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Chapter 155 Boudoir Tips

Chapter 155 Boudoir Tips


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 155: Little Tricks in the Boudoir

  Fortunately, both parties knew what was going on and did not really make trouble.

  Qiu Buhuan more or less understood that as Luo Xianer’s personal maid, Jasmine had already tacitly agreed.


  ”Madam Qiu, you have to take good care of your husband.”

  Jasmine stepped forward and held her hand intimately, smiling, “Especially when it comes to the bed, sister has to take more responsibility.”

  Qiu Buhuan: “…”

  The young woman blushed slightly and glared back unhappily, “Don’t be impatient, little sister Jasmine, you will have your time to ‘enjoy happiness’ in the future.”

  ”Well, I’m just a maid, of course the ladies have to go first.”

  Jasmine smiled a little reluctantly, and her ears were slightly hot.

  She had held the size with her own hands, and had also seen the exaggerated scene of Ji Shang being held in the air and galloping fiercely. After thinking about it for a while, she couldn’t help but feel a little weak in the knees.

  The two women looked at each other for a moment, blushing and looking away.

  Forget it, forget it. If we continue talking, it feels like both sides will suffer.

  Yang Shifei looked back and forth at the two women and couldn’t help laughing twice.

  Qiu Buhuan said with a slight grumble: “You naughty brother, you’re still laughing.”

  ”Just stop arguing.”

  Yang Shifei looked outside again: “Didn’t the girl come with us?”

  ”She walked around the foot of the mountain for two circles, dozed off and went back to the car to sleep.”

  Jasmine was a little helpless: “Just came to ask when you two will leave.”

  Qiu Buhuan said softly: “I don’t have much luggage, I’ll take some clothes to change, and I can leave with you at any time.”

  ”Will it delay the reconstruction of Bingtan?”

  ”No problem, I’ve made arrangements in advance.”

  Qiu Buhuan glanced at the True Demon Sword in his hand again: “But before leaving, I have to take a look at the quality of this sword.”

  In the Yangbing Pavilion.

  Yang Shifei and Jasmine followed to step into this place, looking at the many weapons displayed on both sides, and were slightly surprised.

  ”It’s only been a month, and this villa has been tidied up.”

  ”It’s just temporary storage.”

  Qiu Buhuan walked to a long corridor full of cabinets: “These are all natural treasures used to maintain and repair weapons, all transported back from Tianlu Mountain.”

  She took out a few small bottles with a swift movement, and then went to a dark large vat and removed the iron cover and silk cloth.

  A faint fragrance wafted out from it. Yang Shifei leaned over and took a look. The vat was full of dark liquid.

  ”These are…”

  ”I mixed the weapon-enriching liquid. Soaking weapons in it can repair internal cracks. If it is a spiritual weapon, it is also quite beneficial.”

  ”So magical?”

  ”Do you think I, Bingtan, only know how to forge iron?”

  Qiu Buhuan looked back and smiled softly: “No matter how sharp and tough those magic weapons are, they also need maintenance and repair.”

  Yang Shifei understood.

  It is expected that in the past few hundred years, no one would cross the river and destroy the bridge. Is it because their skills in this area are also unparalleled in the world?

  He couldn’t help but give a thumbs up: “You are worthy of being the best soldier in the world.”

  Qiu Buhuan rolled his eyes and took the True Demon Knife that was handed to him.

  Immediately, he slowly placed the long knife flat in the tank and soaked the blade with black water.


  Some bubbles overflowed from the cracks, and the long knife trembled slightly.

  Qiu Buhuan’s eyes gradually became fixed, and he hurriedly said: “Shifei, come here quickly!” ”

  I’ll come. What the hell?!”

  Yang Shifei had just taken two steps closer when the black water suddenly splashed, and the twisted and weird flesh and blood almost exploded from the tank! The
True Demon Knife turned into a flesh and blood monster ten

  feet high

  , with dense meridians and blood vessels all over the body. Dozens of broken knives were aimed at Qiu Buhuan like sharp teeth, as if a huge mouth of flesh and blood was choosing people to eat, wanting to swallow her up.

Yang Shifei hurriedly blocked it with his arm.

  The magic knife that was about to bite paused for a moment, and the red light of flesh and blood flickered.

  Qiu Buhuan remained calm, and he seemed to be thinking about this situation.

  It seems that this magic knife has a special sense for “Yang Shifei”.

  Could it be that the evil spirit in the knife has already recognized Shifei as its master?


  The flesh and blood trembled slightly, as if making a faint hiss.

  Yang Shifei calmed down and said slowly: “She is not a bad person, but wants to help you repair the blade.”


  The True Demon Knife was silent for a moment, and the terrifying flesh and blood body quickly shrank and turned back into a black knife and fell.

  Yang Shifei took the opportunity to hold the handle of the knife with a strange expression: “This knife is quite shy?”

  ”Maybe it is not used to being soaked in liquid medicine.” Qiu Buhuan said with interest: “But if you hold it, it may be more stable.”

  ”Okay, try again.”

  Yang Shifei sank the True Demon Knife into the water again.

  Qiu Buhuan took the opportunity to wipe the blade back and forth with several materials, wiping off a large piece of sticky.

  The red light flickered between the cracks in the blade, and it was always quiet.

  It did not react until it was wrapped up again with silk cloth.

  Yang Shifei watched for a while and was somewhat amused: “It looks like applying medicine to it.”

  ”If weapons have spirituality, they can indeed be called ‘applying medicine to heal wounds’.”

  Qiu Buhuan took another hot golden needle from the side: “Shifei, I’m going to take a few drops of your blood, bear with it for a while.”

  Yang Shifei didn’t ask any questions, she simply stretched out her hand and let the needle poke a small hole on her fingertips.

  When the blood overflowed, she took the opportunity to push the handle of the True Demon Sword against it, letting the blood soak into it.


  The red light of the Demon Sword reappeared, and even broke into several pieces, and the flesh and blood wrapped around the index finger.

  Yang Shifei felt that the fingertips were tightly wrapped by the hot and soft flesh, gently sucking the blood.

  Jasmine frowned as she watched from the side: “Madam Qiu, this is going to…”

  ”It went through an ancient blood sacrifice, and was refined by the flesh and blood of countless creatures before it was forged into a magic knife. I guess when the Qiu Kingdom used this knife to suppress filth, they also thought of using magic to control demons.”

  Qiu Buhuan whispered: “If you want it to truly recognize its master, you need to feed it with blood.”

  Yang Shifei’s eyes moved slightly, and he really had a faint sense of strangeness, as if he could feel the joy coming from the knife.

  After feeding blood to recognize the master, the real magic knife returned to its original state.

  Seeing that Yang Shifei’s fingertips were no longer bleeding, Jasmine frowned again and asked: “Do you need to feed it with blood in the future?”

  ”No need.”

  Qiu Buhuan cleaned up the mess on the ground and chuckled: “The inside of this knife has been transformed by filth, and it can be treated as an ‘acquired alien’.”

  In other words, it is to absorb the filth in its body regularly, and you can be safe and worry-free.

  ”It’s good that you can listen.”

  Yang Shifei smiled and hung the True Demon Sword back on his back with a strap: “In this way, this sword is considered to be completely restored?”

  ”The spiritual liquid applied to the sword needs to soak for several days, and then it can be used normally.”

  Qiu Buhuan said meaningfully: “However, this magic sword is different from ordinary swords. You still need to explore how to control it yourself.”

  ”Okay.” Yang Shifei helped her cover the big jar and laughed heartily: “This matter is over, why don’t we set off?”

  ”Okay, I’ll go get the luggage.”

  ”Mrs. Qiu, I’ll help you.”

  The three of them returned to the master’s villa side by side.

  Yang Shifei was about to go into the house to help pack up, but saw an acquaintance waving at the gate of the courtyard.

  ”Granny Song?”

  ”Young Master Yang, are you going back to East City?”


  Yang Shifei walked quickly to the gate of the courtyard: “The capital city must be taken back eventually. Sister Qiu, as a celestial being and the Black Tortoise, is an indispensable helper.”

  Granny Song seemed to be thinking about something: “That’s good too. It will allow Buhuan to stay with you longer.”

  Yang Shifei laughed: “Thank you for your concern, Granny. I will treat Sister Qiu well and will not let her suffer any grievances.”

  ”I’m not worried about that.” Granny Song took his hand and said softly: “I’m worried about whether Buhuan is good to you, gentle or not, and whether she bullied you in bed?”

  Yang Shifei showed an awkward smile: “Well, she didn’t bully you.”

  It’s better to say that Sister Qiu was bullied by him and cried for mercy.

  ”Buhuan is quite sensible.”

  Granny Song said with concern: “Good boy, if you feel uncomfortable in the future, we will help you to adjust it, but don’t force yourself. As for that girl Buhuan…”

  The old woman leaned close to her ear again and whispered about private matters in the boudoir.

  Yang Shifei’s expression became more and more subtle.

  After a while, Qiu Buhuan packed his luggage and walked out of the bedroom with Moli.

  Granny Song was quick to pull her to the side of the courtyard.

  Moli took a look and said, “What does this old lady want to talk to Madam Qiu about?”

  Yang Shifei coughed twice and said, “Granny Song is an old man in Bingtan, with a wider range of knowledge. She may have some instructions for Sister Qiu.”

  ”But why are their expressions so strange?”

  ”Well, it may be some private talk.”


  Moli curled her lips and squinted and said, “Husband, your eyes are attracted by the pair of fruits on Madam Qiu’s chest.”

  Yang Shifei quickly said, “I treat all sizes equally.”

  ”Humph, sweet-mouthed.” Moli secretly poked his waist, “Actually, it’s just vulgar.”

  Not long after, Qiu Buhuan came back with a red face.

  After saying goodbye to Granny Song, the three of them left the villa and got on the carriage.

  Seeing Yang Shifei sitting on the throne and driving the car, Jasmine came to Qiu Buhuan again and whispered curiously: “Madam Qiu, you look so rosy, I wonder what did you talk about?”

  ”What else could it be.”

  Qiu Buhuan touched Yue Rui’s cute sleeping face beside him and whispered awkwardly: “Just some little tricks for couples in the boudoir.”

  Jasmine was stunned: “You Bingtan also teaches these?”

  ”Well, there are indeed a few, but I have never learned them before.”

  Qiu Buhuan blushed and muttered: “Although I think these moves are of no use at all.”

  Jasmine’s pink lips whispered, her cheeks slightly hot, and she could only laugh dryly twice.

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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