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Chapter 164 Heading into the wilderness!

Chapter 164 Heading into the wilderness!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 164 Heading to the wilderness!


  ”My dear friend Bachi, I have to tell you a good news. With the generous help of our allies, we have successfully repaired the damaged parts and will be able to get back on the road soon!”

  ”I still remember that the last time I wrote to you was half a month ago. The reason why I haven’t heard from you for so long is not because I forgot about you, but because I was sent to perform a very important mission to serve as a liaison with our allies… This job is very important. You can think of it as a diplomat. There will be a lot of social engagements, but it is not annoying.”

  ”I remember you once told me that you wanted to cross the towering wall and go to the outside world to see the mountains and lakes in the distance, the endless deserts and swamps, and go over snow-capped mountains and jungles to find lost ruins. I remember you also told me that you were tired of the boring life and you envied me very much for being able to find a group of like-minded partners, put aside the secular world, and go deep into the wilderness occupied by chaos and barbarism.”

  ”I mean, in that case… why not give it a try? The road is right under your feet. As I write this letter, we have walked thousands of kilometers and will soon go further.”

  ”If you can’t find the direction, I solemnly recommend you the partners we met in Qingquan City. They are a group of hardworking, brave, optimistic people who live in Shelter No. 404. They have an impressive culture, and every day with them is so pleasant.”

  ”That’s a good place to go. When you get there, you will understand why I say that.”

  On the Pioneer.

  Lying in a comfortable single room, Luo Hua, with his head resting on his arms, faced the holographic window floating in front of him and dictated the content of the letter.

  Speaking of which, he has been away from home for more than a year.

  The crowded and noisy environment that he disliked before, now thinking back, he still misses it.

  ”I’ll write a letter to my dad later.”

  Luo Hua sighed softly, and was about to click send, but suddenly remembered that he forgot to write the signature, so he slid his index finger next to the holographic window and added that line of words.

  ”- Your best friend, Luo Hua.”


  Two days later.

  An ordinary morning.

  There was no grand ceremony. As if it was time, the steel fortress lying on the wilderness unfolded its gantry-like steel structure to both sides. The

  mechanical arm lowered from the ceiling was like a hand, picking up the modular production units previously deployed on the open space one by one and putting them back on its back.

  This incredible scene happened to it as naturally as breathing.

  Standing in front of the porthole in the office.

  Looking at the production modules slowly rising outside the window, Li De’s face showed a smug expression.

  ”Finally, we are going to get back on the road.”

  He had waited too long for this moment.

  ”Yes, we have been delayed here for half a month.”

  Standing behind Chief Li, Wang Jie agreed verbally, but his mood was full of complexities.

  On the one hand, he wanted to stay here for a few more days.

  On the other hand, his pockets were almost cleaner than his face.

  In fact, he was not the only one with similar troubles. Ever since a water truck driver came back with a bag of buns, their pockets seemed to be cast with magic.

  Fortunately, credit cards are not allowed here. A large part of their salary is directly deposited into the card, otherwise they might have to pay even their savings…

  If Wang Jie was just worried, then Section Chief Li, who was standing in front of him at the moment, was completely troubled. In

  just half a month, those blue jackets actually earned a full 210,000 CR from them!

  Li De deeply reviewed his mistakes in decision-making.

  When he signed the labor contract, he never considered that these blue jackets would come to his door to do business, and he never thought that these poor blue jackets would actually make a lot of money from them.

  Therefore, when pricing the transaction items, Li De only referred to the most basic salary expenditure, and estimated that he would spend 2,000 CR per day, and before leaving, he would spend a maximum of 50,000 or 60,000 on them.

  There was nothing he could do about it.

  Who would have thought that those people would provide value-added services and do business, and they made his budget exceed an order of magnitude.

  Those goods on the list should not be sold to them at cost price!

  Of course, Li De thought about it afterwards and felt that this might not be a bad thing.

  Although he earned 210,000 CR, a rational analysis shows that the trade deficit is still 0. Chu Guang finally spent the money he earned. The

  money went around and finally flowed back to the Pioneer. The financial situation of the Logistics Department is now very comfortable. The refrigerator in the cafeteria is filled with steamed buns, dumplings, wontons, etc. made by the blue jackets. A lot of morale-boosting delicacies.

  From this point of view…

  it can’t be considered a loss?

  After taking a sip of the fragrant coffee, Li De looked out the porthole and said slowly.

  ”Speaking of which, what did they buy from us?”

  Wang Jie replied: “Some metal hydrogen batteries and exoskeletons… He replaced the rest with food and crop seeds.”

  The exoskeleton is easy to understand. In the absence of power armor, it is the most perfect substitute.

  It’s just that this metal hydrogen battery…

  Li De asked curiously: “What do they want the metal hydrogen battery for?”

  Wang Jie was also confused: “I don’t know… Maybe they plan to make an exoskeleton or a drone?”

  Li De: “…”

  They still have that technology?

  It’s really rare!


  Of course, the outpost doesn’t have that technology, but there will be one in the future.

  While the Pioneer was packing up, Chu Guang, accompanied by Old Luca, was counting the “wool” in the warehouse of the action camp.

  A total of 213,420CR, minus the 117,000CR pension, it is 96,420CR.

  What does 96,000 CR mean?

  It’s equivalent to an average of nearly 9,000CR income for him every day! And at least half of this is earned through trade other than labor dispatch.

  With such an amazing surplus, let alone wool, the sheepskin is almost being plucked by his little players!

  Excluding the 10,000CR consumed by changing Boss Xia’s legs, there are still 203,420CR left.

  This hard-earned huge sum of money was earned by countless sweat and blood of his little players, so Chu Guang naturally could not squander it casually.

  After careful consideration, Chu Guang first took out 100,000 CR and bought 50 common types of metal hydrogen batteries – an average of 2,000 CR each.

  As for why he wanted to buy batteries, the reason was simple. This thing has the highest cost-effectiveness and is difficult to buy in Qingquan City.

  According to Chu Guang’s research on the KV-1 exoskeleton produced by Boulder City, the only thing that can be called black technology in the entire exoskeleton is a solid hydrogen battery.

  As for the mechanical structure and engineering design, although there are also some remarkable points, they are not good enough to make people marvel.

  The energy density of the metal hydrogen battery produced by the company is a step higher than that of the general solid hydrogen battery.

  This thing is a real black technology, whether it is used for drones or exoskeletons, it is very reliable. Even if you just buy a bunch of KV-1 and change the battery, you can greatly improve its endurance.

  The price of 2000CR is definitely cheap!

  Chu Guang estimated that in the area of ​​Qingquan City, this kind of good thing that can be used as a strategic reserve must be sold for at least 4000CR or exchanged for goods of equal value. The

  battery cost 100,000CR, and there was 103,420CR left.

  After weighing the pros and cons, Chu Guang took out half of it and exchanged it for food and some seeds of pre-war crops, and the remaining half was used to buy 10 sets of “Miner Type I Exoskeleton” worth 5000CR.

  As for this exoskeleton, just by listening to the name, you know what it is used for.

  But it doesn’t matter.

  KV-1 is still used to move bricks. With steel bars and steel plates welded, it can also be used as a pseudo-powered armor.

  In particular, the design of this Miner Type I Exoskeleton is much better than the garbage bought in Boulder City.

  Apart from anything else, the metal hydrogen battery it carries is more than half stronger than KV-1. Its excellent electronic control system and motor design not only ensure long battery life, but also provide it with stronger and more stable power output. If modified, theoretically, thicker and heavier armor can be welded!

  In the enterprise, the “Miner Type I Exoskeleton” is considered a Class E trading variety, and it is also the most advanced one that Chu Guang can buy under the mechanical exoskeleton item.

  Of course, this exoskeleton is not without shortcomings.

  The explosive power of metal hydrogen is 35 times that of conventional explosives, and the detonation speed is far higher than that of RDX. In theory, only 1L of this thing can knock down a main battle tank. Therefore, in the later Type II and Type III, the enterprise changed the metal hydrogen back to a slightly safer solid-state hydrogen battery, and the export control was also lowered to a Class F trading item.

  But it is interesting that even though Type II and Type III are safer, the best-selling one in the wasteland is still the first generation.

  Even though Witt strongly suggested to Chu Guang to buy the safer Type II, Chu Guang did not hesitate to stick to his idea.

  ”With these things, I feel like there’s no need to sell my old armor…”

  Chu Guang couldn’t help but fall into deep thought as he looked at the industrial-style exoskeletons in the warehouse. However, he only thought for less than three seconds before making a decision.

  ”Forget it, let’s sell it.”

  ”Just treat it as a benefit for the players.”

  After all, it was the armor used by the administrator, so Chu Guang decided to use an auction to decide its ownership. Only the most diligent players can own this armor engraved with honor!

  Well, when I go back, I have to make two more scratches on its front armor.

  As for the “Miner I Exoskeleton”, Chu Guang plans to stipulate that it must reach the citizen level to purchase it, and each account is limited to one. After purchase, it will be automatically bound and cannot be traded to players or neutral NPCs. If you don’t want it anymore, you can only deal with it in a designated warehouse or weapon store.

  Considering that the import price is as high as 5,000 CR, 5,000 silver coins should be a reasonable price.

  But if this price is really set, his little players may have to save money until next year to be able to afford it.

  ”Let’s sell it for 2,000 silver coins… and we have to add another threshold. Not only do we require citizens, but we also need to reach level 10 to buy it!”

  Throwing equipment in the warehouse to gather dust is what old leeches do.

  As long as the equipment can be successfully equipped to highly active combat professional players, whether they use the equipment to move bricks, scavenge, hunt or do other things, it is the choice that maximizes benefits for Chu Guang.

  Basically, unless it happens to be an intelligence system, it is difficult for life professions to upgrade quickly in the early stage.

  The most typical representative is Mosquito. Because his gene sequence is agile, and he often stays in his workshop, he rarely goes out to do tasks. His level is only a pitiful LV5. Tomato scrambled eggs, who entered the game with him, had LV6 before the expansion pack was opened, and now it is almost LV7. It is already a mature physical tank.

  Instructing Old Luca to arrange a truck to transport some of the goods back to the outpost, Chu Guang walked out of the warehouse and glanced at the Pioneer who was busy packing outside the camp, his eyes full of reluctance.

  It would be great if they stayed a few more days.

  Popcorn has just become popular on the Pioneer, and it would be a loss if we didn’t sell much…


  Deployment takes ten minutes, and work takes an hour.

  Before eight o’clock in the morning, the Pioneer finally finished packing.

  However, this steel behemoth did not take away everything. For example, the action camp about 100 meters away from it was preserved intact.

  Not only that, during the period after encountering the Legion, the Pioneer also helped the local shelter residents to reinforce the action camp for the second time. The

  current action camp not only has a three-meter-high reinforced concrete wall, but also a five-meter-high trapezoidal turret is located at the four corners of the camp.

  In addition, there are 300 tons of cement that has not been used up in time, which has also been left in the camp by the Pioneer crew.

  Together with the supplies that Chu Guang bought with CR, they are placed in different warehouses.

  ”…This is a little gift from us. I hope it can help you.”

  Captain Lu Yang, wearing power armor, walked in front of Chu Guang and a group of shelter residents and removed the mask of his helmet.

  Chu Guang looked at him and said solemnly.

  ”Thank you, you have helped us a lot, I will remember this favor.”

  To be honest, whether in the previous life or this life, Chu Guang rarely reveals his true feelings to others.

  But this sentence is absolutely sincere.

  It feels that such a serious expression is rare on this friend’s face, but Captain Lu Yang didn’t care too much and smiled heartily.

  ”Don’t be so polite, you have also helped us a lot. Without your help, we would never be able to get back on the road so quickly.”

  After a pause, the hearty smile suddenly became a little melancholy.

  ”Goodbye, my friend. If everything goes well, we will see each other again!”

  At that time, he will return with victory.

  Chu Guang nodded.

  ”I will definitely do so. May you have a successful start and a worry-free journey.”

  ”Best wishes to you!”

  After bumping fists, Lu Yang waved his hand as a final farewell and stood on the elevator leading to the steel fortress.

  This is the last one.

  The elevator slowly rose and the hatch closed heavily.

  The earth trembled slightly, making a dull sound. Driven by fusion energy, the magnificent land fortress moved.

  The steel tracks moved forward slowly and firmly, rolling over the snow and frozen branches on the ground, and finally merged into the winter morning mist with the majestic figure, leaving only a dozen ruts like gullies.

  This eye-catching scene made the players standing at the door of the action camp open their eyes in surprise, as if their sight was glued to the invisible fortress.


  ”Awesome, this fortress can actually move! I’m beginning to doubt the authenticity of this game’s physics engine!”

  ”Let’s analyze it rationally. Nuclear fusion is indeed possible… Of course, the material is probably not ordinary steel, otherwise it can’t bear its huge weight.”

  ”Okay, okay, stop analyzing. I just want to know now, is this expansion pack over?”

  ”Probably? Starting yesterday, the scavenging mission in the northern town has been gone. By the way, didn’t you pay attention to the VM?”

  ”Wait a minute, are there still more than a hundred non-Africans who haven’t resurrected?”

  ”Fuck, this operator is too idiotic. They can’t fix the bug, so they shut down the expansion pack!”

  ”Hahahaha, in one word, absolutely!”

  Listening to the chattering of the little players, Chu Guang smiled faintly.

  Retracting his gaze from the fortress that disappeared in the distance, Chu Guang stretched out his index finger and lightly swiped on the VM.

  The pre-edited server announcement was immediately sent to every player’s VM and the official website.

  [Announcement for the entire server: The prosperity of the action camp has reached 100 points, and it has grown into a survivor base. It is now renamed “Changjiu Farm.” 】

  【Server-wide announcement: The “Land Fortress” expansion pack has been successfully completed. Players who were locked out of the login state and could not be revived can now log in to the game normally. 】

  【Server-wide announcement: 100 new players have logged in to the game in the Alpha0.8 version. Let us welcome them! 】

  (The next chapter will be updated before 11 o’clock! I have obsessive-compulsive disorder, I will check it twice.)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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