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Chapter 15 Emperor-level star beast?

Chapter 15 Emperor-level star beast?


Author: I eat instant noodles in Hengyang

  Chapter 15 Emperor-level star beast?

  Blood-eating locust?

  Listening to the prompt information given by the system, Qin Yang felt very confused.

  How come it’s a blood demon one moment and a leech the next?

  Is this blood demon a human or an animal?

  At this moment, a curtain of light appeared in Qin Yang’s mind.

  Race: Blood-eating leech (containing ancient demon blood)

  Level: Emperor level

  Talents and abilities: blood-eating, parasitism, undead clone

  Features: Loves to suck human blood

  ”Wait a minute…”

  Looking at the light curtain in front of him, Qin Yang frowned.

  In an instant, he suddenly remembered the physiological characteristics of a creature like a leech.

  They live in paddy fields for a long time and are soft and boneless, but they can parasitize the human body and feed on blood!

  Once the locust sucker is attached to the skin, it is difficult to remove it by hand.

  Could it be that the blood-sucking locusts prompted by the system at this moment…are parasitizing humans? !

  When Qin Yang thought of this, a chill ran down his spine, and he felt an explosion of crisis!

  ”Afraid that the bloodthirsty demon is not dead?”

  Thinking of this, Qin Yang returned his attention to the video in front of him, paying attention to the content inside.

  The progress bar of the video advances slowly.

  In the video, guards were stationed around the execution site.

  The bloodthirsty monster, wearing a sack over his head and a black and white striped prison uniform, sat on his knees with his knees touching the ground.

  An executioner in charge of the execution took out a long knife, gathered strength, and suddenly slashed at the demon’s neck.

  Poof! Gudong!

  The knife falls from the hand!

  As the head in the beheading video fell to the ground, the bones began to roll, announcing the death of the bloodthirsty demon.

  At this time, Xia He was chewing roast pork slices, pointing at the headless corpse in the video, and said vaguely: “This old devil is finally dead, a good death! What a fucking meal!”

  It was as if he had done it himself. I feel happy when I kill my enemy.

  However, Qin Yang did not answer the question, but frowned, suddenly realizing that the situation was not good.

  Is the bloodthirsty monster…

  really dead?

  If it is really what I imagined just now.

  It’s the blood-eating locusts that are causing trouble behind the scenes.

  Then isn’t Superintendent Xingwu’s beheading execution equivalent to being in vain?

  After all, a human being possessed by a locust is nothing more than a puppet.

  For blood-eating locusts, there is no problem in throwing them away.

  After losing its body, it only needs to put some more effort into finding another body.

  In other words, Superintendent Xingwu’s beheading operation had no effect at all!

  ”Resurrection of a corpse, what’s the difference between this and immortality?”

  Qin Yang couldn’t help but feel worried as he thought about this strange ability.

  The tenacious life that cannot be killed, coupled with the ability to control human puppets, is indeed extremely dangerous.

  ”After the Emperor-level Star Beast, will there be the Emperor-level Star Beast…”

  Thinking of this, Qin Yang was a little scared.

  What does an emperor-level star beast look like?

  I have never heard of it at all!

  Even the encyclopedia of ferocious beasts in the library doesn’t have any relevant records.

  The most terrifying thing about them is the unknown description!

  ”The reason why no one recorded it is because those who met the emperor-level star beast were devoured on the spot as soon as they met.”

  ”I didn’t even have time to leave my last words!”

  Qin Yang deduced in his mind the emperor-level star beast’s fate. Strength level.

  There is no doubt that the strength of star beasts at their level has already reached the master level!

  No, even higher!

  Maybe even the master-level experts are just ants that can be easily devoured in front of them!

  ”It’s scary, this is too scary.”

  Qin Yang shook his head, wondering in his heart: “This world is indeed too dangerous.”

  Although the system’s prompts are a hundred million points inaccurate every time.

  But I can never relax completely.

  ”I’m not afraid that the system’s prompts will be inaccurate, but I’m afraid that one day it will suddenly be accurate…then something really big will happen.”

  At that time, a world-destroying star beast came across from the opposite side, and he still stepped on cockroaches. response.

  If there is no preparation at all, it will definitely end in death.

  Thinking of this, Qin Yang secretly made up his mind.   


  Keep growing and stay steady.

  Not to mention actively looking for blood-eating locusts.

  If the sky falls, there are tall men who can hold it up. There are many capable people in Superintendent Xingwu, so they will naturally have solutions to deal with it.

  And what should a small citizen like me worry about?

  Just live an honest life!

  ”Hiccup~ Lao Qin, are you free after work tonight?”

  Xia He burped across the table, rubbed his belly with satisfaction, and said:

  ”Thank you for fishing for me before. Today, in order to celebrate the death of the bloodthirsty demon, my brother brought me You go to Bai Jinhan and eat meat!”

  After hearing this, Qin Yang’s mouth twitched on the spot.

  Here we go again, this kid…

  Tiantian Bai Jinhan…

  The situation in the city is uncertain now, so he needs to be more careful.

  So Qin Yang raised his hand decisively and declined politely: “I have some arrangements tonight, let’s wait until next time… next time for sure.”

  ”Next time? What’s going on with your kid?”

  Upon hearing Qin Yang’s refusal, Xia He frowned slightly Wrinkle: “I’m treating you this time to repay the favor you took from me last time… You don’t want the free admission ticket?”

  ”No, I feel that Jianghai City is not peaceful these days.”

  Qin Yang said, suddenly remembering What, he whispered: “You should pay attention to safety when you go out.”

  ”Be safe? Hey, Lao Qin, I really don’t understand what you are afraid of. Now that the bloodthirsty monsters are dead, you still have What’s there to be afraid of?”

  Xia He rolled his eyes and said disdainfully.


  After hearing this, Qin Yang was silent for a moment, did not continue to talk, and turned away from the topic.

  An inexplicable premonition lingered in his heart.

  It won’t be long before the bloodthirsty monster appears again in the city.

  But after all, there is no basis for what he says, and he can’t provide any evidence.

  Even if you tell others, what’s the use?

  In their eyes, you are just a librarian with low talent…

  Who will believe you?

  ”After all, the strength is still too weak.”

  In the following time, Qin Yang returned his attention to the space of enlightenment and began to continue integrating martial arts.

  Prepare to make new breakthroughs again.


  late at night.

  Superintendent Xingwu, crematorium.

  The huge corpse cremator roared, and hot wind swept through the dark room.

  A male corpse with its body and head separated was lying on the cold terrace, eyes wide open with bloodshot eyes, staring at the ceiling.


  There was a sound of flesh and blood bursting.

  next moment.

  A huge bloody locust burst out of its body and rolled to the ground, which was extremely strange.

  That’s when.

  There was a rush of footsteps outside the door.

  The door to the crematorium slowly opened, and a staff member walked in with a phone under his arm.

  ”Hey, wife, can you hear me clearly? The signal in this morgue is not good. We have to work overtime tonight. The boss has an urgent assignment. I will go back after I finish my work later. You go to sleep first.”

  He put his head to the phone and said, Put on your plastic gloves and get ready to start burning the body.

  ”Let’s not talk about it for now. It’s a heavy workload tonight. I’ll talk to you in detail when we get back.”

  However, he didn’t finish his words.

  The blood-eating locusts on the ground were waiting for the opportunity to move, suddenly curled up, shot up suddenly, and bounced onto his skin!

  Devouring flesh and blood, it penetrated directly into the body!

  In an instant!

  The man was sluggish!

  After a moment, a strange scarlet color flashed in his eyes.

  (End of chapter)


I Stomped on a Bug, and the System Said I Slaughtered a Dragon?

I Stomped on a Bug, and the System Said I Slaughtered a Dragon?

Score 7.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese
“Ding! Congratulations on slaying the Beast King. Reward: tenfold amplification. You have obtained an Undying Body and a sixty-year cultivation base!” Qin Yang looked at the big c*ckroach he had just crushed underfoot, and his face was completely shocked. “Alert! A Beast Sovereign-class star beast has been detected. Host, please flee immediately or you will die a horrible death!” Qin Yang looked at the little purple spider in front of him, and a huge question mark appeared over his head. What do you mean, “Beast Sovereign”? Inside the library, Qin Yang was reading when a little girl walked in. “Ding! Empress aura detected. Host, please kneel and beg for her to take you as an apprentice. Your future is boundless!” Qin Yang looked at the girl in front of him, who was looking very earnestly at the book she held. His expression stiffened. This System must be sick!


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