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Chapter 158: Exchange – 69 Book Bar

158. Chapter 158 Exchange


Author: Wan Ran Yi Xiao

  After Aunt Wen finished speaking, she immediately bent down and began to look.

  It was dark, so Aunt Wen bent down very deeply and looked very carefully. Wen Yulan also pretended to look for something, and quietly walked towards the stove where Aunt Wen placed the food.

  She saw several dishes at a glance, and there were two servings of each dish. She didn’t know which ones were drugged, but it didn’t matter, just swap the positions of the same dishes.

  When Aunt Wen was looking on the ground with her back to her, Wen Yulan quickly swapped the same dishes and then quickly moved away.

  She took the jade out of her pocket and said in surprise, “Oh, I found it.”

  ”What?” Aunt Wen turned her head immediately. Even though the light was dim at this time, she could see the bright jade in Wen Yulan’s hand. The

  emerald-colored jade was very translucent, and you could tell it was valuable at a glance.

  Aunt Wen gritted her teeth secretly, wondering how this damn girl could find it. If I had found it, she could have secretly put it in her pocket.

  Seeing Wen Yulan hanging the jade around her neck again, Aunt Wen had no choice but to do nothing.


  Aunt Wen suddenly thought that this dead girl would eat her food and be drugged by her.

  When she gave it to the Cui family, she could take the jade off the girl’s neck, and it would be hers.

  Yes, that’s it.

  Let the dead girl keep it for a while.

  If Xu Jinning was here at this time, she would know that in the plot of the book she had read, the jade was indeed taken away by Aunt Wen.

  She never sold it after taking it, and kept it in her collection.
It was not

  until decades later that she sold it and found out that the jade was the top imperial green, and it was sold at a sky-high price.

  This also made Aunt Wen rich overnight.

  But no one knew that the jade was stolen by Aunt Wen.

  And the real owner of the jade, Wen Yulan, had died long ago.

  This is another place where the three views of this book are not correct.

  The person who schemed against others, forced her to death indirectly, and stole her belongings to make a fortune. Not only did he become rich, but he was also alive and well. How could this not make people angry?

  ”Second Aunt, do you really not need me to help you take the dishes out?” Wen Yulan stretched out her hand to take the dishes.

  Second Aunt Wen immediately walked over and stopped Wen Yulan’s hand, saying, “No, really no, I can take it over myself. Yulan, why don’t you help me take the dishes?”

  ”Oh, that’s fine too.”

  Second Aunt Wen naturally couldn’t let Wen Yulan touch these meals. She knew which of these meals were drugged and how to arrange them, and she couldn’t make any mistakes. It would be bad if her family ate the drugged meals.

  Seeing Wen Yulan obediently take the dishes, Second Aunt Wen was very satisfied.

  Soon, the food was on the table and they all sat down.

  Wen Yulan looked at the only two people in front of her, namely, Uncle Wen, Aunt Wen, and Wen Huihui, and could not help asking, “Where are Erya, Sanya, and Tiedan? Aren’t they coming to eat with us?”

  ”Hey, they are children, still young. When they are at the table, their eating manners will be too shabby. Let them eat in the hut.”

  ”Don’t worry, I have prepared separate meals for them.”

  In fact, Aunt Wen was worried that the little ones would pick up the drugged food. Only the three of them knew about the plot against Wen Yulan. The little ones were too young. If she told them, she was afraid that they would not be able to hide it well and would reveal the truth in front of Wen Yulan.

  ”Is that so? Okay.” Wen Yulan also agreed with her.

  ”Yes, that’s it. Well, the food is on the table, let’s eat too.”

  ”Yulan, don’t be polite. Eat more, especially the bacon, it’s delicious.”


  Seeing Wen Yulan picking up the bacon to eat, Aunt Wen smiled, and Wen Huihui became excited.

  As for Second Uncle Wen, he looked up and then lowered his head to eat his meal, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

  Wen Yulan took in all their performances and expressions without leaving any trace.

  Wen Yulan felt that Uncle Wen was the most powerful person.

  He was taciturn and looked honest, but in fact, he knew everything, and as the pillar of the family, he also enjoyed the fruits of Aunt Wen’s bad deeds.

  But he just didn’t say anything.

  For example, when Wen Yulan was still in this family, she was tortured by Aunt Wen, and Uncle Wen naturally saw it, but he ignored it.

  It seemed that as long as he could live well

  , it would be fine. Speaking of it, Uncle Wen was the one who had no stains on his hands but enjoyed the fruits of others’ labor.

  Aunt Wen would never forget him when she had good things. She

  would never hide anything from him.

  He seemed not to express his opinions, but he acquiesced and cooperated silently.

  He was the one who seemed innocent but was the most selfish.

  ”Uncle, you should eat more too.” Wen Yulan smiled and picked up the bacon in front of Uncle Wen.

  ”No, no…” No.

  Before he finished saying no, the bacon was already in Uncle Wen’s bowl.

  Uncle Wen glanced at Wen Yulan, who smiled at him.

  ”I can do it myself. You have to eat your fill.” After a long while, Uncle Wen said.

  ”Okay.” Wen Yulan replied.

  After that, Wen Yulan did not pick up any more dishes for others, which made Aunt Wen and Wen Huihui quietly relieved.

  Wen Yulan also noticed from the corner of her eye that Uncle Wen, who continued to eat, did not eat the bacon, and did not even eat the rice next to the bacon.

  She smiled coldly in her heart.

  Aunt Wen, who was standing aside, focused most of her attention on Wen Yulan. When she saw that she only picked up the dishes in front of her, she was satisfied. She

  also felt that she was very capable, because she remembered that Wen Yulan, this girl, only dared to pick up the dishes in front of her when she ate before.


  Aunt Wen glanced at Wen Huihui on the side.

  This damn girl, why is she always picking up meat, making her look like a starving ghost reincarnated.

  This meat cannot be eaten too much, some should be left for her son.

  Second Aunt Wen almost couldn’t help scolding Wen Huihui and wanted her to stop picking up the meat.

  But Wen Yulan was here, and thought about their plan.

  Second Aunt Wen suppressed her temper temporarily, but just glanced at her with a very unpleasant expression.

  Wen Huihui naturally saw her mother’s eyes.

  But so what.

  She finally had a chance to eat meat, so naturally she wanted to eat more.

  However, wait a little longer, when she marries Xu Xiangdong, the Xu family’s food will definitely not be bad, and she won’t need this little bacon by then.

  Wen Huihui is determined to marry Xu Xiangdong.

  As long as this plan succeeds, Wen Yulan will be ruined and stay in the mountains and can’t come back, so Xu Xiangdong will naturally not be able to marry Wen Yulan.

  And she is Wen Yulan’s cousin, and it is natural for her to marry Xu Xiangdong instead of her cousin.


  Wen Huihui chewed the meat in her mouth and muttered in her heart: Why is Wen Yulan not fainted yet, is it because she hasn’t eaten enough?


After Being Mind-read by the Cannon Fodder Group, the Foolish Beauty Effortlessly Won at Life

After Being Mind-read by the Cannon Fodder Group, the Foolish Beauty Effortlessly Won at Life

Score 3.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

Xu Jinning transmigrated and found herself in a fictionalized version of the 1980s from several novels, where she was the fake rich daughter cannon fodder destined to suffer from depression and die three years later. Knowing that this was an unchangeable world, Xu Jinning chose to be indifferent and live one day at a time.

Suddenly, the cannon fodder group from these novels discovered that they could hear Xu Jinning’s inner thoughts!

[“Big sister, your plastic best friend will only deceive you. She’ll even plot to marry you off to an ab*sive man, snatch away your college acceptance letter, and make you die from a miscarriage caused by d*mestic v*olence.”] Xu Fanghua: … After completely falling out with her best friend of over a decade, she turned the tables, pushing her friend towards the ab*sive man and going to college with her acceptance letter.

[“Aunt, they’re going to demolish this house. It’s large, and you’ll get subsidies for several houses. Please don’t sell it.”] Aunt Xu: … Gritting her teeth, she didn’t sell the house. Three months later, they moved into a new house, starting a life of collecting rent.

[“This year, don’t raise pigs. There will be a swine flu outbreak, and you’ll lose money until you cry.”] The director of the poultry factory, who switched to raising chickens and ducks: … While everyone else’s pigs died, only the chickens, ducks, and geese raised in his factory brought in a full pot of wealth.

Xu Jinning realized that she was just casually commenting, but everyone around her was changing, and they were being exceptionally good to her.

Her big sister, who used to dislike her, was now helping her prepare for college. Her second brother took charge of vast lands for her. The director of the poultry factory unexpectedly wanted to acknowledge her as his goddaughter, ensuring she had meat to eat every day. Most shocking of all, her aunt wanted to transfer one of the houses acquired from the demolition into her name, as a gift…

Unconsciously, Xu Jinning found that she seemed to be effortlessly winning at life!


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