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Chapter 152 The Demonic Knife That Dives into the Bed

Chapter 152 The Demonic Knife That Dives into the Bed


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 152 The Demonic Knife That Drilled into the Bed

  Jasmine drove the carriage slowly to a stop and glanced at the carriage next to her.

  Seeing several women hugging each other and trembling, she couldn’t help but sigh.

  The filthy trend is unstoppable, and I don’t know how many innocent people will be displaced.

  After the young man and woman explained tremblingly, Yang Shifei finally understood the whole story.

  It turned out that the disciples of Tianmen Sect argued with reason and successfully persuaded the pilgrims and monks to return to Qili Town for temporary shelter.

  But before they could catch their breath, several people in the town went crazy, and at the same time, wild beasts attacked the mountains outside the town, causing Qili Town to fall into chaos for a while. It

  was not until the Tianmen Sect brought reinforcements from the State of Chen to suppress the madmen and disperse the wild beasts that they escorted everyone away one by one.

  During this period, it was heard that a Buddha statue appeared and knocked down many crazy wild beasts in the mountains and saved many farmers.

  ”The Buddha statue is now…”

  ”I heard it’s broken.”

  The young man had just bandaged his wound and sighed: “Now there are demons everywhere, and there are Buddha statues that appear to save people. This world is really weird.”

  Yang Shifei’s eyes moved slightly. It seems that the withered old monk didn’t survive after all.

  But he still saved people before his death. He can be called a great monk, which is admirable.

  The young woman just comforted everyone in the car, got off the car and caught a glimpse of Jasmine on the opposite throne. Her eyes flashed with surprise.

  The female companion accompanying the benefactor was such a beautiful woman?

  She suddenly felt a little ashamed and lowered her head: “Don’t you know your name?”

  ”My name is Yang Shifei, and I just happened to pass by on this trip.”

  ”Are you Mr. Yang?!”

  The two suddenly screamed, and Yang Shifei was stunned.

  ”Well, if there is no duplication of names, it is indeed me.”

  The young man and woman immediately showed joy on their faces: “It’s really you!”

  ”We are disciples of the Tianmen Sect.”

  The woman said happily: “Some time ago, two senior brothers of my sect were rescued by the hero in the mountains.

  They praised you to the sky at that time, and we thought it was exaggerating, but now…”

  ”Your martial arts are really extraordinary, you can be called a god!”

  The young man hurriedly bowed and saluted: “Thank you, hero, for saving us all.”

  Yang Shifei smiled: “It’s just a small effort, don’t worry about it.”

  He looked at the people in the carriage: “Since you knew it was dangerous here, why did you come here?”

  ”Everyone had retreated a few miles away and was about to return to Chen State with the army. But we heard that there was still a family left here, so we volunteered to come to the rescue.”

  ”The Tianmen Sect is indeed full of righteousness.”

  Yang Shifei gave them a thumbs up: “You are worthy of being called heroes.”

  The two bowed their heads in shame: “If it weren’t for the help of the hero Yang, we would have died. How can we talk about heroes or not.”

  Yang Shifei looked at the forest outside the town and said: “Are there any dangers on your trip?”

  ”There are few wild beasts on the way back to the country, so it’s safe.”

  The young man hesitated: “Besides, today we heard that an unnamed peerless master swept all the way and killed countless demons and monsters. We just mustered up the courage to come back.”

  Yang Shifei was stunned when he heard the words.

  Could it be that the master is Ji Shang?

  He arched his hands calmly: “In this case, I won’t escort you any longer, and we will say goodbye here.”

  ”The hero is…” ”

  After being away for a long time, it’s natural to return to Liangguo.”

  Yang Shifei stepped back on the carriage and warned in a deep voice: “Remember not to get close to Jiuhuan Mountain and Lingshan again. The environment there is more terrifying than outside.”

  ”Thank you for the warning, hero!”

  Watching the carriage go away, the two Tianmen disciples looked at each other and couldn’t help but marvel in their hearts.

  This hero Yang is much younger than the rumors say.

  ”Okay, let’s leave quickly.”

  ”Well, it’s just right to talk to my senior brothers. I didn’t expect to see what a handsome man Yang is.”

  After leaving Qili Town, the carriage headed back to the country. The road was flat.

  Jasmine glanced at him and chuckled, “Miss Ji left so decisively. She was still worried about her husband in her heart. She even swept around Qili Town.”

  ”Yes.” Yang Shifei sighed, “Although she didn’t say it, she is really gentle by nature.”

  ”Maybe it’s the credit of my husband that the peerless devil has become a gentle lady.”

  Jasmine only teased and looked into the distance.

  ”What arrangements will my husband make when we return to Liang?”

  ”Let’s go to Mingyou Villa first.”

  Yang Shifei whispered, “See if we can repair the True Demon Sword, and then take Sister Qiu back to East City to prepare for the counterattack on the Imperial City.”

  ”Okay.” Jasmine pursed her lips slightly, a little embarrassed: “After we…”

  Seeing that she was hesitant to speak, Yang Shifei’s heart moved, and he smiled gently: “Are you entangled in our ‘husband-wife relationship’?”

  Jasmine blushed slightly.

  After so many days of shouting, she had long been accustomed to it, and even thought about ‘husband’ in her heart.

  But now she is going back to Liang, isn’t it…

  ”I will tell Xian’er.” Yang Shifei took her right hand: “When we get married in the future, you, the dowry lady, can’t escape.”

  Jasmine blushed and bumped her shoulders lightly: “That’s a good idea, but you are not allowed to mention this to the young lady.”

  Seeing that Yang Shifei wanted to speak, she simply pressed her fingertips against her mouth.

  ”Husband, please take care of the young lady and my sister first.”

  Jasmine blushed and whispered, “At least, give me more time.”

  Yang Shifei smiled and held her hands, “As long as you can feel at ease.”

  Jasmine was shy and hesitant for a moment, then suddenly leaned in for a kiss, and turned around to get into the carriage.

  But as soon as she raised her hips, she was hugged around her slender waist: “You want to run away after kissing?”

  ”Husband, husband, wait–”

  Jasmine blushed with shame, staggered back and sat in his arms.

  She was about to raise her head and scolded, but her pink lips were firmly blocked: “Woo”

  After a long deep kiss, she collapsed in his arms with a face full of intoxication, her legs couldn’t help but wrap around her waist, and she cuddled tenderly.


  ”What’s wrong?”

  ”Nothing, I just want to shout more.”

  Hearing the girl’s gentle scolding, Yang Shifei also smiled, lowered his head and sucked her earlobe: “Young lady.” ”


  As the night deepened, the carriage had stopped by the roadside.

  The area around here is open and uninhabited for miles, so there is no need to keep watch.

  So Yang Shifei lay down in the carriage, covered with a quilt and rested peacefully.


  But in the quilt, there were two bulges rising and falling from time to time.

  After a while, the quilt was gently pulled down.

  Yang Shifei looked at Yue Rui, whose face was flushed in his arms, and hooked her little nose: “Are you satisfied now?”


  Yue Rui’s eyes were moist and her smile was sweet.

  In the quilt, a pair of fleshy legs were still rubbing back and forth.

  ”Brother, it’s so good~”

  The little girl lay in his arms again and kissed and rubbed, her little purse was squeezed flat and spread out, and her arms were full of sweet body fragrance.


  When Yue Rui was fed and fell asleep again, Yang Shifei glanced sideways and saw Jasmine sleeping closely against him, sleeping very soundly.

  Looking at the pure and peaceful sleeping faces of the two women, his heart became warmer and he also closed his eyes and fell asleep slowly.


  The starry night was lonely and the plain was silent.

  But in the luggage beside the quilt, the red light of the True Demon Sword wrapped in silk was flashing.

  The next moment, the silk quietly spread out, and the blade gradually split and stretched, dozens of pieces connected by flesh and blood, with meridians all over, turning into a bloody mouth.

  Tick-tick, tick-tick.

  A few drops of water dripped from the bloody and fleshy blade, like a hungry and crazy bloodthirsty demon, slowly aiming at Yang Shifei’s position.


  It crawled silently and got into the quilt again, and the sticky, wet and hot bloody fragments wrapped around the arm, slowly squirming, as if sucking

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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