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Chapter 156: Can’t Get Involved Again

Chapter 156: Can’t Get Involved Again


Author: What’s wrong

  Chapter 156: I Can’t Get Trapped Anymore

  In the blink of an eye, it was seven in the evening.

  Just as Jiang Qin had expected, after the group purchase successfully completed its first delivery, the number of orders in the evening hours began to surge, and the speed was so fast that even Sunai was a little surprised.

  In fact, the reason is very simple.

  The snowy nights in winter are colder than the daytime, and it is extremely inconvenient and unnecessary to go out.

  In addition, most people have seen the little yellow hats in the school, and have also seen roommates and classmates who have successfully consumed on the group purchase website, so the so-called concerns about being cheated and wasting time have been completely dispelled.

  The most important thing is that college students are more sensitive to trends and are quick to accept new things.

  Home delivery and discounts, there is nothing more attractive than these two points.

  So from noon to seven in the evening, the backstage orders continued to increase, and after being systematically summarized and classified, the orders were generated and sent to the merchants and deliverymen. The

  cold-resistant items on the pedestrian street are very popular on this snowy day.

  Quilts for sleeping, blankets for studying and playing games, as well as furry cotton slippers, thick cotton socks, and thick leggings are almost all must-have items.

  In addition, the food and beverage products in the supermarket are also sold very quickly, second only to the warm baby.

  It’s just that there are no orders from Wanzhong Shopping Mall, which makes Jiang Qin feel regretful.

  On the one hand, the prices of the goods in the mall are not low, and on the other hand, the goods are delivered only at 8 o’clock every night. These two points are the reasons why consumers are discouraged.


  ”Look, the deliveryman from the group purchase is here again.”

  ”Ah, is it already 7 o’clock in the evening?”

  ”Yes, it’s the last delivery today. I ordered some fruits. After all, it’s winter, and the weather is too dry.” ”

  I also bought some warm baby to stock up. The price is very cheap.”

  Under the cold snowy night, the deliveryman wearing a small yellow hat exhaled the cold air, returned with a full load, and rode a tricycle into the school again. When passing under the orange street lights, the stylish small yellow hat attracted the attention of many students.

  Although the snow was compacted, resulting in a slower delivery speed and delayed the arrival time, most people expressed understanding. The weather

  was cold and the roads were slippery, and many students fell in the school. Even the official website issued a notice to pay attention to safety, so everyone didn’t have too many opinions about the delivery being late for a few minutes.

  When the deliveryman Tian Xiangjia finished delivering to the last building, he even received a bottle of water from the students. He inexplicably felt a touch of warmth in this cold night.

  He left the dormitory area, found a place where he could park his tricycle out of the way, then took out his mobile phone, opened his calculator, and calculated today’s commission.

  You wouldn’t know until you calculated it, and you were shocked.

  Even if you took out the red envelopes he received at the beginning, his commission was equivalent to two full-day part-time jobs before.

  I heard that the boss is a freshman in the School of Finance, damn awesome!

  [Sister, I changed to a new job, long-term, you don’t have to work too hard outside, maybe I can even earn enough for my tuition! ]

  Tian Xiangjia sent a text message to his sister who was working in a first-tier city, then hummed a song and rode his tricycle south along the road.

  Everyone born in this world is working hard to fight against fate and look forward to a better future.


  ”Boss, today’s last delivery is over.”

  ”Okay, thank you for your hard work. I’ve booked a table at Food for Heaven. You guys go eat first. There’s one last wave tonight, so we may have to work harder.” In

  the brightly lit 208, Jiang Qin waved his hand and asked everyone to go out for dinner.

  Today’s first day of online can be said to be a complete success, and it is worth celebrating. The canteen is not worthy, at least it should be a formal restaurant like Food for Heaven.

  I am happy to lose money, it’s really amazing.

  Jiang Qin let go of the mouse, stretched his waist, and his eyes fell on the wall clock on the opposite wall.

  Although the last delivery of the first day is over, there will be new orders tonight, which will be aggregated into the delivery period tomorrow morning.

  Therefore, the real marketing does not end at eight o’clock. For Jiang Qin, how to maintain the enthusiasm until the next day is also crucial. While

  thinking, everyone in 208 put on their coats, stretched their hands and feet, and walked out of the entrepreneurship base.

  Seeing this scene, Tang Lin, who was responsible for the project promotion ppt, couldn’t help but feel envious.

  What I envy is not just the food at Shiweitian, but also the power of unity, the excitement of being full of energy, and the sense of accomplishment of creating a new way of consumption.

  And the source of all this is that mysterious man.

  ”Senior Cao, Hong Yan, Tang Lin, you guys should go too.”

  ”Ah? Can we go too?” Tang Lin’s eyes lit up.

  Jiang Qin nodded naturally: “We are all working hard for the same project. How can they eat when you have nothing to eat? Go quickly and eat more.”

  After listening to this, Cao Xinyue gave a thumbs up: “Junior brother is not bad. After coming here for so long, I finally heard a human word. Then I won’t be polite. Don’t dislike me for eating too much when the time comes.”

  ”Don’t be polite. Just eat a lot. It’s best to eat yourself fat and get dumped by your boyfriend, so that you can concentrate on working part-time here.”

  ”Bah, stop talking nonsense. Our relationship is very good!”

  Cao Xinyue smiled and put on her coat, and walked out of the office with Hong Yan and Tang Lin.

  At this moment, Tang Lin felt the infinite charm from Jiang Qin again, shining brightly in this cold snowy night.

  Let’s go eat, I’ve booked a table.

  Wow, it sounds like what a domineering president in a novel would say. This damn handsome guy, no wonder he is secretly loved by so many school beauties.

  Young face, uncle temperament, calm and composed, it’s simply killing.

  Tang Lin felt that even she couldn’t help but be moved by this kind of boy.

  No, what boy, he is simply a male god!

  However, she also knew that her appearance was not good enough, and she should have no chance to like such a man with his own light effect, but it is still possible for her bestie! When

  Tang Lin thought of this, a cold and beautiful face suddenly appeared in her mind.

  Well, although the possibility is not big, it is not completely without chance.

  ”Hong Yan, do you still want to continue pursuing Jiang Qin? I support you!” Tang Lin suddenly blurted out.

  After hearing this, Hong Yan stumbled and almost fell on the threshold: “What nonsense are you talking about? Didn’t we agree not to mention this?”

  Cao Xinyue turned her head in surprise. She had not experienced the last corridor battle, so she knew nothing about it: “Yan Yan, you also pursued Jiang Qin? How come I don’t know?”

  ”Well, I guess I did…”

  ”Hey, I haven’t heard of it.”

  ”It’s not a recent thing, it’s something in the past, probably when school just started.” Hong Yan admitted frankly. Cao Xinyue

  couldn’t help but open her eyes wide: “What about now?”

  ”There is a mountain that can’t be climbed over, and I heard that even that mountain doesn’t seem to crush Jiang Qin.”

  Hong Yan wrapped her down jacket tighter, looking at the dim street lights in the cold night, she couldn’t help feeling a little disappointed.

  She always thought that it was a joke that people who don’t talk about love were not in love. They are all in college, who wouldn’t want to have a sweet love.

  It wasn’t until later that she learned about the relationship between Jiang Qin and Chu Siqi that she realized that he really didn’t believe in love. It’s

  useless to have no evidence, right?

  But she had truly experienced Chu Siqi’s suffocating operation, and she understood where Jiang Qin’s pain point was.

  Love is a waste of time for him.

  Otherwise, with Sister Feng’s face and figure, Jiang Qin would have been seduced by her.

  Therefore, it is better not to do something with such a low success rate, so as not to get too deeply involved and end up with a bad ending.

  ”What’s wrong with Dashan? I have heard the story of Yugong since I was a child!”

  Tang Lin suddenly felt a little unconvinced.

  ”What do you mean?”

  A trace of doubt flashed in Hong Yan’s eyes.

  ”Isn’t there that kind of male protagonist in the novel? I don’t like the beautiful daughter, but Cinderella. What’s more, Hong Yan, you are several levels higher than Cinderella!”

  Tang Lin bit the word “level” heavily.

  ”You also said that it was a novel, not reality.”

  Hong Yan smiled indifferently and did not respond any more.

  She has a high emotional intelligence, so she will not be too emotional when facing things. To put it bluntly, she is very rational.

  Rational analysis told her that you don’t have a chance, don’t go forward, it will definitely be a bad ending, you will fall.

  So, she began to learn to suppress that feeling.

  This is the difference between her and Tang Lin.

  Tang Lin is too hasty to do things, and dares to do many things that she is not sure of. In the end, it’s all in vain, and she is the one who gets hurt.

  She has advised Tang Lin many times to think before doing things and do them when she is sure, but now it seems that Tang Lin has ignored all her words.

  ”Wait a minute, who is Dashan?” Cao Xinyue suddenly spoke.

  Tang Lin waved her hands: “It’s Feng Nanshu, that face is just like bribing God, senior sister, haven’t you seen it?”

  ”Oh, it’s Feng junior sister, I’ve seen it many times, she and Jiang Qin are not together?”

  ”No, although people in the office call her the boss lady, Sister Xuemei said that Jiang Qin always said that they are good friends.”

  In addition to the affairs of the general office, Cao Xinyue spent the rest of her time dating her boyfriend from another school, so she didn’t have time to explore gossip.

  But she didn’t know until now that Feng Nanshu and Jiang Qin hadn’t confirmed their relationship.

  Good man, he could handle it with ordinary girls, but he could handle it with Feng Nanshu?

  Jiang Qin really followed through on what he wrote on the business application form.

  ”Jiang Qin is really a very strange person.”

  ”Yeah, it seems like he thinks a lot, and his perspective on things is sharp and cold.”

  ”But, it’s impossible for a person to not fall in love for a lifetime, right?”

  ”I don’t know, but I always feel like he’s always chasing something, and he’s afraid of something.”

  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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