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Chapter 149 It’s all about foreign exchange

Chapter 149 It’s all about foreign exchange


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 149 Everything is for foreign exchange

  Late at night.

  Old Luca sent a message to report today’s income to Chu Guang.

  2000CR of it is a fixed salary. Since the logistics department of the Pioneer purchased a value-added service that doubled the production capacity, a total of 255 tons of garbage were collected, and the commission was 1275CR, which added up to 3275CR!

  Then there is the operating income from breakfast, dinner and supper. This extra income actually reached 700CR!

  Adding the daily meal allowance of 600CR, minus the 150CR spent on purchasing supplies and ingredients, today’s surplus reached 4425CR.

  As for the cost, the task reward for every 100 kilograms of garbage is one silver coin, which is equivalent to 2550 silver.

  Oh, by the way, there are also 2550 activity points.

  Spreading it evenly among 200 people, the per capita income is still a little low, which should be pulled down by some intelligence players.

  I hope the little players will continue to work hard and create more glory!

  ”Counting the 1200 surplus from yesterday’s half-day, the total income for two days is 5625! Wow, that’s enough to buy 18 assault rifles!”

  Even when his arsenal was at its highest, there weren’t so many weapons.

  Chu Guang wanted to exchange all the money he had saved for guns, and then put them up in the weapon shop for 400 silver coins each, and then start an event – “For all expansion pack exclusive weapons, 1 point of event points can be deducted from 5 silver coins, and the maximum deduction can be 50% of the total price.”

  I believe that when the first wave of players come back, they will definitely jump for excitement! I believe

  that they will definitely work harder the next time they go!

  Chu Guang felt that he had figured out the game promotion activities of major manufacturers, and it was worth it for him to take so many materials.

  Leaning on the computer chair, Chu Guang held the back of his head with both hands, looking at the ceiling and thinking.

  ”Tomorrow is the last day before the shift change, and the new players will be online the day after tomorrow, and the two groups will officially start the handover.”

  ”50 old players will lead 150 new players… I hope there will be no trouble.”


  just go there in person.

  There are Xiaoqi, Xiayan, Xiaoyu, and so many old players here at the base.

  It shouldn’t be a big problem!

  Just when Chu Guang closed the text document and opened a game of “Stellaris” to relax, Li De from the logistics department was staring at the plate on the table in a daze on the Pioneer, ten kilometers away.

  ”This… is the pie in the blue jacket?”

  His secretary Wang Jie replied.

  ”It’s a bun.”

  ”What about this one? The skin is transparent?”

  ”It’s also a bun… I heard it’s a soup bun, it’s better to eat it hot with vinegar.”

  ”What about this flat one? Boiled bun?”

  ”Uh, I heard this is called dumplings.”


  Strange food.

  In the ideal city, fat and protein will not be wrapped with carbohydrates in a roundabout way like this.

  And there are no supermarkets that sell food for refugees – those alien meats.

  The lowest-level employees and the unemployed rely on synthetic starch and a small amount of dietary fiber to survive, and the middle-level employees will have plant meat and some meal packages designed to be nutritionally balanced in their bowls. After all, the latter are the backbone of the company and the majority that cannot be replaced by machines, and companies usually start to consider their health.

  As for the employees at a higher level, they can eat pre-war crops produced by CNC planting towers and meat synthesized through rigorous scientific plans. Although this type of food is also an industrial product, in addition to the nutrition itself, it will also pay more attention to the eating experience.

  The quality of food for senior employees and mid-level and above management is quite high. Not only can they have the opportunity to taste farmed meat with evenly distributed fat and eggs hatched from live poultry, but also pure natural milk.

  With cooking equipment that is more sophisticated than CNC machine tools, they can even control the taste and flavor of ingredients at the molecular level. With the help of scientific and technological means, food can be made into an art.

  Looking at the buns in front of him, Li De couldn’t help but fall into deep thought.

  This thing probably can’t be considered art, but more like a cultural product.

  It’s said that there is alien meat inside…

  Can it really be eaten?

  In the spirit of empiricism that so many people have eaten it and no one has any problems, Li De finally put aside his prejudice and took a bite.


  the second bite, the third bite…

  Li De: “???”

  What the hell! ?

  This taste is a bit overwhelming!


  The next day.

  At the west gate of the outpost, the guards squatting in the trenches wore fur coats of the same style and carried a unique rifle on their shoulders. The

  square gun body, black shell, heavy receiver structure and pure wooden buttstock made it look a bit like Warhammer.

  Even if someone swung it up as a blunt weapon, there would be no sense of disobedience.

  The large and rough violent aesthetics were fully reflected in it. And its name was quite restrained or lawful.

  [Arbitrator I]

  Standard weapon of the outpost guard!



  Fifteen gunshots rang out at the same time, and the bullets flew towards the target a hundred meters away with murderous intent, smashing the tree trunks near the target into pieces.

  The expression of the guard captain Wrench was slightly embarrassed.

  Ten of the fifteen targets missed the target, and the most embarrassing thing was that he didn’t hit it himself. The bullets whizzed into the woods and disappeared.

  The most important thing was that the administrator was standing at the door watching.

  ”Reload!” The wrench yelled at the top of his lungs.

  The guards quickly pulled the bolt, threw the hot shells into the snow, re-aimed at the target, and waited for orders to start a new round of target shooting.

  ”Its power is quite strong?”

  Looking at the rows of tree trunks shot through a hundred meters away with a wooden telescope, Chu Guang couldn’t help but show a hint of surprise on his face.

  This power feels much stronger than the 7mm iron barrel rifle that Lister sold him.

  Is it really a replica?

  ”Didn’t you tell me that the bigger the better? Anyway, the receiver is so thick, I thought it would be a pity not to use it, so I simply increased the shell length and charge. Now it uses 7x70mm rifle bullets, which are 20mm longer than before,” Xia Yan, who was standing next to him with a cane, gave him a teasing look, “Is it big enough now?”

  ”It’s big enough,” Chu Guang said with emotion, “but the hit rate is a little touching.”

  But it doesn’t matter.

  These guards are not going to the front line, and there is no need to let them shoot the target 100 meters away. Just let the players

  fire a warning shot into the sky, as long as it is loud enough!

  If he was not worried about clogging the receiver, he would even want to replace their smokeless gunpowder with lower-cost black gunpowder, which is not only loud enough but also smokey, and looks very cool.

  Speaking of which, there are a lot of life profession players recruited recently, and everyone’s life is a bit Buddhist. In the next version, Chu Guang plans to recruit more Bethesda players to pick up garbage.

  Recruit some P-society players to fight.

  ”It’s probably a problem with the bullet material and the barrel. It’s okay within 50m, but the ballistic dispersion is a bit large outside 100m. I’ll think about how to solve this problem…” Seeing Chu Guang looking at her strangely, Xia Yan was slightly stunned, “Is there something on my face?”

  ”No, it’s quite clean,” looking at the confused Xia Yan, Chu Guang smiled and nodded, “I just think you have been a lot more diligent recently, and you actually took the initiative to consider for me. As your boss, I am very pleased.”

  ”What do you mean by consider for you? Don’t be so self-indulgent!” With a red face, Xia Yan glared at him fiercely and walked away laboriously with a cane.

  Chu Guang smiled and ignored her. After brewing an expression for a while, he walked straight out of the west gate and found Wrench squatting in the trench.

  Climbing out of the trench, Wrench looked at the manager with guilt, lowered his head, and tried to explain with a blushing face.

  ”Sir, I…”

  ”Raise your head! Hold your chest high. You are the guards of the outpost base, the defenders of order and justice.”

  Chu Guang scolded, and then nodded in approval at the guard captain who stood at attention again.

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”It’s normal to miss the target the first time you get the gun. You will naturally get the feeling after practicing a few more times. I have seen your training. You don’t have to blame yourself, but remember not to slack off!”

  Wrench said hurriedly.

  ”I dare not!”

  Chu Guang nodded, brushed off the snow on his shoulders, and continued to speak with a firm look in his eyes.

  ”Tomorrow, I will take you on a long journey. This will be your first mission. You are the captain of the guard team, so remember to watch and learn more.”

  ”In addition, you will go to the warehouse later and ask the warehouse manager to get 14 VMs and distribute them to your other brothers. You should know how to use them, so I don’t need to explain them in detail.”

  Including the one Wrench is wearing on his arm now, a total of 15 VMs are special guard models that Chu Guang asked Xiao Qi to help edit. They can directly identify the player’s ID with the help of the map and report violations directly to Chu Guang.

  If a violation is confirmed, Chu Guang will punish it according to the facts.

  Although the closed beta players in the server are relatively friendly at present, various problems will always arise when there are more people in the future.

  Guns can only deter low-level newcomers and vassal refugees, and higher-level players still have to rely on authority to deter.

  Wrench said with full momentum.



  The fourth day of the launch of Alpha0.7 version.

  Early in the morning, Wrench led the 15 guards of the outpost base and lined up neatly at the north gate.

  The continuous training for several days is still effective.

  Regardless of how strong their combat power is, at least their standing posture and formation look like they are doing something right, no longer crooked and lazy.

  The meals they have every day include fish and meat, and they are full of oatmeal and green wheat. The complexion on their faces is much better than when they just came out of the predator’s dungeon.

  Lu Yang, who came from the Pioneer to escort the workers to the action camp for a shift change, looked at the guards standing in a row with rifles on their backs with an unexpected expression.

  These people are poorly equipped, carrying heavy rifles and packed luggage on their backs, and wearing coats made of mutant reindeer fur. It can only be said that they barely have uniform clothing.

  The only high-tech equipment on their bodies is probably the vital signs monitor worn on their arms, which is the VM commonly seen in the shelter.

  However, what is surprising is their discipline.

  However, Lu Yang always feels that they are not like people in the shelter, but more like refugees in the wasteland. Most of the blue jackets in the shelter are clean and handsome, and their appearance is more similar to that of middle-level employees in enterprises. They don’t look like they can endure hardships.

  However, these people are different. You can tell from their faces that they have suffered a lot.

  When Lu Yang was thinking about his own things, the two Marines behind him were slacking off in the communication channel.

  ”What did you eat in the morning?”

  ”I went to the blue jacket and bought two buns.”

  ”Damn? What time did you come down?”

  ”Five o’clock.”


  Lu Yang coughed and scolded in the communication channel.


  The two Marines immediately shut up and turned off the microphone.

  At this time, Wrench met Lu Yang’s eyes, and he walked over with his rifle on his back, stood at attention and saluted neatly.

  ”The manager asked me to wait for you here. He will bring people up at 8 o’clock. Before that, he needs some time to mobilize his residents.”

  Lu Yang looked at him and nodded, saying.

  ”I know, no hurry.”

  The departure time he and Chu Guang agreed to was 8 o’clock in the morning.

  It’s just that the situation on the road today was relatively smooth. He and his men arrived at the destination half an hour earlier than expected.

  ”Please allow me to take you to the reception room to rest for a while.”

  Lu Yang shook his head and declined.

  ”No need, I’ll wait here.”

  Wearing power armor, it doesn’t matter where you wait. Anyway

  , no matter how heavy the snow is outside, it won’t blow on him, let alone feel the slightest bit of cold.

  Wrench nodded, didn’t insist, turned around and returned to the queue, standing with the brothers of the guard team.

  At this moment, the underground 2nd floor of the shelter was very lively.

  The welcome meeting of the first version was at its climax.

  One by one, the little players in blue coats, with their eyes as big as copper bells, came out of their rooms and came to the square in front of the elevator on the B2 floor according to the instructions of the broadcast.

  The confused emotions resonated in the crowd, and almost everyone couldn’t believe their eyes. Everything in front of them was real.

  However, the facts were in front of them!

  This is an almost completely real world!

  And they are all standing here in the form of living people, breathing the air here, listening to the bustling voices around their ears, and feeling the surging blood in their chests.

  The dog planner did not lie! ”

  Wasteland OL” –

  it’s simply awesome!

  ”Fuck, fuck, fuck!”

  ”Is this Shelter 404?!”

  ”Fuck! This wall is so hard! I can’t get through any model, and this texture is so damn real!”

  ”Hahahahaha, awesome, I didn’t expect that I would actually play a fully immersive virtual reality game in my lifetime! Brothers wait, I’ll go to do a handstand and have diarrhea when I go offline!” “Brother

  , remember to start the live broadcast!”

  ”Do you need help? I’ll send you a bottle of fish oil!”

  ”Fuck, are you guys serious?”

  It’s almost the same as the previous waves of newcomers who entered the game. The newbies

  standing in the square in front of the elevator on the B2 floor were dancing excitedly, touching left and right, and some were bumping into the wall and jumping on the spot, as if they were holding some grand ceremony.

  Dozens of old players who didn’t get tickets for the expansion pack stood aside and commented on it, reminiscing about their lost youth and past.

  Chu Guang was also observing these players, ready to respond to emergencies at any time.

  However, what satisfied him was that there seemed to be no pants-taking party among the players who came in this time.

  It seems that this group of new players are more reserved.

  Of course, it is also possible that after the guidance of the old players in the forum, these new players are more familiar with the basic settings of this game and have reached the level of cloud players before entering the game.

  For example, each person can only create one account in Wasteland OL, and this account will accompany them from the closed beta to the public beta, and cannot be cancelled. After quitting the game, the operator will take back the account and reserve the right to reissue the account to someone else.

  At this time, Chu Guang happened to see that a little player in the crowd suddenly screamed “Ka” and fell backwards to the ground. After a

  slight pause, Chu Guang whispered.

  ”Xiao Qi.”

  Xiao Qi, who was following Chu Guang, raised the camera.

  ”What’s the matter? Master.”

  Chu Guang’s eyes stayed on the system interface that only he could see, and he said thoughtfully.

  ”Will being too excited cause disconnection?”

  Xiao Qi: “Well, generally speaking, no, but it’s not absolute. For example, if the clone goes into physical shock due to being too excited, the connection with the consciousness will naturally be disconnected… But the probability of this is really too small. Will anyone really get excited to the point of shock?”

  Chu Guang: “…”

  Physical shock is okay.

  Chu Guang glanced at the player list, wanting to see which unlucky guy it was, but when he saw the name, he was slightly stunned.

  Quit smoking?


  What this guy said is understandable. 80 points is considered to be average, stuck on the edge of the second tier of scores, and it took so many versions to get in.

  But then again, what if he takes off his helmet and continues to get excited?

  Will he even go into shock in reality…

  Chu Guang suddenly became a little worried about him.

  Not far away.

  Tail, holding his arms, shook his head in disappointment and said in a conscientious manner: “Tsk, this class of newcomers is not good, they are all humans!”

  Sisi glanced at her: “Humans can’t satisfy you anymore.”

  Tail said dissatisfiedly: “I mean, aren’t there any creatures that are more fantasy-oriented? For example, skeletons, slimes or tentacle monsters! By the way, if I can customize my character, I want to be a tentacle!”

  Sisi sighed.

  ”As expected of Awei.”

  I always feel that I have seen a side that I don’t usually see.


  At the same time, on the surface.

  Teng Teng was busy searching in the hut.

  Yaya walked into the door, glanced left and right, and finally found Teng Teng with his head buried in a box looking for something next to a wooden machine.

  ”Teng Teng! We are about to leave… Hey? What is this piece of cloth?”

  Looking at the soft and light piece of cloth on the table, Yaya took it in her hand with curiosity.

  Teng Teng turned around, her face flushed, and rushed over to grab it.

  ”You are a changer… Tai?”

  Yaya: “?”

  ”Anyway, I haven’t finished this one yet! I’ll talk about it after I finish it. Oh, by the way, the task, the manager asked me to bring some clothes over… Hurry up and get some for me.”

  Looking at Teng Teng who turned back to rummage through the boxes, Yaya tilted her head in confusion, but still went up to help.

  During the chat, Yaya learned that these clothes were made of devil silk.

  These days, Teng Teng has been studying how to weave devil silk into cloth. Some time ago, the silk reeling and weaving technology finally achieved certain results.

  Although the foot-operated loom is a bit backward, the woven cloth can be used. This kind of cloth woven from devil silk is not very warm, but it is strong enough.

  Ordinary steel scissors cannot cut it, and it must be cut with the mouthparts of the devil moth.

  Teng Teng made more than ten T-shirts with these silk fabrics, but it looks like they can only be worn as underwear.

  ”Why do you bring this?”

  ”I heard that it can be exchanged for rewards!”

  ”Ah? Really?”

  Yaya’s mind was moved.

  She just happened to pick a few beautiful mushrooms yesterday, and they were the non-toxic kind.

  ”Wait for me! I’ll go back and get something!”

  ”Ah, is it too late for you to go back and get something now?”

  ”Wait for me! It will be quick!”

  After all this back and forth, when the two of them hurried to the north gate, the team was about to set off.

  ”Manager! The clothes I made in the past few days… are you satisfied?” Teng Teng was panting and holding up the clothes in her hand, and asked embarrassedly.

  Chu Guang didn’t have any complaints about the quality of the clothes. After all, he didn’t know what kind of products the Pioneer crew liked.

  It was good to be able to prepare these in such a short time.

  It was an attempt after all.

  Chu Guang nodded approvingly and said.

  ”Not bad, thank you for your hard work.”

  Teng Teng smiled shyly.

  Just now, her VM received a reminder that the task was completed, and she was rewarded with 100 activity points.

  At the same time, the next task was triggered immediately –

  [Task: Sell clothes made of devil silk to the crew of the Pioneer. ]

  [Reward: Every 1CR obtained can be exchanged for 1 silver coin and 1 activity point. ]

  Looking at the task bar, Teng Teng’s eyes sparkled.

  I didn’t expect to get activity points before going to the new map, and also unlocked the tasks related to the new map.

  This wave is really a big profit!


  Due to the accidental death of Brother Maca and the garbage man who couldn’t leave the resurrection point, there were only 198 players who went to change shifts this time.

  But it doesn’t matter. At that time, Chu Guang will think of a reason and choose the player who picked up the most garbage in the past three days to stay and do another round.

  After all players have done a round, he will count the collection volume of all players in three days, and adjust the rules of the expansion pack, changing the task distribution method of rain and dew to centralized registration and admission based on merit.

  In this way, not only can the efficiency of garbage collection be improved, but also players who are not so interested in garbage collection can choose to do other more interesting jobs.

  For example, kneading dough and making dumplings, or setting up a stall to sell barbecue.

  As long as you can help Shelter 404 earn “foreign exchange”, you can get activity points.

  Chu Guang called this wave of light industry wool!

  As long as you can buy back that industrial mother machine, no matter how much sweat you put in, it is worth it.

  By the way, Ya Ya came to him with banknotes to exchange money before. In addition to giving her silver coins, Chu Guang also gave her the corresponding activity points later.

  Looking at the sparsely combined players, Chu Guang raised his volume and shouted in a loud voice.

  ”Everyone gather.”

  ”Our allies are waiting for us to come to support us. Don’t let them wait too long.”

  ”Now, let’s go!”

  The group set off in a mighty manner, and the team was longer than the first time they went.

  Among the nearly 200 people in the team, three-quarters were newbies. These people have not yet recovered from the excitement and want to touch everything they see along the way.

  In reality, many of them haven’t even seen the shadow of snow, but in this game, it’s already snowing!

  Fortunately, it’s snowing heavily.

  If it were any other season, the roads would be filled with either mutant cockroaches or rats, as well as flies as big as basins, and hyenas with bared fangs.

  If you touch them randomly, losing your arm is a small matter, but losing your life is a big loss.

  Looking at these not-so-smart blue coats, the two Marines following Captain Lu looked at each other in bewilderment.

  ”Are these people okay?”

  ”Why do I feel stupid…”

  ”Compared to the last group of people, they don’t seem very smart.”

  Lu Yang was actually a little confused, but he didn’t think much about it.

  Although he hadn’t seen the enthusiasm of the blue coats for work with his own eyes, he had heard his colleagues in the logistics department talk about it.

  Those people worked as if they were fighting for their lives, and they wanted to scrape the ground off the ground.

  Maybe this is the manifestation of excessive optimism.

  Whether they are smart or not, as long as they can do their job well, it’s fine.

  There was no conversation along the way.

  Before ten o’clock, the group arrived at the action camp. The guards and players were waiting in the center of the camp. Chu Guang met Old Luca here.

  Seeing his master, Old Luca came up to him excitedly and told him the good news.

  ”Sir, we made a full 4530 CR yesterday!”

  105 CR more than yesterday?

  Chu Guang looked at him in surprise.

  ”So much?”

  Old Luca nodded excitedly.

  ”Yes, sir, that’s it! Thanks to your idea, those snacks such as buns and dumplings contributed at least 800 CR! Those people in gray coats will buy a lot at one time and take them back! Especially this morning, even their section chief came to buy buns from us!”

  That Li De?

  Chu Guang really couldn’t imagine that guy would be interested in their snacks, and he couldn’t imagine that he was so generous.

  But… after all,

  the human stomach has its limits. It

  is still a bit difficult to expect to make a fortune from this small business.

  But if you think optimistically, earning nearly 10,000 CR in 3 days is undoubtedly a good sign.

  Maybe you can earn 100,000 without dying?

  Let’s give it a try.

  At this time, Witt from the logistics department walked towards the two of them.

  ”Excuse me, are you the manager of Shelter No. 404?”

  Chu Guang looked at him and nodded.

  ”It’s me, who are you?”

  Witt said with a friendly smile.

  ”My name is Witt, I work in the logistics department, mainly responsible for the work arrangements of the workers! Our section chief misses you very much, and he asked me to say hello to you on his behalf.”

  Chu Guang also smiled friendly.

  ”Please also give him my greetings. Just say that his old friend misses him very much.”

  Witt smiled and continued.

  ”I will! There is another thing I have to inform you about the new collection site-”

  As they were talking, the alarm suddenly sounded on the Pioneer not far away.

  Hearing the long siren, the players in the camp showed surprised expressions on their faces.

  ”What happened?!”

  ”Did the plot get triggered?”


  The three people were all stunned.

  Chu Guang was the first to come to his senses and asked Witt.

  ”What happened?”

  ”Please wait a moment… I’m asking.”

  Without noticing the expression on Chu Guang’s face, Witt reached out and pressed the headset, turned his face and contacted his colleagues in the logistics department.

  Gradually, his expression became serious.

  After hanging up the call, he looked at Chu Guang, took a deep breath and said.

  ”About 6 kilometers away from us, in the forest to our northwest, there is a group of unidentified armed men, heading straight towards us. They are quite a lot, well-equipped, and don’t look like refugees in the wasteland.”

  Chu Guang said seriously: “Those who are still running around outside in this horrible weather are definitely not good people! Do you need me to send someone to investigate ahead-” Witt waved

  his hand and said: “No, no, our people have already gone. In fact, this is also how we judged it. Their purpose is too clear, and it is obvious that they are coming for us!”

  After a pause, Witt continued with an ugly expression.

  ”Although I don’t want to say this, we may be in trouble.”

  (Thanks to book friend “Drizzt_Maxs” and other alliance leaders for the rewards~~~~)

  (I took some medicine yesterday and slept for a long time. I almost thought I had traveled through time, but I woke up. It’s the beginning of the month, please give me some money, please!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode