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Chapter 151 Bombardment and Casualties

Chapter 151 Bombardment and Casualties


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 151 Bombardment and Casualties

  Boom! !

  The blast spread out, raising a cloud of dust in the center of the screen.

  The combat command center was noisy.


  ”Fuck – they have artillery!”

  ”The enemy’s artillery position has been locked… The fixed-wing unmanned aircraft is on the way… Encountered enemy anti-aircraft fire interception.”


  ”No… The image is being collected. It should be a cluster bomb equipped with a proximity fuse, which should be fired by some kind of individual rocket launcher. Their shooting height is not high enough to pose a threat to us… They should have discovered it and have ceased fire.”

  ”You used three shoulds.”

  ”Because I’m not sure, the attacks came from many directions and were scattered in the forest. They probably used some material to block the heat source… Done, two artillery pieces have been destroyed, and there are suspected to be a large number of enemy targets nearby. Apply for the use of tactical nuclear bombs.”

  ”Rejected, not yet.”

  ”Received… Conventional ammunition is exhausted and returning.”

  The light fixed-wing drone hovering in the air began to return in the direction of the Pioneer.

  This small aircraft has a low ammunition load and is mainly used for reconnaissance. It cannot unleash firepower as recklessly as a gunboat.

  Besides, they have to save some for the night operation.

  Lu Yang’s face was heavy, staring at the large screen in the command center and clenching his fists.

  ”What are the casualties?”

  ”They fired 20 shells, and only 2 of them were predicted to fall on our side, and they were all shot down by our close defense firepower.”

  Hearing this, Lu Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

  The Pioneer can run rampant on the wasteland, and it would not be able to go so far without some skills. They have a total of 5 light rapid-fire close defense guns based on the principle of electromagnetic acceleration, four of which are located on the outside of the waist of the four steel platforms, which can cover 4 surfaces and an upward inclination of 60 degrees and a depression angle of -5 degrees. The other one is located on the top of one of the steel platforms, deployed vertically in a modular form.

  In fact, this “point defense system” has blind spots, and the closer you get, the more defense will be busy. However, in addition to the close-in defense guns, they also have reactive armor to deal with, so as long as they are not covered by saturated firepower, there is no need to worry too much.

  But their allies are a little uncomfortable…

  ”What about the other 18 rounds?”

  The staff sitting in front of the console said awkwardly.

  ”Except for the 4 rounds that missed by a full kilometer, the other 14 rounds were all aimed at the blue coat camp. The interception efficiency was too poor due to the tilt angle, so we only shot down 12 rounds…”

  All these shells were aimed at the blue coat camp, so much so that he couldn’t help but suspect that those people were aiming at the smoke floating over the camp.

  It was exactly noon now.

  Those blue coats seemed to be cooking?

  The people in the legion might have mistaken the smoke for smoke from steelmaking or other production facilities. They obviously didn’t know that many of those modular production units were zero-emission…

  Li De cursed: “Damn it! These damn guys, bullies who only bully the weak and fear the strong!”

  Lu Yang clenched his fists.

  Although he wanted to avenge his allies, reason still prevailed.

  The other party was provoking them to take the initiative.

  Now is not the time!

  He squeezed out three words from his teeth, and turned to walk out the door.

  ”Wait until dark!”


  10 kilometers away.

  The artillery position turned into a sea of ​​fire.

  The fixed-wing drone flying in the sky launched a surgical strike on the two artillery pieces at the same time. Two high-explosive missiles fell from the sky, directly stopping the two artillery pieces hidden in the woods by Vanus.

  There were also 600 medium-caliber electromagnetic acceleration projectiles poured down, killing about thirty clone soldiers around in a venting manner.

  But this is meaningless.

  Vanus has as many cannon fodder as he wants.

  He even felt a little regretful that he didn’t trick the opponent’s tactical nuclear bomb down.

  But from another perspective, this also confirmed his guess that the equipment carried by the Pioneer was not as exaggerated as imagined.

  Come to think of it, after all, this group of people are not even professional soldiers.

  What did they say in their own words?

  Professional security guards?

  However, two guns were replaced by two conventional shells, which was still a bit of a loss. Especially the anti-aircraft rocket launcher on his side, which didn’t even touch the opponent’s camera, which was a dangerous signal.

  Looking at the battlefield in the sea of ​​fire, Vanus’ eyes were not frustrated at all, but a trace of greed flashed.

  ”…Is this the power of metallic hydrogen?”

  Only 1 kilogram of charge is used, the volume is equivalent to 1 liter of water, but the power is 35 times that of T-En-T, and the burst speed is more than 2 times.

  Vanus does not understand those profound knowledge, but this tangible power can be felt.

  If the legion can master these weapons, Vanus thinks he can lead people all the way to the east coast and build an empire that is even larger than two centuries ago.

  There is no doubt about this!

  At this time, his adjutant walked towards him.

  ”Sir, the other side is not moving.”

  Vanus narrowed his eyes slightly and looked to the south.

  ”It seems that they plan to save the highlight for tonight.”

  The adjutant said respectfully.

  ”Just as you predicted.”

  ”That’s inevitable,” Vanus raised his chin slightly and ordered, “Distribute all the anti-armor weapons that can be used, such as rocket launchers, grenade launchers, cluster grenades and explosives, and let the brothers on the front line be prepared, and tell them that the day of loyalty has come!”

  The adjutant nodded excitedly.



  The action camp.

  Chu Guang, standing in the smoke, raised the hammer in his hand horizontally forward. The nitrogen wall formed by the high-pressure airflow intercepted all the fragments and blew them away.

  Yaya, who was hugging Teng Teng, was confused. Looking at the tall figure of the administrator in the rolling dust, little stars gradually appeared in her eyes.

  So handsome!

  Because she was too focused on watching, she accidentally forgot about someone…

  ”Woo woo!!”

  Chu Guang glanced at Teng Teng struggling in her arms – and the wooden box that fell to the ground, and slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

  Out of habit, he still asked.

  ”Are you okay?”

  Teng Teng, who was about to suffocate, finally broke free. Her hair was messy and her face was flushed. She glared at Ya Ya, who almost sent her away, angrily.

  ”What are you doing! I, I, I, I almost died!”

  However, the latter had no awareness at all.

  At this moment, Ya Ya’s attention had been completely taken away by the handsome profile and back. He just nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and his stuttering voice became shrill.

  ”No, it’s okay! Mr. Administrator, Ya Ya will not die, but you, that… are you not hurt?”

  Chu Guang smiled faintly.

  Just kidding.

  If he could be hurt…

  he would not come up to help.

  With his 12 points of perception and 11 points of agility, plus the speed bonus provided by the exoskeleton, he would definitely be able to run away.

  In fact, when the first shell landed next to the Niu Ma Squad, Chu Guang had a preliminary judgment on the power of the explosion.

  The charge should be conventional explosives, with an estimated charge of 2 to 3 kilograms and an estimated killing radius of about 10 meters.

  Of course, the power of the shrapnel is hard to say. If you are unlucky, you will be injured if you are hit.

  So when he sensed that the second shell was coming towards him, Chu Guang did not lie down, but directly pulled out the hammer behind him and pointed it forward, opening the “shield wall”. The

  landing point was 12 meters away.

  The high-pressure airflow perfectly prevented the shock wave and fragments generated by the explosion.

  Not only did he save the clothes that Teng Teng had made with great difficulty, but he also saved Witt who was standing next to him.

  This favor will be used someday.

  ”Cough! Cough cough… Thank you, you saved my life.”

  When the shell fell, Witt felt his heartbeat freeze, until a strong wind with sand poured into his mouth, choking him and waking him up.

  ”You’re welcome.”

  Looking at the two craters in the camp and the little players lying on the ground, Chu Guang stared at him with a heavy expression and continued to ask.

  ”I want to know what happened?”

  Witt swallowed and said nervously.

  ”I don’t know. I’m contacting the logistics department, but my colleagues haven’t replied to me yet… I guess they are also in a mess at the moment. Can you give me some time?”

  Chu Guang nodded.

  ”Don’t worry about this. It’s important to treat the wounded.”

  Witt’s mood sank and he said hurriedly.

  ”I’ll help you!”

  Chu Guang hurriedly persuaded: “You go and contact your colleagues first, we can handle it here.”

  Witt didn’t expect to be rejected. He was stunned for a moment, but still nodded.


  Next to another explosion crater.

  The broad-bodied meat mountain steamed bun released Wei and Sisi from his arms, with a scared expression on his face.

  ”Be careful.”

  Although she was also very scared, she still instinctively hugged the two people next to her and blocked the flying shrapnel with her broad and strong back and fur.

  The white bear’s fur was covered in blood, but it didn’t hurt. The alien players recovered quickly, and it would probably heal in a short while.

  Speaking of which, this was the first time she had been injured since she entered the game.

  ”I think your worry is unnecessary. Ah Wei was obviously planning to lie down in the crater just now.” Sisi rubbed her face and tidied her messy bangs and hair dignifiedly. “By the way, Sisi also thinks your behavior is unnecessary.”

  Sure enough, as soon as the voice fell, the tail yelled angrily beside her.

  ”Gan! I didn’t die! Brush again!”

  Sisi sighed and pulled the tail that was punching the sky.

  ”Stop it, Ah Wei, this is too fake.”

  Meat Mountain Big Bun: QAQ

  It happened very suddenly.

  Although there was an alarm two hours ago, no one expected that nothing would happen when the alarm sounded. Two hours later, the shells fell.

  Two shells fell in the camp, injuring more than ten people, two of whom died on the spot.

  Wrench and his team stood far away, so they were lucky not to be affected. On the Pioneer side, only Witt was in the camp, and was rescued by Chu Guang.

  The world was reached where only players were injured.

  Surprisingly, the Niu Ma team, who was near the point where the shells landed, only suffered minor injuries.

  But think about it.

  The players with the highest perception in the entire server were in their team, and the four of them cooperated very well. Almost as soon as Ye Shi gave the warning, the other three immediately scattered and lay down with him.

  The worst was Quitting…

  The kid was only five meters away from the center of the explosion, and he lay down in the wrong direction, and rushed directly to the point where the shells landed. With a bang, even the body could not be found.

  Next to the crater, Ye Shi couldn’t help but smacked his tongue at the half-burned leg.

  ”…I suspect he was targeted by Brother Guang.”

  Kuangfeng patted the dust on his clothes, and after taking a look at the miserable situation, he couldn’t help but look away.

  ”This is too damn miserable… He died just after entering the game.”

  Lao Bai sighed and said.

  ”But the compensation of 100 silver coins is not a bad thing. This brother doesn’t even have to move bricks. He can buy a rifle right away… So why should we hide?”

  Ye Shiyi was confused.

  ”Yes… Why should we hide?” He

  almost got the subsidy!

  Fang Chang patted him on the shoulder and said, “It’s better to hide. What if we can’t survive within four days? Wouldn’t our priority exploration rights be taken away by others?”

  Hearing this, Ye Shi, who was still regretting it a second ago, also reacted now.

  ”Hiss… What you said seems to make sense. Fortunately, I didn’t die.”

  Kuangfeng nodded.

  ”If you are not sure when the BUG can be fixed, the subsidy will be more profitable for newcomers, but it will be average for us.”

  Lao Bai: “Indeed.”

  In the center of the camp.

  A group of players rolled on the ground and wailed. The scene was so miserable that anyone who heard it was heartbroken and cried.

  ”I don’t think I can make it!”

  ”Head, my head, it hurts! It’s shell shock! Fix me up!”

  ”Can you act more realistically? Is this game a headache?”

  ”Giao! I forgot!”

  ”Hold my VM… bring it back for me!”

  ”Damn! You just sprained your ankle, is that a big deal? I can’t stand it!”

  ”What the hell exploded! Where is the enemy? Brothers, pick up your weapons and go get them!”

  Chu Guang couldn’t stand it anymore, kicked off several players who were obviously making trouble, calmed down for two seconds, and behaved himself when he came back online.

  At this time, Lu Yang, wearing a power armor, came from the direction of the Pioneer.

  Looking at the shelter residents lying in the camp, his heart tightened and he felt guilty.

  These people came to support them.

  But they were involved in a fight that didn’t belong to them.

  It was obvious that the people in the legion were coming for them.

  ”The wounded and the dead… I have arranged for people to send them back to the shelter. I need an explanation for what happened today.”

  Looking at Chu Guang approaching, Lu Yang was silent for a while.

  ”It’s the Legion.”

  Chu Guang was slightly stunned.

  ”… Legion?”

  ”Yes,” Lu Yang nodded and said, “It’s a group of organized looters, mainly active in the western area. But recently they seem to have sent an expeditionary force to the Great Rift Valley in the north of the River Valley Province, where they fought with the local survivors.”

  Thinking of the news brought by the merchants in Honghe Town before, the nomads wandering from the north, and the broadcast heard in the old mayor’s house, Chu Guang felt that all the clues seemed to be strung together.

  He nodded gently and said.

  ”I have heard something… But I only know that there is a war in the north, and I don’t know what they are fighting.”

  Lu Yang: “I do know some inside information, but it may not be related to today’s matter, and I guess you are not interested.”

  ”I want to know,” Chu Guang stared at Lu Yang and said, “Please tell me if it is convenient. This is very important to me and my residents.”

  Lu Yang was silent for a while and spoke slowly.

  ”Then I’ll start with what happened in the north.”

  Chu Guang waited quietly for him to continue.

  ”In fact, not only the Legion, but many people in the enterprise are also very interested in the Great Rift Valley. It used to be the National Geopark of the People’s Union, and it is also the site of the “Pangu” Energy Storage Center.”

  Chu Guang was slightly stunned when he heard an unexpected term.

  ”Pangu Energy Storage Center?”

  Lu Yang nodded.

  ”Yes, in the pre-war era, people built many magnificent wonders, and the Pangu Energy Storage Center is one of them. Due to the large difference in power grid load between day and night in the central region, it is mainly used to store the excess surplus of the power grid, and at the same time use this surplus electricity to improve the atmospheric environment.”

  Chu Guang frowned.

  ”Storing the energy of nuclear fusion? How is it done?”

  Lu Yang: “It is said that it is electrolysis of seawater.”

  Chu Guang: “How much…”

  Lu Yang: “I don’t know, I just heard that there are a lot of them. The chlorine produced as a byproduct can even be used as an industrial raw material to supply the surrounding industrial areas. Therefore, a large amount of solid hydrogen and other things are stored underground in the Pangu Energy Storage Center.”

  ”In the early years, the 111th Orbital Airborne Division was stationed there. After the Wasteland Era, it is said that military control continued for a period of time, and a large number of survivors who fled from other areas were accommodated. It is not clear what happened later… Anyway, now it has developed into a large survivor base. Their industrial capacity is not strong, but they have inherited a lot of pre-war equipment, and some of the equipment can still be used even today.”

  ”I think you should be able to guess that such high-threat strategic facilities are usually designed with strict defense measures, and one of the sayings I heard is that those facilities are still working.”

  Chu Guang nodded.

  Although he has never seen it, by analogy with the Three Gorges Project, he can imagine the extent to which the society before the war protected it.

  Even his hammer can be covered with a nitrogen shield.

  It’s not too much to put a plasma shield or a special field shield on the Great Rift Valley, right?

  As for whether there is such a thing, I don’t know.

  Anyway, we even have cold fusion, so it’s a bold guess.

  It doesn’t matter if the guess is wrong.

  Lu Yang continued.

  ”The people of the enterprise have sent an expedition to the Great Rift Valley before, but it should have failed in the end. According to the information we collected during the journey, the people of the Legion also sent an expedition to the Great Rift Valley about a year ago, but it seems that they suffered a great loss.”

  Chu Guang: “Then why are they here? From the northernmost part of the Valley Province to here, it is at least 500 kilometers, right? The actual distance may be thousands of kilometers.”

  Marching in the wasteland is not like crossing a large plain. Even if the large ruins can be bypassed, the small ruins have to be walked step by step.

  Unless you can run over them like the Pioneer.

  Lu Yang said in a deep voice.

  ”They are probably coming for us.”

  Chu Guang: “… Coming for you?”

  ”Yes,” Lu Yang nodded, “That’s obvious. There are only two corridors running through the east and west of the Valley Province, one is the plain in the middle, and the other is in the south. Although the Pioneer can allow us to carry a large amount of means of production across the wilderness, it also has obvious disadvantages. We can only take the plain.”

  Chu Guang frowned and said, “But why do they want to-”

  Lu Yang shook his head and said.

  ”No reason, this is one of the laws of survival. Strictly speaking, as I told you before, the Legion is a group of organized predators. They drive cheap clone cannon fodder to fight and enslave captured survivors as labor. When we were planning the route, we deliberately chose the road that was farther away from them, but we didn’t expect to be targeted.”

  Chu Guang nodded thoughtfully.

  That’s right.

  Such a big fat sheep passed through their territory, and everyone wanted to get some wool.

  It’s just a matter of how to get it.

  But then again, the people in Boulder City can sit still.

  The two largest forces in the wasteland have both started fighting at their doorsteps. They are hiding on the edge of the Third Ring Road and have kept their composure. They haven’t made any noise.

  Chu Guang remembered correctly that the group’s fighting power seems to be quite strong.

  Aren’t they also claiming to provide defense outsourcing?

  Why haven’t I seen the salesperson come here?

  Lu Yang: “This is all the information we have. They probably hope to get something good from us to help them win the war that was doomed to fail from the beginning.”

  Chu Guang: “How many people are there?”

  Lu Yang: “Two thousand.”

  Chu Guang: “???”

  What the hell?

  (Thanks to “Xiao Yunduo” for the leader’s reward~~~~)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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