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Chapter 157 The Messenger from Boulder City

Chapter 157 The Messenger from Boulder City


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 157 The Messenger from Boulder City

  In the distance.

  The flying snow and dozens of gunshots added a touch of sadness to the funeral.

  The three dead Marines were sent to the freezer, and the crew of the Pioneer held a simple funeral for them.

  In order to prevent the bodies of their comrades from being eaten by alien species, they would freeze the bodies and store them in the morgue, and bring them back to Ideal City for burial after the expedition.

  There were 100 people when the Pioneer set out, but now there are only 90 people left, and three people are lying in the medical cabin receiving treatment, waiting for the implantation of prosthesis.

  Looking at the remains of his comrades, Lu Yang felt a little heavy, and even a little confused.

  He did not doubt the decision of the company’s top management, nor was he afraid of dying on the way to find Shelter No. 0. However, what made him sad was that he didn’t know how many more people would die if he continued like this.

  They had only reached the River Valley Province, and the number of personnel had already dropped by 10%.

  If they continued to go west into the wilderness…

  At this time, his adjutant Yi Hai walked up to him and whispered.

  ”We should increase the weapons reserve, at least another 500 tons. The further we go west, the greater the possibility that we will encounter the Legion. I’m worried… there will be new situations by then.”

  Lu Yang nodded.

  ”I discussed this issue with Chief Li of the Logistics Department last night. On the one hand, we need to increase the weapons reserve, and on the other hand, we need to actively obtain reinforcements from the corporate headquarters. I plan to help the residents of Shelter 404 strengthen their base of operations. If reinforcements from the corporate headquarters arrive later, we can get supplies from them.”

  It’s not just for this consideration.

  What Lu Yang is worried about is that General Kras of the expeditionary force learned that Shelter 404 was awarded the title of “Corporate Permanent Partner” shortly after his thousand-man brigade was lost.

  That undoubtedly told them that Shelter 404 played a decisive role in the victory or defeat of that war.

  Perhaps General Kras would not lose his mind for a thousand-man captain and forget what he came to the Valley Province for.

  But it is hard to say whether they will take other retaliatory actions.

  After all, those predators are the “number one fans” of the Legion. Many of the predators’ organization and slave taming skills are simply copied from the Legion.

  Yi Hai nodded gently.

  ”I thought so too.”


  The sky was getting light.

  In the distant action camp, the hardworking residents

  of Shelter No. 404 had already started a fire and cooked. Fang Chang, who was sitting in the camp, had a bandage on his left arm and a bowl in his hand. He drank a mouthful of noodle soup and said with emotion.

  ”Hey, fortunately Brother Chaodan is still alive, otherwise I can’t eat this noodle.”

  The bow and life were saved.

  The only pity is that Brother Ye Shi was sacrificed, Lao Bai had something to do today and couldn’t go on board, and Brother Kuangfeng lost an arm and was receiving treatment on the Pioneer.

  This bowl of noodles can only be eaten by him sitting here alone.

  ”I am a physical type after all, how can I die so easily?” With a plaster on his face, the scrambled egg chef did not forget to shout, “Next.”

  Although more than a hundred people died last night, the living people did not seem to be affected. They just sighed occasionally during the chat, as if they felt sorry for the victims.

  Leaning against the water truck and eating the freshly bought buns, Yuan Hao looked at the white smoke floating in the distance and couldn’t help but sigh.

  ”Maybe we should learn from their optimism.”

  ”Yeah…” Wei nodded, his eyes full of admiration and emotion, “Maybe, this is why they can survive in this miserable world.”

  ”Speaking of which, today’s soy milk is good.”

  ”Indeed! To be honest, I really want to leave the planting cabin to them… It’s a waste to let the freeze-drying workshop and mobile kitchen handle those precious ingredients.”

  At this time, a black transport plane flew in the direction of Linghu in the south.

  Its appearance resembles a dolphin, with a broad nose and a slender fuselage. The two engines located in front and behind the bottom of the cabin spewed out enchanting blue arcs of fire, pushing the fuselage forward. The

  electromagnetic point defense on the top of the Pioneer aimed at it, followed its outline and moved slowly for a while, and then fired two mass bombs as a warning.

  The explosion that broke through the sound barrier forced the plane to stop, and it stopped moving forward very sensibly and slowly landed in the open area south of the Pioneer.

  The engine was shut down, and four men wearing exoskeletons jumped out of the cabin neatly and walked towards the Pioneer from a distance.

  Many players in the action camp saw this scene, and their faces showed surprised expressions.

  ”What the hell?”

  ”A helicopter without propellers!”

  ”That engine with blue light is so cool…”

  ”It would be great if I could buy one!”

  ”One million silver coins a piece, go buy it.”

  ”Shut up, what if the planner hears us?”

  Although the Pioneer did not sound the alarm for this group of uninvited guests, it also entered the first level of combat readiness. The staff of the logistics department took the elevator back to the fortress, and four marines in power armor came down from the elevator instead.

  Captain Lu Yang walked up with three teammates, staring at the four people in front of him and frowned slightly.

  ”Who are you?”

  The leading man stepped forward and said politely.

  ”We are from the Boulder City Militia, my name is Li Hua.”

  Lu Yang stared at him.

  ”Silver Wing Group’s First Pioneer Corps, Lu Yang, explain your purpose.”

  ”We don’t want to interfere in your conflict, but this conflict happened on our territory after all…”

  Li Hua raised his hands helplessly when he saw a fixed-wing drone taking off from the top of the fortress. “Don’t be nervous, my friend who has come from afar. Anyway, your fight is over. How about stopping here? Why don’t you give us the prisoners? We can pay a ransom for them… There’s no point in keeping them anyway, right?”

  ”Are you here on behalf of the legion?” Lu Yang’s tone sank.

  Li Hua said.

  ”As a neutral third party, of course, we won’t say anything if you refuse. After all, he is your prisoner, and you have the right to deal with him.”

  Lu Yang said after a moment of hesitation.

  ”I can’t make the decision on the prisoners alone. I have to ask our allies for their opinions.”

  ”Ally?” The man was stunned for a moment, exchanged surprised glances with his teammates, and finally looked at Lu Yang, nodded helplessly, “Okay… We can wait.”

  Someone dared to interfere in the affairs of the Legion?

  What a warrior!

  Watching those people return to the plane, Lu Yang also returned to the Pioneer with his subordinates and called Chu Guang.

  When the call came, Chu Guang happened to be at the office and took the pension payment list from Luo Hua.

  117,000CR and a magnetic confinement plasma processing machine.

  Yes, the latter is free.

  After this battle, the head of the logistics department changed his previous attitude and decided to repair the machine for them for free as a reward for the help of Shelter No. 404 in that encounter.

  However, the technology of the machine is relatively complicated, and it will take about a week to completely repair it, so he needs to wait patiently for a while. Luo Hua promised Chu Guang that he would definitely deliver the thing to them before leaving.

  Chu Guang certainly didn’t mind waiting, and he was not in a hurry.

  Saving 100,000 CR is a huge profit, isn’t it?

  The price he paid was only 117 active substances. Since there were more than 2,000 corpses left by the clones, it was rounded up to zero cost.

  In addition, there was a pension of 117,000 CR, which was very good whether it was used to buy guns or food, okay?

  Of course, since the amount of materials involved in tens of thousands of CR was too large, Luo Hua also reminded Chu Guang that the production capacity of the Pioneer was limited. If a large amount of materials needed to be purchased, it would be better to place an order in advance. Their inventory would not be much, and it would take time to arrange production.

  For example, assault rifles.

  For example, agricultural products.

  If they could not deliver before departure, they could only give them the money and let them buy from the enterprise’s caravan.

  Of course, these problems were not a problem in Chu Guang’s eyes.

  If Shelter No. 404 became a permanent partner of the enterprise, it would be okay even if the CR was not spent. It would be used one day.

  Chu Guang was very happy at the moment, but he couldn’t show too much excitement at the moment. He felt that all his 16 points of strength were used to hold back his laughter.

  However, before he could be happy for a while, he soon received a call from Lu Yang…

  ”Boulder City? Are they planning to redeem the people?” After hearing what Captain Lu said, Chu Guang was stunned.

  Two days ago, he was still saying that the people from the Big Stone City had not made any movement for a long time, but today they came early in the morning.

  ”Yes.” In the holographic image, Lu Yang nodded, “Their people just arrived in the northern suburbs.”

  Chu Guang asked immediately.

  ”How did they get here?”

  Such heavy snow!

  The road from the northern suburbs to the third ring road was completely closed. This is not a matter of just 10 to 20 kilometers, but a matter of climbing over several mountains and drilling several holes!

  The most important thing is that they did not pass through the northern city viaduct. The hummingbirds hovering in this area did not even see their figures.

  Could they still pass through the lake?

  Lu Yang: “It’s a twin-engine rotorless aircraft.”

  Chu Guang: “…”


  He wasted his expression.

  But since he can afford to take a plane, he is not an ordinary mercenary or hired armed force. He is probably from the Big Stone City Militia.

  Looking at Lu Yang’s holographic image, Chu Guang’s expression became serious. He didn’t even ask how much the ransom was before he spoke.

  ”We can’t take this ransom!”

  Lu Yang looked at Chu Guang and asked.

  ”We didn’t agree to them. Before deciding how to deal with the prisoners, I want to know your opinions.”


  What opinions can there be?

  If the prisoners were released and the expeditionary forces in the north knew that I had ruined their good deeds, it would be a lot of fun.

  Although the expeditionary forces of the legion would sooner or later know that it was me who did it, the consequences of knowing the same thing in different ways might be completely different.

  If Vanus didn’t go back, even if the general of the expeditionary force knew the inside story, he might not send people to the south to search for a stupid loser.

  The marching speed was slow in heavy snow. When the snow stopped, the Pioneer would have disappeared. It was not worth crossing 500 kilometers to beat up a group of country bumpkins. If

  too few people went, they would just give away their heads, and if too many people went, they wouldn’t even get their money back.

  But if Vanus was allowed to go back alive, it would be hard to say.

  What if this guy convinces his general, gathers another thousand-man team, and comes back to seek revenge?

  It’s not impossible.

  Considering the connections of this centurion in the legion and the expeditionary force, as well as possible family relationships, Chu Guang can list at least four completely different possibilities.

  Lu Yang thought for a moment and asked.

  ”Then what do you think is the best way to deal with it?”

  ”If you don’t plan to take him with you when you leave, then hand these prisoners over to us,” Chu Guang said sincerely, looking at Lu Yang in the holographic image, “After the northern expeditionary force is defeated, I will give him a chance to redeem himself, but not now.” It is definitely not

  okay to let him go, and it is not appropriate to kill him. It is best to keep him until the expeditionary force withdraws from the River Valley Province, and then decide whether to deal with him or give him a chance to redeem himself based on the specific situation.

  The centurions of the legion are all slave owners, and they can always find ways to squeeze some benefits out of them.

  If it really doesn’t work, it’s the same to sell them to Boulder City at that time.

  At least during the period when the legion’s expeditionary force is still in the River Valley Province, Chu Guang cannot let this unstable factor go.

  Lu Yang probably thought of this as well and nodded.

  ”Okay, actually I don’t agree to let him go now. At least before we set off, we have to control him and make sure he doesn’t run around. Since we have the same idea, I will send away those messengers from Boulder City.”

  Chu Guang breathed a sigh of relief and nodded slightly.

  ”That’s great.”


  The pitch-black helicopter took off again and headed back to Boulder City on the edge of the Third Ring Road of Qingquan City.

  Looking at the Pioneer that was getting farther and farther away, Li Hua’s face was filled with some regret.

  The militia soldier sitting next to him couldn’t help asking.

  ”Sir, are we just leaving like this?”

  Li Hua glanced at him.

  ”What else? Do you have any better ideas?”

  The soldier immediately shut up.

  What good ideas could he have?

  He was just worried that the commander would blame them when they saw that they had returned empty-handed.

  But speaking of it, these country bumpkins from the northern suburbs are really brave enough to get involved in the dispute between the Legion and the Enterprise.

  Are they planning to dance in the minefield?

  I don’t understand.

  Not far away, the action camp.

  The players who originally thought that there would be some new plots dispersed with a lack of interest and went about their own business.

  ”What exactly are these people here for?”

  ”I don’t know…”

  ”Who do you think those people are?” ”

  The equipment looks different from that of the Enterprise… Could they be from Boulder City?”


  At twelve o’clock in the morning of the game time, twelve o’clock tomorrow noon in real time, the official website will hold a trophy auction.

  Judging from the pictures posted in the announcement, there are many good things on the auction list. Many small players who are still online have decided to make some money during this period of time, so that they can take pictures of the equipment they like when the auction comes.

  At the same time, on the Pioneer.

  Kuangfeng, lying on the medical bed, looked at his right hand in surprise, his face full of disbelief.

  It was a mechanical hand.

  The shiny steel shell looked quite strong and heavy, but it did not affect its flexibility at all.

  To be honest, it did not look like a prosthesis at all. It

  was just like it grew out of him!

  At that time, he was lying in the trench, thinking that he was about to go down to accompany Ye Shi OB, but he did not expect that a soldier wearing an exoskeleton rescued him, yelled a lot, and then carried him on a stretcher.

  In short, he who was not repaired seemed to be the only seriously injured person who survived.

  In order to save him, the Pioneer carried him to the operating table and injected him with anesthetics… Then Kuangfeng was offline.

  In reality, he spent an ordinary afternoon. At night, Kuangfeng originally put on the helmet with the mentality of giving it a try, but he did not expect that he was successfully connected.

  When he woke up from his coma, he found himself like this.

  At this time, the door of the infirmary opened.

  A doctor in surgical gown walked in.

  ”You’re awake, how do you feel?”

  Kuangfeng: “…” What

  is this person talking about.

  There is no subtitle.

  Seeing that he didn’t speak, the doctor sighed softly and continued.

  ”Sorry, we have tried our best. More than 90% of the tissues in your right hand have been necrotic, so we can only amputate you. Later, we checked your nervous system and found that the neurons were unexpectedly active, which just met the conditions for prosthetic implants, so we installed this mechanical arm for you.”

  ”Compared with bionic prostheses, this kind of mechanical arm may not be very convenient in life, but it is still quite convenient to carry heavy objects and operate equipment. We don’t have the conditions to manufacture bionic prostheses here. If you expect the same feeling as the original one, you can pay attention to the company’s caravan… If you are lucky, you should be able to buy it.”

  Kuangfeng didn’t understand what the doctor was saying. He just thought that this new arm was so awesome that he wanted to run and show off to his friends right now –

  oh no, it should be good news!

  This wave is more than a profit.

  It’s a big profit, okay!

  After the doctor finished speaking, Kuangfeng nodded sincerely.

  ”Thank you!”

  The doctor smiled. Although he didn’t understand what he said, he could still tell the patient’s expression.

  ”You’re welcome. This is what we should do!”


  Kuangfeng, who took the elevator down from the Pioneer and returned to the action camp, happened to hear the conversations of the players around him.

  ”It seems that there is one more collection task… Go to the construction site in the northern city to move stones. What is this for? Are we going to burn cement again?”

  ”I don’t know, who cares! Anyway, the mission income is quite high. Just go and see.”

  After this battle, the game seemed to have a soft update. Although the bugs of the expansion pack have not been solved, a lot of new tasks have been added, so that there is a labor shortage in the action camp.

  In addition to the task of recycling garbage, Old Luca also issued some tasks for collecting stones and driving trucks.

  Two trucks seized from the legion were allocated to the action camp. And the ally’s fortress seemed to have a new move-a modular production tool was deployed next to the action camp.

  Judging from the materials piled next to it, that module seems to be for producing cement?

  But Kuangfeng still didn’t quite understand what these people wanted cement for. Were they planning to build a permanent fortification here?

  At this time, Fang Chang came over and was about to say hello, but he immediately saw his arm.

  ”Fuck?! What’s wrong with your arm?”

  A sullen smile appeared on that sullen face.

  ”I don’t know. It was like this when I woke up.”

  ”Let’s go!” Fang Chang excitedly reached out to pull him.

  ”What for?”

  ”It seems that a group of mutant snow wolves appeared on the battlefield in Yumu District. I don’t know where they came from. Anyway, it affected our recovery of cloned corpses.” Fang Chang stuffed a bag of javelins into Kuangfeng’s hand and said with a smile, “It just so happens that I have accepted a task to drive away the mutant snow wolves. Why don’t you try it too?”

  Kuangfeng also had this plan and wanted to try the power of this mechanical arm. He weighed the javelin bag in his hand, which was as light as a feather, and nodded.

  ”Okay… When do we leave?”

  ”Right now! The truck to Yumu District is about to leave, let’s go and catch some. Ten kilometers is not close!”

  The engineer and logistics staff standing next to the cement production workshop looked up at the backs of the two players.

  ”…Are they going hunting?”

  ”It seems so.”

  ”I always feel that the man with the javelin looks familiar.”

  ”I remember him, the one who was rescued from the battlefield yesterday. One of his arms was blown off, leaving only a half-hung sleeve attached to his shoulder! Chief Li personally arranged a prosthetic implant surgery for him. He should be awake now…”

  As they talked, the two of them showed admiration on their faces.

  Just got off the operating table, he went out hunting with his weapon.

  This is too awesome! –

  (5/30, please vote! After a few chapters, the people from the enterprise will leave, and the action camp will become a new gathering point, equivalent to the second “town” in MMORPG. Its early use will be similar to a caravan station, connecting the northern resource collection point and the northwest Elm District hunting ground. What do you think is a good name? If you have a good name, I’ll use yours!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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