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Chapter 173: D-Class Personnel and Academy Intelligence

Chapter 173: D-Class Personnel and Academy Intelligence


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 173 D-Class Personnel and the Intelligence of the Academy

  The people sent by the Academy to hunt him down were right here. Yin Fang knew that it would be meaningless to keep it secret, so he confessed everything very happily.

  Half a year ago, the Academy received intelligence that a clue about Shelter 0 was kept in an abandoned pre-war research facility.

  Without any hesitation, the Academy immediately sent a scientific expedition team to investigate.

  Originally, this was just a very ordinary “archaeological” mission. Similar attendance missions were almost every day in the Academy, but this mission was related to the clues of Shelter 0.

  However, no one expected that such an extremely ordinary mission would have an accident.

  A mother nest that was not mentioned in the intelligence was hidden in the underground floor of the research facility. As soon as they passed the gate of the ventilation room, they were besieged by a large number of slime mold aliens such as gnawers, crawlers, and even tyrants. After a hard battle, they finally withdrew, but only the leader of the scientific expedition team and the engineer who accompanied the team survived.

  ”And you became the scapegoat?”

  Chu Guang looked at the young man and said with a strange expression.

  ”But this doesn’t make sense. It’s not your turn as an engineer to take the blame for this kind of decision-making mistake.”

  Yin Fang’s expression was a little subtle.

  At this time, Eugene, who was tied up, laughed and interrupted.

  ”Sir, please don’t be misled by his ambiguous statement. The commission given to us by the academy is to hunt down the defected D-level explorer. Engineer? Haha, it’s obvious that he is the captain.”


  Chu Guang was stunned, staring at the young man for a long time, but he couldn’t see how this guy looked like a captain.

  Reading the fleeting surprise, Eugene smiled slyly and continued.

  ”The size of a scientific expedition team is usually around ten people. It is more common for D-level or C-level explorers or researchers to lead the team. After all, field work is not an easy job… Tsk tsk, although I am not from the academy, I have dealt with people from the academy.”

  Yin Fang argued angrily, not expecting that he would be exposed by a mercenary.

  ”I didn’t say I wasn’t the leader! Well, yes, I am the leader, so what? It was obviously the wrong intelligence, but they put all the losses on my head. What can I do?”

  Eugene sneered.

  ”I just explained why there was a 5000CR bounty on your head. As for your internal affairs, it’s none of my business. Besides, who knows what the truth is? You have a mouth, you can make up whatever you want, anyway, those people won’t come back to life.”

  Yin Fang stared at him, clenched his fists, and his angry eyes seemed to be about to spit fire. But it was obvious that this guy was not good at quarreling. I don’t know if everyone in the academy is like this, or just him.

  I didn’t expect this guy to be the leader of a scientific expedition team.

  Risk value +1.

  Chu Guang had a headache. After thinking for a moment, he looked at Yin Fang and continued.

  ”What are you going to do?”

  Yin Fang had a bitter expression on his face and said after a while.

  ”I was originally planning to go to Boulder City, where there is a way to the East Coast. Whether it’s taking an airship or following the caravan by land, as long as I’m on the company’s territory, even if the academy knows I’m there, there’s nothing I can do.”

  Chu Guang glanced at his right hand and said thoughtfully.

  ”There’s a place where I can get rid of the academy’s pursuit.”

  Yin Fang seemed to have guessed it.

  ”Are you talking about your shelter?”

  Chu Guang smiled faintly.

  ”You sound reluctant.”

  The shelter with full protection capabilities embodies the crystallization of the human defense technology of the prosperous era. In theory, it is almost impossible to be breached from the outside.

  At the same time, there is no need to worry about being found inside. Unless the manager there wants it to do so, no floating point information can flow out of it.

  In terms of security, it is unparalleled.

  Yin Fang said cautiously.

  ”No, sir, it’s just… can I trust you completely?”

  Chu Guang said in a nonchalant tone.

  ”Do you have any other choice?”

  Yin Fang was silent for a while.

  Finally, he relaxed his shoulders in giving up.

  ”You are right, I have no choice.”

  Seeing that Chu Guang had reached a consensus with his commissioned target, Eugene, who felt a sense of crisis in his heart, said hurriedly.

  ”Sir, you want to take in the fugitives from the academy? This is not a good idea-”

  ”This is the River Valley Province, not the academy’s territory.”

  Chu Guang interrupted him nonchalantly, looking past Eugene at Yin Fang, and continued.

  ”I’m very interested in your abilities. It seems that you can do more than just surgery. Tell me what you can do.”

  ”I can do any surgery related to neural connection, or some simple surgery.” Yin Fang paused and continued, “To be precise, I’m not a doctor. The main job of an explorer in the academy is to conduct archaeological excavations on the remains of pre-war civilizations, recover valuable data and information, and bring them back to the academy for researchers to analyze and repair. My business scope mainly involves neural connections, so I might know a little bit.”

  ”Can you make bionic prostheses?” Chu Guang asked with great interest.

  Yin Fang explained.

  ”There are many types of bionic prostheses. The simplest ones that rely on muscle cells to drive the prosthesis are not difficult to make. But if it is driven by neural current, it requires neuron-like materials, which are hard to get anywhere… I can’t create something that doesn’t exist out of thin air.”

  He is not a doctor, but he is more awesome than a doctor. Not only can he do surgery, but he also knows a little about bionic prostheses.

  The most important thing is that he seems to know how to pick up garbage with high quality and recover useful technical information from the remains of pre-war civilizations.

  Chu Guang is becoming more and more interested in him.

  ”I want to talk to you about things related to the academy. I’m planning to go back to the shelter, so why not go together? By the way, do you want to pack your luggage first?”

  Yin Fang shook his head and said.

  ”I don’t have anything to pack.”

  Chu Guang smiled and said in a friendly manner.

  ”Okay, congratulations on starting a new life.”

  Yin Fang also smiled, although the smile was somewhat forced.

  To be honest, he didn’t have high expectations for this so-called new life, but as the manager said, he had no choice.

  After saying this, Chu Guang suddenly remembered that there was another person in the room, so after thinking for a moment, he looked at Wrench.

  ”Send this mercenary to the brick kiln and hand him over to the foreman there.”

  It was impossible to let him go, and Chu Guang still had some use for this mercenary.

  Anyway, send him to labor reform first, just in time to keep the centurion named Vanus company.

  Eugene’s face was pale.

  Hearing the words brick kiln and foreman, he probably guessed his fate, either working to death in the dark brick kiln, or being sold to slave traders to continue working to death…

  However, Wrench would not sympathize with him, and took the order meticulously.

  ”Yes, sir.”


  Eugene was arranged to work as a coolie in the brick factory.

  As for Yin Fang, Chu Guang planned to arrange him on the B2 floor of the shelter.

  There are still a hundred empty rooms in Area B of the B2 floor. Chu Guang originally intended to use those rooms to house some technical talents dug out from the wasteland. He didn’t expect that they would be put to use so soon.

  As for whether it is appropriate for him to be so close to the players?

  To be honest, Chu Guang is not worried at all.

  Worrying about such a problem is as boring as worrying about whether it will rain tomorrow. Cloning technology may be a little sensitive to the world before he crossed over, but for the people in this world, it is as common as cigarette butts on the ground.

  Boss Xia still believes that there is some technology in this wasteland that can produce a clone in just one day, and one person in three days is nothing. When Chu Guang asked her where she heard it from, she scratched her head and couldn’t answer.

  The wasteland is so big, it is normal to spread some outrageous rumors.

  Didn’t the survivors of Qingquan City take the credit for defeating the corporate expeditionary force? This is when there are often corporate caravans passing by Qingquan City.

  No matter what Yin Fang can see, Chu Guang doesn’t care at all. After entering the shelter, he didn’t plan to let him out in the short term.

  If he did something stupid, he would soon experience the feeling of being a red name in the game.

  That would be very exciting.

  A certain big lizard that was squatting in the shelter and couldn’t get out would definitely be very interested in this hard-won opportunity to show off.

  Before dusk, the return truck arrived at the north gate of the wetland park. At

  the elevator door of the sanatorium.

  When Chu Guang pressed the down button, he glanced at Yin Fang next to him and reminded him.

  ”Have you thought about it? There is still a chance to regret it now. After entering, I’m afraid it will take a while before I can send it out.”

  Yin Fang sighed lightly.

  ”Even if I figure it out, at least I have to wait until the people in the academy forget me.”

  ”How long does it take to forget a D-class personnel.”

  Yin Fang thought for a while and answered.

  ”Maybe three years, maybe five years… It depends on how much they want me to die, although I don’t think I’m that important.”

  If the clues to Shelter No. 0 were found, the academy might have tried their best to catch him back, but unfortunately, they didn’t find that kind of thing.


  Around six o’clock in the evening.

  A group of happy little players, dragging a three-meter-tall split-claw crab on a wooden cart, returned from the direction of Changjiu Farm.

  There was an exaggeratedly large hole on the back of the split-claw crab, which should have been blasted out by the Iron Fist rocket launcher.

  Regardless of whether it was worth it to exchange 50 silver coins for a split-claw crab, they really killed one.

  When they saw the monster being carried to the north gate market and put down, the sisters Qiucao and Qiuye opened their mouths in surprise, with expressions of disbelief on their faces .

  ”Sister, is that a split-claw crab?”

  Qiucao nodded blankly.


  With shining eyes, Qiuye looked at the residents of the shelter in admiration and couldn’t help but sighed.

  ”So powerful!”


  In the wasteland, the split-claw crab is even more dangerous than the death claw. They don’t move around, and they don’t make exaggerated roars when they are free. Maybe they are hiding in a deeper puddle, or lying in a wet cave to rest, disguised as algae or mossy stones.

  In their tribe, those who can defeat the split-claw crab are all the most powerful warriors without exception, and such warriors usually only appear in the stories of the old people.

  Because she was so surprised, she even forgot to pull her sister to stop looking around.

  Although it was not enough to hold a triumphal ceremony for a split-claw crab, the outpost was still as lively as a festival.

  ”The crab legs are roasted, everyone hurry up and eat, crabs that are left overnight are not delicious!”

  The sound of dinner was heard.

  A group of people immediately gathered around.

  ”Wow, crab meat with truffles is also great!” Holding half a crab leg in his hand, Ya Ya chewed it carefully, with a happy expression on his face.

  ”Is it delicious? I think it’s just average.” Teng Teng frowned and took a bite, looking confused. It

  ’s far worse than mashed potatoes.

  ”You call this average! By the way, I have to bring some for Xiaoyu!” Ya Ya grabbed half a crab leg and ran away happily.

  ”To be honest, the food system of this game is really awesome! The soft crab meat is as tender as jelly before it is roasted, and after it is roasted, the soft crab meat has a hint of earthy fragrance, just like a work of art…” Fang Chang, who was holding half a roasted crab leg in his hand and eating a bite while sitting on a stone pier, suddenly looked at the sky and sighed.

  Ye Shi, who was covered with moth hair, patted his shoulder with a smile: “Okay, brother, stop licking. If I were Brother Guang, I would dig a villa out of the spot with my toes.”

  Fang Chang’s face turned red and glared at this guy.

  ”Get out! What is licking? Is it licking when closed beta players publish their game experience?”

  Kuangfeng and Lao Bai were discussing the eighteen ways to eat crab legs, and they had no time to join in the conversation between the two.

  Irena, who was sitting in front of a stall and feasting on crab meat, had her mouth full of crab meat at this moment. This was the second crab leg he had eaten.

  Suddenly, he frowned, as if he had realized something.

  ”Wait, I feel a warm current flowing through my body, could this crab meat add a buff?!”

  He quickly opened the VM and took a



  ”It’s still buffed,” said the elf king Fugui, who was holding the crab legs in both hands and eating more bravely than him, with a joking smile, “You’re having a miscarriage.”

  Irena: “I’ll knock you!” Makabazi

  : “Hahahaha!”

  Later, it was proved that the crab meat of the hunter claw crab does not add buffs, but it is true that eating too much will cause diarrhea.

  The warm current was not caught by the clam in the end.

  The three people who lost half of the crab legs rushed to the toilet in a panic. They almost fought at the door for the only remaining pit.

  I don’t know how it was solved in the end.

  Anyway, when they returned to the shelter, the three people’s legs were weak…

  That night.

  After many players went offline, an announcement was released on the official website of “Wasteland OL”.

  [Two new NPCs were added to the outpost, Yin Fang, a D-level explorer from the academy, and Eugene, a bounty hunter who was chasing Yin Fang. ]

  [Tips from Xiaoqi: Yin Fang’s clinic is on the B2 floor. If you need to install an implant, you can find him, but the premise is that you have it. 】

  【Old Luca: Eugene is undergoing labor reform, I will turn him into a useful person. 】

  Tail: “What’s going on! What happened during the days when Tail was away!? ∑(Дノ)ノ”

  Quit Smoking: “!! Is this going to open up the career system? The planner is awesome! (broken voice)”

  Teng Teng: “If you don’t understand, just ask. Is this a love-hate relationship? (*/ω\*)”

  Ye Shi: “?? When I typed these two question marks, it wasn’t me who had a problem, but I thought you had a problem.”

  Irena: “+1 (funny)”

  Teng Teng: “What’s wrong with that! (;`O)o”

  Fang Chang: “Added a new surgical doctor, Brother Kuangfeng no longer has to worry about not being able to put his right hand back on after it falls off, the son of the version is confirmed. (squinting)”

  Canyon Fleeing Mole: “Hey, you Europeans. TT”

  Kuangfeng: “(‘ω’)?”


  In the shelter.

  After posting the announcement, Chu Guang did not peek at the forum screen, but stared at the text document on the screen and fell into deep thought.

  About ten minutes ago, he learned about the academy from Yin Fang, and there were many things that he was concerned about.

  ”The academy is located in the center of the Wandering Swamp. Before the Prosperous Era, it was a desert. After the Prosperous Era, it was transformed into an artificial ecological reserve. In the Doomsday War, due to the bombing of strategic weapons, the landform there was permanently changed into a swamp, with an area equivalent to 1.5 times that of the River Valley Province.”

  ”The origin of the academy is ominous. Most of its technology comes from “archaeology”. The grassroots consists of researchers and explorers. Among them, E-level explorers are probably similar to E-level employees of enterprises, centurions of the legion? And D-level personnel are equivalent to middle-level cadres, suspected to be benchmarked against centurions or thousand-man captains of the legion.”

  ”In addition, the academy seems to have embarked on a different path from both the legion and the enterprise. The implanted prosthesis and information technology there are quite advanced, and the equipment is mainly energy weapons and shield technology. The industrial capacity seems to be weak… Maybe it’s because the home is in the swamp?”

  However, after two centuries of ancient exams, they didn’t even finish the exam. How exaggerated is the legacy left by this pre-war civilization?

  By analogy with the development trajectory of the Earth before the time travel, Chu Guang could not imagine what happened in the years after the prosperous era.

  Holding the mouse, Chu Guang thought for a moment, cut out a section from the sorted intelligence, copied and pasted it on the background of the official website.

  He pressed the enter button.

  ”Anyway, let’s update it in the official website database as the game background first.”

  Maybe the players’ imaginations can make some discoveries.

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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