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Chapter 156: There Are Not Enough NPCs

Chapter 156: There Are Not Enough NPCs


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 156: NPCs Are Running Out

  After sending Chu Guang away, Li De returned to the Pioneer and thought about it. In the end, he filled in a line of reasons he thought were appropriate on the electronic application form. ”

  This is an ideal post station. They don’t have any special products, but they can buy delicious food at a cheap price, and don’t have to worry about having their throats cut in their sleep. If you plan to go to the province further west, it will be safer to stay here than in other places. I guarantee with my credit score that they are trustworthy.” There are

  also electronic signatures of dozens of other crew members on the Pioneer at the end of the letter.

  This encrypted letter will be sent to the Silver Wing Group’s board of directors, and the board will give a reply within three days.

  Li De thinks it shouldn’t be a big problem.

  After all, even Captain Lu left his signature.

  The sacrifices they made in this battle deserve the respect that those blue coats deserve.

  As for setting up a factory…

  To be honest, after all this journey, this is the first time Li De has heard of such a whimsical request. Will there be a bank willing to lend money for such a high-risk project?

  It’s hard to say.

  In any case, he couldn’t interfere with such matters. The Pioneer was not here to develop the market, and there was no way to call a dozen caravans.

  Li De suggested to Chu Guang that when a caravan of a company passed by their door, he could go and talk to them about this kind of cooperation, but he didn’t have to hold out too much hope.

  After all, doing business in the wasteland is a risky thing. Opening a factory in the Valley Province that is not controlled by the company…

  How can those caravans bring back the profits?

  Who can guarantee their interests?

  This is a question worth thinking about, and it can’t be done by being clever.

  However, these questions that Li De thinks are worth thinking about are not problems in Chu Guang’s eyes.

  Whether it can be negotiated is one thing, and whether there is a chance to negotiate is another.

  Moreover, if it is really as Li De said, after getting the title of “Enterprise Permanent Partner”, a large number of corporate caravans will include them in the trade route. Even if they can’t run a factory, they can make money by opening an inn and setting up a barbecue stall.

  At that time, CR is not useless waste paper. When there are more caravans coming and going, will there be no one interested in this market?

  The huge caravan flow is also a market in itself. The biggest advantage of Shelter 404 over Boulder City is that it is closer to the suburbs and has more convenient transportation.

  Whether it is a trade node for corporate caravans to travel between the central and even western regions, or a trade hub for foreign caravans and local merchants in Qingquan City, it can create a considerable income for the outpost.

  Life profession players have been enhanced at an epic level!

  It’s really great.


  At the north gate of the outpost, torches in the snow flickered.

  It was twelve o’clock in the morning of the wasteland time, and it was noon in reality.

  Except for a few life profession players who were still offline in the living area, most players went offline to eat.

  After all, it is impossible to stay online for 24 hours. Even if the player’s real body can withstand it, the clone in the game has to close his eyes and rest.

  Otherwise, “fatigue DEBUFF” will appear on the VM, which will directly affect the work efficiency of the next day.

  Chu Guang, wearing a Type 5 police light exoskeleton, walked from the north. The wrench patrolling at the door happened to see him and immediately greeted him and saluted.

  ”Sir, you are back.”

  Chu Guang nodded.

  ”Well, where are the spoils?”

  Wrench reported.

  ”Half of them have been unloaded, and the other half is still on the truck! There are too many things. Old Luca said that he would find a few people to build a new warehouse tomorrow to store the munitions.”

  Chu Guang nodded.

  Things like munitions must be separated from other materials.

  In the future, as the resources of the outpost increase, separate warehouses will be built for each type of resource, and specialists will be hired to keep them.

  Thinking of this, Chu Guang couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

  There are not enough NPCs.

  It would be better if the literacy class at Old Charlie’s side could be faster.

  If Shelter No. 404 gets the title of “Enterprise Permanent Partner”, there will definitely be a caravan of enterprises passing by here in the spring of next year.

  He will need more manpower at that time.

  Chu Guang couldn’t help but wonder in his heart, should we also open a literacy class for the nomads’ camp? It’s hard to arrange jobs for them without education.

  Passing through the door of the outpost, Chu Guang noticed that the light in the weapon shop was still on, and there was a figure standing at the door with a cane.

  Seeing Chu Guang coming from the north gate, Xia Yan, whose cheeks were red from the cold, finally breathed a sigh of relief and limped over with her cane.

  ”You’re finally back. I was going to send someone a task to find you.”

  Chu Guang glanced at the VM on her arm and teased.

  ”I’m very pleased that you’re getting more and more proficient in using it.”

  Xia Yan raised her eyebrows and was about to speak when a voice suddenly floated from the direction of the sanatorium.

  ”Woo woo woo, master!”

  The wastebasket-shaped robot rushed to Chu Guang’s side and happily circled his calves several times.

  ”Master, you’re finally back! The electronic pulse outside was so strong just now, Xiaoqi was so worried about you!”

  Chu Guang patted Xiaoqi’s head gently and said with a smile.

  ”Don’t worry, that thing has no effect on me, but are you okay?”

  Xiaoqi: “Xiaoqi is fine! That level of EMP can’t affect Xiaoqi!”


  So you’re pretty brave.

  Chu Guang touched its round head and found his hands were covered with dust. It seemed that he should find a chance to give it a bath.

  Looking at Chu Guang who was just interacting with the robot pet, Xia Yan couldn’t help rolling his eyes, coughed lightly to remind him that he was still here, and continued.

  ”What exactly happened in the north? That… was it really a nuclear explosion?”

  Chu Guang picked up a ball of snow from the door of the weapons store and washed the dust off his hands.

  ”A small nuclear bomb, about 10 tons, it’s not a big problem.”

  Xia Yan was stunned.

  ”…Is it from the legion?”

  ”Well, it’s a battalion of 1,000 people, led by a centurion named Vanus. It is said that when Lu Yang and his men found him, the guy poured a glass of red wine and asked him calmly if he wanted to drink with him. More than 2,000 clone light infantrymen, the trenches were filled with blood… But no matter what, their equipment is now ours.”

  Looking at the smile on Chu Guang’s face, Xia Yan said worriedly.

  ”I always feel that you are a little too optimistic.”

  ”In what aspects?”

  ”In all aspects,” Xia Yan sighed and continued, “A year ago, the expeditionary force of the Legion fought against the people of the Great Rift Valley in the north, claiming to have a million troops… and in fact it was almost that number. Do you know what this means? They don’t know how many battalions of 1,000 people like this one are there.”

  Chu Guang raised his hand and stopped her from speaking.

  ”You want to say that we shouldn’t interfere in this war, right?”

  Xia Yan nodded with a serious expression.

  ”It’s not a wise decision to interfere in the affairs between the Legion and the Enterprise. If the Legion knows that it was because of your interference that they lost a thousand-man brigade, what would you do if you were their commander?”

  ”Me?” Chu Guang smiled and said, “That depends on what I’m doing. If the situation on the front line is tight, I will put this trouble aside and deal with it when I have time.”

  Xia Yan looked at him in disbelief.

  ”Since you know, then you still-”

  ”So you think their battle situation is going well?” Chu Guang said lightly, “If it was really that smooth, they wouldn’t have come to the south to desert. It’s nothing more than that this battle can no longer be fought, and they plan to take advantage of the retreat before they can get as much as they can.”

  Xia Yan: “…This is just an ideal analysis. Those people are predators, and they won’t think about everything so carefully.”

  Chu Guang said with a smile.

  ”I know, I’m thinking from their perspective. So have you ever thought about what would happen if this unit didn’t catch the Pioneer?”

  Xia Yan was slightly stunned.

  ”…Didn’t catch it?”

  Does this have anything to do with the topic they discussed before?

  Xia Yan couldn’t help but feel a little confused.

  Chu Guang nodded.

  ”Yes, whether it’s fighting or negotiating a contract, you have to be prepared for both situations. After all, things can’t always go as smoothly as you think. The situation is optimistic. They successfully intercepted the Pioneer, so the supplies for the two thousand people will be easy to deal with, directly from the fat sheep.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”But in fact, they were actually a step slower. If the Pioneer hadn’t been broken down in the northern suburbs of Qingquan City, they might have really missed this fat sheep. Five light trucks, the supplies they brought were not enough to allow them to survive the entire winter, and it was impossible to trek hundreds of kilometers back in such heavy snow… What do you think they would do then? Stand in silence in the heavy snow? Or look at the ruts on the ground and curse?”

  Xia Yan fell into deep thought, with a troubled expression.

  Obviously, this has exceeded the thinking boundary of a small mercenary.

  She only thought that attacking the legion might lead to the legion’s revenge, but she didn’t expect that it would be the same whether she provoked it or not.

  Looking at her struggling to think, Chu Guang said leisurely.

  ”Since they dared to set out before winter, they must have made preparations for both scenarios. Let’s put it this way, looting the survivors in the north of Qingquan City was originally in their backup plan. So what difference does it make whether we provoke them or not? Anyway, they are ready to provoke us.”

  In fact, even if the Legion successfully intercepted the Pioneer, the second situation is entirely possible.

  Being organized does not mean being disciplined. Just as the company’s evaluation of them, the so-called Legion is just a group of organized predators.

  From the moment they set out, this war was doomed.

  But it is worth being happy that this lazy little employee now knows how to share the worries of his boss.

  This is a great thing.

  It seems that I have trained her well.

  Patting her on the shoulder, Chu Guang gave her an approving look.

  ”Remember this sentence. Survival is only a stopgap measure. Development space is ultimately earned through fighting. If you can’t figure it out, don’t think about it. Anyway, you don’t have to worry about it. It’s better to think about happy things. A large number of weapons and pensions, a free industrial mother machine, and the title of permanent partner of the enterprise… These things will be enough for us for a long time.”

  Chu Guang was full of confidence in the future.

  As long as he developed, no matter what legion, enterprise or academy, it would not be a problem for him.

  When the industrial fire was ignited, with infinite production capacity and infinite vitality, his players would be the strongest!


  No words were spoken that night.

  Chu Guang had a very long dream.

  He dreamed that he became a machine gunner, squatting in a bunker, with a million clones of the legion in front of him, artillery roaring around, and planes swooping down in the sky.

  And the players who were supposed to charge in front were all standing behind him at this moment, muttering and yelling.

  ”Raise the muzzle a little more!”, “Burst fire, burst fire? Aim first!”, “Can you hold the trigger tightly? Who are you saving bullets for?”, “Machine gunner, move five meters to the left. It makes me anxious!”…

  Chu Guang got angry at that time. He turned the muzzle of the gun and fired a burst of bullets at them all. In the end, he only spared the one with the biggest breasts. He didn’t have the heart to kill them.

  And then…

  did he wake up from the dream?

  ”Damn… I have to change the sheets again.”

  Chu Guang got up from the bed early in the morning, sweating all over. He felt like he had done push-ups all night. Every cell in his body was swelling.

  Accustomed to growing while sleeping, Chu Guang calmly went to the B2 floor to take a shower, and then returned to the resident hall to check himself.

  Just as Chu Guang expected.

  This time it escalated again.



  Chu Guang Gene Sequence: Manager (Phase 2)

  Level: LV.10→LV.11

  ——Basic Attributes——

  Strength: 16

  Agility: 11

  Constitution: 13→14

  Perception: 12

  Intelligence: 12


  ”This wave should be taking advantage of the players’ experience.”

  The constitution attribute increases a little, and the metabolic capacity and toughness are improved. For Chu Guang who cannot be resurrected, this attribute is still very useful.

  Looking at the physical examination form, Chu Guang touched his chin with interest and continued to talk to himself, “But after such a big battle, I only got one level up. It seems that my experience-grabbing skills still need to be improved.”

  The upgrade conditions for the manager sequence are very vague. Unlike the other series, you can understand the upgrade method by reading the literal meaning.

  Ignoring the level for the time being, Chu Guang sat in front of the computer and opened the official website.

  Chu Guang wanted to see what the players thought of the battle last night, but as soon as he took a look, he saw that more than a hundred withdrawal reactions had already begun to occur.

  ”Ahhh, I’m going to die without Boss Crow’s mushroom soup!”

  ”I can’t hold the little man’s hand and dance anymore.” ”

  Without Xiaoyu’s good morning and be careful, I feel like I have no motivation to go to work! My boss scolded me today, and I glared back. It seemed like he was scared. Should I start preparing a new resume?”

  ”Damn it! I really want to blow something up! I just got the formula for RDX and was planning to try it.”

  ”Why don’t you try it in reality?”

  ”Get lost, you want me to die!!!”

  ”In the 12th hour of not being able to go online, I felt the pain of Brother Makabazi and Brother Quitting Smoking. It hurt so much that I couldn’t breathe.”

  ”Woo woo woo, planner dad, please, let me go online!”

  Chu Guang: “…”


  It’s just a few days of not being able to go online, is it

  that serious? I didn’t expect these players to be so addicted.

  Chu Guang was originally thinking about letting them take a few days off to relax in reality, but now it seems that he was just overthinking it. These little players are more anxious to get on the clock than he is.

  Especially the guy who quit smoking, it feels like the word sadness has become a flood in his post. According to him, after logging off yesterday, he fell asleep wearing a helmet the entire second half of the night.

  Can you sleep with this?

  Chu Guang vaguely remembered from watching the discussion in the Niuma group that if you wear a helmet, you can see the countdown and login restriction reminder no matter whether you open your eyes or close them, right?

  Chu Guang didn’t know what the helmet was all about, he just hoped that they wouldn’t ruin their bodies, live well when they can’t go online, and don’t cause trouble to society.

  As for the problem of not being able to go online, to be honest, Chu Guang is more anxious than them.

  More than a quarter of the players in the “server” can’t log in. If it were Tencent or NetEase, they would have to pay 10,000 happy beans.

  It can only be said that it’s a good thing that it’s a closed beta.

  A Guang: “Don’t panic, everyone. We have been working overtime for 48 hours to repair the problem. All players who cannot log in to the game normally due to BUG will be compensated! In addition, players who died in battlefield missions today will receive limited medals! The auction of spoils will also be conducted online, and you can claim them normally after going online. You don’t have to worry about missing out on equipment distribution due to death!”

  Quit Smoking: “Brother Guang!! Wuuuu, please, let your programmers hurry up!”

  Ye Shi: “It’s okay as long as I can participate in the auction! I want to bid for a scope! Red dot YYDS!”

  Tail: “Give Tail 5 silver coins! Nothing happened to Tail! Give Tail 10 silver coins, Tail will help you clean up the mess! (`)Ψ”

  Sisi: “Awei, you’re not dead, why are you joining in the fun.”

  Tail: “!! Damn, has Sisi been bought by the evil planner! Pass it on, Sisi is not clean!”

  Sisi: “???”


  At the same time, in the prison next to the action camp.

  Yuan Hao, wearing a cotton-padded jacket, turned off the SUV, picked up a basket of potatoes and threw it at the door, shouting coldly.

  ”Dinner is ready.”

  The prison door opened.

  Looking at Vanus coming out, Yuan Hao’s right hand subconsciously touched the pistol at his waist, guarding against his every move.

  Seeing the man’s alertness, Vanus said nothing, just picked up the basket of potatoes and turned back to the house.

  Looking at the closed door, thinking of the blue coat and compatriots who died tragically in the battle that day, Yuan Hao couldn’t help but spit at the door and went back to the car cursing.

  ”This bunch of scum.”

  In his opinion, there is no need to be polite to these people. They should not be allowed to live in a warm prison. They should be thrown in the snow and let them freeze into ice in the cold wind!

  Giving them potatoes to eat is a bargain for them!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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