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Chapter 174 The Work of the Refugees

Chapter 174 The Work of the Refugees


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 174 The Work of the Refugees

  The Cow and Horse Club.

  Quit Smoking: “Have you seen the updated content on the official website? The background stories of the three major forces have all been made up!”

  Fang Chang: “I saw it a long time ago. The group has discussed it.”

  ④Who knows: “A Guang said, I just created a folder. You will look stupid if you are so excited.”

  Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes: “It’s said that there are three major forces with full maps before the internal test. The map of the regional force ‘Boulder City’ is not open. It is reasonable to suspect that the Seven Heavenly Kings will be released after the public test.”

  ④Who knows: “A Guang said that the city is closed due to heavy snow. I hope you don’t be ungrateful. I deleted the newly created folder when I was forced to do so. (Slanting eyes)”

  Night Ten: “And the Seven Heavenly Kings are actually eight people? (Funny)”

  WC is really a mosquito: “It’s too small, the pattern is too small, waiting for the administrator of version 8.0 to burn down the shelter. It will take two expansion packs to wash it back?”

  Kuangfeng: “No playing old jokes.”

  Lao Bai: “Speaking of which, this time an NPC from the academy faction was suddenly added to the shelter. Are they planning to open the implant function?”

  Fang Chang: “It’s hard to say. I just checked online. The newly added NPC does not have the function of selling implants. No matter what you say to him, it can only trigger a dialogue asking you if you want to have surgery.”

  Ye Shi: “+1, I just tried it. If you annoy him, he will ask you if you want to have your brain checked. Xiaoyu is really the cutest. (Funny)”

  WC really has mosquitoes: “Why is it Xiaoyu, don’t you think it’s cute that the boss lady stammers and curses?”

  Kuangfeng: “I didn’t expect that such a small game group could gather two kinds of perverts at the same time.”

  Fang Chang: “In short, although the NPC who can perform surgery has been updated, Kuangfeng still has to pay attention. The surgery fee for reinstalling the implanted prosthesis is 50 silver coins. And this is when there is no damage, the repair of the mechanical prosthesis needs to be charged separately.”

  Ye Shi: “Do you think Brother Guang will arrange a plot kill to test whether there is a bug in the reinstallation function of the implanted prosthesis. (Funny)”

  Lao Bai: “Huh? Your angle is quite novel… Come to think of it, why did Kuangfeng suddenly get an arm for free.”

  Kuangfeng: “Fuck, don’t do this! (Frightened)”

  Fang Chang: “Ahem, okay, don’t scare Brother Feng so much that he dares not go out.”

  Quitting: “Hahahaha!”


  Shelter B2 floor.

  Yin Fang sat in the cafeteria to eat.

  Today’s food is corn and pork fried rice, which tastes very delicious. It is probably the most delicious food he has eaten in the past six months.

  The only flaw was that there were a circle of people around him.

  These people looked at him curiously, just like they were looking at monkeys in an ecological park, as if there was some benefit for them.

  Thinking that the manager had told him not to pay attention to them and that it would be fine in two days, Yin Fang didn’t take it to heart, just thinking that these unworldly natives had just heard of the academy for the first time. After

  finishing his meal quickly, he sent the plate to the food collection car, where there was an automatic cleaner that would deal with food residues and grease, and use ultraviolet light to sterilize and disinfect.

  Yin Fang thought that he had nothing to do, so he turned a corner and went to the shower room in the public area.

  The shower rooms here are divided by gender and are paid for use. Chu Guang gave him 10 silver coins per day for living expenses, which was enough for him to live a normal life in the shelter.

  However, something that made him unbearable soon happened. These stalkers not only wanted to watch him eat, but also wanted to watch him take a shower!

  What the hell!

  Don’t you have your own?

  ”That’s enough. If I see you following me again, I will remember every face and promise to attach this face to my butt the next time I use the knife! I swear I can do it!”

  This is the sentence Chu Guang taught him.

  It is said to be for self-defense.

  If someone continues to stalk and harass him, as long as he says this sentence, they will immediately disperse. But try not to use it too frequently. It is best to use it only once a day, otherwise it will not work if you use it too much.

  Yin Fang guessed that this sentence was probably some kind of ugly curse, but the syllables were really long. If he didn’t have a good memory, he might not be able to remember it.

  However, what Yin Fang didn’t know was that after those players left, they went to the forum to make up stories about him.

  ”This new NPC is quite awesome! He can attach his head to his butt!”

  ”Damn, how big a grudge is that?”

  ”According to my statistics, this conversation will be triggered after 31 minutes and 71 seconds of tracking.”

  ”By the way, what is it like to have a head on your butt?”

  ”Emm… Do you want to try it?”

  Shelter B1 floor.

  Now the number of players has reached 500, and there are always people coming in and out of the hall. In order to prevent players from secretly playing with their computers, Chu Guang moved all the things to the empty room next door.

  After having the carpenter order a set of simple solid wood furniture, he transformed this place into his “manager’s office”.

  After all, NPCs also need a little privacy.

  Chu Guang felt uncomfortable being watched by players all the time.

  ”I’m really fed up! Don’t your residents have anything else to do? No matter what I do, they follow me behind, and then look at me and point fingers, without any manners!” After entering the manager’s office, Yin Fang complained to Chu Guang with a look of collapse.

  ”Don’t get excited, this is their way of showing their enthusiasm, it will be fine in two days… Would you like a glass of milk?” Chu Guang’s index finger gently touched the electric kettle on the corner of the table, which was filled with hot milk.

  ”Thank you. Please give me a cup… By the way, do you have capsule coffee here? Or freeze-dried coffee is fine. I’m not very picky.”

  ”No,” Chu Guang picked up a disposable paper cup and poured him a cup of milk, then handed it to him. “The conditions here are a bit difficult. We are in the early stages of our business. Please understand.”

  Yin Fang took a cup of hot milk from Chu Guang, held the cup in his hand, and after taking a sip, he felt a little more comfortable.

  In fact, life here is still pretty good, at least much better than the days he spent on the run.

  Once he accepted this setting, he found that moving in was not as bad as he imagined.

  There are almost all advantages here, but there are too few people who can talk.

  ”It’s hard to believe, but your shelter number is a three-digit number. You shouldn’t be so short of funds.”

  ”What does this have to do with the number?” Chu Guang asked casually.

  Yin Fang nodded and said.

  ”Of course there is a little bit. Generally speaking, the funding for shelters with single-digit numbers is usually higher than that for shelters with two-digit numbers, and that for shelters with two-digit numbers is higher than that for shelters with three-digit numbers. As for shelters with four-digit and five-digit numbers, as well as private shelters that have not received numbers, the funding is usually very pitiful, and some have not even achieved full circulation, but only achieved half circulation.”

  As a D-level explorer, he knows this too well.

  Those priceless good things are usually discovered in shelters with three-digit and two-digit numbers, and for those shelters with four-digit or five-digit numbers, it is usually good to be able to plunder some remaining resources. Most of the materials were consumed by the survivors living there decades ago.

  Chu Guang, who was staring at the computer screen, raised his head.

  ”Hearing you say that, I began to wonder what happened at the end of the prosperous era.”

  The numbers have all reached five digits, not counting those that have not received numbers.

  How many shelters did the Human Alliance build in the last few years.

  Chu Guang sighed in his heart, and skillfully operated the mouse to throw several nuclear bombs that he had made for several rounds to his neighbor, Old Man Gan’s house.

  There are no good games to play recently, so he can only download “Savage 6” to study.

  Of course, it is mainly for material collection.

  Hearing Chu Guang’s words, Yin Fang showed a helpless expression on his face.

  ”This is also what we have been investigating. The war seems to have happened suddenly without any signs.”

  Chu Guang: “Are there no people who survived from that era?”

  Yin Fang: “Yes, and quite a few. In the academy, there are even old popsicles who have been frozen and dormant since that era, but they can’t explain what happened. They just keep asking us when they can go home… We speculate that some information should be controlled, or the Human Union itself did not expect that the war would really break out, otherwise the number of shelters would probably be higher.”

  Chu Guang looked at him strangely: “This sounds contradictory. Even if the information is controlled, no one is confused about these nearly 10,000 shelters?”

  Yin Fang made a helpless expression.

  ”You have to understand it in the context of the times. After entering the prosperous era, this planet hasn’t had a war for a long time. The crises we envision include sunspot activity exceeding expectations, the impact of lunar development on tidal effects, ecological crises caused by excessive urban expansion, and even third-level contact with extraterrestrial civilizations… But we never thought that one day in the future, we would do stupid things that we haven’t done for a long time again.” After

  a pause, he continued.

  ”In addition, there is a limit to the amount of information that the human brain can process every day. When you are in an era of information explosion, there are millions or even hundreds of millions of things that are more worthy of attention than this. This feeling is like…”

  ”In a cocoon?”

  ”Yes, that’s the feeling. It seems that you understand it.” Yin Fang looked at Chu Guang unexpectedly, “Speaking of which, I have always wanted to ask… What type of shelter is your shelter? Frozen hibernation? Or community type.”

  Chu Guang’s eyes were a little vague, and he answered ambiguously.

  ”I think it’s probably none of them. It’s better for you not to delve too deeply into this issue.”

  Seeing that Chu Guang didn’t intend to discuss this issue with him, Yin Fang shrugged helplessly.

  ”Okay… Then you continue to work, I’ll go back to my room to rest.”

  Chu Guang casually said perfunctorily, focusing his attention on collecting materials again.

  ”Go, close the door for me.”

  Yin Fang said in a long tone, imitating the tone of others here.

  ”Yes, sir-”

  ”Respected manager.”


  The next morning.

  Changjiu Farm.

  Old Luca came to the refugee camp early in the morning and found Jiuli, the person in charge here, and looked at him and said.

  ”We need 30 young and strong laborers who can work. We will pay them 2 silver coins a day and three meals a day.”

  Although there are meals in the refugee camp, the kind of porridge is only enough to keep people from starving to death, and they won’t eat well.

  Yesterday, the people of the farm hired a butcher from them. It is said that not only did they live in a heated house, but they also had meat for every meal.

  For such a fairy-like life, they are willing to do it even if there is no salary, not to mention two silver coins.

  Jiuli didn’t think much about it and immediately nodded and agreed.

  However, out of responsibility for those who trust him, he still asked one more question.

  ”No problem, what is the specific job? Are there any specific requirements?”

  Old Luca said.

  ”No requirements, just strong and able to do heavy work. Our master plans to build a cement plant in the south to produce cement for building houses and repairing roads. In addition, we need some manpower to clear obstacles along the way from Changjiu Farm to Wetland Park, and transport recyclable items to designated locations for processing. I will arrange the specific work for them, you don’t need to worry about it.”

  Hearing that it was not a dangerous job, Jiuli said with a sigh of relief.

  ”Give me ten minutes, I will find the people you want.”

  Old Luca nodded and said.

  ”Well, when everyone is gathered, you can take them to the east gate to gather, I will wait for you there.”

  After receiving the task, Jiuli did not delay, and quickly found his younger brother Jiuxun, asked him to select thirty young and strong men who can do heavy work from the camp, and took them to the east gate to gather.

  When Jiuxun arrived at the east gate with his men, there were already more than twenty people gathered there.

  Seeing those people, many refugees, including Jiuxun, showed a trace of anger and fear on their faces.

  ”They are from the Legion.”


  ”It can’t be wrong. Look at their noses… Those from the Legion have a bump in the middle of their noses. These people are at least centurions.”

  ”These guys!”

  As for the prisoners of war from the Legion, they were puzzled by the hostile and fearful attitude of the refugees, and their faces were all confused.

  They were sure that this was the first time they saw these people.

  Why do they feel like they are revenge for the murder of their fathers?

  Noticing the commotion of the refugees, Wrench walked in front of the crowd and raised his voice.

  ”In our territory, as long as you work, you will be respected, no matter whether you are a free man or a prisoner of war. No matter what hatred you had before, you have to abide by our rules here. No matter who you are, we will never tolerate violating our laws.”

  The refugees kept silent.

  They had already seen that these twenty or so legion centurions were all captives of the administrator.

  To be able to capture more than twenty legion centurions… at least two hundred-man teams, or even a thousand-man team, must be annihilated.

  And this annihilation must be an overwhelming victory, completely disintegrating the opponent’s fighting will, making the opponent drop their weapons and give up resistance.

  If it is a battle between equal forces, the people of the legion will not surrender so easily.

  The survivors here are probably more powerful than they imagined!

  Jiuxun, who was standing in front of the labor team, was only glad at this moment that fortunately there was no conflict between the two sides that night.

  Even the legion lost to these people.

  He couldn’t even imagine that he had any chance of winning, or the reason why he might win…

  (The next chapter must be completed before 11 o’clock!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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