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Chapter 167 Choice

Chapter 167 Choice


Author: The Bell Outside the Besieged City

  Chapter 167 Choice What right

  does Xiao Feng have?

  Wei Changtian has thought about this question several times.

  Wei Changtian does not think that Xiao Feng is stupid enough to believe that he really went to the appointment alone.

  If so, it means that Xiao Feng is quite confident in this “decisive battle”.

  At least he thinks he has a certain chance of winning.

  So. Where is this chance of winning?

  The Liu family? Or other forces that bow down to the “protagonist halo”?

  It was late at night outside the window, and only a few nightingales were chirping quietly.

  Wei Changtian sat at the table motionless, constantly recalling the plot in the original book.

  Then at a certain moment, a thought suddenly flashed through his mind.

  Could it be the residual soul hidden in the Xuantian Sword?

  According to the original book, this residual soul is an ancient great cultivator. In addition to knowing countless mysterious skills, he also founded a secret organization that continues to this day.

  The mystery of this organization is basically the same as the “True Freemasonry” in the previous life. Almost no one in the world knows about it. Even if someone who knows it accidentally exposes it, most people think he is joking.

  After all, an organization whose members are all at the “Upper Third Rank” level sounds outrageous enough.

  In the early and middle stages of the novel, this remnant soul only appeared once at the very beginning, and taught Xiao Feng the magical power “Dream Road”.

  After that, it had no role for a long time, and was not even mentioned. Wei Changtian guessed that the author had forgotten about it. It

  was not until the late stage of the novel that Xiao Feng encountered a dead end in the process of overthrowing the Daning Dynasty that the remnant soul appeared again, directly commanding the members of the mysterious organization to help Xiao Feng successfully break the situation, and by the way, he also pretended to be super powerful in front of Ning Yongnian.

  So. Is it because of this that Xiao Feng dared to confront him?

  Then how many masters can the remnant soul get.

  The one written in the novel was three second-rank.

  What about this time? Also three?

  The second-rank is not a cabbage. There are less than ten in the whole Daning that are open, and even if those who hide their names are counted, there are only about 20 to 30 at most.

  It should be about the same. If there are three, he still has an advantage.

  Wei Changtian is not sure about this, and he is not very sure in his heart.

  In fact, if he was more rational and ruthless, he should not take this risk. The most correct approach should be to avoid fighting.

  Let Xiao Feng kill Yang Liushi, and hide in advance, so that Xiao Feng will not wait for anyone and directly bring a group of masters to kill him.

  After all, this group of masters cannot stay with Xiao Feng all the time. It is estimated that they will go back after a few days. At that time, he will undoubtedly have a huge advantage in counterattacking.

  Of course, although this approach is safe enough, it also has many disadvantages.

  It goes without saying that Yang Liushi will definitely die. More importantly, he is likely to miss the best opportunity to kill Xiao Feng.

  Xiao Feng is not stupid.

  If he fails to succeed in the “decisive battle” this time, he will definitely find a place to hide and develop secretly.

  It will be difficult for him to find him at that time.

  And if it comes to development speed, although he has a system, Wei Changtian does not think he can definitely beat a son of heaven.

  Is it a risk to take a gamble and seize the opportunity to completely eliminate the trouble?

  Or hide for a while and talk about the future later?

  This time the choice is much more difficult than the last time to kill Liu Yuanshan.

  When killing Liu Yuanshan, Wei Changtian had an idea of ​​all possible situations, gains and losses, and knew that even in the worst case, he would not die.

  But this time, there was too much unknown information, which increased the risks exponentially. On

  the cold night sky, a half moon was hanging obliquely, and the stars were twinkling.

  Wei Changtian thought for a long time, motionless like a stone sculpture.

  ”Oh oh oh~”

  Amid the familiar and distant crowing of a rooster, a ray of red light pierced the sky, and the morning sun’s rays shone through the window and gently sprinkled at his feet. The

  sun rises in the southeast corner, illuminating everything in the world.

  After a stick of incense, a carriage drove out of the door of the small house and headed straight for the Ten Thousand Mountains.

  ”Hey, Brother Wu, I haven’t seen you for so many years, how come you are like this?” In Shan

  County, a hundred miles away from Shuzhou City, two old men were sitting opposite each other in a private room in a tavern drinking.

  One of them was the ragged Wu Tianqing, while the other old man had a rosy face and wore very complicated and luxurious clothes.

  ”I want to ask you something.”

  Wu Tianqing held half a roasted chicken in one hand and a roasted pig’s trotter in the other, and muttered incoherently while eating:

  ”What a great swordsman, Chang Shuan, how come he is dressed like a whorehouse pimp now?”


  The old man named Chang Shuan laughed twice. Not only was he not angry, but he even drank a sip of wine with some satisfaction.

  ”You’re right. Although I’m not a pimp, I opened a brothel in Yingzhou, named Yanchun, which is quite famous.”

  ”You? Open a brothel?”

  Wu Tianqing even forgot to eat the roast chicken when he heard that. His eyes widened: “I remember you always said that you wanted to spread the words of the saints to the world? Why are you doing this now?”

  ”Hey, it’s because I was too young and hot-tempered at that time, and my ambitions were higher than the sky.”

  Chang Shuan waved his hand: “I only found out later that it was bullshit. Forget it, I won’t say it anymore. Anyway, I’m very happy now.”

  ”Come on, drink!”

  Holding the pot in his right hand and holding up his sleeves with his left hand, Chang Shuan poured Wu Tianqing a glass of wine: “Brother Wu, what about you? Are you still on that island now?”


  Wu Tianqing glanced at Chang Shuan’s very scholarly action, sighed in his heart, then picked up the wine glass and drank it all.

  ”Except for the poor food, it’s pretty fun.”

  ”Hahaha, your sister-in-law won’t let you eat fish?”

  Chang Shuan said with a smile, “Then you should eat more this time.”

  ”Of course!”

  Wu Tianqing threw the roast chicken with only bones left aside and started eating roasted pig’s trotters.

  At this moment, the door of the private room was suddenly knocked.

  ”Come in.”

  Chang Shuan responded, thinking it was the waiter serving the dishes.

  But when he turned his head, his expression was stunned.

  ”Brother Li? Brother Lin? Brother He?”

  ”Hahaha, Brother Chang, I haven’t seen you for more than ten years. How are you doing?”

  The three people who walked in were all smiling. Although they were of different heights, weights and thinness, they were all very old and had a faint aura. The

  five people in the room exchanged warm greetings, and the scene was a bit like the elderly activity center in the previous life.

  But then another person who came in from outside the room froze this happy picture for a moment.

  This person looked very strange.

  He was wearing a black robe, a hood on his head, and a black scabbard on his back.

  Although he had the face of a young man, his hair was silver-white; although he was straight, his brows always gave people a sense of old age.

  Seeing this man come in, the five old men looked at each other first, and then someone spoke:

  ”Mr. Xiao, now that we are here, you can tell us what you want us to do.”

  ”But you have to understand that the order we received is to help you do only one thing.”

  ”I understand.”

  Xiao Feng took off his hood, his voice a little hoarse.

  ”After eight days, please help me kill one person.”

  (End of this chapter)


I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am Villain In The Book I Turned Out to Be the Arch-Villain of the Book 我竟是书中大反派
Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

Wei Tian transmigrated to a fantasy novel, and found out that he was the villain who was beaten up by the protagonist from beginning to end? ? ?

He has a powerful family background, but all he does is eat, drink, and have fun; he has a handsome face, but all he does is commit evil deeds; he has abundant cultivation resources, but all he does is waste them away… and he can’t even lie down properly, because the protagonist is about to come and steal his wife!

I used to want to be a good person, but now I really have no choice!


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