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Chapter 176 Principles, Methods, and Conclusions

Chapter 176 Principles, Methods, and Conclusions


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 176 Principles, Methods, and Conclusions

  On the muddy road leading to Changjiu Farm.

  Sitting in the back of the truck, Yin Fang, wrapped in a fur coat like a dumpling, kept talking all the way.

  ”This is impossible! The logo of the college? Appeared in a community college in an unknown town? Are you sure you are not kidding?”

  Chu Guang said with a faint smile.

  ”If you are kidding, I will let you go alone.”


  Yin Fang looked at him speechlessly and didn’t want to talk.

  But Chu Guang wanted to chat with him.

  There was no way, Qingquan City was too closed to the news. He almost relied on hearsay and his own imagination to know what was happening outside.

  Chu Guang was also very curious about why the things of the college appeared in an ordinary college.

  According to Yin Fang, it was at least a thousand kilometers from here to the Wandering Swamp, which was far beyond the college’s sphere of influence.

  Although Qingquan City was one of the important cities in the southern urban agglomeration of the Valley Province, it was a matter of the prosperous era.

  ”In fact, I have always been curious about what kind of organization the academy is.”

  Yin Fang shook his head and said, “If I want to explain this question completely, I am afraid it will take a whole day and night to finish.”

  ”Then just pick the key points and talk about what I am interested in.”

  Speechless by this willful question, Yin Fang opened his mouth, and only came back to his senses after taking a sip of northwest wind.

  He coughed several times and said,

  ”How should I put it, the academy… is actually not as mysterious as you outsiders imagine, like a huge library. In fact, until the end of the Prosperous Era, it was just a loose academic organization.”

  Chu Guang looked at him with interest and said, “But your performance is not loose at all, nor simple, and it doesn’t look like an academic organization.”

  ”That’s for sure. I said it was before the end of the Prosperous Era. Now it is the 211th year of the Wasteland Era.”

  Two hundred years.

  In the history of human civilization, many feudal dynasties have not been able to exist for so long, let alone just an academic institution.

  Yin Fang squinted his eyes and looked to the southwest, and continued.

  ”I’ve only heard a little bit about it. In the early years of the Wasteland Era, the Academy undertook some of the post-war reconstruction work, which was mainly concentrated in the field of technology. This included taking over some experimental facilities, scientific research equipment, and restoring damaged data and lost technology.”

  Chu Guang: “It sounds like a grand project.”

  Yin Fang sighed and said, “It’s like this, we haven’t finished this job yet. The world is changing too fast. It is said that a long time ago, the influence of the Academy spread throughout the Central Continent, and the Academy’s expedition team could go anywhere they wanted. But the good times didn’t last long. The place outside the Wandering Swamp could no longer accommodate the people of the Academy. Everyone looked at us as if they saw a fat sheep.”

  Hearing the word fat sheep, Chu Guang unconsciously glanced at this guy’s right hand.

  It makes sense.

  An arm is worth at least 10,000 CR, and it’s a friendly price. Chu Guang felt that this really couldn’t be blamed on others. Even a good person like him would be tempted.

  ”Speaking of which, what kind of place is the Wandering Swamp?”

  Yin Fang replied briefly: “It’s a very vast swamp, as big as a province. The weather there is out of control every day, and the aliens are going crazy every day… In short, you won’t like that place.”

  ”I didn’t say I was going there, I was just curious,” Chu Guang looked ahead, patted the roof of the car, and signaled the driver to find a place to park nearby, “It’s just in front, we’re here.”

  After getting off the car, Chu Guang pulled out the hammer behind him.

  The four little players who went with him picked up their weapons decisively, walked in front, and took on the work of guarding.

  The lineup of 2 strength and 2 sense, two strength players walked in front to open the way, and two perception players followed behind to “light the lights”. The four people each held an LD-47 assault rifle, with sufficient firepower and a very safe feeling.

  Since the firepower is sufficient, Chu Guang doesn’t need to replenish firepower. He just needs to hold the hammer and open the shield in time to protect himself and the NPC next to him.

  This urban area is quite deserted.

  Due to the blizzard, there were almost no aliens wandering the streets. After getting rid of a few gnawers hiding in the shadows, the group successfully reached the target area on the map.

  It was a community college. It looked quite plain from the outside, and even the area was only slightly larger than the nearby high school.

  Standing in front of the laboratory building, Yin Fang looked up and shook his head.

  ”I don’t think the college would be interested in such an insignificant target. You probably made a wasted trip.”

  Hearing this, Chu Guang smiled lightly and didn’t care.

  ”We’re already at the door. Whether it’s a wasted trip or not, we’ll know if we go in and take a look.”

  Throwing down this sentence, Chu Guang led the players in.

  Seeing that he was about to fall behind, Yin Fang had no choice but to follow up and stepped into this gloomy laboratory building.

  The ground was full of broken tiles and rubble, and there were newly dropped shells on the ground. It seemed that a fierce battle broke out here more than an hour ago.

  Looking at the crawler with a cracked head on the ground, Yin Fang clicked his tongue and followed a little closer involuntarily.

  In the scientific expedition team of the academy, rough things like fighting are usually done by E-class, F-class, or even bionic people and drones. D-class personnel need independent analytical ability and excellent brains.

  Even if they need to master some survival skills, they should focus on survival itself.

  For example, basic first aid knowledge.

  Yin Fang was quite skeptical about the combat effectiveness of these people, especially when he saw that this manager still held a hammer in his hand, this unreliable feeling became even stronger.

  ”Can you give me a gun? I can protect myself.”

  ”You are a VIP, just stay behind me honestly.”


  ”Tsk, how can I explain it to you.”

  While they were chatting, a group of people had arrived.

  The commander of the fountain, wearing heavy armor, stood in front of him and respectfully put his right fist on his chest to salute.

  ”Dear administrator, when you came here, we have successfully cleared the alien species from the entire first floor hall for you.”

  ”Well done.” Chu Guang nodded approvingly, looked at him and said, “Lead the way.”


  After receiving the affirmative look from the administrator, Quanshui happily walked ahead to lead the way. Chu Guang ordered two players to guard the entrance, and the other two players followed him and Yin Fang to explore the basement. The

  passage here is very narrow.

  However, after entering, the view in front of him was suddenly bright.

  Looking at the ten hibernation capsules placed in the basement, Yin Fang suddenly seemed to be petrified and froze on the spot.

  After coming to his senses, he rushed up without saying a word and got close to the nearest hibernation capsule, staring at it intently.

  ”There is no mistake… The style of this culture capsule is exactly the same!” Yin Fang whispered in his mouth, groping on the dusty hatch with his hands, wishing he could throw himself on it. The

  little players around looked at each other, exchanged confused glances, and asked in a low voice.

  ”What is this doctor doing?”

  ”I don’t know… maybe a special hobby?”

  ”I see, the new NPC’s hobby is the hibernation capsule!”

  ”Big brother, awesome! I’ll post on the forum later, hehe, I wonder if I can get some points.”

  Chu Guang: “…”

  Such a boring post will never be added to the list.

  After a slight cough, Chu Guang looked at Yin Fang, who was completely fascinated, and asked.

  ”What do you mean exactly the same?”

  ”It’s exactly the same as the model of the academy’s hibernation capsule… It’s really weird, why would this model of hibernation capsule appear in the River Valley Province?”

  With an unbelievable expression on his face, Yin Fang finally left the hibernation capsule and looked at Chu Guang seriously.

  ”Where is the box? The one with the academy logo you mentioned.”

  Chu Guang took the box from the player who was following him – the task item in the eyes of the players, and handed it to Yin Fang.

  ”Here… what is this thing?”

  ”A black box that stores data!” Yin Fang tapped the surface of the box with his knuckles, and said incessantly with joy, “The outer layer of material can effectively resist neutron rays and electromagnetic pulses generated by nuclear explosions. In addition, inert gas should be injected into it to protect the graphene circuit board… I guess it is most likely a holographic image or recording or something like that. You will know when you open it.”

  As he spoke, Yin Fang stretched out a knife from his right hand without waiting for Chu Guang to signal, and gently scratched the surface of the box.

  A magical scene happened.

  The moment the surface material was scratched, the layer of black paint wrapped around the outside of the box dissipated like gravel blown away by the wind, revealing the silver shell underneath.

  Yin Fang carefully felt the edge of the box, and soon found an inconspicuous gap and opened the box.

  The commander of the fountain couldn’t help but glance at the battlefield atmosphere group and whispered, “Why did I try so hard but nothing happened?”

  ”Isn’t this natural?” Before the battlefield atmosphere group could speak, I’m the Blackest on the side interrupted and said, “How can you use the task props yourself?”

  The two were stunned.

  It made sense and there was no way to refute it. In

  the time it took to be distracted, the azure light had gathered and formed, and a holographic bust appeared out of thin air in the room.

  Chu Guang and the players didn’t react much, but Yin Fang, who was standing in the room, stared with his eyes wide open, wishing his eyeballs would fall out of their sockets.


  ”Principle?” Looking at Yin Fang who was mumbling something in his mind, Chu Guang asked in confusion, “What principle?”

  ”Principle, method, conclusion… The three doctors who rebuilt the academy after the war, their statues stand at the entrance of the academy.”

  Yin Fang swallowed his saliva, eyes full of disbelief, and continued, “The one in front of you is Doctor Principle. The academy’s laser rifle is named after him. I am sure I am not wrong. It is him, and this is how he looked when he was young. But why did his relics appear here? The history of the academy does not record it this way… I don’t understand.”

  Chu Guang: “…”

  What a coincidence.

  Chu Guang wanted to say that I didn’t understand it either.

  But just when he was about to say this, the holographic image standing in the air spoke as if it were narrating itself.

  ”We have left the cabin and we feel good.”

  ”It is now the second year of the Wasteland Era. The person responsible for picking us up is Battalion Commander Zhao Weisheng of the 111th Orbital Airborne Division. As planned, we successfully reunited with the army, although we were a little late… but fortunately they did not give up and loyally waited for us here for two years.”

  ”According to the plan, the next step is for us to go to the Great Rift Valley in the north under the escort of the army. It is the energy storage center of the central region. The stored metallic hydrogen is enough for us to rebuild the central region twice. Currently, the Great Rift Valley is controlled by the 111th Orbital Airborne Division.”

  ”According to the intelligence provided by Battalion Commander Zhao, the Post-War Reconstruction Committee has begun its work. What we have to do now is to report there, reunite with others, perform our respective duties, and start reconstruction.”

  ”The only trouble now is that the Fourth Company, which is responsible for escorting us, unexpectedly took in more than a thousand residents who failed to evacuate in time, so that our supplies may be running out. In contrast, the poor road conditions and weather have left us with only our own legs.”

  ”Not only that, Captain Zhao wants to take the survivors with him. To be honest, they are a burden and will only add variables to the plan. I can’t judge whether his good deed is right or not, because if I put myself in his shoes, I would probably make the same decision.”

  ”Anyway, we have to start from here. There are a lot of things we need to do and there is no time to waste. However, what makes me uneasy is that I always feel that things are not going so smoothly… Is the war really over? To be honest, I’m confused.”

  ”My respected mentor once taught me that we must be prepared for any situation, and things will not always go as smoothly as we expected.”

  The man in the holographic image looked up at the sky, then looked straight ahead with his eyes, forcing an optimistic smile from his expressionless face.

  ”Hey, listen, you who picked up this video.”

  ”If you are standing in a prosperous utopia right now, with the fragrance of peace in the air, please send it to the museum for me. This is valuable information. Maybe you can find my name in the exhibition hall. I can be sure that the museum will give you a lot of money. I said this. If they refuse to pay, you can smash this box in front of them, haha.” The

  man laughed heartily, and a trace of loneliness suddenly appeared on his face.

  ”But if situation B happens, we unfortunately live in a miserable world, which proves… we are likely to fail.”

  ”I’m sorry, both to my mentor and to those who trusted me and gave me this opportunity to go to the future. This is the only thing I can do for you.”

  ”Please take this video and go to the northern suburbs of Qingquan City to find Shelter No. 117. It should be under the Garden Street subway station. I don’t know the exact location, you may have to look for it.”

  ”The manager there is an acquaintance of mine. I once asked him to keep a suitcase for me. There are some very useful things in it. If it is situation B, I probably won’t have a chance to get it. You can take it away. My old friend will give it to you after seeing this video.”

  ”Remember the password of the box, X1179.”

  ”If you enter it incorrectly three times in a row, you will have nothing.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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