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Chapter 170 The first weapons production line in Shelter No. 404 is online!

Chapter 170 The first weapons production line in Shelter No. 404 is online!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 170 The first weapons production line of Shelter No. 404 is online!

  In the northern part of the Valley Province.

  The bitter north wind howled, and the snow fell like a knife.

  At a glance, countless craters covered the cracked earth. The whole wasteland seemed to have been plowed by something, and it was in a mess.

  Under every inch of soil, there were charred corpses. On the gentle hill not far away, a burning lion flag was inserted diagonally –

  that was the flag of the Legion!

  Ten days ago, the Legion Expeditionary Force, which was in a stalemate with the Great Rift Valley, launched the first winter offensive against the Great Rift Valley.

  This sudden cold winter pushed the physical and mental strength of both sides to the limit. Everyone knew in their hearts that the moment of decisive battle had arrived.

  The battle-hardened General Kras acted decisively, seized the opportunity of the blizzard, and took advantage of the harsh natural climate to launch a general attack on the weakening of the Holy Shield system.

  His judgment was correct.

  Unfortunately, although the blizzard did affect the performance of the Holy Shield system, it did not weaken the defenders’ defensive will.

  The bombs from the drones were like the sickle of the god of death, raining down iron rain on the battlefield. The artillery of the legion fought back, covering the light and heavy armored units and the light infantry all over the mountains and plains to launch an attack. In the short position of more than ten kilometers, batches of fully staffed 10,000-man troops were seen filling in one after another, but no one came back.

  The entire battlefield became a cruel meat grinder.

  Both sides suffered heavy casualties, but the price on the legion’s side was obviously higher.

  The sound of artillery in the distance sounded again, like the beating of war drums, but anyone could hear the exhaustion of oil and lamps in the drums.

  The man in the navy blue military uniform was awakened by the sound of artillery.

  He shook his head, spit out the mud in his mouth, and struggled to get up from the ground.

  Ten minutes ago, as a centurion, he was ordered to lead a squad of 20 light infantry to fill the gap in the defense.

  His superiors did not tell him the specific battle orders, but only said one sentence-“No retreat”, and then he was pushed out.

  When he opened his eyes again, the burning flag was hundreds of meters away from him. Looking around, there were no living people around, only the land where even the snow had been baked dry.

  He lowered his head and saw the dangling trouser legs and half of his intestines exposed in his abdomen.

  Unable to bear the fear in his heart any longer, he dropped the rifle in his hand, fell into the mud, and cried like a baby.

  Similar scenes can be seen everywhere on this land.

  At this moment, dozens of kilometers behind him, on the plain leading to the northwest of the Valley Province, a convoy retreating westward was suffering a devastating blow.

  They planned to retreat westward, but two power armor formations quickly intercepted them after breaking through the northern defense zone.

  The steel was burning, and there were only a few survivors.

  A power armor with a searchlight hanging on its shoulder was dragging a bloody man out of the wreckage of an off-road vehicle.

  ”I can pay… the ransom.” He was missing a tooth, and his left eye was glued shut by blood, but he could still speak. “We lost… I surrender.”

  Failure is not terrible.

  He, Kras, has fought all his life, and he can’t win every battle.

  However, the power armor ignored him, and after comparing the holographic image information, it looked at its comrades beside it.

  ”It’s him, Kras, the leader of the expeditionary force.”

  ”Are you sure it’s not a clone or a similar substitute?”

  ”Not sure, but does it matter?”

  Everyone laughed.


  Does it matter?

  The Legion’s power in the Valley Province has been destroyed. They annihilated hundreds of thousands of troops, and the rest died or fled.

  Even if there is only one commander left, so what?

  The power armor looked at the man in his hand again, and shook the aging flesh and blood body like a chicken.

  ”There is a Deathclaw nest nearby.”

  ”Great, those little guys must be very hungry.”

  ”They will like this gift.”

  Hearing the conversation of the crowd, a trace of panic appeared on Kras’s calm face. His dry hands grasped the steel that clamped his neck and struggled in vain.

  ”You, kill me… The Legion will not let you go!”

  Kras felt difficulty breathing.

  The man looked at him mockingly, staring into his eyes.

  ”Then let them come.”

  ”There are no cowards in the land of Chugu.”


  The sky was getting light.

  The sparse noise disturbed the peace outside the east gate of Changjiu Farm. The young guard standing on the wall yawned and gave a tired look to his comrade who came to change shifts.

  ”You are finally here.”

  The guard with a horse face came over, holding an iron teacup filled with boiling water in his hand, and glanced outside the wall.

  His name is Liu Ding, and he is the adjutant of Wrench.

  His name was actually Rivet before, but the administrator who loved to give people names changed it for him, and he happily accepted it.

  ”Did anything happen last night?”

  ”No,” Lv Bei shook his head and slung his gun over his body. “I watched them all night, and except for the loud snoring, I didn’t see anything unusual… I’ll leave this to you, I have to catch up on some sleep.”

  He was the youngest member of the outpost base guard team. He just turned fourteen last month, but he looked no different from an adult.

  In the guard team, age and birth are not a problem. The only requirement of the administrator for them is loyalty and honesty. Although he is the youngest, Lv Bei feels that he meets this standard better than anyone else.

  He has no family for a long time, and he unconditionally believes in the administrator who saved him from the predator’s dungeon. Not to mention standing guard, he is even willing to die for him.

  ”Go and have a rest, kid, I’ll leave this to you.”

  Liu Ding patted the young guard’s shoulder, watched him leave, and placed the iron teacup on the icy concrete bunker.

  Looking at the refugee camp, he took off the Arbiter rifle on his back and stared at that direction meticulously.

  Some refugees came out of the camp and went outside to collect firewood, while others set up pots and threw snow into them to melt.

  The man named Jiuli was directing them and seemed to have everything in order, but Liu Ding was not optimistic that he could control these people.

  Unlike the nomadic tribe of Iron Axe, Liu Ding could tell at a glance based on his experience that these people were not in the same group.

  Whether it is the distribution and orientation of the huts, or the location of the fire, it shows that there are at least four groups here… maybe more.

  On the other hand, the prisoners of war were also driven out to collect firewood, and the fuel demand of the entire Changjiu Farm increased several times.

  I heard from Old Luca that they had to build two more charcoal kilns to maintain the balance of fuel income and expenditure. Those legion prisoners of war should be outside collecting firewood all day.

  Keeping in mind the instructions of the manager, Liu Ding tightened the heavy rifle in his hand and cheered himself up.

  ”I hope there won’t be any trouble.”



  Xiaoyu, who came to the surface early, quietly built a snowman in the square in front of the sanatorium while the bank was not open and everyone was not online.

  Although it may be meaningless and the snowman she built is not good-looking, she still wants to do something for those who are guarding the safety of the shelter.

  [Come on for today’s adventure! 】

  Hang a wooden sign on the snowman’s belly, with a line of crooked words written on it, which she had learned recently.

  Finally, it was done.

  After shaking off the snow on her gloves, Xiaoyu jumped back two steps, looked at her masterpiece with sparkling eyes, and gave a thumbs up with satisfaction.

  ”Not bad, not bad, Xiaoyu is great.”

  Xiaoyu praised herself in the tone of the manager, and slipped away in a good mood.

  After a while, the players came online one after another.

  Seeing the snowman in the square and the crooked words written on the sign, countless little players felt their hearts melt.


  ”Wow, this snowman! It must be made by Klee for me!”

  ”Wow, Yaoyaoling? It’s time to work on your sales at the end of the year. I found a pervert for you.”

  ”I feel full of strength. I can even beat a cracked crab!”

  ”Cracked crab? That’s enough if you have hands!”

  ”Good brother, let’s go!”

  ”Hey, it must be made by Xiaoyu to encourage me. Don’t worry, sister will pay attention to safety and make delicious mushroom soup for you when I come back!” It’s not enough to just say it. Yaya took out a beautiful big mushroom from her pocket and carefully made a nose for the snowman. ”

  Wait for me! I think something is missing!”

  Seeing Yaya’s actions, Teng Teng suddenly clapped his hands as if he had thought of something, turned around and ran to the hut to get a scarf, and came back to hang it on the snowman’s neck.

  ”Nice!” Teng Teng touched his chin with satisfaction, nodded proudly and said, “It looks much better this way!”

  Carrying the newly made rocket, Mosquito smiled and wanted to join in the fun, but before he reached the square, he was pressed to the ground by a group of enthusiastic little players and ate a mouthful of snow.

  ”What are you doing! My rocket! That’s my rocket!”

  ”Fuck! You should pay!”

  Xia Yan, yawning, carried Xiao Qi to the third floor.

  She looked out the window at the players who were howling early in the morning in the square, and couldn’t help but complain.

  ”I really envy them, they are so motivated early in the morning.”

  ”Xiao Qi was also full of energy until she was carried upstairs by a strange woman.”

  Xia Yan glared at the wastebasket.

  ”What do you mean, is it wrong for me to help you up?”

  Xiao Qi’s camera didn’t look at her.

  ”Xiao Qi doesn’t want to talk to you today, please come back tomorrow.”

  ”I don’t want to!”

  What a problem!

  Rolling her eyes, Xia Yan turned and went downstairs to open the door for the weapon shop.

  Today’s Shelter 404 is as lively as yesterday. The energetic little players went out to work early in the morning.

  As for Chu Guang, of course he was not idle.

  As a planner, he knew very well that he couldn’t always squat in front of the computer to peek at the screen, and he still had to do some things that a planner should do.

  For example, we can provide more benefits to the players.

  Steel Plant No. 81.

  Standing next to a machine that covers an area of ​​about six or seven square meters, Chu Guang looked it up and down, and said after a while.

  ”Is this called… a punch press?”

  ”Yes, respected administrator! It’s a little crude, but its functions are not bad at all,” Brother Ce Suo said with a chuckle, “By the way, this is my graduation project… although you may not know what a graduation project is.”

  Chu Guang thought to himself that you really treat me as a fool, but he didn’t say much, and his expression didn’t change at all.

  This is the advantage of NPCs.

  If you don’t want to pay attention to people, don’t pay attention to them. If you don’t want to explain, don’t explain, and no one will think it’s impolite. This is much more comfortable than being a salesperson.

  Brother Levin also said with a smile.

  ”That’s right! The principle of the punch press is actually similar, from circular motion to linear motion. We designed a set of electric motors to drive the flywheel, which drives the gears, crankshafts, and connecting rods through the clutch, and pushes the slider for processing. The maximum impact is average, and it is a bit difficult to build an engine, but there is no problem in making AK parts. The only trouble is that the quality of the lubricant is not very good. We use birch leaf terpene acid and turpentine… Anyway, it can move now, and we will see later.”

  Brother Ce Suo: “What AK! It’s LD!”

  Brother Levin said embarrassedly: “Yes, yes, yes, hehe, I forgot.”

  To be honest, Chu Guang not only did not think this machine was simple, but even felt it was awesome.

  By the way, are the parts used in this machine really cut out by his machine tool?

  This is too cruel!

  Next to the punch press, there is also a hot punching machine, which is used to make seamless steel pipes.

  The fired steel will be sent under the rollers to be pressed into a rod shape, and then fixed on the fixture, pierced with a motor-driven head, cut, cooled, and sent to the workbench to use a boring tool to pull out the rifling.

  Next to the workbench, you can see a batch of finished steel pipes and receiver parts, which are the orders that Chu Guang asked them to complete before.

  ”Are these two devices easy to operate?”

  ”Very convenient!” Brother Levin patted his chest and promised, “Manager, if you want to produce anything else, just leave it to us. Our products will satisfy you!”

  Chu Guang looked at the two of them approvingly and nodded with satisfaction.

  ”You did a great job!”

  ”With these weapons, we have more confidence to survive in this world!”

  The check he wrote before can finally be cashed!

  Mission accomplished!

  The two received the reminder at the same time and immediately opened the VM to take a look.

  Seeing the final payment in the company account, Brother Levin and Brother Ce Suo showed excited expressions on their faces.

  We’re rich!

  Chu Guang quickly placed a new order for them, and then asked the warehouse manager to come over to inspect the batch of goods and take them to the warehouse.

  The assembly can be handed over to Boss Xia.

  She has enough tools. If the parts are not accurate enough to be assembled, just deal with it a little bit. It won’t be difficult.

  However, Chu Guang felt that this worry should be unnecessary. After all, the mold of the stamping machine was cut out by the “magnetic confinement plasma CNC machine tool”.

  The mold is not accurate enough?

  It doesn’t exist!

  As for the principle error caused by mechanical movement, it has little effect.

  Watching Xia Yan assemble the gun, Chu Guang excitedly played with it in his hand for a while, then loaded the magazine and took it to the shooting range at the west gate to test the gun.

  First, he fired a few rounds, and then finished a whole magazine.

  The 7mm caliber is slightly smaller than the 7.62mm used by AK, but the 50mm shell length can fit more charge, and the penetration is still sufficient. It

  works well against both humans and alien species!

  ”This performance is good,” Xia Yan looked at Chu Guang in surprise and said, “I didn’t expect you to design weapons?”

  ”How could I have that ability.”

  ”What is that?”

  Chu Guang said after a little thought.

  ”You can simply understand it as… We have a place to chat, and many people there are very idle. They just argue and quarrel when they have nothing to do, and then some drawings that they don’t know where they got from will pop up while they are arguing.” To

  be honest, he has also gone fishing a lot.

  Xia Yan was stunned.

  ”Is the threshold for you to quarrel so high…”

  ”On the contrary, there is no threshold. It is precisely because there is no threshold that there are all kinds of people,” Chu Guang took out the empty magazine and said with a beaming face, “Regardless of that, how is this gun? How does it compare with the Drone X-2 assault rifle in Boulder City?”

  Xia Yan rolled his eyes at him and said, “I can say it is relative to the iron tube rifle. Do you expect to compare something made in a small workshop with a gun made in a large factory?”

  Chu Guang smiled disapprovingly.

  ”Production experience is summarized in practice, and it will always get better slowly.”

  Won’t the experience come when players die a few more times?

  ”That’s right, as the first generation, it’s really good.” Picking up a cooled shell from the ground, Xia Yan touched his chin and looked at it for a while, “Let me help you see how to improve it.”

  There was no sound next to him for a long time.

  Xia Yan turned his head and saw Chu Guang looking at him in surprise. He was slightly stunned and whispered.

  ”Any problem?”


  Chu Guang shook his head.

  It’s a bit strange.

  This guy has been working harder and harder recently, it’s like he’s become a completely different person.

  Attracted by the gunshots at the west gate, the nearby players looked over here curiously, whispering with interest.

  ”There’s a plot!” ”

  The sickle! It’s the sickle! Hahaha, it’s finally out!”

  ”Fuck! I’m talking about the plot between the manager and the weapon shop owner! Didn’t anyone notice her eyes? Mole brother, you know what I mean.”

  ”Get lost, what does it have to do with me? Do you want to get me banned!”

  ”Tsk, this mole has lost his dream.”

  ”Roast him.”


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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