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Chapter 155 Forever Friends

Chapter 155 Forever Friends


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 155 Forever Friends

  ”… Forget it, just treat it as a candy.”

  The gunfire from not far away had gradually subsided. Chu Guang, who was overlooking the battlefield through a small drone, threw the peeled Radiation Eliminator into his mouth.

  Even though he didn’t need to do so with his physique, he always felt uneasy if he didn’t eat one.

  Because the players’ performance was so impressive, Chu Guang didn’t find the opportunity to enter the game until the end.

  But this is a good thing.

  Chu Guang was very pleased with the growth of the young players.

  There is still a big difference in the gameplay of alien warfare and group warfare.

  After this battle, even players who came in with the Alpha0.6 version can take off the hat of recruits, and many old players have been promoted to veterans who have experienced three battles.

  And they can all “survive”.

  I believe that with this experience, they will be more courageous next time.

  In addition, to be honest, the combat effectiveness of the legion is still very strong.

  Anti-tank rockets whizzed around the position, there were grenade launchers that fired fragmentation mines, and a machine gun was mounted behind the fortifications.

  Fortunately, Garbage-kun attacked first, otherwise, 10 to 20 more people might have died.

  After the machine guns stopped firing, the battle was basically over.

  The players quickly tore a hole on the east side of the Legion’s second line of defense, helping the allies’ power armor break through the Legion’s defense line.

  The only flaw was that Garbage-kun himself did not survive and was blown up into the sky by a cluster grenade in the trench.

  The steam boiler also exploded, and the boiling water splashed into the sky, and a snow mist dispersed into fireworks.

  The scene was spectacular.

  Chu Guang, who was watching outside the battlefield, was stunned and quickly recorded it.

  It’s not too much to give this a one-second shot in the promotional PV, right?

  Whether it’s strong or not is another matter, but it’s cool!


  The battle on the front line came to an end.

  Next to the burning trench.

  A player stepped forward and wanted to pick up the iron pipe rifle on the ground.

  At this time, the clone lying on his back suddenly opened his eyes, struggled to get up from the ground, held the player’s thigh with his hands and bit it, and scared the player to kick him away.

  ”Fuck! Are you born in the Year of the Dog? Put your hands up! If you move again, I’ll shoot you–”


  Gunshots rang out from the side, and the clone with half of his face burned was shot in the head.

  The player was confused, and a soldier wearing an exoskeleton passed by him and patted him on the shoulder.

  ”They are all poor people, it would be better to give them a quick death.”

  The player stared blankly at the back of the person walking away, not understanding what the man was saying at all, and then took another look at the corpse on the ground, cursing in his heart.


  5 silver coins turned into 5 copper coins!

  What a big loss!

  The work of cleaning up the battlefield went smoothly.

  These clone infantrymen had no intention of surviving at all. Some of them were stunned by the explosion, and as soon as they opened their eyes, they rushed over with a howl, and then were shot to death.

  At first, the players planned to keep them alive.

  After all, living prisoners are more valuable, and it is a bit disgusting to slaughter people who have given up their weapons. It’s okay, but it’s not necessary.

  However, later the players found that these people were not normal people at all.

  I don’t know if the AI ​​is not finished or it’s just the setting, anyway, these clones are just like gnawers with guns, so players don’t hold back, no matter if they can move or not, they go up to add a knife or chop with an axe to prevent them from being startled when looting.

  As for those legion decurions and centurions wearing navy blue coats, although many of them also showed the momentum of desperate resistance, when they found that the situation was over, they were surrounded in the trenches and finally dropped their weapons and raised their hands to surrender.

  Compared with the stubborn resistance of the lower-level officers on the front line before surrendering, the commander, the thousand-man commander Vanus, surrendered more simply.

  This guy didn’t run at all. He sat quietly in the temporary command post, poured himself half a glass of turbid wine, and waited for the power armor of the Pioneer to search.

  Where can he run in this snowy weather?

  Without carrying supplies and without guards following him, it is impossible for him to cross hundreds of kilometers and return to the headquarters of the expeditionary force.

  Not to mention the drones flying overhead. Without the protection of heat-insulating materials, even the mist coming out of his mouth and nose could be seen clearly, not to mention such a big person.

  As long as he walked out of the door of the temporary command post, his whole body was as bright as a lamp.

  Rather than being chased by the pursuers and having his head pressed into the snow, it is better to wait here and surrender decently.

  As senior officers with complete military education, their value is far higher than that of ordinary clone soldiers and those small slave owners who led clone soldiers to fight. The Corps allows them to surrender to the enemy after the casualties exceed 90%.

  Although he will be demoted one level later, as long as he can survive, there is still a chance.

  The people of the Enterprise rarely massacred prisoners of war, and Lu Yang did not do anything to him. He just had him handcuffed and escorted back with the surrendered centurions. The

  logistics department built a temporary prison for them with foam materials in an empty snowy area. The prison was even equipped with plastic water heating pipes connected to a small wood-burning boiler.

  If they can’t stand the cold, they can go outside to collect firewood.

  But on the contrary, after they are locked up, the people in the enterprise will take away their coats, leaving only a single piece of clothing and pants.

  It is snowing heavily outside, and you may freeze even if you go to the toilet, let alone escape.

  Without a cold-proof coat, you may not be able to walk even 1 kilometer and freeze to death in the snow.

  Compared with the captives, Chu Guang is more interested in the equipment they left behind.

  These clone light infantrymen are poorly equipped, with few assault rifles, most of which are semi-automatic or even bolt-action.

  However, it is commendable that they have achieved the unification of weapon style and bullet type.

  Unlike Chu Guang’s players, some of them hold 9mm, some hold 7mm, and some hold 5mm rotary small water pipes, and the bullets are nowhere to be found at a distance.

  It seems that this group of plunderers who call themselves the Legion have good logistics capabilities. There should be industrial support in the rear, but it is difficult to judge the specific level.

  In addition to conventional weapons, players also looted ten 12mm machine guns and nearly 100 anti-tank rocket launchers that looked like “Iron Fist” and had not yet been used.

  This anti-tank rocket is very light, with a total weight of less than 5 kilograms. The slender iron tube is filled with nearly 200 grams of propellant. It is disposable after firing.

  The front warhead is a cylindrical magazine with a diameter of 155mm and a pointed conical wind cap to reduce wind resistance. Nearly 1 kilogram of T-T and RDX mixed explosives can allow it to penetrate 200mm homogeneous steel plate…if it hits directly.

  Whether it is killing infantry or anti-light armor, this thing can be said to be cheap and easy to use, at least much better than the mutant’s black powder bomb.

  The only drawback is that this thing has a very slow firing speed, a range of only a pitiful 50m, and poor accuracy. There is no sight, and you can only aim by feeling the outline of the bullet.

  But even with so many shortcomings, Chu Guang is very happy.

  A more reliable rocket launcher than the goblin rocket, it is not too much to sell it in the weapon store for 50 silver coins?

  If you encounter something like a cracked claw crab, you will definitely have a chance to use it!

  In addition to the rocket launcher, there is also a grenade launcher, but to be honest, this thing is a bit lame, it is just a grenade launcher, and its power can only be said to be average. However, the remaining fragmentation mines are all good things, and Chu Guang plans to hand them over to Boss Xia.

  Logically speaking, these spoils also belong to the Pioneer.

  However, these old equipments were not taken seriously by the corporate employees on the Pioneer. They could only be recycled as scrap metal, and they had to work hard to pick them up, so they generously left all the things to Chu Guang and his team.

  In addition to the weapons, what surprised Chu Guang the most were the five light trucks.

  The engines used in these trucks are equipped with firewood vaporizers, which can be started by inserting a piece of wood into the feed port. They are simply tailor-made for the environment in the wasteland.

  In addition, in order to adapt to the rugged terrain, the tires of these five light trucks are designed to be large. Although it is difficult to drive into the city with large tires, it is still possible to run in the wilderness.

  At least from the outpost to the action camp, players no longer have to run on their own two legs.

  It takes some time to clean up the battlefield.

  Chu Guang found a few players who could drive, and after getting familiar with the operation of the truck, he drove the light truck to an open space with less vegetation, waiting for the players to collect the loot and the bodies of their teammates.

  Fortunately, he had the foresight to let the players bring woven bags, otherwise these little players would have to run more than a dozen times to load the loot they picked up onto the truck.

  Looking at the players carrying the loot onto the truck, Chu Guang suddenly felt like he had made a fortune.

  But he knew in his heart that it would be somewhat inappropriate to laugh out loud at this time.

  Even for the sake of the pension, he had to have a serious expression.

  At least he had to be expressionless.

  Just at this time, Lu Yang, wearing a power armor, walked towards him.

  His body was covered with mud and blood, and he looked quite embarrassed, but he was not injured.

  Opening the mask, Lu Yang looked at Chu Guang and said in a sincere tone.

  ”Brother, thank you. If you hadn’t come to support us, this battle wouldn’t have ended so smoothly.”

  ”We are allies, and we should take care of each other. Besides, they killed our people, and we must avenge them ourselves.”

  After a pause, Chu Guang looked at him and continued.

  ”How are your casualties?”

  When talking about casualties, Lu Yang’s expression was a little heavy, and he said in a low voice.

  ”Three dead, four seriously injured…”

  The total number of crew members on the Pioneer was less than a hundred, and the death of three was already a serious loss of personnel.

  The last time there were such serious casualties was when they just left Yunjian Province and fought against the mutant tribe.

  No one expected that the leader of the group of mutants was actually a super mutant, and they used two tactical nuclear bombs to clear it out.

  Taking a deep breath of cold air, Lu Yang stared at Chu Guang and asked.

  ”What about you?”

  ”117 dead, and the seriously injured have not yet been counted.”

  Hearing this number, Lu Yang’s heart felt a pause, and the joy of victory that could be regarded as comfort was blown away by this heavy number.

  He didn’t know how many people were in Shelter 404, but he estimated that there should be no more than a thousand.

  Such a heavy loss of personnel was almost a devastating blow to some small and medium-sized survivor bases.

  Lu Yang couldn’t imagine what kind of pressure the man in front of him was under at the moment, and how he would face the families of the residents who died in the future.

  Behind this number, it means 117 families…

  ”We will do our best to treat the wounded… I’m sorry for the dead.”

  Chu Guang didn’t say anything.

  To be honest, he didn’t have the heart to fool this guy.

  If an NPC died, he would probably feel sad for a while, but for the players… they would be alive after waiting for three days.

  Those players themselves didn’t feel anything. When they were looting the spoils, they were so excited that they almost sang songs.

  However, this guy in front of him obviously took it seriously.

  ”Before coming here, they had already made some preparations. Before leaving, I asked them to bring guns and woven bags. If they couldn’t carry the enemy’s bodies, they would carry their own bodies.”

  After a pause, Chu Guang continued.

  ”So don’t feel sad for us. Everyone will die one day. They have already made some preparations before coming here.”

  Chu Guang’s original intention of saying this was actually to comfort this righteous partner.

  However, what Chu Guang didn’t expect was that after he finished saying this, the big brother’s expression became heavier, even a little sad.

  Taking a deep breath, Lu Yang calmed himself down and looked at Chu Guang and said.

  ”I want to ask your opinion on something.”

  Chu Guang looked at him and asked.

  ”What is it?”

  Lu Yang said seriously.

  ”I plan to submit an application to the Silver Wing Group Board of Directors to grant you the title of ‘Enterprise Permanent Partner’… This is not just my idea, but also the common idea of ​​all members of our Pioneer.”

  Chu Guang was slightly stunned and hesitated.

  ”What does this permanent partner of the enterprise mean?”

  Lu Yang explained.

  ”It is a kind of proof and also a recognition… Of course, this requires your opinion.”


  Chu Guang certainly had no opinion.

  Although they were thousands of kilometers apart, who would complain about having too many friends?

  Without hesitation, Chu Guang readily accepted Captain Lu’s proposal.

  ”I have no objection. From the moment you helped us to deal with the mutant tribe, you have been our partners.”

  Hearing this, Lu Yang’s face finally stretched out a sincere smile.

  ”I’m glad you think so.”

  ”But this title should not only be a symbolic partner, but also have some practical effect… Let’s talk while walking.”


  Five trucks slowly moved forward in the wilderness.

  An off-road vehicle with a snow shovel and a machine gun welded on it led the way, escorting their allies back to the outpost with the spoils.

  Although the crew of the Pioneer hated running field work, when Reed walked up to them and asked them “Is there anyone willing to escort our heroes home”, almost everyone volunteered to stand up and took the initiative to express their willingness to participate in this action.

  Even those Marines with injuries on their bodies.

  In this battle, these residents of the shelter won the respect of all the crew members of the Pioneer with their bravery.

  They may be poor and backward, but they are by no means weak.

  Instead, they are a group of warriors who can use the weapons in their hands to defend their dignity!

  Such people are worthy of respect no matter where they are.

  Instead of returning to the outpost immediately, Chu Guang followed Lu Yang to the action camp, where he met Li De who had been waiting for a long time.

  The two had always communicated through holographic images. After many days, they met face to face again. Chu Guang unexpectedly felt a little cordial.

  Of course, what surprised Chu Guang even more was his 180-degree change in attitude.

  When he came here before, this guy didn’t even come down to say hello to him, but just told his subordinates to entertain him.

  But now, this section chief actually took the initiative to greet him and shook his hand.

  ”I’m sorry for my previous distrust and prejudice. You are a group of real warriors. Your bravery is impressive. Thank you for everything you have done for us. If it weren’t for you, the outcome of this war would be unpredictable.”

  Because he saw the battle situation on the drone, Li De had a completely different evaluation of the battle situation at that time. In his opinion, if the legion surrounded its own armored units, it would probably be Lu Yang and his team members who were divided and encircled.

  In addition to the power armor that could fight a bloody way out, it is hard to say how many of the light infantry who were only protected by exoskeletons could survive.

  This battle also made him determined to increase the reserve of artillery shells to more than double and design a light fixed-wing with a larger ammunition load.

  If we continue to travel west, it is only a matter of time before we encounter the Legion again.

  After shaking his hand and letting go, Chu Guang nodded and said.

  ”I will pass on your praise to my residents. In addition, I have some specific information about the title of permanent partner of the enterprise that I want to know.”

  Knowing that Chu Guang would ask this, Li De nodded and made a gesture of invitation.

  ”I was planning to discuss this with you. Let’s go into the house and talk!”


  In the barracks.

  According to Li De’s narration, Chu Guang had a general understanding of the title of “Permanent Partner of the Enterprise”.

  The so-called “Permanent Partner of the Enterprise” is equivalent to an enhanced version of the “Trade White List”.

  As we all know, although the enterprise is located in the distant Yunjian Province, the territory of trade is far more than just a small place like Yunjian Province. Even on the west coast of Zhongzhou Continent, people doing business under their banner can be seen.

  If a dispute occurs, the enterprise can’t fly over thousands of kilometers to take revenge.

  So in order to prevent trouble before it happens, the people of the enterprise introduced the “trade white list” system.

  If the survivor settlements on the white list are plundered by local survivors, the insurance company will pay for the losses of the caravan after sending salesmen to understand the situation. For situations outside the white list, no compensation will be given.

  Therefore, the vast majority of caravans from enterprises, especially those caravans that really bring good things, will prefer to do business with those regular survivor settlements on the “white list”. Only a few small caravans will take the risk to do business with those three-no survivor settlements in order to gamble.

  For example, Boulder City is on the trade white list.

  For decades, the caravans of enterprises have been doing business in Boulder City, and their legal rights and interests have been protected, so they can buy those high-tech products.

  For places like Bet Street and Brown Farm, only the slave traders in Red River Town and the third and fourth-tier caravans in Boulder City will pay attention to them. The caravans from enterprises will not consider trading with them at all, nor will they stay in their settlements.

  After all, if something goes wrong, the insurance they bought will not be compensated!

  To enter the whitelist, employees above grade A need to apply to the company’s headquarters and use their credit scores as collateral.

  In addition, they need to submit an inspection report of more than 30 pages and stay in the local area for at least 60 days to ensure the accuracy of the investigation.

  Companies have employees who specialize in this field, and their income is usually not low, because if they successfully open up a market for the company, the company will give them commissions based on the transaction volume in the next ten years, and will award outstanding employees with awards for outstanding contributions, and even include them in the management.

  At the same time, the survivor settlements that have obtained guarantees will be recognized by the company as civilized people, and more caravans will include them in the trade routes. Many caravans that

  do not belong to the company will refer to this list to a certain extent to determine whether the trading party is trustworthy.

  After all, no one wants to get into the cage of the predator or test the other party’s moral bottom line with the goods in their pockets.

  It is also easier to find a bank to borrow money when doing business with low-risk survivor settlements.

  As for the title of “Enterprise Permanent Strategic Partner”, its significance is extraordinary. Both the influence and the difficulty of obtaining it are far beyond the “trade whitelist” guaranteed by grade A employees.

  First of all, the individual who submits the application must at least be a senior executive of the branch, or a shareholder, or even the chairman of the branch.

  Secondly, the branch cannot be a small company with no presence in the “enterprise”, and it must at least have at least one seat on the board of directors of the headquarters!

  If the trade whitelist is merely a guarantee of the credit and security of the transaction party, then the title of “Enterprise Permanent Strategic Partner” is more like a strong recommendation –

  [These are high-quality customers we met outside, and we introduce them to you. They lent us a hand in times of crisis, they are completely trustworthy, you can rest assured to stay on their territory, they will provide you with food and shelter. ]

  [At the same time, the company’s caravans are prohibited from taking hostile actions against it, and armed mercenary companies are prohibited from listing it as a target of action. F and E category technology authorizations and related trading products are lifted. ]

  The Boulder City has been doing business with the enterprise for decades, but it is just a white list. There is no survivor base in the entire Qingquan City that can get the title of “Enterprise Permanent Partner”.

  After all, it is really difficult.

  In principle, as a “scientific expedition team”, the Pioneer has no right to grant this title to a survivor base far away from Yunjian Province.

  But the lineup of this “scientific expedition team” is too luxurious.

  Even the driver of the water truck is a C-level employee of the enterprise, and there are many B-level and A-level employees on duty in the office. Li De, the section chief, and Lu Yang, the captain of the Marine Corps, are senior executives of the Silver Wing Group.

  Generally, those caravans that go to other provinces to do business, even if the boss is only a B-level, and few who can get an A-level are willing to leave Ideal City and go out to the wild.

  With the influence of the Pioneer crew, they are indeed qualified to submit this application, but the procedure still needs some processing.

  Chu Guang was full of interest in the last point that Li De said.

  ”What exactly does E and F technology include? Are there powered armors?”

  Chu Guang didn’t have high hopes, but he didn’t expect Li De to nod.

  ”Of course there are… but I don’t recommend it. The powered armor of E technology uses chemical batteries, which is actually an enhanced version of an exoskeleton. Few caravans will carry such heavy things, and most survivor bases prefer to buy power sources and process them themselves.”

  After a pause, Li De continued.

  ”I really want to help you get this title. Every year, thousands of caravans pass through the Valley Province, and one of the two corridors to the west is on the plains in the northern suburbs of Qingquan City. If you can do it, it will be of great help to you in the future.”

  ”But now there is a big problem. Your strength needs to be improved. Later, I will ask someone to help you repair the machine tool, but even so… I’m afraid it will be difficult for you to come up with something that other caravans are interested in. Even if you become a permanent partner of the enterprise, I can’t guarantee that you will be more attractive than the survivor bases on the ‘trade white list’.”

  To put it bluntly, the machine tool is more like a “staff.” Its power does not depend on itself, but also on the “material” and “person” of the spell.

  However, after listening to Li De’s words, Chu Guang did not take this issue to heart, but became more interested.

  ”It’s okay, they can invest and set up a factory here! Those E, F and other products can be produced here and then sold to other places in Qingquan City.”

  ”We have abundant raw materials here, and large pieces of garbage are not recycled, waiting for people to deal with them. We also have high-quality labor, and we can even provide logistics security for their transactions within the province… This is definitely much easier than shipping the products from the East Coast!” After

  listening to Chu Guang’s words, Li De was obviously stunned.


  This works too? –

  (Thanks to the book friend “Free Wind and Rain 2” for the reward! Sorry, it’s a little late today, WPS has a bug, but fortunately the manuscript has been found. Today is still 10,000 words! [4/30])

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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