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Chapter 163 You are rich!

Chapter 163 You are rich!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 163 You’ve made a fortune!

  North of Qingquan City.

  Near the Fifth Ring Road elevated road, a team of six people braved the howling wind and slowly advanced along the cold and silent streets.

  Originally, this trip was planned to have only five people.

  At that time, in the central square of the outpost, Chu Guang brought four fully armed little players and was about to set off. However, before he walked out of the south gate, Luo Hua caught up and said he wanted to go together.

  As for the reason, it was also very simple-

  ”There may be many kinds of products of the carbon dioxide capture device. The captain asked me to go with you. Although the probability of large-scale storage of dangerous goods in the urban area is very small, he is still worried that you may encounter danger due to improper operation.”

  Someone offered to help out of kindness,

  and Chu Guang certainly would not refuse. Although some of his players understand chemical engineering, they do not recognize the characters of this world. He can read, but he cannot understand professional symbols.

  Blind boxes of chemical products are not popular, and it is always better to have someone who knows the business to follow.

  In this way, the six people set off together.

  However, no one expected that it would suddenly snow heavily halfway through the journey on this sunny day.

  There have been more and more days like this recently.

  Chu Guang estimated that when November comes, the weather in this wasteland will be even more extreme, and life will become more and more difficult.

  The progress of the greenhouse ruins needs to be accelerated!

  Lao Bai, who was walking in front of the team, raised his head and looked at the sudden and rapid snow, and couldn’t help but squinting his eyes.

  ”The last time I saw such heavy snow was in Harbin.”

  ”I was on TV,” Fang Chang, holding Dawn in his hand, looked around the streets on both sides, “but compared to the snow, I am more worried about something suddenly jumping out from the side.”

  Lao Bai sighed softly: “To be honest, I miss Ye Shi a little bit. Without his perception attribute, I always feel that something is missing.”

  ”Plus one, our team is missing an eye.” Kuang Feng held the short spear in his right hand and scanned the streets on both sides. His nervous look was even more exaggerated than Fang Chang.

  There is no way, you have to be careful.

  Their equipment is more expensive than each other now. If they are not careful and the whole team is wiped out, it will be like going back to the days before liberation.

  This Iron Right Hand is so awesome that Kuangfeng is reluctant to quit now.

  After listening to these guys talking all the way, Bianbian Pashui yelled in dissatisfaction: “Fuck! Isn’t it enough to have me? I am also a perception system, and I am almost at level 7, okay!”

  Kuangfeng: “No matter how far you are, you are still a little six.”

  Fang Chang: “Indeed, I am already level 8, Kuangfeng is almost there, and Lao Bai is about to reach level 9. Brother, you have to work harder.”

  Bianbian Pashui: “@#%!”

  Walking next to Chu Guang, Luo Hua, who couldn’t understand what the residents of the shelter were saying at all, couldn’t help but sigh softly.

  ”I always thought that only the natives would speak those incomprehensible languages…”

  He was halfway through his words when he suddenly realized that there seemed to be something wrong with his statement, so he quickly added an explanation.

  ”Well, I don’t mean to offend you, I just find it strange. Because the residents of the shelter usually speak standard human language, and rarely even have an accent.”

  Chu Guang smiled lightly and didn’t care.

  ”It’s okay, I feel strange just like you, why is that?”

  For questions that you don’t know how to explain, just throw them back intact, this trick Chu Guang has tried and tested.

  Instead of making up a flawed excuse that makes others think you are not sincere and have something to hide, it is better to express the same confusion to the other party, and the other party may even stand in your position to help you consider the reason.

  Why is the sky blue?

  Yes, why, the editor is also curious, what do you think.

  Luo Hua didn’t ask any more questions. He had seen too many strange things along the way, and this trivial matter was not surprising at all.

  The group quickly arrived at their destination.

  It was an abandoned office building. Just looking at it from the outside, it was difficult to tell what it was used for in the pre-war era.

  Perhaps it was precisely because of this unremarkable appearance that it was lost from the two centuries of searches until now.

  According to the map given by Captain Lu, the group moved along the edge of the hall, entered the safe passage, went up the stairs, and soon arrived at the target floor.

  The corridor was full of dark green slime mold, and the necrotic part of it had turned dark brown. Dozens of alien corpses were lying crookedly on the ground.

  The aliens here have been cleared, and no new aliens are wandering around for the time being.

  ”Damn… What is this thing?” Crouching beside a three-meter-tall humanoid alien, he pokes it with the bayonet of a rifle.

  The dark skin is ridiculously stiff, and the bayonet is like poking the tire of a heavy truck, and it can’t be stabbed in at all.

  Is this thing really a carbon-based creature?

  ”Tyrant.” Chu Guang glanced at the alien on the ground and frowned slightly. “There is such a monster on the Fifth Ring Road.”

  ”Manager, is that tyrant difficult to deal with?” Fang Chang looked at him and asked.

  ”Not easy to deal with,” Chu Guang thought for a while and said, “If you encounter it in this kind of terrain, a team like yours will probably be able to wipe out two of them.”

  In fact, he has never seen it.

  But it’s always right to blow it to death.

  Fang Chang swallowed his saliva, Kuang Feng shrank his neck, Lao Bai and Bianbian didn’t feel anything, their equipment was just blank.

  If they died, they died.

  Bypassing the tyrant’s body, Chu Guang led a group of people through the alloy door with the words “No entry for outsiders” and came to the interior of the carbon dioxide collector.

  The space here is very large, occupying almost half of the entire floor, and connecting the space of the upper floor.

  The carbon dioxide produced by the entire building is sent here through the central ventilation system, and is decomposed into graphite and oxygen, or hydrogenated, or replaced with hydrogen according to needs.

  For people of that era, atoms were like toys in their hands, and the almost endless energy was enough for them to squander and transform natural creations into what they needed.

  And the products that were produced were packed in boxes of special materials and piled next to the special freight elevator, waiting for the staff who would never come to transport them away.

  Looking at the hundreds of cubes of various sizes piled up in the room, Chu Guang roughly estimated that there were about three or four hundred cubic meters.

  He couldn’t help asking.

  ”Hasn’t your captain ever wondered what’s in those boxes?”

  ”There’s no need to be curious. As long as there is enough energy, we can make anything related to carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. The most is a matter of cost… For example, this row of black boxes is obviously graphite. It seems that your luck is not very good.”

  Luo Hua laughed and walked to another row of boxes.

  He shone the flashlight on it and read the words on it. He continued to comment with interest, “This one is okay. It’s a pile of polymer fibers… Look at the label, it’s X-4.”


  ”A number. After all, their spatial structure is complex and bizarre. We can’t use chemical formulas to represent them.” After a pause, Luo Hua continued, “By the way, although its main use is to make clothes, if you need it, you can also use it to replace the wood fiber in smokeless gunpowder. The detonation speed and power can be increased by at least 20%… That’s what we do.” It

  ’s much easier to understand this way.

  In game terms, it’s – [Rifle ammunition power +20%, burst probability +? ]

  Chu Guang silently memorized its use and glanced at the number of similar boxes. There were about forty or fifty of them.

  At least 20 to 30 tons.

  It looks like it will be enough for a long time.

  At this moment, Luo Hua, who was walking in front, suddenly exclaimed.

  ”What the hell?!”

  Chu Guang, whose thoughts were interrupted, raised his head and immediately walked to his side. The four little players who thought they had triggered the plot also surrounded him and put their heads close to him curiously.

  ”What happened?” Chu Guang asked for them.

  ”Dilat rubber!”

  Looking at the unremarkable gray box in front of him, Luo Hua took a deep breath, with an unbelievable look on his face, muttering with envy.

  ”How can this thing appear here?! It’s too abnormal!”

  Chu Guang: “Any questions?”

  ”Of course there are! The products of the carbon dioxide capture device are mainly determined by the industrial demand of the area. Generally, starch, graphite, and polymer fibers are more common. Olefins and alkanes, or even benzoaldehydes and ketones, may appear near industrial areas. But Dilat rubber… I have only seen it near the Aerospace Industrial Park. By the way, does Qingquan City have an aerospace industry?”

  Luo Hua took a deep breath and made a summary.

  ”In a word, you’ve made a fortune!”

  Dilat rubber, a composite nanomaterial formed by chemical bonding of organic and inorganic components at the molecular level.

  Yes, it is not a pure organic component. It cannot be synthesized by relying solely on carbon dioxide and water. Other substances must be input into the reaction system, and it can be sold for a lot of money even in the ideal city.

  That’s why Luo Hua was so surprised.

  In an oxygen-free environment, its molecular structure is folded and arranged, and exists in the form of a colloidal liquid at a macroscopic level. Once it encounters oxygen and is at room temperature, it will be converted into a solid state in a relatively short period of time, and the molecular structure will also change at the same time, presenting a crystal-like form.

  It’s like cement that has undergone a hydration reaction.

  Due to the change in molecular components, this process is usually irreversible.

  This material has excellent wear resistance and acid and alkali resistance, and has a resistance to high temperatures that is almost like metal. It is not as easy to age as traditional rubber, which is extremely rare in traditional polymers. It is also because of this that it is usually used as aerospace material.

  Chu Guang: “Can you produce it?”

  Luo Hua’s expression was a little embarrassed. After all, he just pretended to be awesome, but he was slapped in the face in less than two minutes.

  He coughed lightly and tried to explain.

  ”…It can’t be considered a hydrocarbon in the strict sense! It also contains many inorganic components, which is equivalent to an organic/inorganic hybrid polymer.”

  Chu Guang nodded thoughtfully and tried to translate the words he didn’t understand.

  So it should not be produced.

  ”Conservatively speaking, there are about 50 tons here…” Luo Hua looked at the situation in the warehouse with envy and said with emotion, “Don’t let our section chief know.”


  ”I’m worried that he will suffer from insomnia.”


  Is it so exaggerated?

  Chu Guang felt that if Li De wanted it, he would not be so stingy as not to give it at all.

  It’s just that the journey from here to the action camp is so long, and the goods have to be moved down from upstairs…

  Isn’t it too much to charge a freight fee?

  In short, according to Luo Hua’s introduction, Dilate rubber has a wide range of uses and is of high value. Chu Guang tried to understand that its position in the rubber industry is probably similar to perfluoroether rubber in the early 21st century?

  And it doesn’t have the problem of being “difficult to process”.

  Before encountering oxygen, it can be kneaded at will like glue. There is no rubber material that is easier to handle than it.

  By the way, due to its good sealing performance, it is widely used in aerospace, nanodevices, bionic engineering, mechanical seals and other industries.

  For example, the power armor produced before the war used this material!

  Of course, its use is not limited to this. Many industrial production equipment will use rubber. If it can be replaced by Dilat rubber, the maintenance cost will be greatly reduced and the production efficiency will be greatly improved.

  With these good things, the industrial area of ​​the outpost will not have to worry about rubber for a while.

  Of course, it is unlikely that six people can move so many boxes back.

  So, Chu Guang immediately updated a courier task on VM –

  [Task: Move the goods from the designated location back to the outpost (recommended for strength)]

  [Reward: 10 silver coins per box, 10 contribution]

  Now there is less and less work at the action camp, Chu Guang has to find something for these energetic little players to do…


  After returning to the outpost, Luo Hua went back to the office and packed his luggage with his partner Ai Si.

  The Pioneer will set off the day after tomorrow, and their work here is also over. A car will pick them up before the evening.

  Thinking that this drinking buddy who had just become familiar with was about to leave, Chu Guang couldn’t help feeling a little sad, so he returned to the shelter, selected a bottle of gold-plated red wine from the old leech’s collection, and took it to the temporary office.

  ”Thank you for your time. I don’t have anything good to give you.” Stuffing the red wine into Luo Hua’s hand, Chu Guang looked at him sincerely and said, “This bottle of wine is a farewell gift. Remember not to drink it while you’re working.”

  ”Thank you, your friendship is the most precious gift to me!” Luo Hua took the red wine from Chu Guang with a touched look on his face, rummaged in his pocket, looked embarrassed, “… Damn, I’m not prepared at all.”

  His pockets were cleaner than his face.

  There were clearly a few banknotes before…

  ”It’s okay, your friendship is equally precious to me,” Chu Guang said with a smile, “When you finish writing your Journey to the West, just send me a copy.”

  ”That’s a must! But it’s different, I have to give you something…” Luo Hua pondered for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up, “I got it! I’ll help you write a letter.”

  Chu Guang looked at him strangely.

  ”Write a letter?”

  Luo Hua nodded immediately and said excitedly.

  ”Yes, I have a drinking buddy on the East Coast. Although his alcohol tolerance is not as good as mine, it is also pretty good! Of course, he is not only a drinker, he is also an engineer… Although I forgot what the thing he is studying is called, I always hear him complain that life in the ideal city is too boring, and he envies us who are lucky enough to embark on the journey for the future of human civilization.”

  ”When I get back to the Pioneer, I will write a letter to him and recommend him to come to you!”

  Chu Guang always felt that this guy was a little naive.

  That kind of complaint is not a complaint at all, it is obviously Versailles, okay?

  But out of politeness, he still smiled and nodded.

  ”Then I’ll be looking forward to hearing from you.”

  Luo Hua grinned and patted his chest to promise.

  ”Don’t worry! I’m very reliable!”

  Ai Si, who had packed his luggage next to him, glanced at this guy.

  If Chu Guang was not mistaken, it should be a roll of the eyes…

  (Cracked, just stretched and twisted his shoulder. TT)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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