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Chapter 167: Each has its own tenderness, mature woman in charge

Chapter 167: Each has its own tenderness, mature woman in charge


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 167 Each with its own tenderness, a mature woman in charge

  Not only Yang Shifei was stunned, Qiu Buhuan also showed surprise.

  According to the previous introduction, she thought the other party was an old lady with white hair and a kind face.

  But now she saw with her own eyes that the other party was completely different from her imagination except for a few strands of silver hair.

  Not only did she not age at all, but she was full of cold and elegant charm, and she was indeed a stunning beauty.

  ”I am not talented, and I came to visit all the elders this time.”

  Yang Shifei quickly came back to his senses, bowed without being humble or arrogant, and sweated in his palms.

  He had prepared greetings such as “live as long as the Southern Mountains” and “be vigorous”, but looking at the beautiful appearance of the aunts and the old patriarch, it was not easy to say it.


  After waiting for a while, no one responded.

  Yang Shifei was stunned, raised his eyes, and found that the old patriarch had a cold expression and only cast an indifferent look.

  In the mountains and forests, the atmosphere was slightly quiet for a while.

  The four aunts were still asking about each other’s well-being, but soon noticed that the atmosphere was strange and stopped talking.

  Luo Xian’er was even more nervous.

  The old master was not of this temperament in the past, why did he suddenly stop talking when he met the young master.

  ”Oh, is this the good husband that Xian’er always praises?”

  A beautiful woman in a purple dress said quickly: “Compared to the description in Xian’er’s letter, he looks much more handsome in person.”

  Yang Shifei secretly breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and bowed his hands in response: “All the aunts are also young and beautiful, which is a bit unexpected for the younger generation.”

  The beautiful woman in the purple dress was full of kindness, holding her chin and said gently: “Good child, from now on, just like Xian’er, call me ‘Aunt’.”

  She introduced the two women beside her: “Just call them Third Aunt and Fourth Aunt.”

  Yang Shifei responded one by one and bowed his hands, looking at them.

  The eldest aunt was gentle and generous, with a small face and waves in her eyes. Just looking into her eyes, the tension in her heart seemed to be soothed a lot, and she was quite approachable.

  The second aunt just nodded, her oval face looked a little weak. She always held hands with Xian’er, and it was obvious that they had a close relationship.

  The third aunt has a voluptuous figure, a gorgeous and gorgeous appearance, and a strong look in her eyes, as if she wants to see through everyone’s background. The

  fourth aunt has the most immature face, but her eyebrows and eyes are charming and seductive. When her eyes meet, it seems that an electric current runs through the back.

  Yang Shifei retracted his gaze and silently memorized the appearance of the four aunts to avoid mistaking them in the future.

  The third aunt raised her lips and glanced at Qiu Buhuan: “They are–” ”

  This is the owner of Bingtan. She and the young master are sworn sisters and have cooperated with us a lot.”

  Luo Xianer introduced softly: “The one next to her is the young master’s sister, Yue Rui.”

  Qiu Buhuan saluted slightly, and Yue Rui stopped dozing off and nodded obediently.

  ”So they are all honored guests.”

  The fourth aunt hurried forward to hold Qiu Buhuan, smiling and saying, “Okay, we have set up a banquet to entertain you, let’s go into the manor quickly.”

  ”Yes.” The third aunt twisted her waist and walked over, holding Yue Rui’s little hand: “Look at this little girl, she is really beautiful, and she is somewhat similar to Xian’er when she was a child.”

  The eyes of the aunts drifted to the old patriarch who had never spoken.

  ”Auntie, what should we do now…”

  ”Take Xian’er and the others in.”

  The old patriarch said coldly: “As for this fiancé, come with me alone.”

  After this, the four aunts frowned secretly again. It was clearly agreed in advance that they would not make things difficult for this young master, but why did they suddenly…

  ”Xian’er, you guys eat first.”

  Yang Shifei showed a hearty smile: “I just happened to chat with the patriarch first and get to know each other.”

  Luo Xian’er pursed her lips and wanted to speak, but Tan Xiang, who was standing beside her, suddenly said: “I will accompany the young master.”

  The old patriarch glanced at her, said nothing more, and turned away.

  Yang Shifei exchanged glances with Luo Xian’er and the others, reassuring them not to worry, and then followed.


  Seeing Yang Shifei and Tan Xiang leave one after another, Luo Xian’er looked a little worried.

  ”It’s okay.” Second Aunt gently comforted: “Auntie must have made arrangements for this, and don’t worry.”

  ”But if there is any misunderstanding.”

  ”Don’t worry, Auntie won’t do anything stupid.” Second Aunt stared at the departing back: “Besides, that young man is indeed extraordinary, there must be a way.” The scenery of

  Falling Star Mountain is unique, and the lush bamboo forest sways in the wind, full of vitality.

  Yang Shifei walked silently on the mountain path, watching the graceful back of the old patriarch.

  He didn’t know what the other party was thinking, but judging from the aura, it was obviously not too friendly.

  ”I know everything about you.”

  The old patriarch suddenly spoke in a low voice: “Looking at the whole world, you can be called brave and unparalleled. The achievements you have made in just a few months are amazing.”

  Yang Shifei responded calmly: “Thank you, and Xian’er and others helped.”

  ”No need to be modest.”

  The old patriarch said coldly: “Even I would not deny your achievements.”

  Yang Shifei was silent for a moment, and asked frankly:

  ”I wonder what the old patriarch wants to talk about?”

  ”I hate you very much.”

  The old patriarch’s words made Yang Shifei’s eyes move slightly.

  ”Why is that?”

  ”Don’t you know it yourself?”

  The old patriarch’s tone became colder: “After you met Xian’er, you hooked up with other women, and now you even brought your lover to the villa.

  You are so romantic and amorous, even if you have made great contributions, you can’t become the son-in-law of my Luo family.”

  Tan Xiang couldn’t help but say: “Old patriarch, the young master–”

  Yang Shifei stretched out his hand to stop him and shook his head.

  These are all facts. Making more excuses is just an excuse for Xian’er’s elders.


  Tan Xiang pursed her lips and fell silent, calming down a little.

  The old patriarch glanced back and said coldly, “You are very calm.”

  Yang Shifei smiled and said, “If the old patriarch really didn’t welcome me, I don’t think he would have invited me to the villa to meet me.”

  ”You are too smart.”

  The old patriarch retracted his gaze and continued to walk on the mountain path: “I am just welcoming Xian’er home, what does it have to do with you.”

  Yang Shifei smiled: “The patriarch taught me, and I will remember it in my heart.”


  The old patriarch said no more and walked a section of the mountain road silently.

  Yang Shifei looked out and saw another ancient pavilion in front of him. There was a small stove burning next to the stone table, and the hot mist and tea fragrance filled the

  air. The old patriarch stepped into the pavilion first and took a seat with a flick of his sleeves.

  ”Xiang’er, pour the tea.”

  ”Yes.” Tan Xiang slowly poured two cups of tea.

  The old patriarch glanced at him and said, “Would you like me to take a seat?”

  Yang Shifei chuckled and said, “Thank you, patriarch.”

  Seeing him sitting opposite calmly, the old patriarch served tea and exhaled the hot steam, and said slowly, “Although I hate those who are playboys, since you are the man that Xian’er likes, I will naturally not drive you away.”

  ”What the patriarch means is…”

  ”I can agree to your marriage.”

  The old patriarch’s eyes were cold and his red lips moved, “But the premise is that you have to answer some questions for me.”

  Yang Shifei nodded seriously, “Please speak.”

  ”If I want to break you up, what will you do?”

  ”Rob the bride.”

  Yang Shifei answered straightforwardly, which made the old patriarch startled and his eyes were turbulent.

  This kid is really bold.

  The old patriarch was about to speak, but his lips pursed twice, and he fell silent-

  thinking back to the past, Xian’er’s mother was also sitting in front of him, facing his bitter persuasion, and resolutely said, “I will run away from the marriage.”

  But now, things have changed.

  The old patriarch was filled with mixed feelings and couldn’t help but whisper: “Are you sincere to Xian’er?”

  ”Yes.” Yang Shifei answered firmly: “If it’s just false, I have no face to set foot here.”

  The old patriarch stared at him silently, his eyes were like a whirlpool that captured people’s hearts, and there was a suffocating and terrifying pressure.

  Yang Shifei’s heart was slightly shocked, and he looked back calmly with a tense face.


  Tan Xiang’s heart was secretly beating, and she was extremely nervous.

  After a long time, the invisible pressure shrouded the pavilion dissipated a little.

  The old patriarch sipped the hot tea and said calmly: “Since you claim to be deeply in love with Xian’er, do you know what she really looks like?”

  Yang Shifei’s eyes moved slightly.

  Could it be that this old patriarch also knows the true face of Xian’er?

  ”She is not an ordinary person.” The old patriarch’s tone gradually deepened: “If you like her because of her beautiful appearance, sooner or later one day -”

  ”Please rest assured, patriarch.”

  Yang Shifei interrupted her: “I already know Xian’er’s ‘true face’, whether it is external or internal, I treat her equally.”

  The old patriarch was stunned again when he heard it: “You don’t dislike Xian’er’s true face?”

  ”How could I dislike it.” Yang Shifei smiled generously: “It’s better to say that I like it very much.”

  The old patriarch: “.”

  This child, are his interests and hobbies also different from ordinary people?

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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