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Chapter 166: The Carnival of the Unofficial and European Emperors

Chapter 166: The Carnival of the Unofficial and European Emperors


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 166: The Carnival of Africans and Europeans

  Official Forum.

  Xiao Xiaoxiao Bookworm: “Hahaha! Cool, I got a second prize! LD-47 Scythe Assault Rifle!”

  WC Zhenyou Mosquito: “I got a second prize too! Wait, the Iron Fist Bazooka is disposable, right? Shit! This is fucking pitfall!”

  Ye Shi: “MMP! Why are you so lucky? I even got two high-level gift boxes with guaranteed prizes, a broken Centurion pistol, and a Legion-limited “Eviscerator” iron barrel gun… This is not as good as the 7mm produced in Boulder City! Unlucky! It’s really unlucky!”

  Makabazi: “Funny, African guy is confirmed!”

  Ye Shi: “Red dot! Damn, my intermediate gift box has a red dot! Hahaha!”

  Makabazi: “%¥@#!”

  The announcement of the gift box exchange was updated less than ten minutes ago, and the refresh rate of the official website posts has more than doubled.

  Some people showed off their gift box prizes, some showed off their activity points, some were furious and cursed, and some even washed their faces and hands live.

  The whole forum was so lively!

  The reward pool for opening the box of this expansion pack can be said to be quite sincere.

  The special prize was actually an orange-yellow exoskeleton!

  According to the panel data, its load and battery life far exceeded the KV-1 used by the administrator before, and the battery it carried was the pinnacle of chemical power batteries – metal hydrogen batteries!

  This type of battery is already quasi-T1-level technology in the game setting, far higher than the polymer azide battery and solid-state hydrogen battery in the background!

  Although its name is Miner I, this is not the point.

  Wearing it, the muscle man of the strength department turns into a big tyrant, and the young man of the intelligence department can instantly become a super soldier.

  Because it is a motion sensor rather than a neural sensor, this set of equipment has no requirements for attributes. In other words, it is a “levelless” god outfit!

  As the special prize of this lottery, both the advanced gift box and the intermediate gift box can be opened, but the probability of winning the former is 1%, and the latter is only 0.1%.

  In addition to the special prize, the first prize of the advanced gift box also includes the corporate standard weapon “Black Swan” G9 assault rifle.

  Compact barrel and receiver, modular accessories and foldable buttstock, with digital gray urban camouflage… everything is designed for urban terrain.

  7mm caliber ammunition is very effective against both humans and aliens, especially this gun can not only switch between full automatic and semi-automatic, but also adjust the firing rate in full automatic mode, covering three gears of 60 rounds/200 rounds/700 rounds per minute.

  The highest firing rate is directly pulled to the maximum, and the assault rifle becomes a submachine gun in seconds!

  In the previous battle against the Legion, Chu Guang got twenty “Black Swans” from the Pioneer and thirty-one red dot sights.

  After the war, they have been doing funerals. Li De didn’t feel comfortable asking Chu Guang to take it back. Chu Guang certainly wouldn’t take the initiative to ask, so the matter was shelved.

  In the prize pool for this lottery, Chu Guang put a total of ten “Black Swans” in the advanced gift box and ten red dot sights in the intermediate gift box.

  As for the rest, they were marked with 500 silver and 233 silver respectively, and thrown into the weapon store to sell slowly.

  This kind of gun is just for fun, and the ammunition is too expensive.

  The bullets equipped by the wealthy companies for the “Black Swan” G9 are all loaded with X-4 fiber. According to the design process, the theoretical detonation speed can reach 133% of traditional smokeless gunpowder.

  Although Chu Guang picked up a lot of X-4 fiber from the carbon dioxide collector, it is impossible to build a separate production line for these twenty rifles. After all, there are too few receivers and iron pipes that can withstand this chamber pressure. In the end, most of them are imitated with traditional smokeless gunpowder, and the power is definitely not as good as the original bullets.

  But is this important to players?

  Obviously not!

  Guns in games only need to look good!

  This “Black Swan” undoubtedly fits this setting. The shape is obviously a European weapon. Wouldn’t it be a great deal if you got it?

  The drop rate of the exoskeleton is too outrageous, but the drop rate of the “Black Swan” is still conceivable. Almost all players who redeem high-level blind boxes are going for it.

  Chu Guang took a rough look at the backend of the official website.

  In just ten minutes, more than two hundred high-level gift boxes and nearly a thousand mid-level gift boxes were opened in the entire server. The European emperor and the non-African chief saw the results in an instant.

  Three lucky little players drew the “Black Swan”, and five lucky people opened the red dot sight from the mid-level gift box.

  Almost everyone posted a “win-win speech” on the forum, and the replies below were all envious without exception.

  Following the sleepwalker: “Fuck, it’s a shady deal!”

  Kevin with a broken leg: “It’s too shady, too shady! Why don’t I have it! I don’t care, the official is biased, unless they give me one too!”

  The canyon escaped mole: “What the hell is shady! Shady, shady, shady every day! You don’t have to spend tens of thousands of krypton to reach V10 to get a godly outfit, have you ever seen such a conscientious operator?”

  Director Qi, the sniper god in the middle lane: “Woo woo woo, planner dad, please give me one too!”

  Among the three first prizes that came out first, Chu Guang unexpectedly saw a familiar ID.

  It turned out to be brother Mole.

  This guy wrote an article about “trial experience” when he took a gun to the battlefield before, and now it’s really published?

  However, it doesn’t matter who opened it.

  The important thing is that in just ten minutes, Chu Guang drained half of the activity points on the server.

  Those little players who opened the gift boxes either posted the box opening rewards on the forum or envied and hated in the posts of Europeans.

  The traffic of the official website has increased, and the players are happy. More cloud players and passers-by netizens have clicked on the reservation. Chu Guang can’t count how many times he has won this wave.

  Anyway, it’s okay to win!

  Elf King Fugui: “Fuck! Why can’t you pay for this broken game!”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “That’s right! I strongly suggest that the official open a recharge channel! I will recharge to V10 on the spot!”

  Macabazi: “It’s unreasonable that you can’t buy points for this activity. I suggest that the planner learn from Tencent. Although it is in the closed beta stage, as long as the files are not deleted, I think paying for it is completely feasible!”

  Yaya: “That’s right, at least fix the bug that can’t recharge! It would be even better if there were a few more beautiful clothes. QAQ”

  Teng Teng: “! The clothes I made are not good-looking! Σ(゜ロ゜;)”

  Ye Shi: “Ms. Ya is right! (Funny)”

  Irena: “+1! I support her unconditionally. (Funny)”

  Looking at the idiots in the official forum, Chu Guang smiled slightly.

  Just when he was about to appease those Africans who had used up all their points, a post suddenly popped up.

  Fountain Commander: “Hahaha, exoskeleton! Hahaha! I won the prize!!!”

  Ye Shi: “!”

  Irena: “!!!”

  Fang Chang: “???”

  The replies below the post instantly filled the screen, with more than a hundred posts in just one minute.

  A group of people shouted in disbelief.

  But before long, the little player named [Funnel Commander] posted a screenshot of the winning record in the post, and added a 1080p large-scale funny video.

  The mocking effect was simply the best!

  ”Damn! Kill this European!”

  ”I’m crying! Why don’t I have it! A shady deal! It must be a small account of the planner!”

  ”Boss, are you selling it? I’ll give you 2,500 silver!”

  ”I’ll give you 3,000!”


  The bids behind were getting more and more outrageous.

  Unable to bear it any longer, the commander of the fountain jumped out and said, “Go away, stop bragging, do you have so much money? No, no, no! I won’t sell it even if it’s 10,000 silver coins!”

  5,000 silver coins is definitely an exaggeration.

  Even if the exoskeleton obtained by the lottery is not mandatory, it is a “levelless” equipment in MMORPG, and it is unlikely to be sold at twice the price.

  After all, “Wasteland OL” now does not allow small accounts, and no big guilds have moved in, so there is no such thing as “the whole group’s strength to support one account”.

  1.1~1.5 times is more reasonable.

  Unless the public beta is launched and a big guild moves in, the price will probably be out of control.

  Not only in the post.

  The forum outside the post is also full of envy and jealousy.

  Chu Guang, who originally planned to comfort the Africans, was too embarrassed to show up when he saw those small players shouting about the shady dealings.

  He simply pretended not to see it.

  In short, this unknown ID that could not even be found in the T3 echelon suddenly became popular in the entire forum.

  To be honest, the commander of the fountain was also a little confused. When he saw the winning, he felt like he was floating.

  It was like living in a dream.

  With a set of exoskeleton, if used well, it would be no problem to rush from T3 to T2 echelon, and if he tried hard, he could even reach T1.

  Without any hesitation, he logged into the game.

  He came to Boss Xia’s weapon store, and took advantage of the short time before closing to quickly get the set of magical equipment that countless players dreamed of –

  Miner I exoskeleton!

  The orange-yellow paint and the silly name did not affect its handsomeness at all. It is even better to say that because of this, it makes it feel more like a “protagonist exclusive suit”.

  As we all know, the protagonists in mecha movies are all driving training machines, and the color of training machines is mostly shit yellow.

  The commander of the fountain was full of stars, and he couldn’t put down this set of equipment.

  Could he be the legendary chosen one?

  The protagonist in the MMORPG online game novel?

  This is too lucky!


  Cow and Horse Club.

  Ye Shi, who had been spamming on the forum before, rushed in in a hurry.

  ”I just went back online to check. The Miner I Exoskeleton is available in the weapon store! But the quantity is limited, there are only 9 pieces!”

  Fang Chang: “How much?”

  Ye Shi: “The unit price is 2,000 silver coins, and 100 activity points can be exchanged for a 10% discount coupon.”

  Kuang Feng: “…”

  WC Zhen You Mosquito: “MMP! What I lack is the 10% discount coupon?!”

  Ye Shi: “Hehe, you can’t buy it even if you want to. The exoskeleton purchased from the weapon store has restrictions. You need to reach the contribution level of a citizen and the character level must reach LV10 to purchase it! And once purchased, it is bound by default and cannot be traded to other players. You can only sell it back to the NPC store.”

  WC Zhen You Mosquito: “Fuck! I’m only LV6!”

  Fang Chang: “The highest level in the server is Lao Bai. We will focus on the ‘Greenhouse Ruins’ these days and strive to clear it once to see if we can rush up the level.”

  The strength system with a higher tendency to strengthen the body will upgrade faster, and progress bars can be accumulated whether it is cutting trees or moving bricks.

  Therefore, even if they are in the same team and usually level up together, Lao Bai will level up faster than them.

  After the strength system, the next are the physical system as a tank, the perception system as a scout, and the agility system as the main output.

  As for the intelligence system, if you don’t carry neural connection equipment, it is basically equivalent to forcibly following the group, and you can only output with the agility system.

  Kuangfeng: “What about the lottery? Are there any bindings for the ones you draw?”

  Yeshi: “I just had a private chat with that fountain, and it looks like there isn’t any.”

  Fang Chang: “Oh, I envy the European emperor, damn, I opened three high-level blind boxes, and they were all garbage.”

  Kuangfeng: “Me too… That Centurion pistol uses 10mm bullets, and I haven’t seen this caliber in the weapon store.”

  WC Zhenyou Mosquito: “Did you draw that thing too? Hahahaha, me too! But it doesn’t matter, brothers, don’t panic, if the NPC store doesn’t have it, we can make it ourselves! When I get home from work tonight, I’ll figure out how to get that thing out!”

  Yeshi: “Depending on you! (Funny)” Kuangfeng

  : “Speaking of which, Lao Bai, what did you open?”

  Lao Bai: “Ahem… What’s that called, Black Swan? Anyway, it looks pretty cool, but I don’t know if it’s useful. (Grinning)”

  The group was quiet for a while.

  No one spoke for a long time.

  Kuangfeng: “…”

  WC Zhenyou Mosquito: “…”

  Fang Chang: “It seems that a European has sneaked into the group.”

  Ye Shi: “+1, let’s kick him out.”

  Lao Bai: “???”


  The lottery event lasted from the evening of the wasteland time until 12 o’clock in the middle of the night.

  This time is exactly noon in reality.

  As the activity points in the players’ pockets were all exhausted, the official website also closed the link to the event, and instead announced the list of European emperors.

  Of course, players can also choose to be anonymous, but no one does this.

  Why hide something you won by your own ability?

  We are all Europeans, be more confident!

  After the awards were announced, Chu Guang also took a quick look at what he had given out.

  First of all, the first prize was given out, a total of 9 “Black Swans” and 8 red dot scopes.

  The second prize was given out 27 “Sickle” LD-47s and 49 iron tube scopes.

  There is nothing much to say about the third prize and consolation prizes, they are all garbage picked up from the battlefield.

  The standard equipment of the clone light infantry – the “Eviscerator” iron tube rifle is just a 7mm bolt action rifle.

  As for why it is called the Eviscerator, it is probably because the bayonet is relatively long, which should be quite useful when charging.

  The price of this gun in the store is 100 silver, which is not bad for newcomers.

  Sitting in front of the computer in the resident hall, looking at the statistics in the background, Chu Guang couldn’t help but smile.

  This year’s players are not very good.

  This reward pool has not even reached the bottom, and it has been drained by myself.

  ”Um, Master…”

  Hearing Xiao Qi’s voice, Chu Guang raised his head and asked.

  ”What’s wrong?”

  ”It seems that there are only 5 ‘scythes’ in our inventory,” Xiao Qi whispered, worried that the master had forgotten, “You took out a total of 27 this time, and we don’t have so many…” ”

  It’s just that we don’t have them now,” Chu Guang said indifferently, “I didn’t say that the reward will be redeemed immediately. Since the new equipment is still under testing, isn’t it normal to delay it for two or three days?”

  And it shouldn’t take that long.

  The parts customized by the No. 81 Steel Plant have been delivered, and soon Brother Ce Suo and Brother Levin will begin to try to make the first batch of stamped receivers and barrels.

  The process of LD-47 is not complicated, and the requirements for shooting accuracy are not as high as those of the “precision shooter version” of LD-47s.

  So why not put LD-47s in the reward pool?

  Chu Guang had considered these issues a long time ago.

  Xiao Qi raised the camera and looked at Chu Guang in surprise.

  You are worthy of being the master!

  It turns out that he planned to owe it from the beginning.

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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