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Chapter 161: Young Queen, Sisters Reveal

Chapter 161: Young Queen, Sisters Reveal


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 161: The young queen, the sisters reveal their

  true colors.

  As the fabric rubbed against each other, Liang Xin slowly opened her chest.

  Although she was extremely shy, her eyes were inexplicably firm, and she blinked repeatedly as if urging him.

  Yang Shifei’s mouth trembled slightly: “This is a real misunderstanding.”


  Liang Xin was stunned for a moment, and then she realized that the reasons of both parties were different, and she couldn’t help but be speechless.

  But she was already hot-headed at the moment, gritted her teeth and stomped her feet, and simply stepped forward to hold her hand:

  ”Just think of it as my order to you–”

  As they spoke, they raised their hands and pressed them on their bellybands together.

  The girl’s eyes wavered slightly, and she was so embarrassed that her head was smoking, but she pretended to be calm and said:

  ”Am I very different from before?”

  ”Indeed, I have changed a lot.”

  Yang Shifei looked strange, and tried to feel it twice.

  At the beginning, there was only a little fluctuation, but now it has grown twice. Such a growth rate is really surprising.

  Liang Xin’s breathing was disordered, and the shame gradually overwhelmed the impulse, and she begged for mercy:

  ”Sister, brother-in-law, please stop.”

  Yang Shifei stopped in time and smiled helplessly: “You are the queen, how can you still be so reckless.”

  Is this what is called being both inexperienced and playful?

  Liang Xin closed the collar of the dragon robe, blushing and muttering: “Brother-in-law, you rubbed too obscenely, otherwise, I could let you enjoy it for a while longer.”

  Yang Shifei’s eyes twitched.

  It turned out that this was his fault?

  ”Don’t stand there stupidly, tell me how you feel?”

  Hearing Liang Xin’s shy question, Yang Shifei’s face was subtle and said: “The size is quite full, smooth and elastic, very good.”

  Liang Xin: “.”

  The girl couldn’t help but blush and said: “I’m not asking this, I mean, what’s the difference between rubbing the queen and rubbing an ordinary woman!”

  But in the end, even Liang Xin couldn’t hold it anymore.

  She covered her hot cheeks, squatted on the spot, and cried out in shame:

  ”These shameless words are really hard to say!”


  Yang Shifei was silent for a moment, and suddenly understood.

  Half squatting beside her, he touched her head and laughed, “It seems that someone is helping you with your plans behind the scenes. Why did you let me take advantage of you when we met just now?”

  Liang Xin’s face flushed and was extremely embarrassed: “Those sisters outside said that men like to conquer proud and noble women, so that they can be liked by their brothers-in-law.”

  Yang Shifei’s smile froze.

  These spies seemed serious, but they were so unreliable?

  After sitting down and comforting for a while, Liang Xin adjusted his breathing and calmed down a little.

  She held her still warm face and whispered, “What happened just now, brother-in-law…”

  ”You want me to taste it again?”

  ”No, no!”

  Liang Xin hurriedly shook her head, shyly said, “Brother-in-law, don’t you think… my size is a bit strange?”

  Her face became more and more rosy: “It has changed so much from a month ago.”

  Yang Shifei raised his eyebrows slightly: “At your age, some physical development is normal.”

  ”Not just development.”

  Liang Xin muttered: “Royal sister said, the filth in my body has been suppressed for many years, and it rebounded and stimulated my body, so it grew so fast.”

  Yang Shifei was stunned when he heard it: “Filth also has this effect?”

  Wait, Ji Shang seemed to have the same effect at that time…

  ”I just found out about it too.”

  Liang Xin put her hands on her knees and said nervously: “Brother-in-law shouldn’t mind, right?”

  Yang Shifei laughed immediately: “Growth is a good thing.”

  Liang Xin smiled again, as if she had put the “accident” just now behind her, and stood up and turned around lightly.

  ”Brother-in-law, what do you think of me wearing the dragon robe now?”

  The dragon robe, which symbolizes dignity and majesty, now seems to have turned into a golden long skirt, dancing gracefully.

  Although her body is slender, the shy and charming look between her eyebrows adds a different kind of charm.

  ”It looks good.”

  Yang Shifei teased, “It’s a pity that your mentality is still lacking a lot. Compared with the empress, you are more like the eldest princess.”

  Liang Xin blushed and put her hands on her hips and snorted, “Give me another year, and I will definitely make you look at me with new eyes.”

  ”Okay, wait until you show your imperial power.”

  Yang Shifei asked curiously again, “You are alone at home reviewing memorials, why are you still dressed like this?”

  ”They said I should wear them more often so that I can get used to them sooner.”

  Liang Xin touched the pile of gorgeous jewelry on her head, “When I officially go to court in the future, I will dress more exaggeratedly than now.

  I heard that the pearl and jade ornaments on the dragon robe and phoenix skirt weigh more than ten pounds, and the skirt is more than ten feet long, and I have to drag it on the ground every day.”

  Yang Shifei smiled, “Being an empress is hard.”

  He took out a few memorials from his arms, “These are sent from the palace, just in time to give them to you.”

  ”These again?”

  Liang Xin was immediately deflated, glanced at the pile of memorials on the table, and complained, “Now that I am the emperor, I know how troublesome these political affairs are.”

  Yang Shifei teased, “Do you regret ascending the throne?”


  Liang Xin snorted softly, “I haven’t accomplished anything yet, what’s there to regret?”

  The young emperor’s beautiful eyes moved slightly, and she smiled and pulled his arm, “Brother-in-law, I am already the emperor of Liang, you have to obey my orders.”

  ”You want to…”

  ”Deal with these memorials with me.”

  Liang Xin pulled Yang Shifei to the desk, shoulder to shoulder, and sat in the same wide chair.

  She stroked her hair lightly, revealing a beautiful smile, “Brother-in-law, you are not allowed to refuse.”

  The aroma of cooking smoke filled the back kitchen of Luo Mansion.

  Tan Xiang was stir-frying the meat slices in the pot, and said without looking back:

  ”Sister, what

  do you want to talk to me

Jasmine walked into the kitchen with an embarrassed look on her face: “Mrs. Qiu and the young lady are still talking in the study. I have nothing to do for the time being, so I wanted to come and see you.”

  Tan Xiang glanced at her and said: “When did sister become so clingy?”

  Jasmine: “…”

  She opened her mouth, hesitated for a long time, and finally plucked up the courage to speak–

  ”No need to say more.”

  Tan Xiang put the dishes on the plate and said calmly: “I already know everything.”

  Jasmine was stunned when she heard it: “I haven’t said it yet”

  ”What can be hidden between you and me.”

  Tan Xiang sighed softly: “I know exactly how many times you and the young master have played together.”

  Jasmine immediately widened her beautiful eyes: “You can feel it from so far away?”


  Tan Xiang glanced at her faintly: “When I fall asleep at night, I can feel the shape of the young master in my hands.”

  She couldn’t help but touch her chest again: “Even here, I don’t know how many times I have been kissed and licked.”

  Jasmine’s face suddenly flushed, and she said shyly: “This, this matter. It’s a long story”


  Tan Xiang was not angry, but sighed in a complicated way: “I didn’t consider your feelings.”

  Jasmine was stunned: “Ah?”

  ”When I was at home with the young master…”

  Tan Xiang pursed her lips and whispered: “You should feel bad too.”

  Jasmine blushed and couldn’t speak.

  Not only was it bad, but her buttocks and legs were numb and hot from time to time, and her body couldn’t stand steadily.

  Sometimes when she was eating, she suddenly felt as if her mouth was forced open, and a burst of wonderful smells rushed to her mouth and nose.

  But not only did she not feel uncomfortable, but she felt inexplicably sweet in her heart, and she could even hear her sister muttering in her heart,

  ”Young master. I like you so much.”

  The tenderness and love stimulated her to blush and her heartbeat from time to time, and she really cared a little about the “young master”.

  In order to avoid contact with Yang Shifei, she took the initiative to go out many times just now, so as not to really meet him.

  It’s a pity that now –


  Tan Xiang said softly: “If you are sincere, I will not stop you. But.”

  Her face became firmer: “I will not give in.”

  Jasmine was stunned for a moment, but instead showed a comfortable smile: “That’s good.”

  But Tan Xiang immediately put on a cold look again: “Don’t have those dirty thoughts in your mind. It’s a pity that you have thought of so many shameless “ways to play.” ” ”

  ”Stop, stop, stop!”

  Jasmine’s face suddenly turned red, and she hurriedly shouted to interrupt her.

  ”It’s just a thought in my mind, not a real one!”

  ”You treat the young master like a child, and want to feed him buns and soy milk while using your hands to feed him.”


  Jasmine covered her ears with shame and squatted down: “Good sister, I lost, stop reading!”

  Tan Xiang glanced at her with contempt: “What a filthy sister, this is the same as the young master.”

  ”Woo woo. Xiao Xiangxiang has become bad.”


  Tan Xiang sighed helplessly and handed over two plates of hot dishes: “Please help bring the food over and call the young master and others to eat together.”

  ”Well, I’ll listen to you.”

  Jasmine stood up with tears in her eyes and carried the plates: “You can’t tell your husband about this, it’s too embarrassing.”

  Tan Xiang looked resentful: “Sister has already called ‘husband’?”

  Jasmine quickly shut up.

  But before Tan Xiang could speak again, there was a crisp sound of swords and knives outside the yard!

  The two women’s faces suddenly became stern, and they subconsciously looked outside.

  The sound of weapons colliding, is there an attack? !

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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