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Chapter 169 This game might have hired a P company planner

Chapter 169 This game might have hired a P company planner


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 169 This game must have hired a Paradox planner

  , which is more convincing than words at any time.

  For example, now.

  Li did not spend too much time to make a decision. He had no doubt that the people in front of him would not even need a charge to destroy them.

  Even though the refugees behind him were not willing, he still tried to convince them.

  ”We have no choice. They will not let us go forward, and we can’t go back.”

  A ragged wastelander couldn’t help shouting, “What if we hand over our weapons and they open fire on us?”

  ”Even if we don’t hand over our weapons, what will happen?” Li looked at the man and said, “They don’t even need a charge to kill us.”

  The wastelander couldn’t refute.

  There were more than 180 of them in total, most of whom were old, weak, women and children, and there were less than 70 young and strong men who could form combat effectiveness… and this was the case when children over 8 years old and under 14 years old were also counted.

  There were only more than 20 firearms in total, and the rest were bows and spears. These equipment were enough to deal with some equally weak looters, but they could only stay away from them if they encountered tough ones. It

  was not the first time that they were driven away by other survivors’ strongholds. Almost no one would open their living rooms in winter.

  At least, these people did not open fire directly when they had the ability to destroy them.

  This was already the greatest kindness…

  After the refugees laid down their weapons, Chu Guang asked Wrench to send two people in to take away their weapons, and at the same time, he kept his promise and set up a big pot on the open space at the east gate.

  Chu Guang could not give them the same good food as the players, but he would not watch these refugees starve and freeze in the cold wind.

  He issued a task through VM and asked Tomato Scrambled Eggs to go to the warehouse to get 50 kilograms of green wheat to make a pot of porridge for the refugees.

  At the same time, he asked the man named Li to bring the young and strong laborers who were still able to work to set up a camp on the open space 50 meters away from the east gate.

  The terrain here is undulating, with dead trees embedded in the snow everywhere, and there are concrete debris and a small amount of building debris that can be used.

  Building a shack is a necessary skill for every wastelander, and these people are no exception. After giving them some tools such as shovels and carts, the work went smoothly.

  At the same time, the big pot at the east gate was also set up. As the water in the pot boiled, Brother Chaodan poured all the green wheat into it. The

  wheat with a sour smell of grass is difficult to make people appetizing. It takes a long time to cook it to get rid of the astringent taste.

  But this is for the players.

  For those hungry people who are about to starve to death, even a little bit of turbid soup is a supreme delicacy. The

  white steam floating on the pot made all the refugees swallow their saliva, and the speed of building the camp was also accelerated.

  Standing behind Chu Guang and watching, several players whispered.

  ”These people look pitiful.”

  ”They are quite pitiful. Even the children are helping.”

  ”But I didn’t expect that people would come to this survivor base just after it was built.”

  ”This is too effective so quickly.”

  Chu Guang was also puzzled when listening to the players’ whispers. Although he asked to light the smoke, he didn’t expect that people would be attracted the next day.

  Why didn’t anyone come when the Pioneer was still there? At that time, the smoke in the camp was much more than it is now. His little players got up early in the morning to cook for themselves. Why did they come

  at this time!

  If these refugees had come two days earlier, the food would have been much better than it is now. Those people on the Pioneer have no shortage of food and clothing, and they hate pitiful people more than he does. Chu Guang even dared to bet that as long as he expressed his willingness to accept these refugees, he believed that they would definitely generously support him with a sum of supplies.

  As for now, Chu Guang can only say that he will do his best.

  While these refugees were building their camp, Chu Guang asked Old Luca to make a population census.

  There were 187 refugees in total, including 61 young and strong men over 14 years old, and the rest were the elderly, women and children, and even 5 babies under one year old and 4 pregnant women.

  Chu Guang estimated that when their team was at its largest, it should have been about 300 to 400 people, and half of them may have been lost along the way.

  But even so, their situation was much better than that of the nomads who settled near the wetland park.

  If I remember correctly, Brother Iron Axe led his tribe all the way from the north of the River Valley Province. By the time they got here, almost all the men were dead, and they even missed their own offspring.

  The guards surrendered their guns, but they were allowed to keep their knives, axes and bows and arrows.

  According to Wrench’s statistics, they handed in a total of 23 iron barrel rifles of different calibers, including 5 old-fashioned smoothbore rifles, which really surprised Chu Guang.

  They actually got here with these equipment.

  It’s really hard to imagine.

  ”Sir, I just found someone in their camp with typhoid fever.” Luca, who had returned from the refugee camp, reported to Chu Guang.

  Chu Guang: “Is it serious?”

  ”I’m not sure. Most of them are in poor physical condition. Maybe they are hungry, or maybe they are really sick… I can’t tell,” Luca said cautiously, “I’m worried that they will bring plague. We have neither doctors nor enough medicines to deal with this situation.” Chu Guang

  thought for a moment and nodded.

  ”I know, I’ll find a way.”

  To be honest, Chu Guang didn’t have any good solutions.

  Hygiene issues are not a problem for players at all, at least not a core problem.

  Even if you are not a player of the physical system, as long as your level reaches LV7 or above, you can basically have a physical fitness of 6 to 7 points, which is 120% to 140% of the working efficiency of the normal adult immune system.

  As for Chu Guang himself, his physical fitness has reached 14, and the working efficiency of his immune system is nearly three times that of a normal person. Not to mention that ordinary diseases are useless to him, even a certain dose of poison and a mild degree of radiation can be immune to him to a certain extent.

  Seeing that the administrator understood, Old Luca paused and continued.

  ”In addition, there is food…”

  ”You say.”

  ”We provide them with relief according to the lowest standard. More than 180 people consume nearly 50 kilograms of food every day, and the monthly expenditure is 1,500 kilograms, and this is under ideal conditions. Although you have exchanged some food from the Pioneer, this cold winter may last until the end of February next year, or even the beginning of March… Our own food is already very tight.”

  There are now 500 players in the outpost, and the daily food consumption has reached an astonishing half a ton. Sometimes Old Luca really thinks that those people are just gluttons, with no sense of saving at all, and they wish they could eat twice or even three times his amount in a day.

  At present, the total food reserves of the outpost are just over 30 tons, of which corn, rice, and potatoes purchased from the Pioneer account for one-third, and raw meat, dried meat, and fish caught from hunting account for one-third.

  The rest are spoils from Blood Hand and Old Leech, as well as part of the tribute voluntarily provided by Brown Farm.

  Conservatively estimated, if the current consumption trend continues, these grains may only be enough to last until the end of the year.

  ”Food is indeed a problem,” Chu Guang thought for a moment, “I will find a way to deal with this matter.”

  Just a month ago, the food in the outpost was not even enough for dozens of people to eat for half a month.

  Big deal.

  Just ask the neighbors to borrow some.


  After the porridge for the hungry was distributed, the noise in the refugee camp gradually subsided.

  Many people had been running all the way and were exhausted. Now their stomachs were full of warm food, so they curled up in their sleeping bags under the shacks and fell asleep.

  Although they were asleep, Wrench did not dare to relax his vigilance. He arranged people to stand on the wall to keep an eye on the situation in the refugee camp.

  Chu Guang was not too worried.

  He did not even take the Blood Hand Clan seriously, let alone some refugees?

  In the house near the east gate of Changjiu Farm, he met the man named “Li”.

  This man should be the representative or leader elected by this group of refugees.

  ”Thank you for your generosity!”

  After entering the house, Li knelt on one knee on the ground and nodded, saying, “If it weren’t for you, many of us might not survive tonight.”

  ”We don’t kneel here, get up,” Chu Guang continued, looking at the man who stood up, “We can provide you with shelter, but you must have the consciousness of living under someone else’s roof and abide by our rules and customs. At the same time, you must understand that this is not free.”

  Li nodded.

  This is a reasonable request.

  No one will welcome guests who don’t follow the rules.

  Moreover, before becoming refugees, they once had homes, and they were aware that the identity of “homeless people” was unwelcome.

  ”What do you need?”

  Chu Guang: “It’s very simple. Work for us, and we will pay you. You can use the money to exchange for food, fuel, or other things.”

  Before the B3 layer was unlocked, the number of players temporarily reached a bottleneck. In the absence of new players, he needed more natives to replace the new players who had grown up to do those low-end, low-value-added repetitive jobs.

  Although he always teased the players that they worked harder than animals, it was impossible to always use them as animals.

  Occasionally moving bricks is to experience life, but moving bricks every day is work.

  Hearing what the adult said, Li’s expression relaxed a little, and even showed a hint of joy.

  Originally, in his expectation, it was good to have a meal. In other survivor settlements, the status of refugees was no more noble than slaves. As for the reward, he had never thought about it.

  ”Thank you for giving us the chance to live.”

  ”All we can give you is a chance. Whether you can seize it depends on you,” Chu Guang paused, looked at him and continued, “I heard from my men that you had a survivor settlement before. In other words, you are not nomads?”

  Li nodded quickly.

  ”Yes, sir.”

  Chu Guang: “Tell me what you can do.”

  Li immediately said: “We know a lot, including hunting, farming, weaving hemp ropes, we also have carpentry and blacksmiths… As long as you need it, we can do it for you.”

  Looking at Li’s hurried salesmanship, Chu Guang nodded with a little satisfaction.

  Hunters, carpenters and other craftsmen are exactly what he needs. As for blacksmiths, they can be arranged to work in steel mills after a little training.

  Although these laborers are not as good as his players, they are always better than nomads. But relatively speaking, the physical fitness of these survivors may be slightly weaker, and they did not bring the livestock that Chu Guang wanted.

  ”These two days, you should settle yourself first.”

  ”Wait two days, I will arrange things for you to do.”

  ”By the way, your name is not very auspicious and easy to confuse. You can either give yourself a surname, or I will give you a name.”

  Giving a name means acceptance, and it also means the recognition of conversion.

  Unexpectedly, the lord here was so generous. The man was immediately delighted and said hurriedly.

  ”Please give me a name, sir!”

  Chu Guang thought for a while and said.

  ”We call this Changjiu Farm. Your surname Chang is not suitable, so let’s use the surname Jiu. Change the character Li to Li in dawn.”

  ”From today on, your name is Jiuli.”


  Official website:

  [Announcement: A group of vagrants came to Changjiu Farm (prosperity +50).

  [Changjiu Farm adds “immigration wave” buff: food and fur demand increases, and population inflow increases. ]

  [Old Luca’s troubles: We don’t have much food, we can’t always feed them, it would be great if we could find something for them to do. (Tip: There are many excellent hunters and craftsmen among the refugees. After reaching the “Friendly” reputation level, you can run a business in the local area and hire them to work.)

  【Today’s recommended recipes: Salt and Pepper Corn, Mapo Tofu (non-spicy is also OK)】

  【Teng Teng Hut: The Teng Teng Hut has new products, and a large number of silk fabrics are waiting for you. 】

  Tail: “!! New plot! What did you do while Tail was away?!!!∑(Дノ)ノ” Quit

  Smoking: “Fuck! There’s a new NPC!? The planner is awesome!”

  Canyon Fleeing Mole: “You really guessed it, the prosperity is really linked to the NPC population! But this value doesn’t seem to be calculated based on the population through a fixed formula, but is driven by events?”

  Night Ten: “I suspect the operator hired a Paradox planner, waiting for the ancestral law to become immutable and the comet to fall on our heads. (Funny)”

  Irena: “Speaking of which, Tail, how were the results of your split-claw crab hunting? Did you get it done? (Funny)” Sisi: ”

  Oh, don’t mention it, Awei sent me away first, and came down a little while later.”

  Tail: “Wait, can Tail be blamed for that! There’s something wrong with that rocket launcher, it can’t be shot at all! It even sprays fire backwards! (д;)”

  Xiao Xiaoxiao Bookworm: “How can a recoilless gun not spray…”

  Tail: “But the one sold by Mosquito obviously doesn’t spray fire!”

  Xiao Xiaoxiao Bookworm: “That’s because his thing is not a recoilless gun at all. How can it have any penetration? It’s just a heartless gun carried on the shoulder.” Mosquito

  : “!!! How can you blame me for this!”

  Crow: “Hahahaha! Frog! Hahahaha! Noob! o(*≧▽≦)ツ”

  Due to the heroic sacrifices of Tail and Sisi, everyone was reminded that this tube is not a joke like Mosquito’s firecrackers. When firing, don’t point your butt at people.

  In short, VM and equipment were picked up.

  OB is only three days, no big problem.

  The arrival of refugees caused a lot of discussion in the official forum, but it did not become the focus of discussion among players as before.

  After all, this is not the first time that refugees have come here, and there are too many things happening today, and it is impossible to discuss them all.

  Makabazi, who got the seeds from the administrator, exchanged tips on growing corn with people in the forum.

  The mission of Shelter No. 117, which was jointly attacked by Mole Brother and Mosquito, also attracted the attention of many players. The mission is suspected to be related to the main line of the game.

  Unfortunately, there was no progress today.

  The situation under the subway entrance is very complicated.

  As Boss Xia said, there are at least hundreds of gnawers inside, not to mention crawlers.

  A “Black Swan” with limited ammunition is not enough.

  They need more automatic weapons and throwing objects such as Molotov cocktails and earth grenades. After two days, the automatic rifles with a unit price of 200 silver coins are officially put on the shelves, and the situation may be better.

  Compared with the bad news that the attack on Shelter No. 117 was blocked, the good news is that the second floor of the greenhouse ruins has been successfully captured by the cattle and horse team.

  They successfully controlled the gate between the underground 2nd floor and the underground 3rd floor, and now the space on the underground 2nd floor of the greenhouse ruins has also been liberated.

  Incredibly, even after two centuries, the facilities there are still in energy-saving mode and running slowly.

  Many of the light strips on the culture dishes have broken, but some are still on. The temperature in the room was around 25 degrees, and the spirit leaves in the petri dish were growing well.

  Fang Chang wrote a strategy, which was a summary of the fighting skills of the insect-type alien nest.

  However, compared with the strategy that was not used for the time being, the players on the forum were obviously more concerned about how much money the cattle and horse team got from the second underground floor of the greenhouse ruins.

  Fang Chang did not say.

  But Chu Guang, who was peeking at the screen, knew it, after all, the money was given to them by him personally.

  After calculating the difficulty and income of the copy, they got a total of 1,200 silver coins, which were divided equally among the four people, and each person got 300 silver coins.

  As for the cost, Chu Guang did not calculate it for them, but it is estimated that they consumed some ammunition.

  If they use cold weapons to grind slowly, even if there is a heavy armor that can withstand it, it is estimated that it will take a long time to grind. And they have to hire a large number of manpower and rely on the human sea tactics.

  Once the income is shared, it is not as cost-effective as consuming some ammunition.

  After returning from Changjiu Farm, Chu Guang updated the announcement and sat in front of the computer in the resident hall and browsed around the official website.

  Many players have already started discussing what kind of work to give those refugees.

  Some say they should open a textile factory, some say they should open a cement factory, anyway, there are all kinds of things. Of course, starting from version 0.8, there are requirements for regional reputation to open a factory, which needs to reach friendly (1000) or above.

  Completing tasks to help the development of the region can increase the regional reputation, or directly donating materials needed by the local area can also quickly increase it.

  Players have complained that this setting is simply copied from Mount and Blade.

  May the dog planner live long!

  In addition, what caught Chu Guang’s attention was that Commander Quanshui brought a newbie from the Perception Department and found an abandoned military camp in the northern town.

  The military camp was small in scale, like an operations base, located on the playground of a community school.

  In the early years of the Wasteland Era, it seemed that a group of refugees had been accommodated there, but they may have evacuated not long after, so it did not develop into a survivor base like Bate Street.

  Quanshui walked around there and found nothing useful.

  The entire school was searched thoroughly, and even most of the bookshelves in the library were dismantled. It was probably burned as firewood by the local survivors in the early days of the Wasteland Era.

  ”…It’s strange, that town seems to be a dead town, and the same is true for that school. There are no signs of survivors’ activities, nor do we see looters, only those gnawers that fill the house and the stinking basement… We don’t have enough equipment, so we dare not explore deep into the building.”

  ”I plan to go out and look for it tomorrow, maybe we can find something.”

  Chu Guang was also curious about what they could find there.

  Although it is estimated that the place has been searched countless times in the past two centuries, according to his experience, there will always be something left that has not been taken away.

  Just as Chu Guang was sitting in the shelter and surfing the Internet, fifteen kilometers north of Changjiu Farm, several men carrying rifles and wearing thick coats were carefully searching for something nearby.

  ”That group of people should not have gone too far.” The bearded man muttered and pulled the dog chain in his hand.

  The hound he was leading hissed and growled, sniffing the ground carefully.

  Suddenly, the hound raised its head and barked wildly towards the south.

  The man leaned down, patted its head, and then stretched out his index finger to wipe the ground.

  There were traces of footprints under the snow.

  He stood up again, squinted his eyes at the south.

  ”It runs pretty fast.”

  (Sorry! Four minutes late… It should be 10,000 words today? But I forgot the progress bar. (Д))

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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