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Chapter 177: Dead Souls, Evil Demons

Chapter 177: Dead Souls, Evil Demons


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 177 Dead Soul, Xie Modan

  is already dead?

  Yang Shifei was even more surprised.

  Those people in the capital outside were pale and looked like withered zombies, but they still had a breath of life.

  But the Emperor Liang in front of him was full of energy, and there was still a sense of power between his eyebrows, but he was already dead?

  ”This girl is very sharp.”

  Emperor Liang glanced at Yue Rui, with a faint sense of majesty, but he did not refute the word “dead”.

  Qiu Buhuan moved in front of the girl and said in a deep voice: “I wonder if Emperor Liang still has memories, does he remember… your daughter?”

  Luo Xian’er silently put his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist.

  ”Of course I remember.”

  Emperor Liang turned his eyes to Luo Xian’er’s face: “I haven’t seen you for three years, you have grown up a little.”

  Seeing him answering fluently, everyone was shocked.

  This person can still speak, and even has self-awareness?

  Yang Shifei gently pressed Yue Rui’s shoulder and whispered, “Is he really dead?”

  ”I can’t feel a trace of living breath.”

  Yue Rui narrowed her eyes and said, “Look carefully.”

  Yang Shifei and Qiu Buhuan’s eyes suddenly froze, and soon found that the man on the dragon chair

  was not breathing at all.

  Yang Shifei was even more surprised. He was

  obviously dead, but he was like an ordinary person. What drastic changes had happened to Emperor Liang?

  Luo Xian’er frowned slightly: “Are you really still my father?”

  ”No doubt about it. There is no other me in this world.”

  Emperor Liang slowly looked outside the hall: “Who has succeeded my throne now?”

  ”It is Prince Liang Xin who succeeded to the throne.”

  Luo Xian’er loosened the hilt of the sword, her tone slightly complicated: “Now she is leading the three armies into the capital.”

  ”It’s her,”

  Emperor Liang sighed: “In just three months, there have been such changes. There must be a master helping behind the scenes.”

  He looked at Yang Shifei meaningfully: “Who are you?”

  ”I am Xian’er’s fiancé.”

  Yang Shifei responded calmly: “This time I brought my sisters and Xian’er to find out the truth.”

  The corners of Emperor Liang’s mouth slightly raised: “You are not bad.”

  ”Thank you Emperor Liang for your appreciation.”

  Yang Shifei confirmed that the other party could communicate, and immediately asked: “Can you tell us what happened in the capital?”

  ”Since you are Xian’er’s fiancé, you should know the existence of the so-called ‘filth’.”

  Liang Huang said slowly: “Filth appeared here three months ago and quickly swept the entire capital.”

  Luo Xian’er’s eyes were sharp: “The royal brothers sent the objects containing filth out of the capital, and you always turned a blind eye.”

  ”Prince Dingjiang and others have been comfortable for too long. Only by stimulating them can the people of Liang understand the horror of filth and prepare for the chaos before it comes.”

  This answer made everyone silent.

  The successive changes at the beginning were indeed intentional by Liang Huang!

  ”So, the reason why Liang Xin was sent out of the capital was because…”

  ”Xin’er is not an ordinary person, she may still escape.”

  Emperor Liang smiled slightly: “However, I just wanted her to live in peace at the beginning, but I didn’t expect her to become the new emperor. It’s fate.”

  ”.Since father has already discovered that something is wrong in the capital, why didn’t you send a message to inform all parties?”

  ”I was just unwell at first, but when I realized the existence of filth, I could no longer trust anyone in the capital.”

  Emperor Liang said meaningfully: “Xian’er, you should know the ins and outs of it best.”

  Luo Xian’er pursed her lips and said nothing.

  Those who are corrupted by filth will have extremely confused thoughts.

  For those born with filth, and for the young master who is a genius who can absorb filth, there are ways to guard against it.

  But there are none in the palace.

  In this way, it is naturally impossible to tell who has gone crazy, and it is even more difficult to guess which ministers are still sober.

  Even the trusted guards may suddenly jump up and chop off the heads of others in the next moment.

  In other words, without any defense, the moment the filth spread, the entire palace had already fallen.

  ”But why didn’t father escape?”

  ”Because the first person I noticed was infected was me.”

  Emperor Liang smiled indifferently: “Anyone can escape from the capital, except me.”

  Yang Shifei said in a low voice: “With the power of heaven and man, it should be enough to suppress the filth by force, at least it won’t cloud your mind. Why can’t you leave?”

  ”There are two reasons.”

  Emperor Liang replied calmly: “If I leave, the capital will become a piece of loose sand, and nearly one million madmen who have been corroded by filth will flee and wander all over the country.

  For Liang State, which was unprepared two months ago, it will be a disaster that will destroy the country. Even if you can gather an army to fight as soon as possible, the casualties will be far more than the hundreds of thousands of people today.”

  Luo Xian’er looked thoughtful and glanced back outside the Jintang Palace: “Outside, is it father’s doing?”

  ”After I was infected by the filth, I was able to control them vaguely.”

  Emperor Liang said in a shocking tone: “Although I was a little unfamiliar at the beginning and accidentally let some uncontrollable madmen run away, as I gradually became more proficient in control, I summoned hundreds of thousands of people in the capital, forcibly tore off the flesh and blood stained by filth, and sealed them in the palace.”

  Yang Shifei was a little shocked when he heard it: “Do you have this ability?”

  Qiu Buhuan said in a low voice: “Perhaps it is because of the power of heaven and man” ”

  This move must have a price.”

  Yue Rui suddenly said: “You died because of this.”

  Emperor Liang smiled: “You little girl, you are smart.”

  He stroked the armrest of the dragon chair: “I spent a lot of effort to do this. As for how many people can survive among the people, it depends on their own luck and whether they can survive.”

  Hearing this, the four of them were silent.

  Emperor Liang was sacrificing himself to save the lives of the people in the capital, and also to buy two months of breathing space for the people of Liang.

  ”You can lead troops here, which proves that Liang State has reorganized its situation. I can finally rest assured.”

  The Emperor of Liang smiled and nodded: “Well done.”

  Luo Xian’er had a complicated expression and whispered: “Now Liang State is ready, father, you don’t have to…”

  ”Just as this girl said, I am dead. My body has been hollowed out, and only the last bit of rationality is left.”

  The Emperor of Liang slowly raised his right hand, and his fingertips seemed to be broken and withered like decay: “It is not bad for me to die on this dragon throne as the Emperor of Liang.”

  Seeing that his body suddenly began to break, Yang Shifei felt heavy in his heart and said solemnly: “We will properly resettle hundreds of thousands of people outside, please rest assured, Emperor Liang.”

  ”- Wrong.”

  The Emperor of Liang stopped smiling at this time, his eyes gradually darkened: “What you have to do now is not to take in refugees, but to draw your weapons and prepare for battle.”

  Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, and heard his voice getting hoarse, saying: “The second reason why I stayed in the palace is because the source of filth is here.”


  With a dull loud noise, the entire Jintang Palace suddenly began to shake!

  Yang Shifei’s face changed slightly, and his eyes swept around.

  There were dense cracks on the walls of the palace, and blood and flesh seemed to flow from them!

  ”I want to suppress the source of filth, but unfortunately the evil spirit is more powerful than expected.”

  The smile on the face of Emperor Liang gradually twisted, and the cracks spread all over his body, and even flesh and blood tentacles grew from them.

  ”This filthy tide that is enough to sweep across the entire Liang Kingdom, I have tried my best to suppress it within the palace.”

  ”Since you are all ready, I don’t have to hide anymore.”

  The golden dragon robe seemed to be stained with blood, and the dragon chair under him seemed to be entangled with flesh and blood. Blood vessels rose one by one, and they were connected to the top of the palace beams.

  The brick walls squirmed and tumbled, and the wall skin of the palace pillars shook off, revealing the flesh and blood pillars.

  In the blink of an eye, the entire Jintang Palace seemed to come alive, turning into a blood and flesh demon cave like an abyss!

  Emperor Liang’s skin gradually broke, revealing half of his flesh and bones. He grinned sinisterly, “I am here to help you wipe out the evil demons.”

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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