat?”

  ”Do you have to take notes for being late?”

  ”It’s not about being late. I didn’t even remember your name. Your girlfriend answered for you, so we just went with the flow and pretended that we didn’t know anything.”

  Zhuang Siyu was surprised after hearing this: “Is that super beautiful junior sister his girlfriend?”

  Zhu Feng said of course: “If she wasn’t his girlfriend, how could a girl be so stupid as to answer for a boy? Do you really think we can’t hear it?”

  ”I say, senior sisters, don’t discuss my emotional problems, or just deduct points.”

  ”Junior brother, we do have something we want to ask you for help. Can you come to the office and sit for a while?”

  Cao Guangyu’s eyes almost popped out after hearing this. He thought, isn’t this a campaign to supervise the style of study? So you, the supervisor of the style of study, are specifically targeting me?

  Jiang Qin walked past Lao Cao, sternly told him to stand up, and then followed Zhu Feng and Zhuang Siyu into the office.

  ”Junior, we want to get some sponsorship from you.”

  Jiang Qin raised his eyebrows after hearing this. He really didn’t expect that someone could take advantage of him: “What sponsorship?”

  Zhuang Siyu coughed: “Did you know that the four major universities jointly held a debate competition?”

  ”I heard from Senior Sister Yao from the Literature Club.”

  ”It costs money to go out to compete, and it costs money to make team uniforms and team flags, so can you help me a little?”

  Zhuang Siyu opened her bag and took out a form and handed it over. It had some information about the debate competition and the required sponsorship fees.

  Jiang Qin didn’t want to agree at first. He had always been the one who took advantage of others, and no one had taken advantage of him before. But when he saw the list of judges, his eyes narrowed.

  The reason was simple, just because Zhang Baiqing was written in the column of the chairman of the judges.

  ”Principal Zhang is a judge?”

  ”Yes, it was Principal Zhang who asked me to come this time. I want to ask if you are willing to sponsor.”

  Jiang Qin’s mouth twitched. He felt that Zhang Baiqing probably thought that the last entrepreneurial support was a bit too much and planned to make up for it from here. However, he really wanted to meet this Principal Zhang to discuss the issue of re-employment of the dormitory aunt. This is an opportunity that comes to his door.

  The principal in charge of school affairs is usually very busy. It is not possible to meet him whenever you want. Seeing that the group purchase is about to go online, it is unrealistic to make an appointment. It is better to take advantage of the debate to meet and chat.

  Moreover, Zhang Baiqing must consider his own efforts to discuss this matter under the banner sponsored by himself, and the probability of agreeing is relatively high.

  ”Sponsorship can be considered, but what benefits do I get?”

  Zhuang Siyu immediately said: “We can help you promote the forum. After all, it is a joint competition of four major universities and it has a high degree of attention.”

  Jiang Qin picked up the table and took a look: “How far has this competition progressed?”

  ”It’s still in the stage of the campus competition. The finals will be held soon. The winning team will represent Linchuan University in the final debate with the other three universities.” Zhuang Siqi answered every question.

  ”Have you chosen the topic for the finals?”

  ”Personal destiny is controlled by the individual and personal destiny is controlled by society.”

  Jiang Qin was silent for a moment: “Sponsorship is fine, can I go to watch the game?”

  Zhuang Siyu hesitated for a moment: “Are you interested in debate? Of course.”

  ”But I hope you can change the topic. The one just now was too unrealistic.”

  ”Change to what?”

  ”If the ending is bad, there is no need to start at all, and if the ending is bad, you should also enjoy the process.”

  Zhuang Siyu frowned and thought for a while: “This topic is interesting…”

  Jiang Qin pursed his lips: “I want to know what everyone thinks about this issue. If it is convenient, let’s use this topic for the finals.”

  ”I’ll go back and discuss it with the judges.”

  ”Then I want two seats, try to be in the front row, preferably closer to Principal Zhang.”

  After confirming the sponsorship, Jiang Qin privately asked Zhuang Siyu to cross Cao Guangyu’s name off the latecomers list, and then the two groups waved goodbye.

  ”Old Cao, you have to treat me to a meal.” Jiang Qin started begging for food as soon as he returned to the corridor.

  ”Why?” Cao Guangyu grinned.

  Jiang Qin spat at him: “I sacrificed my beauty and asked the student union president to cross out your name. Shouldn’t you treat me to a meal?”

  Cao Guangyu’s mouth twitched: “Do you think I’m stupid?”

  ”Do you not believe in my beauty or do you not believe that your name was crossed out?”

  ”Haha, I don’t believe either.”

  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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