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Chapter 172 Traitor of the Academy

Chapter 172 Traitor of the Academy


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 172 Traitors of the Academy

  Refugee camp.

  In a simple shack.

  Looking at the old man lying on the stretcher, Yin Fang took a deep breath, and finally made up his mind, slowly stretching out his right hand.

  After a pause. At

  the pulse of his right hand, a silver scalpel slowly stretched out, and stopped only when it was one inch longer than the middle finger.

  The scalpel slowly bent downward, just like the forelimbs of a mantis. Looking closely, there were four silver silk threads around the scalpel, hanging in the air like tentacles and slowly floating.

  Looking at the young man’s right hand, the old man curled up on the stretcher was terrified, trembling and wanted to ask, but dared not say a word.

  ”Don’t be afraid, I will help you deal with the wound.”

  After comforting the old man, Yin Fang focused all his energy on the operation.

  Anesthetic injection.

  Then disinfection.

  The five fingers of his right hand trembled up and down flexibly and skillfully, manipulating the scalpel and silver thread hanging under the palm.

  Just like manipulating a puppet!

  The scalpel accurately avoided the nerves and blood vessels in the muscle tissue, carefully cut off the necrotic part, and skillfully threaded and bandaged it with silver wire, leaving only the thin thread ends like spider silk.

  The whole set of movements was smooth and flowing!

  Yin Fang stared with bated breath, his mind was highly concentrated, fine sweat oozed from his forehead, and even the frequency of breathing was carefully controlled.

  Under his precise control and operation, the removal and bandaging of necrotic tissue were almost carried out at the same time, and the amount of bleeding during the entire operation was minimal.

  The operation lasted for an hour.

  After cutting off all the necrotic tissue, Yin Fang finally breathed a sigh of relief, raised his left hand, and wiped the sweat on his forehead with his arm.

  Then, he took out a small spray from his pocket and sprayed it carefully on his right hand several times, and then slowly retracted the extended scalpel and silver wire into the bionic prosthesis.

  Almost at the same time, a strange voice came from behind him.

  ”Amazing technology… Is this a bionic prosthesis for medical use?”

  Yin Fang was shocked and turned his head suddenly. He saw a man wearing an exoskeleton standing at the door, looking at him with interest. He

  was so focused on the operation just now that he didn’t notice that someone came in.

  Yin Fang was nervous and hid his right hand behind his back, even though he soon realized that this was no different from trying to cover up something.

  Chu Guang put down his arms with a friendly expression on his face and spoke in a casual tone.

  ”Don’t be nervous, I just asked casually… Are you a doctor?”


  Yin Fang’s face was full of hesitation.

  Chu Guang knew from his expression that this guy was probably hiding a lot of things. He was probably racking his brains to make up stories and thinking of ways to fool him.

  Why bother?

  I’m not going to eat you.

  Too lazy to listen to this guy making up some loopholes in his stories, Chu Guang looked at him and said bluntly.

  ”I am the manager of Shelter 404 and also the lord here. If you need any help or have any ideas to improve your living conditions, you can go to Jiuli or Luca, and they will bring you to see me.”

  ”I will provide job opportunities to capable people, but the premise is that he is honest enough.”

  After saying that, Chu Guang did not stay here for long, turned around and walked out the door.

  Looking at the closed door, Yin Fang slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and his tense shoulders also relaxed.

  At this time, a weak voice came from the stretcher behind him.

  ”Thank you, young man.”

  Just now, the old man had woken up, but he didn’t dare to interrupt because there were big shots here.

  Yin Fang looked back at the old man, squeezed a forced smile on his face, and said in a soothing tone.

  ”You’re welcome, are you feeling better?”

  ”Much better…” The old man nodded, and he read the atmosphere here and whispered embarrassedly, “I’m sorry to trouble you.”

  ”It’s okay.” Yin Fang shook his head.

  Human life is important, and these people have helped him a lot.

  If he were alone, he would not be able to get here, nor would he be able to escape the bounty hunters.

  The old man sat up on the stretcher and wanted to walk, but his legs were still painful. He gave up after trying several times.

  At this time, a man came in from outside the shack. Seeing the old man’s appearance, he hurried forward and held him up.

  ”Dad, are you feeling better?”

  The old man smiled and nodded.

  ”I feel much better… Thanks to this young man. If he gets into any trouble in the future, you have to help him.”

  Sun Cheng turned around and looked at Yin Fang, saying sincerely.

  ”Brother, thank you! My name is Sun Cheng. You saved my father’s life. If you can help me, just tell me.”

  Yin Fang shook his head, saying that you’re welcome, and did not take this promise thinner than paper to heart.

  If only it were that simple.

  His troubles are not something that any wastelander can solve.

  Watching the father and son leave the shack, Yin Fang sat on a chair beside him, looking at the ceiling and sighing.


  ”Let me go…”


  ”There is a doctor in the refugee camp. Don’t worry about the plague. He looks like a warm-hearted person. Just let him handle it.”

  ”Also, ask Jiuli to keep an eye on him, but don’t disturb him deliberately, let alone ask him questions, and don’t let him feel that he is being taken special care of. If he has any suspicious behavior, just report it to me.” After

  leaving the shack, Chu Guang found Old Luca and told him about it.

  ”Okay, sir, leave it to me!”

  Old Luca nodded seriously and kept it in mind.

  Shelter No. 404 has not yet established a complete trust relationship with these refugees, so it is natural to be wary. In this situation, you can’t act too hastily.

  Chu Guang was not in a hurry to pry open the secrets of that person, nor was he in a hurry to invite him to his place.

  In such a cold and snowy weather, can people still run away?

  The things he asked were forced after all. It would be better to wait for him to think clearly and confess to himself.

  After leaving the refugee camp, Chu Guang was about to inspect the labor reform of the prisoners of war.

  But at this moment, dense gunfire suddenly came from the north of the refugee camp.

  From the sound, it was about 1 km away.

  And it seemed that the battle was very fierce. Chu Guang even heard the sound of mosquito-made earth grenades exploding.

  Without panic, Chu Guang immediately edited a task through VM and sent it to the devices of players within the specified range of the map.

  [Task: Players within 1 km of the map point should immediately go to the target area for support.]

  [Requirement: Keep at least one prisoner]

  [Reward: 10 silver coins, 10 contributions, 50 regional reputation]

  It is estimated that there are only four or five guns from the gunfire.

  Six at most?

  After staying in the wasteland for a long time, guessing the number of people by listening to the gunfire can be said to be basic operation. It is not realistic to guess completely, but it is still no problem to guess the upper limit.

  According to the display on the VM map, there are at least 30 players in the conflict area, and they are basically old players.

  Chu Guang is very relieved to leave it to them.


  Unlike Chu Guang, Eugene felt terrible at this moment.

  It was originally a simple task, which could be completed in three months if the situation was optimistic, but he was screwed by those stupid teammates and ended up like this.

  If he had known it would be like this, he might as well act alone.

  But it seemed that there was no point in complaining now.

  Less than ten minutes after the gunshots, he and his teammates were surrounded by at least thirty people. The dense gunshots came from all directions, and they couldn’t even raise their heads.

  Eugene saw with his own eyes that the mercenary who fired the first shot was shot into a sieve along with his beloved dog. As for the other three people, they were also killed one by one in the resistance.

  Seeing that there was no hope of breaking through, he immediately dropped his weapon and surrendered without any hesitation.

  Those people tied his hands roughly, threw him on a truck and dragged him behind the concrete wall, took him to a spacious room, and pressed him to the ground.

  Sitting in the room was a man wearing a blue exoskeleton, who looked him up and down with a scrutinizing look and spoke.


  Eugene did not answer immediately. His mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about how to get out of here.

  However, the man in the exoskeleton did not seem to be very patient. Seeing that he did not speak, he waved his hand impatiently.

  ”If you don’t want to talk, I will take you away and deal with you.”

  Anyway, the equipment on this man did not look valuable, and he was probably not a person of great origin.

  Wrench, who was standing next to Chu Guang, did not waste words. He immediately stepped forward, grabbed the prisoner’s collar, and dragged him outside.

  Seeing this, Eugene panicked and struggled to speak.

  ”I am not a predator. I, my name is Eugene, and I am a mercenary! Sir, I have no ill intentions.”

  ”No ill intentions?” Chu Guang gestured to Wrench to stop and looked at him with interest, saying, “You mean, that round was accidentally fired?” The

  first contact rules of Shelter No. 404 do not actively attack NPC units in neutral areas, but for neutral units that actively open fire, they are allowed to retaliate in any form.

  VM is not only a vital signs monitor, but also has the function of recording actions. Although there is no video recording, it is easy to determine who started the fight first through clues such as gunshots and recordings.

  Chu Guang was very curious about how this guy was going to explain.

  Being stared at by that gaze, Eugene felt creepy and said quickly.

  ”That was a misunderstanding. I didn’t shoot… I and those people were just partners in a commission!”

  ”Commission?” Staring at him with a scrutinizing look, Chu Guang continued to ask, “What commission?”

  Not daring to hide anything, Eugene quickly confessed.

  ”It was a commission from the college.”

  Hearing this unexpected word, Chu Guang was slightly stunned in his heart, but he didn’t show it on his face. Instead, he stared at him and continued to interrogate.

  ”Go on.”

  Eugene swallowed his saliva and continued to speak quickly.

  ”About three months ago… I received a commission from the academy. They wanted us to help hunt down a defecting prospector. We followed the clues provided by the employer and tracked him all the way to the River Valley Province. If there hadn’t been some accidents, we should have caught him last month. As a result, we happened to run into the deserted soldiers of the legion, and the guy was lucky enough to sneak into a group of refugees.”

  ”Does the traitor you are talking about have a bionic prosthesis?” Chu Guang said thoughtfully.

  Eugene’s eyes lit up and he nodded quickly.

  ”Yes! It should be him! The commission requires us to bring him back to the Wandering Swamp, or at least bring his arm back. If you are willing to hand him over to me, I can share the bounty with you 50-50-no, 400-600! You 600, I 400!”

  600% is fine for me.

  Chu Guang looked at him and said, holding back his laughter.

  ”How much bounty did the academy give you?”

  Thinking that Chu Guang was tempted by his proposal, Eugene continued quickly.

  ”5000CR! There were originally six of us to share, but now there are only two of us.”

  Chu Guang looked at him in surprise and asked.

  ”CR? Why would the academy pay with the company’s money?”

  ”It’s not that the academy pays with the company’s money, sir. We mercenaries only accept the company’s CR or the legion’s dinar.” Eugene explained helplessly, “You should know that the currency in each place is different. I have even seen transactions with shells and bottle caps.”

  Although the company’s banknotes are seriously inflated in places far away from the East Coast, a rifle that sells for 300 CR on the East Coast can be sold for 600 or even 800 CR in the Valley Province, but even so, it is better than those currencies with strong regional characteristics.

  Chu Guang touched his chin and thought.

  It’s only 5,000 CR.

  So, it shouldn’t be an important fugitive.

  If the reward is 500,000 CR, Chu Guang may have to consider the “diplomatic risk” of keeping the person. But with this little reward, 80% of the time, he is just an “online fugitive”, and it is estimated that he will not even be wanted for a B-level wanted list.

  But such a big thing, that person actually hid it from me.

  The boy is not honest.

  Chu Guang’s heart moved slightly, and he looked at Wrench who was waiting on the side.

  ”Go to the refugee camp, find a man named Yin Fang, and bring him to me.”

  ”Yes, sir.” Wrench nodded and immediately walked out the door.

  There was no waiting for long.

  Wrench quickly brought the person Chu Guang wanted to see.

  Seeing Eugene in the room, Yin Fang’s face changed instantly, and he turned around and wanted to leave, but as soon as he turned around, he was stopped by Wrench standing at the door.

  Eugene saw Yin Fang, his face was surprised, and he shouted loudly.

  ”Sir, it’s him–”

  ”Shut up.”

  Chu Guang signaled Eugene to shut up with his eyes, then looked at the young man with fear in his eyes and said.

  ”Do you have to explain something to me?”

  Yin Fang’s face showed a bitter expression and lowered his head.

  ”Sorry, I didn’t mean to hide my identity from you…”

  Chu Guang looked at him and asked.

  ”Are you from the academy?”

  Yin Fang nodded.

  But soon, his eyes dimmed and he shook his head again.

  ”It was half a year ago, but not now.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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