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Chapter 171: The Jade Maiden Makes the Elixir, and the Ice Melts Slightly

Chapter 171: The Jade Maiden Makes the Elixir, and the Ice Melts Slightly


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 171 The Jade Maiden Refined

  the Elixir, the Ice Slightly Melted Qiu Buhuan welcomed the hot wind, his eyes suddenly cold.

  According to the literature, this kind of strange phenomenon should not appear, but why did the heat overflow so much?

  ”Madam Qiu, what on earth is this.”

  Tan Xiang hurriedly came around from behind the cauldron, his face full of solemnity.

  ”I’m thinking of a way.”

  Qiu Buhuan thought quickly in his mind, and sweat appeared on his forehead.

  The fire in the cauldron became more and more fierce, jumping non-stop, and almost out of control.

  Qiu Buhuan let the flames sweep across his skin, and the slight burning pain just made a flash of inspiration in his mind.

  ”The Tian Jue Wu Mai recorded in Qi Men Xuan Cai are all weak and need to be supplemented with many natural treasures. But although Fei is Tian Jue Wu Mai, he has a superhuman physique.”

  ”Fei was fed dozens of You Jing Flowers by Ji Shang, but he remained calm, which shows that the Yang Qi in his body is better than many natural treasures!”

  ”We can’t just follow the records of our ancestors, we have to adapt to our body.”

  Qiu Buhuan pondered for a moment and quickly thought of a workaround.

  Since the Yang Qi in his body is so abundant, it is better to do the opposite, use this Yang Qi as a furnace, and personally use the Sacred Heart Artifact to forge a

  more tenacious and perfect Dantian for him than the one in the ancient books!


  Qiu Buhuan suddenly turned around and shouted, “Come and help!”

  The old master’s face was slightly gloomy: “What happened?”

  ”The previous method is no longer feasible. I have figured out a new method of forging the elixir.”

  Qiu Buhuan said quickly: “Master, you have abundant Yin energy. You only need to use your internal force to stimulate the Yin fire under the cauldron and control the temperature of the cauldron.

  For subsequent changes, I will shake the cauldron with my palm power, and you can adjust the strength of your internal force accordingly.”

  The old master was shocked.

  Is it really possible to use another method in such a short time?

  ”I will take over the fire, Master Qiu, you…”

  ”I want to enter the cauldron and help you forge the elixir field.”

  Qiu Buhuan quickly took off her skirt, and all the silk threads fell to the ground.

  Under the blazing fire, her delicate body was like a jade sculpture of a beauty, and her graceful curves rose and fell with her breathing, making her look more swollen and full.

  She was about to leave, but said with some embarrassment: “Master, this is similar to dual cultivation, it may be more…”

  ”No problem.”

  The old master quickly came back to his senses and said in a deep voice: “This child’s Dantian is more important, there is no need to care about these small etiquettes.”

  ”Thank you for your understanding.” Qiu Buhuan concentrated his mind and jumped lightly into the cauldron, and the oncoming hot air blew his long hair wildly.


  Seeing Yang Shifei’s body full of flames, Qiu Buhuan gritted his teeth, endured the heat and sat in front of him, and put his hands down.

  Her fingertips groped to the Dantian area, tapped several major acupuncture points, and used profound finger force to massage and activate the joints, and personally deduced a new method.

  This time, she wanted to use Yang Shifei’s strong body as an ‘iron felt’ and herself as a ‘forging hammer’, borrowing natural materials and hot yang energy, and using the sacred heart weapon technique to hammer and forge the Dantian into shape!

  Yang Shifei didn’t concentrate for a while, and realized that something was wrong with her.

  The medicine that wrapped her whole body was constantly sending out heat, and her abdomen was burning like a raging fire.

  Although he didn’t feel any pain, the surging of his essence was like a stagnant heat stuck in his chest, making him feel more and more stuffy.

  He soon heard a conversation outside the cauldron, and another person jumped into the cauldron –


  His abdomen was pressed hard by the fingertips, and he was massaged back and forth along some mysterious path.

  Yang Shifei’s face trembled slightly, and he felt the heat was even more unbearable, and he almost lost his consciousness.

  ”Stay awake and practice your self-created mental method.”

  Hearing the gentle words, Yang Shifei’s heart was shocked, and he tensed his whole body and silently practiced the mental method.

  ”Relax your mind and body, and let me do it.”

  The whisper in his ear gradually faded away, and Yang Shifei’s scalp went numb.

  Qiu Buhuan blushed, and his right hand continued to press on his dantian.

  ”Shifei, you must be patient now, don’t lose your temper.” The plump legs quietly wrapped around his waist, and his arms sank slightly, and a slightly cool jade body sat in his arms.

  Qiu Buhuan blushed, and his right hand continued to press on his dantian, while his left hand was helping to sort out the chaotic and violent yang energy.

  ”Shifei, you must be patient now and don’t lose heart.”

  The young woman suppressed her distracting thoughts, endured the heat in her palms, and her slender fingers flew.

  With the fine control of the heavenly power, the rolling Yang Qi gathered like a vortex, and the liquid medicine in the cauldron continued to penetrate into the skin and flesh.

  Just like casting weapons in the past, the foundation of the Dantian was cast in the fire with the spiritual materials of heaven and earth, and it slowly took shape after repeated pounding.

  Qiu Buhuan’s breathing became more rapid and warm.

  The Sacred Heart Art resonated again, and the shy love from the bottom of her heart was hammered and beaten together in the surging Yang Qi, bursting with bright sparks.

  Every time, she hammered her heart and trembled.

  Yang Shifei closed his eyes and silently endured, while the young woman in his arms had a red face and blurred eyes.

  After a long time——

  ”The embryo of the Dantian has been formed. The next step is to truly forge and quench it!”

  The Dan room was filled with heat, as if returning to the Tianlu Mountain Cave. The fire crackled and there was a whistling sound from time to time.

  Tan Xiang stood on tiptoe and could only see the two people’s heads above the water, and it was really difficult to see what was happening in the cauldron.

  But now half an hour has passed, and I don’t know if it went smoothly——


  Tan Xiang heard a strange sound in the burning sound.

  The girl’s heart trembled slightly, and a little blush climbed up her jade neck.

  Although Tan Xiang had not experienced it personally, she had heard from her own young lady that the “Sacred Heart Artifact Jue” practiced by Mrs. Qiu was quite mysterious.

  She subconsciously glanced at the old patriarch beside her.

  The mature and cold woman was still calm and composed, silently practicing to maintain the fire, and obviously didn’t care about this unusual movement.

  Tan Xiang secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It’s good that the old patriarch doesn’t mind.

  But as time passed, the movement in the cauldron became louder and louder.


  Qiu Buhuan’s low moan was almost unbearable, and his voice became more charming and gentle.

  Tan Xiang’s face was hot and she didn’t know what to do.

  The old patriarch frowned slightly, but soon realized that the big tripod was shaking slightly, which was a reminder from Qiu Buhuan.

  She felt the subtle internal force and gradually increased the temperature of the fire, and the heat became more and more turbulent.

  ”Shifei. Hold on.”

  The voice was intermittent, which made people imagine.

  The old patriarch secretly took a few deep breaths, but a ripple quietly appeared in his heart.

  It turned out that with the body of Qiu Zongzhu, the heavenly man and black tortoise, he would also be like an ordinary woman.

  ”Shifei. Forge like this.”

  The medicine liquid swayed back and forth, and the underwater forging seemed to be getting more and more intense.

  Yang Shifei opened his bloodshot eyes, suddenly grasped the young woman’s waist, and turned her around forcibly.

  Qiu Buhuan was swaying back and forth like a floating boat, holding the edge of the tripod with both hands, and his head was swaying out of the tripod –

  just in time to meet the eyes of the old patriarch and Tan Xiang.


  Qiu Buhuan’s voice suddenly stagnated, and his whole body was a little sober, and his charming face flushed.

  Tan Xiang blushed and said nothing, and quickly looked away.

  The old patriarch’s eyebrows were tightly knitted, and although his face was still expressionless, his breathing was also a little disordered.

  ”Patriarch, now is a critical moment.”

  Qiu Buhuan suppressed his shyness and said in a trembling voice: “Shifei’s yang energy is now bursting in his body, and his emotions are a little out of control. It’s not intentional.”

  ”I understand.” The old patriarch said in a low voice: “Is it going well?”

  ”Very well”

  As soon as the voice fell, a white and slender jade leg was raised high, and the toes were bent and raised out of the tripod.

  In the steam, Yang Shifei behind him could be vaguely seen with bulging muscles, bloodshot eyes, and yang energy flowing through his body like a substance, fierce as a demon!

  Qiu Buhuan’s body shook more violently, and his beautiful eyes gradually lost focus: “Sister Tanxiang, can you come in and help me?”

  Tanxiang blushed and hesitated to speak, subconsciously looking at the old patriarch beside him.

  ”Xiang’er, go in.”

  The old patriarch closed his eyes and murmured: “I know about you and this child. How to help, Master Qiu will teach you.”

  Tanxiang didn’t hesitate any more, took off her clothes and jumped into the cauldron.

  With a helping hand beside her, Qiu Buhuan finally had a chance to breathe.

  She turned around with sweat dripping, and gave instructions to the three people in a low voice.

  Not long after, a new round of Dantian training began again.


  The old patriarch’s beautiful eyes flickered, suppressing the chaotic thoughts and trying to maintain a peaceful state of mind. The wet long hair spread out of the cauldron, and with the hot wind blowing, the two jade legs rose and fell on the edge of the cauldron.

  The old patriarch’s beautiful eyes flickered, suppressing the chaotic thoughts and trying to maintain a peaceful state of mind.

  The strange noises in the cauldron continued, and the hot Yang Qi kept hitting her body. The body and mind that had been cold and silent for decades were like ice being gradually melted

  . The cold and beautiful mature woman’s breath became increasingly chaotic, her expression was helpless, and her face was already slightly flushed.

  ”You’ve made me worry since I came here.”

  She couldn’t help but bite her plump lips, and a little worry emerged in her heart.

  This child is so brave and brave, can Xian’er really bear it?

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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