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Chapter 170 The mature woman’s heart trembles, and the heat wave rises

Chapter 170 The mature woman’s heart trembles, and the heat wave rises


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 170 The heart of the mature woman trembled, and the heat wave

  suddenly rose. The eldest aunt only heard a few words. Although she was able to keep her face calm, her jade neck was flushed.

  Not to mention the fourth aunt on the side, who was already blushing with shame, covering her mouth, and her heart was beating non-stop.

  ”Is that child so fierce?”

  ”Looking at his face, I thought he was a gentle and modest young man, but I didn’t expect it.”

  Although they are older and more knowledgeable, they are indeed inexperienced. Now, hearing Qiu Buhuan’s whisper, her body suddenly became hot.

  What she just saw appeared in her mind again. The fourth aunt even rubbed her plump legs unconsciously, and her beautiful eyes were misty.

  ”Don’t get me wrong,”

  Qiu Buhuan blushed and added, “It’s because he treats us very well on weekdays.”

  The two beautiful mature women had different thoughts, and they came close to whisper and talk, and the three of them were blushing and their thoughts were floating.

  ”Little sister, you are so well-behaved.”

  Auntie San helped Yue Rui to braid her pigtails and asked with interest, “Does your brother Yang usually help you with your hair?”


  Yue Rui sat up straight and smiled, “My brother will help me with whatever hair I like to comb. But I am usually lazy and don’t pester my brother for help.”

  Auntie San was tidying up the girl’s clothes. When she heard this, her eyes moved slightly, “Your brother is really good to you.”

  Since they talked, she has asked a lot of questions about life.

  In her opinion, what others see is too one-sided, and only the trivialities of life can reveal people’s hearts.

  And from the girl’s answer, it is indeed as described in the letter, a considerate and good man.

  Even if he practices martial arts hard on weekdays, he can always take time to feed his sister. He really knows how to take care of people.

  No wonder Xian’er and Qiu Zongzhu, two heavenly men and black tortoises, are both attracted to him. It is not easy to find such a man in the martial arts world in troubled times.

  Third Aunt gradually raised her lips: “Little sister, who do you want to marry when you grow up?”

  Yue Rui blinked twice: “Sister, does the Luo family have many rules? Except for the bad sister Xian’er, other women are not allowed to be with my brother?”

  ”If they are in love and Xian’er agrees, our Luo family will not break up a good match.”

  Third Aunt put an embroidered hairpin on her and chuckled: “You still call me sister, your little mouth is so sweet.”

  Yue Rui smiled lightly: “Then marry my brother.”

  Third Aunt’s hands trembled and her expression was stunned.

  ”Why, why is this.”

  ”Because there is no one better than my brother.”

  Yue Rui said as a matter of course: “My brother is the most considerate to me. I just see him happy, so naturally I will marry my brother.”

  Third Aunt’s red lips opened slightly, and a strange look flashed in her eyes.

  Is Yang Shifei really so charming that even this pure and innocent child would be dazzled?

  Soft whispers continued to sound in the lobby corridor.

  ”——You must be careful when you go to the capital.”

  Second Aunt lowered her eyes and said with concern: “With Prince Dingjiang leading the army in front, you must not put yourself in danger.”

  ”We will not act on impulse.” Luo Xian’er smiled and said: “Besides, the newly enthroned Emperor Liang is by our side, how can we act recklessly?”

  ”The world has become so chaotic, how can we predict the world.”

  Second Aunt frowned and murmured: “There has been no sound in the capital for two months, and there must be a shocking change brewing.”

  ”We will send people to gradually approach and explore.” Luo Xian’er comforted: “Besides, the holy soldiers of the Yunshang Sect are also gradually approaching, and the suppression of filth will be stronger by then. Only after ensuring that there is no risk, will we enter the capital.”

  ”I hope so.”

  Second Aunt was worried again, and whispered: “I will send more spies to protect you.”

  Luo Xian’er was a little amused.

  The concubines are good in every way, but they are too worried. Fortunately,

  there are Madam Qiu and Sister Lingmao to “share the pressure”, otherwise the four concubines will be squeezed together, and I am afraid they will be scolded to death.

  At this moment, Tan Xiang walked through the stone archway of the gate and came quickly from a distance.

  Seeing that she was alone, Luo Xian’er was stunned: “Young Master…”

  ”Young Master had a good chat with the old master and is now touring around the Falling Star Mountain.”

  Tan Xiang said softly: “Please ask Madam Qiu to go to the alchemy room and count the materials used to build the Xuanxin Dantian. If everything is ready, we can start soon.”

  After these words came out, Luo Xian’er and Qiu Buhuan in the hall were completely relieved.

  ”I told you, it will be fine.”

  Fourth Aunt touched her red face and coughed twice: “Master Qiu, do you want me to accompany you?”

  Qiu Buhuan quickly stroked her skirt and stood up: “Don’t bother the ladies, I’ll go alone.”

  She looked at Luo Xian’er again, nodded, and then quickly followed Tan Xiang to leave.

  After a long time, Yang Shifei and the old patriarch returned to the villa and stepped into the specially vacated alchemy room.

  Although it was called a ‘room’, the interior was spacious, almost the same as a palace.

  In the middle of the alchemy room stood a large black tripod, which was covered with fine lines, showing its fine workmanship.

  On both sides of the black tripod, there were dozens of natural treasures placed in different categories, and Tan Xiang was carefully selecting something.

  ”——This tripod is called ‘Black Sky Yunyang Tripod’, and it is a masterpiece of a master.”

  The old patriarch said calmly with his hands behind his back: “It is considered the best medicine tripod in Liang country.”

  Yang Shifei smiled gently: “Thank you for your care, patriarch.”

  The two sides just walked and chatted in the mountains for a while, and the topic gradually became more lively.

  ”After all, you are going to the front line. It’s not a bad thing to improve your cultivation now.”

  The old patriarch looked behind the black cauldron again: “Master Qiu, everyone within a radius of 300 feet has been dispersed. No one will disturb you.

  How are your preparations here?”

  Qiu Buhuan leaned out, smiled and nodded, “Everything is ready. I’m just about to light a fire.”

  She fiddled with the cauldron for a while, and soon a faint flame ignited between the layers of the cauldron.

  Tan Xiang, who was waiting beside, picked up the wooden barrel as instructed and poured the transparent medicine liquid into the cauldron, and the heat rose.

  As various materials were mixed into the cauldron one by one, a strange and faint fragrance gradually filled the air.

  Immediately, Qiu Buhuan suddenly urged his power and moved his palms to both sides of the cauldron.


  As the mysterious light flashed, the fire in the furnace suddenly rose, and billowing flames continued to burst out.

  Yang Shifei’s eyes condensed slightly, but he did not feel the heat on his face, but the faint fragrance became stronger.

  ”The Thousand Blades Weapon Pond is worthy of its reputation.”

  The old patriarch’s eyes were deep, and he opened his lips to praise: “The method of making this Xuanxin Dantian is really mysterious.”

  It is expected that these natural treasures are only auxiliary, and the unique mental method of the Thousand Blades Weapon Pond is the key.

  ”Master Qiu, are you sure?”

  ”Ninety percent or more.” Qiu Buhuan murmured: “I will do my best in my life.”

  She looked back again: “Master, can you avoid it for a while?”

  The old patriarch raised his eyebrows slightly: “What secrets are not passed on?”

  ”Not like that.” Qiu Buhuan said in a subtle tone: “The elixir boiled in the cauldron is not for oral administration, but for soaking in the cauldron.”

  Yang Shifei pulled his collar with a strange expression.

  Does it mean that he should take off his clothes, sit in the big cauldron, and take a bath with the elixir?

  ”The Dantian shaping matter is too important. It concerns this kid’s future life. I will help watch it to prevent any accidents.”

  The old patriarch waved his sleeves calmly: “Since this boy is my Luo family’s son-in-law, there is no need to be polite.”

  ”I can go to the back of the cauldron to take off my clothes.”

  Yang Shifei looked at the mature and charming woman beside him and smiled gently: “Thank you for your help in protecting the law.”


  Under the gaze of the two, Yang Shifei quickly came to the back of the cauldron. Tan Xiang was there, waiting calmly.

  ”Young master, I will collect the clothes.”

  ”Stand far away, don’t get splashed by the hot water.”

  Yang Shifei took off all his clothes and handed them to Tan Xiang along with the True Demon Knife. He turned over and jumped into the cauldron, stepping into a warm muddy area.

  He didn’t think much and quickly sat cross-legged, letting the sticky medicine liquid cover his shoulders, and the warm breath gradually lingered all over his body.


  Qiu Buhuan silently used his power to activate the cauldron fire and stimulate the medicine liquid.

  The old patriarch stood not far away, watching intently.

  After a while, a circle of flames ignited along the edge of the cauldron, and Yang Shifei’s body also glowed with spiritual light.

  Just as the old patriarch felt relieved, a shocking heat wave suddenly spread out from the cauldron!

  She was immediately shocked –

  this scorching heat wave was the yang energy in the child’s body! ?

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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