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Chapter 166: The History of the Luo Family, the Competition of Mature and Beautiful Women

Chapter 166: The History of the Luo Family, the Competition of Mature and Beautiful Women


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 166 The History of the Luo Family, Familiar and Charming

  Yang Shifei turned the carriage around, temporarily said goodbye to Liang Xin and the others, and headed towards the gentle mountain road next to Luo City.

  ”Legend has it that a star fell from this mountain thousands of years ago, and that’s why it got the name ‘Falling Star’ locally.”

  Tan Xiang introduced softly, “About two hundred years ago, the Luo family built this villa in the mountain. Most of the people there are female members of the family, and few outsiders can visit this place.

  This rule has continued to this day.”

  ”Female members.”

  Yang Shifei scratched his head, “The Luo family has so many family members, why do they need to set aside a villa to live in them?”

  ”The Luo family has a population of over a thousand, with four main families and no less than ten branch families.”

  Tan Xiang turned his head and glanced in the direction of Luocheng, “When there are too many people, it’s easy to get chaotic. Luocheng has become a territory for clans to fight with each other. In order to avoid hurting the female members of the family, they chose to build the villa.”

  Yang Shifei chuckled, “The Luo family is quite considerate of women.”

  ”More than two hundred years ago, many family tragedies were caused by internal strife. This move was a last resort, and it was considered a bottom line.”

  ”Okay, it turns out to be a lesson learned from the past.”

  ”However, in the following two hundred years, there have been slight changes within the Luo family.”

  Luo Xian’er lifted the curtain of the carriage and said calmly: “I don’t know if it was because of the jealousy of God, the male members of the Luo family became increasingly weak and sickly, and none of the descendants lived long, and many even died in infancy.

  Even if there are exceptions, after more than two hundred years of reproduction, there are only a few male members of the Luo family, and women have to occupy the center of the clan.”

  ”Is there such a strange thing?”

  Yang Shifei was stunned: “So, now the Luo family is ruled by women?”

  ”That’s right.”

  Luo Xian’er nodded slightly: “Most of the remaining male members are studying in the city, and can only take the imperial examinations. The real power of the Luo family has fallen into the hands of women, and all the businesses have been taken over. The current old patriarch is also a woman.”

  Yang Shifei showed a strange look on his face: “Then how should the Luo family continue.”

  ”Marriage, recruiting officials, borrowing children.”

  Luo Xian’er sighed lightly: “Most of them will marry wealthy nobles in Liang State, and those in high positions in their own family will seek help from female imperial physicians in the palace, and rely on natural resources and treasures to borrow seeds and have children.

  In this way, the real power of the Luo family will not be divided by outsiders, and the family can continue from generation to generation.”

  ”Natural resources and treasures. Can this be done!?”

  ”Indeed there are, but they are extremely precious.”

  ”Well, this is the first time I’ve heard of it.”

  Yang Shifei pinched his eyebrows, thoughtfully: “No wonder you were constantly urged to get married.”

  Not to let Xian’er find someone to rely on, but to let Xian’er give birth to offspring as soon as possible?

  ”So, the Luo family is not very nice to you, sister Luo?”

  Qiu Buhuan came closer and whispered, “It sounds like they want to use you.”

  Luo Xian’er shook her head again: “In order to consolidate its position in the past, the Luo family did everything they could, and all parties were fighting openly and secretly, but in the generation of the old patriarch, things have improved a lot.”

  Yang Shifei asked curiously: “What happened?”

  ”The old patriarch experienced the most turbulent times in the Luo family. She fought openly and secretly with her brothers and sisters for more than ten years before she fought her way out and gradually gained control of the Luo family’s resources.”

  Luo Xian’er continued: “Although she herself has an extremely cold temperament, she did not settle accounts after taking power. Instead, she gradually eased the relationship in the family and made the Luo family, which was almost falling apart, stick together again.

  She has never married or had children through surrogacy. Instead, she treats the descendants of each family as her own and trains them wholeheartedly.”

  ”Yes.” Tan Xiang nodded in agreement: “In the generation of Madam, the descendants of the four major families grew up together and have a deep relationship, no different from real sisters.”

  Luo Xian’er said with emotion: “My mother is likable and the most beloved sister in the family. As her child, I am loved by everyone.”

  Qiu Buhuan looked surprised: “Then sister Luo, you are actually doing well?”

  ”If it’s not good, how can I have the financial resources today.”

  Luo Xian’er’s face is complicated: “It’s just that my mother died unexpectedly, and the elders in the family took too much care of me.”

  Yang Shifei slapped his forehead.

  Well, it seems that there are not so many ways, Xian’er is simply being urged to get married.

  ”Will Shifei be harassed now that he comes to visit?”

  Qiu Buhuan was a little worried: “The women of Luo family are in power, and they must be quite strong. If Shifei comes to visit, he will be treated as a son-in-law and ordered around…”

  ”Please don’t worry about this matter.”

  Luo Xian’er smiled: “I have sent messages to my family many times, and the elders all know about the existence of the young master and will not make it difficult for us.”

  Tan Xiang added calmly: “If the old patriarch did not value him, they would not let the young master come to the villa to see him.

  After all, no man has set foot in this villa for decades, and the young master is the first in three generations of the Luo family.”

  Qiu Buhuan nodded suddenly and was completely relieved.

  Yang Shifei scratched his face: “I’m a little flattered by such a courtesy.”

  Luo Xian’er smiled and said: “Are you a little nervous, sir?”


  Yang Shifei looked at the outline of the villa gradually emerging in the distance, and said worriedly: “It’s my first time visiting, I don’t know what to say.”

  Luo Xian’er smiled lightly: “The old master and the others are easy to talk to, we can chat as usual.”


  Seeing that there was still some way to the villa, Yang Shifei hurriedly said: “Please introduce me to the elders you know first?”

  ”Except for the old master, the four major families each have a person in power, and they are all my mother’s sisters.”

  Luo Xian’er murmured: “I used to call them simply, just call them aunt.”

  As the eldest lady introduced them one by one, the carriage was getting closer and closer to the villa, and the continuous high walls were clearly visible.

  ”This villa is really big.”

  Buhuan looked around and sighed, “It’s like a small town.”

  ”After all, it has been passed down for hundreds of years, and it has been renovated and expanded dozens of times during this period, and it has reached its current size.”

  Luo Xian’er whispered again: “We are not here just to reminisce about the past. After the young master’s Xuanxin Dantian is shaped, we can set off to chase the front line.” ”

  The elders of the Luo family…”

  ”Miss, the old master and others have been waiting in the intimate pavilion for a long time.”

  The maid of the Luo family who was leading the way suddenly turned back: “Do you want me to say hello?”

  ”Thank you.”

  Following the maid’s call, several figures walked out of an ancient pavilion not far from the gate of the villa.

  Tan Xiang slowly stopped the horse, and everyone got off the car.

  Qiu Buhuan even deliberately pulled Yue Rui to prevent the girl from falling asleep again in this place.

  Yang Shifei quickly straightened his clothes, his expression solemn, and stood straight.

  But as soon as he saw the few people coming, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

  According to the maid, the people who came to greet her were the heads of the family, who were much older than Xian’er’s mother.

  But the figures that appeared in the field of vision were all graceful and beautiful, with extraordinary appearances. Although they were dressed in dignified and elegant clothes, they still couldn’t hide their mature charm.

  Are these women really all Xian’er’s aunts?

  ”–You are finally back.”

  A mature woman in a green robe smiled and stepped forward to gently hold her hand: “I haven’t seen you for a year. Xian’er has become much more beautiful.”

  ”Second aunt.” Luo Xian’er pursed her lips and smiled: “You look much better.”

  ”Hearing a lot of good news about you, I am naturally in high spirits.”

  Behind the second aunt, three other mature and beautiful women of different looks also gathered around and asked Luo Xian’er about her well-being.

  Yang Shifei was speechless.

  It’s true that the aunts

  are much younger than he expected.

  ”You, are you Yang Shifei?”

  A slightly cold and low female voice suddenly came from behind the aunts.

  ”It is me.”

  Yang Shifei immediately straightened his face and looked in the direction of the voice.

  A middle-aged woman just walked out of the pavilion slowly.

  This woman has a well-proportioned and tall figure, with a high bun and a jade fan hairpin, with only a wisp of silver hair hanging down in front of her chest.

  The black robe swayed with her steps, and the long sleeves fluttered, which was quite mature and charming. Her face was cold and solemn, and her eyebrows were slightly furrowed, as if she was intimidating without being angry.

  Although there were a few wrinkles at the corners of her eyes, her facial skin was still fair and translucent, adding a bit of weathering and precipitation compared to ordinary women, and more charm.

  Yang Shifei muttered to himself in his heart, which concubine is this——

  ”The old patriarch.”

  Tan Xiang beside him bowed his head and saluted, also intentionally reminding him.

  But Yang Shifei heard his heart skip a beat and his eyes twitched.

  This middle-aged beauty is actually the old patriarch of the Luo family! ?

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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