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Chapter 161 This is probably the most expensive AK in the world

Chapter 161 This is probably the most expensive AK in the world


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 161 This is probably the most expensive AK in the world.


  The alloy door panel shook. Looking at the things lying on the conveyor belt, Chu Guang couldn’t help cursing.

  33 primary blind boxes, but 22 lollipops were opened. He almost got angry.

  Fortunately, half of these lollipops can add BUFF, and his little players will probably pay for them. It’s a loss but not a complete loss.

  In addition, there are 3 cans, 2 buckets of instant noodles, 1 pack of compressed biscuits and other reserve food, as well as 2 bottles of soy sauce and 2 bottles of vinegar.

  To be honest, since the Pioneer came here, Chu Guang has not been so interested in the food drawn from the blind box. Do

  you still need to eat canned food?

  There are those stupid players. Why don’t you just tell them what you want to eat.

  The only thing that made his eyes light up was the palm-sized, vacuum-packed transparent packaging bag at the back.

  It looks like it contains seeds?

  ”What is this?”

  Chu Guang picked up the packet of seeds and just looked at it curiously in his hand for a while, a light blue label floated out from the side.

  [β-712 cotton seeds: As the name suggests, these seeds can grow cotton. After genetic engineering design, this variety has a larger yield per plant and a shorter growth cycle. Traditional soil planting cannot highlight the advantages of genetic improvement. It is recommended to use soilless cultivation technology for centralized planting to ensure seed purity. ]

  Well, it turns out to be cotton seeds.

  Although it is questionable whether this thing can be considered food, these cotton seeds are still very useful for Shelter No. 404.

  I heard that cotton can be harvested once a year, and it takes several months to mature.

  I don’t know how long it will take for these seeds drawn from the blind box to mature. Chu Guang plans to find a little player who loves farming and throw the seeds to him to try.

  Although the outpost now has devil silk, cotton still has its irreplaceable role in warmth and economy.

  In particular, cotton has a large enough yield, stable output, and a wide range of uses. It can be used for weaving and as a filler.

  In the case of being unable to produce artificial fibers on a large scale, cotton can at least solve the clothing needs of some players.

  After all, the number of blue jackets is limited, and players cannot always wear them.

  For example, when hunting or going out to do tasks, most players will change their clothes while changing their equipment.

  ”Speaking of which, I don’t know if this intermediate blind box can open a living thing.”

  After opening so many cans of pork, it would be great if I could open a pig someday.

  If not, chickens and ducks are also fine.

  I drink milk occasionally, but Chu Guang hasn’t eaten eggs for a long time.

  Not counting bird eggs.


  Around 5 pm.

  The Marines led by Lu Yang returned from the south and arrived at the outpost almost at the same time as the two light trucks escorting the machine tools.

  At the same time, the good news that “the fuel rods have been found” also arrived.

  Lu Yang, wearing a power armor, walked up to Chu Guang, tapped the side of the helmet with his index finger, removed the mask, and said with a hearty smile.

  ”…Thanks to the guide you recommended to us, we finally found the fuel rods we needed. There is still 93% of the energy left, which is quite considerable and will last for a long time!”

  To be honest, this may be good news for the Pioneer, but for Chu Guang, it is not something to be happy about.

  After all, for the current Shelter No. 404, the Pioneer is like a thigh. In theory, the longer they stay, the better it will be for them.

  However, looking at the hearty smile on Captain Lu’s face, Chu Guang was still happy for him from the bottom of his heart.

  ”Congratulations! After searching for so long, we finally found it.”

  ”Yes, it’s really not easy.” Lu Yang said with a complex tone, with a look of emotion, “We thought we could find it in two or three days if we were fast, but we didn’t expect it to take so long.”

  In fact, about three days ago, they had found a pre-war carbon dioxide collector – on the 25th floor of a hotel.

  Unfortunately, after they took great pains to capture the target, they found that someone had already taken it there many years ago.

  Not only were the fuel rods that should have been plugged into the generator empty, but even the recyclable materials inside were looted.

  Various signs indicate that a group of survivors once lived there between 0 and 10 years of the Wasteland Era. They stayed in the hotel for a short time and spent a hard time using resources such as glucose and starch produced by the carbon dioxide collector.

  After the carbon dioxide collector stopped working due to the carbon dioxide concentration dropping to the threshold, they unplugged the fuel rods of the backup generator to power the hotel facilities, and eventually left after the fuel rods were completely exhausted, with their life and death unknown.

  This is also a very normal thing.

  After all, it is now the 211th year of the Wasteland Era, and the garbage they can pick up is nothing more than what others have left over, what they missed, or what they didn’t have the strength and conditions to pick up at the time. It

  still takes a little luck to survive in this world.

  What’s more, picking up garbage?

  Chu Guang: “Are you leaving?”

  Lu Yang nodded and said.

  ”Well, we have been here for half a month. Now the damaged equipment has been repaired, the fuel rods have been found, and the resource inventory is full… It’s time to get back on the road.” All

  good things must come to an end. The Pioneer has traveled so far, not to help the poor, but they have a more important mission to accomplish.

  With nuclear fuel and sufficient resources, this journey is expected to go a long way.

  If the situation is optimistic, there should be no need to stop in the second half.

  Hearing the expected answer, Chu Guang sighed lightly.

  ”Although it is a short period of time, I still can’t bear to leave you.”

  ”Me too,” looking at Chu Guang, Lu Yang said sincerely, “I have learned a lot from you, including your noble qualities, which have shocked me greatly.”

  ”Both!” Chu Guang said with a smile, “Your technology also impressed us! Let’s save the farewell until the day you set off. This day worth celebrating, don’t make the atmosphere so sad.”

  Lu Yang also smiled.

  ”By the way, there are still a lot of interesting things left in the carbon dioxide collector we found. I will send you the coordinates later. If you are interested, you can go and collect it.”

  Chu Guang asked subconsciously.

  ”What’s there?”

  Lu Yang smiled mysteriously and didn’t answer him directly.

  ”If I tell you, won’t it make the unboxing less fun?”

  Looking at Captain Lu who was keeping things a secret, Chu Guang had a helpless expression on his face.

  Is it another blind box?

  He opened so many blind boxes today.

  However, although Captain Lu didn’t say what was there, Chu Guang still guessed a lot of information from his mysterious smile.

  There should be a lot of good things there.

  This guy probably wanted to give him a surprise.

  ”Okay, wait until tomorrow morning, I’ll take two people to take a look.”


  The Pioneer will set off within three days.

  After exchanging a few words with Chu Guang, Captain Lu took the Marines back on the road and escorted the fuel rods back to the Pioneer.

  Old Luca, who had been waiting for a long time, saw that the manager was done, so he walked from the direction of the truck and looked at him respectfully and said.

  ”Sir, your goods have been delivered. Where do you want to unload them?”

  Chu Guang glanced around and his eyes finally fell on the main building of the sanatorium. After several renovations, the quality of the room is still quite good.

  At least it is much better than the newly built brick house outside.

  ”Put it on the first floor of the sanatorium for now. Find a larger room to put it. I’ll go over and take a look later.”

  Old Luca nodded respectfully.

  ”Yes, sir.”

  The machine tool is very large and heavy.

  Out of caution, Old Luca first asked the players in the carpenter’s hut to make a few unloading brackets and arranged four strength players to successfully unload it from the truck. There

  was also a small episode here.

  Since the machine tool had been assembled when it was delivered, the whole machine could not pass through the gate of the sanatorium. Chu Guang had no choice but to choose a room near the outside and had someone demolish half of the wall. At least the machine tool was lifted in.

  The silver metallic paint surface and the square, angular shell look like a large freezer from a distance. However, its internal structure is far from as simple as it looks on the surface. It can be said that there is a different world.

  Chu Guang simply glanced at the instruction manual.

  The processing chamber has a volume of 1.5 cubic meters, and can process materials with a maximum size of 1X1X1m.

  Due to the particularity of magnetic confinement plasma processing, the device has very high requirements for the processing environment, and requires a near-vacuum environment. Therefore, after the device is sent to the feed port, it will first enter the buffer chamber between the two airlocks to inject protective gas, evacuate to a near-vacuum, and then send it to the processing room.

  The operation process is quite rigorous and even cumbersome.

  However, relatively speaking, this device has no requirements for its own environment. It can be used as long as it is plugged in, and Chu Guang does not need to build a dust-free workshop to serve it.

  Looking at the high-tech machine tool behind the broken arms and ruins, Chu Guang couldn’t help but let Xiao Qi take a picture of it.

  This is very wasteland!

  The device was deployed, and then it was powered on.

  Chu Guang carefully checked the rated power of the equipment. When he saw the unit clearly, he once doubted whether he had read it wrong.

  ”Megawatt?! Damn… Is the power consumption so high?”

  According to the information Chu Guang found on the Internet, the power consumption of general machine tools is only at the KW level.

  However, such a device with an area of ​​less than 3 square meters actually consumes MW of power!

  But after thinking about it, Chu Guang was relieved. After all,

  this thing operates plasma of hundreds of millions of degrees. Not only does it need to generate a magnetic field to constrain them, but it also needs to accurately arrange them into a single atomic knife that can cut materials.

  Such a terrifying control power is enough to ignite a fusion reactor, let alone make a machine tool. If you think about it this way, it can be considered energy-saving if it does not reach the GW level of power.

  Chu Guang even suspected that if this thing is slightly modified and the working gas is replaced with helium or hydrogen isotopes, it might really be used as a nuclear reactor.

  But if it is used in that way, it would be a bit of a waste of time…

  In short, fortunately Captain Lu gave him two cold fusion batteries before.

  Otherwise, the 10kw firewood generator he bought from Lister before, combined with the one seized from the old leech, would not be able to power this power-consuming machine.

  Chu Guang fumbled around for a while and found the emergency power socket near the wiring port, which was just enough to plug in the universal cold fusion battery.

  The power was on.

  The signal light was on!

  Looking at the touch screen that was gradually lighting up in front of him, Chu Guang touched his chin with interest and looked at it carefully.

  ”Speaking of which, how do you use this thing?”

  There seemed to be an instruction manual on the screen.

  Just as Chu Guang was about to click it to take a look, Xiao Qi’s voice suddenly came from upstairs.

  ”Master, if you don’t know how to use it, Xiao Qi can help you.”

  Hearing the voice from the third floor, Chu Guang was surprised, walked outside and raised his head to ask.

  ”Can you use this?”

  Xiao Qi: “Theoretically, it shouldn’t be difficult. This machine tool has a high degree of automation. You just need to fill in the preset processing parameters and then put in the materials. You don’t have to worry about the rest. I believe that if the master has read the instructions, he will definitely be able to operate it. Xiao Qi just helped you simplify the process… By the way, master, can you take Xiao Qi over to have a look first?”

  ”Wait a minute, I’ll go back to the shelter to search for some drawings first, you help me try to process them!”

  After saying that, Chu Guang turned back to the shelter without waiting for Xiao Qi to speak.

  Occasionally, there will be some big hands on the official website forum, throwing some drawings that they don’t know where they got from in the discussion area, and arguing with others.

  Some classic firearms such as AK, Mosin Nagant, Kar98, SKS, and Type 56 have everything from GIF animations of internal structures to professional drawings with part sizes marked. Although Chu Guang didn’t add them to the favorites after reading them, he saved them silently.

  His intuition told him that these things would definitely have a chance to be used.

  And now, this opportunity has really come.

  After picking out the design of an AK47, Chu Guang went to the warehouse to get a few ingots of suitable size and shape.

  Although the quality of steel produced by the No. 81 Steel Plant was average, these ingots were all reserve materials looted by the Ox-Horse Squad from a private shelter. They

  were perfect for processing gun barrels and receivers!

  The gate closed, and as the material was fed from the feed port into the buffer chamber, the CNC machine tool began to work.

  In front of the hot plasma, the solid steel was like a piece of mud, and was easily cut into eight pieces.

  Chu Guang was surprised to find that this equipment could not only process multiple geometric surfaces of the same part, but also form 8 plasma blades through pre-programmed design, cutting at different depths from multiple angles, and even cut multiple parts of different sizes and geometric shapes from the same piece of material, minimizing the remaining scraps!

  Since the AK rifle does not require high precision parts, the processing time is not too long.

  Not counting the time for the machine to start, Chu Guang waited for about 10 to 20 minutes, and all the processing procedures were completed.

  The finished parts and the cut waste were sent out from the discharge port and placed separately.

  Although it was processed by plasma with a temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees, due to the small amount of working fluid used for cutting, the temperature of the processed workpiece did not rise much, only about 40 to 50 degrees, which minimized the processing accuracy error caused by temperature changes.

  According to the description in the manual, if the precision of the parts is required to be at the nanometer level, the temperature of the finished workpiece can even be made exactly the same as when it is sent to the feed port.

  However, the time consumed in that case will also increase exponentially.

  Chu Guang assembled the parts according to the drawings, and soon got an AK-47 without a wooden buttstock or handguard.

  Considering the production power consumption, materials, and hidden costs converted to technology, this is probably the most expensive AK in the world.

  Xiao Qi: “Master.”

  Chu Guang, who was excited, had no time to pay attention to it, and said perfunctorily.

  ”What’s wrong?”

  Xiao Qi: “Xiao Qi always feels that… this machine tool doesn’t seem to be used to produce such rough things.”

  Chu Guang said without hesitation: “I know, I just want to try whether this thing is good or not.”

  If you can make a gun, you can make the tools to produce guns.

  When the entire production line is reproduced, won’t his players have one?

  At that time, when the production capacity of steel is increased, the production capacity of rifles will also increase, and everyone will be a good brother of 50 yuan – oh no, it should be said that 100 yuan mobilized soldiers.

  One life for three days, one gun for one day, the “BUG” that prevented the weapon store from replenishing stocks in time has been completely fixed, and you no longer have to worry about guns being more expensive than people!

  Playing with the AK in his hand, Chu Guang touched it left and right, with an excited expression on his face.

  It’s a pity that there are no bullets of the matching model.

  Otherwise, he really wants to fire two shots to try.

  If there is no problem using it, he will throw it in the warehouse and sell it as a limited edition skin. After all, it is a dream linkage with CF, and it is not too much to sell it for 500 silver coins, right?

  Xiao Qi watched quietly from the side, not daring to speak.

  I always feel that his master is not very smart.

  Fortunately, it is not like this every day…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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