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Chapter 159 Alpha08 version announcement! Brand new stronghold system and SLG gameplay?

Chapter 159 Alpha08 version announcement! Brand new stronghold system and SLG gameplay?


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 159 Alpha 0.8 version announcement! Brand new stronghold system and SLG gameplay?

  Although Kuangfeng acted very low-key under the advice of Brother Fang, the arm made of pure steel was too eye-catching.

  As soon as the two returned to the action camp, they were immediately surrounded by players.

  Especially the intelligence players, they were so excited that they were about to cry. They surrounded Kuangfeng and shook hands with him, and almost scratched his unicorn arm.

  ”Gan! Why didn’t I encounter such a good thing!”

  ”I don’t care, unless you give me one, otherwise it’s a shady deal!”

  ”Wuwuwu, please, planner, give me a unicorn arm, I promise to burn incense for you every day!” ”

  Brother Guang smiled and said nothing, and set your luck to 0. The next person to be assassinated by the plot will be you.”

  ”Giao! I was wrong, Brother Guang! It’s better to be a fool!”

  In short, Kuangfeng, who changed the mechanical arm, was very cool for a few days. He played with javelins, throwing knives and even bricks.

  There were also reports on the forum that were extremely misleading and irresponsible, such as “Each version has its own god, the weakest sequence intelligence system is about to rise!”, “The era of implanted prosthesis is about to come, and the strength system will eventually become the younger brother!”.

  In addition, it’s not just the young players who are happy.

  Since installing the prosthetic leg, Boss Xia has become more cheerful and walks around the base every day.

  This is a good thing.

  Exercise is good for health.

  However, recently, the look in Boss Xia’s eyes always makes Chu Guang feel a little uncomfortable.

  How to say it.

  This feeling is like owing himself tens of thousands of yuan, and I can’t tell whether I feel guilty or embarrassed. Before Chu Guang traveled through time, he worked in sales for many years due to life, and he really didn’t see this expression in the eyes of several customers.


  Isn’t it normal to be taken advantage of for being too handsome?

  Chu Guang himself didn’t mind, but this guy minded.

  ”If you feel uncomfortable using it, you can have an operation to remove it.”

  Xia Yan immediately dodged to the side.

  ”No way! Do you know how painful that surgery was?”

  ”I don’t know. Did the doctor not give you anesthesia?”

  ”Yes, but I was not used to it for the first two days after the surgery. It was as if my legs were clearly mine, but not mine.” Xia Yan suddenly muttered in a low voice, “By the way, this prosthesis is not cheap, right?”

  Chu Guang laughed and did not answer.

  Just kidding.

  Are there cheap E-class trading items?

  Even if it does not involve prohibited outflow technology, the design and craftsmanship are definitely first-class.

  But it was also Boss Xia’s luck. The Pioneer did not have the ability to produce bionic prostheses, and there happened to be two right legs left in the reserve.

  Chu Guang and Li De bargained for a long time before they got it.

  Seeing that Chu Guang did not answer, Xia Yan asked in a low voice again.

  ”…How much?”

  ”One million silver coins.”

  Xia Yan glared at him angrily.

  ”…I’m asking you seriously.”

  ”Ten million silver coins.”


  This Boss Xia was not very teasing. He just casually reported two numbers, and she gritted her teeth and almost jumped on him to bite him.

  But it was almost there, after all, it was almost there.

  Looking at Xia Yan who stamped her feet angrily and went back to work at the weapon shop, Chu Guang finally couldn’t find a reason to deduct her salary.

  Looking around at the sparsely populated outpost,

  Chu Guang sighed softly in his heart.

  ”Hurry up and open the B3 floor…”

  I miss the lively times before.

  After the expansion pack gameplay was changed and the transportation route was opened, the players all went to the action camp to open up the wasteland. Only a few professional players who entertained themselves stayed in the industrial area to think about those “little tricks” that were not useful in life. The outpost was too deserted.

  In this way, time passed day by day.

  On the seventh day of withdrawal reaction, the players finally waited for the announcement of the official website of “Wasteland OL”.

  The expectant and excited look made people feel distressed.

  It can be seen that every day when they couldn’t go online was like torture.

  However, after reading the content of the announcement, the mood of the little players quickly fell into a deeper abyss.

  The content of the announcement was not the BUG fix they expected.

  It was a brand new version!

  Good guy.

  This damn official is not a human being again!


  Official website:

  [Wasteland OL Closed Beta Server Alpha 0.8 Version Update Announcement. ]

  [Major Update:

  1. The number of closed beta players has increased to 500.

  2. Added “Base System” and gameplay!



  1. Optimized the outpost quartermaster AI, added personality attributes to the NPC, the gentle-looking Luo Hua is actually a drunkard, and the quiet Ai Si likes furry things and is even willing to spend money on them.

  2. Boss Xia has added a fake leg, and the crutches have been deleted from the portrait. If you make her angry again in the future, you may be chased and beaten.

  3. More food types, today’s recommended recipes are sesame soy milk and glutinous rice dumplings.

  4. Fixed a few bugs. (The bug of not being able to revive has not been fixed yet)



  【As the number of players continues to increase, the player manual and user convention have been updated to the version of……, and the contact treaty for all map forces such as legions, enterprises, and colleges has been added. Players who have obtained the closed beta qualification should check it in time to avoid bringing a bad gaming experience to you and others. 】

  【Current number of reservations: 11,111 people】

  …… ”

  Alpha0.8 version developer log”

  Guang: “Hello everyone, I am your most beloved planner A Guang! In the death lottery last night, after drowning a product koi, the programmers and siege lions finally got the bananas they wanted, and we got the new version – the innovative Alpha0.8! Although I say this every time, this time I am as serious as the last time!”

  ”We often think about how to build a human-computer interaction-friendly virtual community for Wasteland OL, which focuses on sandbox gameplay, rather than an out-of-control and disordered fast-food world.”

  ”So in the Alpha0.8 version, we made a decision that goes against our ancestors and added a special gameplay to Wasteland OL that traditional MMORPGs do not have – that is, the stronghold system!”

  ”We mentioned in the previous pie that the player’s stronghold in the game will gradually develop and grow with the player’s behavior. With the assistance of our allies, the action camp is developing rapidly and will soon become our second stronghold, connecting the Elm District and the abandoned towns in the north, and attracting caravans passing through the northern suburbs of Qingquan City.”

  ”Now we have quantified this process. The prosperity of the player’s stronghold will be updated in the VM map in the form of a data card, and every task you complete will accumulate a progress bar for the growth of the stronghold! You will witness with your own eyes the transformation of a survivor’s stronghold from depression to prosperity. It is not only reflected on the shelves of the NPC store, but also on the faces of every resident!”

  ”For players, we have added a new attribute of ‘regional reputation’ and integrated it into the map interface of VM. You can view it by selecting the corresponding survivor base.”

  ”Friendly behavior, generous donations, and development-related tasks can all enhance your reputation in the survivor base. On the contrary, unfriendly behavior will be punished and your reputation in the area will be deducted.”

  ”When the reputation value is between -100 and 1000, the reputation level is indifferent. You can freely accept regular tasks and trade goods. But to the people living there, you are just an insignificant traveler.”

  ”When the reputation reaches 1000, the reputation level will be upgraded to friendly. People will begin to value your opinions and regard you as a close friend. When shopping in the area, you will get discounts, unlock more tasks, and be allowed to run industries locally. When the reputation reaches 10,000, the reputation level will be upgraded to respected. People recognize your existence and believe that you have brought prosperity to them. In addition to more and more exciting tasks, you can also hold some special public positions to demonstrate your personal value.”

  ”When your reputation reaches more than 100,000, your reputation level will be raised to worship, and NPCs will regard you as a benefactor, hero, or even a great man! They will carve your name on the square and even build a statue for you. Not only will you unlock new achievements, you will also have the opportunity to enter the city hall to hold an important position, and you will be able to make suggestions for the future development of the survivor base… The RPG game unlocks the SLG gameplay, doesn’t it sound great?”

  ”When the reputation is lower than -100, the relationship level will drop to hostility, and players will be banned from entering the survivor base and cannot receive tasks in the area. It can only be repaired slowly over time, about 1 point a day. When the reputation is lower than -1000, the relationship level will drop to hatred, and you will be actively attacked and even become a bounty task for other players… Of course, don’t worry too much about this. After all, it is basically impossible for you to lose so much at one time before being spotted by the guards and sent back underground.”

  ”It is worth noting that regional reputation is different from contribution points. Contribution is a contribution to the camp, which is related to your identity and privileges. Reputation is the reputation of each region within the camp and is related to people’s evaluation of you. Currently, the reputation system is limited to the faction, and there is no such concept for survivors in non-player factions. ”

  ”The above is the ‘base system’ and related gameplay of this update. For more content, please explore it yourself in the game. We are currently developing the ‘professional system’, but we are not sure whether it will be released in the next version.”

  The update announcement and developer log of Alpha0.8 version were thrown on the bulletin board and forum of the official website respectively. After doing these things, Chu Guang slipped away at the speed of light.

  As expected.

  The forum was instantly flooded by 117+1+5 small players with withdrawal reactions.

  Quit smoking: “Wait, what about the BUG that can’t be resurrected? ! It took a week to fix it! Really treat it as nothing happened? ? QAQ”

  Elf King Fugui: “Fuck, the new version is here, and the BUG has not been fixed? ! ”

  WC really has mosquitoes: “Where is your company? ! (╯°Д°)╯”

  Irena: “What do you want to do? I advise you to be kind. (Funny) ”

  Since the forum was filled with the sounds of wolves crying and ghosts howling, the players who were discussing the new version did not dare to say a word, and all slipped away to discuss in the small group.

  Only the cloud players were laughing and teasing these Europeans who were sent to Australia to be imprisoned.

  Missing a version is a big deal?

  I missed several versions and expansions and didn’t say anything. I saw that the number of reservations had exceeded 10,000, and I haven’t touched the helmet yet!

  Come on down!


  At the same time.

  In the Niu Ma Club group.

  Fang Chang, who had read the updated content online, typed out the data card newly added to the VM map page and sent it to the group.


  Base Name: Outpost Base

  Base Level: Village (LV1)

  Prosperity: 100

  Industrial Index: 150

  Commercial Index: 150

  Demand: Food, Weapons, Building Materials

  Preference: Exploration (Scavenging Task Income +10%), Industrialization (Factory Order and Production Task Income +10%)


  [Regional Reputation: 0 (Neutral)]

  Prosperity is mainly affected by NPC population, living conditions, and the number of public facilities. The higher the prosperity of a region, the higher the upper limit of the number of tasks and task benefits. The

  industrial index is related to productivity. Strongholds with high industrial indexes have stronger logistical capabilities, cheaper equipment, and lower prices for industrial products.

  As the name suggests, strongholds with high commercial indexes have stronger and more prosperous markets, which are more affected by foreign trade than domestic sales. Specifically, there are more tradable varieties, more frequent trade convoys, merchants, etc.

  As for demand, it is probably that such materials can be sold at a better price in the region, and the tendency is similar to the bonus BUFF that players receive when accepting tasks from the stronghold.

  For example, doing logging tasks in a stronghold that lacks wood can get higher returns.

  This is very reasonable.

  As for regional reputation, that is Fang Chang’s own attribute, and everyone’s initial value is 0.

  It can be increased by completing some tasks that can “bring prosperity” to the local area, or it can also be obtained by “providing timely assistance” when the local area lacks certain materials.

  The gameplay has been enriched in an instant.

  WC really has mosquitoes: “Where is the action camp? I’m a little curious about the current level of the action camp!”

  Fang Chang: “The action camp has no data card, and the prosperity is 15. I estimate that it can only grow into a survivor base after the prosperity reaches 100 and unlock the corresponding data card.”

  Fang Chang: “In addition, the prosperity of Bette Street is 140, but the industrial index and commercial index are very low, 10 and 20 respectively, just reaching double digits.”

  Lao Bai: “It seems that this prosperity is mainly affected by the number of NPCs.”

  Fang Chang: “Not necessarily. My guess is that the impact of players on prosperity is mainly reflected in the form of tasks and transactions, and they do not contribute to population. After all, compared to NPCs with fixed activity ranges, players have greater mobility.”

  Ye Shi: “Wow, I regret this! I thought this BUG would only take three days to fix, and I haven’t played the game for a week! As a result, Alpha 0.8 is out! QAQ”

  Lao Bai: “Don’t panic, everyone is having a hard time this time, and you are not the only one who can’t get up. I heard that the compensation will be increased. (grin)”

  Ye Shi: “Hey, whether there is compensation or not is a small matter. The main thing is that I want to move bricks.”

  Kuang Feng: “Find a factory.”

  Ye Shi: “Fuck, it’s tiring to work in a factory, and I I still have to go to class during the day! It’s not as fun as in the game, where you can play all night and feel refreshed the next day.”

  Lao Bai: “Speaking of which, Fang Chang, what do you think of this update? Is it necessary to grind for reputation?”

  Fang Chang: “I guess regional reputation should be for individual players. If we go the guild route, there is no need to deliberately grind it. The main thing is to pile up contribution points.”

  Lao Bai: “What do you mean?”

  Fang Chang: “Like what was said in the developer’s log, contribution points are contributions to the camp, and regional reputation is the reputation of the player in a certain city within the camp. Didn’t A Guang say it before? Higher identity levels will be opened in the later stage, allowing players to form guilds and build their own survivor bases. Different from NPC towns, player-built bases should not be… There is a regional reputation setting, at least it does not exist for the guild members themselves.”

  Fang Chang: “As for reputation, even if you get the highest reputation of 100,000 and reach the worship level, you can only enter the city hall and seek a position. Can you become the mayor at best? Although it can affect the development of the stronghold, I feel that it will definitely be dominated by NPCs in the end.”

  Kuangfeng: “Indeed, we can’t let the North County Monastery and Shemhilling Town be managed by players. That will affect the gaming experience of other players too much. At least the NPC strongholds related to the main line and important branch lines must be controlled by the NPCs… From the perspective of planning, it should be like this.”

  Ye Shi: “By the way, is there a main line in this game?”

  Kuangfeng: “Of course, you can’t Did you forget the declaration under the banner of the People’s League? (Squint)”

  Ye Shi: “Uh, okay, there was indeed a similar setting when I first entered the game, I almost forgot it. (Funny)”

  Kuang Feng: “Be careful to be sent back to the underground. (Squint)”

  Ye Shi: “That doesn’t exist. I have made contributions to the shelter! I have shed blood for the People’s League! But to be honest, it is really uncomfortable to be unable to go online. The punishment for violations in this game is really exaggerated. “Quit

  Smoking: “Are you as uncomfortable as me! I am torn apart! (Crying)”

  Lao Bai: “Hahaha, brother Quit Smoking is really miserable!” ”

  Fang Chang: “No comparison, no comparison, the fastest death achievement, this is still your best.” Quit

  Smoking: “TT”

  Chu Guang, who was squatting in the group and silently peeking at the screen, smiled slightly.

  The little player who understands himself the most is indeed here.


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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