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Chapter 151: The Demonic Sword Hidden Spirit, the Ground is in a Mess

Chapter 151: The Demonic Sword Hidden Spirit, the Ground is in a Mess


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 151 The Demonic Knife Hidden Spirit, the Ground in a Mess

  After packing up her luggage, Jasmine looked at the wooden house in front of her, feeling a little emotional.

  Although she had not lived there for long, this warm life was really nostalgic.

  ”Want to stay for a while?”

  Yang Shifei walked out of the house with his luggage on his back, and chuckled, “If you don’t want to leave, we can stay for two more days.”

  ”No need.”

  Jasmine gathered her hair and smiled, “I just think it’s a pity to leave this little home after all the hard work.”

  ”Don’t worry.” Yang Shifei patted the luggage behind him, “I’ll take the dishes and small furniture you made by hand.”

  ”You don’t mind carrying it too heavy.”

  Jasmine said coquettishly, but her smile was even sweeter.

  She stepped forward to help straighten the robe, and then glanced at the knife hanging diagonally beside the bag, and teased: “My husband is really like a chivalrous hero now.”

  Yang Shifei raised an eyebrow: “Do you like it?” “I

  love my husband so much~”

  Jasmine patted his chest and said with a smile: “I’ll go help Xiaorui pack clothes, wait a moment~”


  Seeing her briskly return to the house, Yang Shifei enjoyed the warm sunshine and stretched his arms to stretch his muscles.

  Just now, dozens of Youjing flowers were swallowed together, and waves of heat were already emerging.

  Not only did the fatigue from last night’s hard work disappear, but the whole body was full of energy, as if there was endless strength.

  In addition, there were two more strange cold air in the body, forging the flesh and blood, making the body stronger and tougher.

  Most of it came from Ji Shang, and a small part was-

  Yang Shifei’s mind moved, and he took the cloth-wrapped True Demon Knife in front of him and looked at it carefully.

  The blade was slender and thin, and it looked more like a ritual weapon than a killing weapon.

  But the weapon, which should have been gorgeous and exquisite, was now covered with fine cracks, as if it would break into dozens of pieces with a little force.

  He didn’t have time to check it carefully last night, but when he picked it up this morning, he found that there was still a lot of filth in the knife, and it was still flowing out, so he tried to absorb it all.

  Now he checked it again, and there was filth growing in the knife again, but it was much less than before, and it was not overflowing again.

  ”It is comparable to the power of the Taiwu Saint Weapon, but I don’t know if there is a knife spirit.”

  Yang Shifei looked at it again in the sun, and the True Demon Knife still didn’t react.

  Thinking about it, it made sense. Even if there was a knife spirit, it might have been completely annihilated after being sealed in the Embedded Dragon Tomb for hundreds of years.

  ”This weapon is also unlucky.” Yang Shifei smacked his lips twice.

  It was forged with the hard work of Qiu Guo, but before it could show its power a few times, it was used to seal the Great Demon’s original fetus until it was almost destroyed, and now it has seen the light of day again.

  While sighing, he thought about absorbing the cold air again.


  The True Demon Sword trembled slightly, and the red light flashed in the interlaced cracks.

  Yang Shifei looked surprised: “Is there really a sword spirit?”

  After absorbing the cold air, he tried to stroke the handle of the sword: “Can I help you repair it later?”

  The red light of the True Demon Sword flashed, and there was no movement.

  Yang Shifei was thoughtful, secretly guessing that the sword spirit was extremely weak and corroded by filth, so it had a slight reaction just now.

  In the future, if I comb it a few more times every day, it should have some recovery effect.

  ”Brother, I’m ready~”

  Yue Rui jumped out of the house at this time, her blue and white skirt fluttering.

  Yang Shifei put the True Demon Sword back behind his back, smiled and lifted her up by her hips: “Okay, let’s go.”

  Yue Rui’s eyes blinked slightly, and suddenly kissed him.

  Yang Shifei was stunned, and soon felt a light touch in his mouth, and the little girl kissed very actively.


  Jasmine walked out with her luggage, and saw the two kissing openly. She was helpless and said softly: “Stinky girl, your mind is full of love.”

  As their lips parted, Yue Rui turned back to her and snorted, then fell into his arms and fell asleep.

  Jasmine came to her side and gave Yang Shifei a helpless look: “Husband, is the kiss comfortable?”


  Yang Shifei cleared his throat angrily: “Each has its own wonderful taste.”

  Jasmine blushed and kicked him lightly in shame.

  After a while, the three left the dragon tomb and returned to the temple in the mountains.

  But the temple had collapsed, and the withered old monk was nowhere to be seen, leaving only the bones of wild animals on the ground.

  Yang Shifei and Jasmine looked at each other, frowning, feeling that something was not right.

  They immediately quickened their pace and rushed back to Kaihong Temple.


  temple, which used to be very popular, is now empty. The ground is covered with dust and weeds, and it is obvious that no one has cleaned it for a long time.

  Jasmine was a little surprised: “Did they all run away?”

  She looked into the temple, and it was also empty.

  Yang Shifei looked around: “It’s a good thing that the monks in this mountain can disperse as soon as possible.”

  ”Then let’s”

  ”Go back to Qili Town.” Yang Shifei said seriously: “See what the local situation is like.”

  Jiuhuan Mountain is not far from Qili Town. Not long after walking down the mountain, they successfully returned to the town.

  Yang Shifei and Jasmine looked a little solemn.

  The town, which used to be bustling with people, is now silent.

  No one can be seen in the streets and alleys, as if it is a dead city with no one.

  ”Have all the people in Qili Town run away?”

  ”Is there anyone?” Jasmine called out softly to the surroundings.

  The call drifted away with the wind, and no response was received.

  Yang Shifei hurried to the inn, and when he stepped into it, he saw that the lobby was in a mess, and there were many dried bloodstains.

  ”There was a conflict.”

  Jasmine followed behind him and whispered, “It may have happened during the chaotic escape.”

  When he walked into the backyard, he saw that there were still several horses in the shed eating grass, and even the Luo Mansion carriage was intact.

  Yang Shifei laughed: “Fortunately, the carriage is still there and was not stolen by someone in the chaos.”

  ”It seems that the locals really ran in a hurry and didn’t even take the horses with them.”

  Jasmine led the horse out of the shed, tied the carriage again, and dusted off the dust.

  After replenishing the supplies, the three of them got back in the car and set off again.


  The street scene along the way was unusually deserted, and the ground was in a mess, which showed that there had been many chaotic twists and turns in the past few days.

  But just as he was about to leave the town, Yang Shifei’s eyes condensed slightly, and he vaguely saw the outline of the carriage in the distance.

  ”It seems that there are still people. Huh?”


  A house suddenly collapsed, and it seemed that a ferocious beast roared and jumped out.

  Two people drew their swords and fought hard, and the two sides were entangled for a while.

  Yang Shifei turned around and said, “You drive the carriage and follow me. I’ll go check out the situation first.”

  He turned over and got off the carriage, and ran away.

  In a few breaths, two young men and women could be seen fighting the beast desperately, with many bloody wounds on their bodies.

  There seemed to be several people in the carriage, hugging each other and screaming.

  ”Go and drive the carriage! I’ll hold it here!”

  ”Don’t be silly! If any of us pull away, we will–”

  ”Roar!” The giant beast roared and waved its palm, breaking the long sword in one person’s hand.

  The young man and woman’s faces changed, and their minds went blank.

  But when the giant beast counterattacked, a tall figure flew over and kicked it hard in the head.


  There was a heavy muffled sound, and the giant beast was kicked several feet away.

  Yang Shifei turned over and landed on the ground, picked up the half-broken sword, chased after it quickly, and stabbed the tip of the sword into its forehead with all his strength.


  The giant beast just opened its mouth to roar, and a punch burst out in the face!

  The surging fist force exploded in the flesh and blood, and at the same time, half of the sword blade was smashed into the body, directly piercing through the body, and the broken sword shot into the ground from the back.


  The roar of the giant beast paused, and in the blink of an eye, it fell to the ground and died.

  Yang Shifei shook off the dust in his hands and returned to the young man and woman with dull faces.

  ”Tell me, both of you, what happened here?”

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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