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Chapter 177 Thank you for the gift of nature

Chapter 177 Thank you for the gift of nature


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 177 Thank you for the gift of nature

  On the way back, Yin Fang held the holographic video tape tightly in both hands, with a solemn expression, as if he was holding his own child.

  His right hand rubbed it over and over again, and it was almost patinated.

  Oh my god…

  Fortunately, I remembered the password.

  Chu Guang felt that it was unpleasant to the eyes, and turned his face away with an old man’s subway phone. However, at this moment, Yin Fang suddenly looked at him with sharp eyes.

  ”If I take this thing back, do you think the college will let me go? I give you the box, and I don’t want anything.”

  Chu Guang rolled his eyes at him.

  ”I’m a little polite to you, do you think I’m a fool?”

  Yin Fang was stunned.

  Chu Guang stretched out his hand easily and took the holographic video from his arms without any effort.

  ”You know what? I didn’t kill you, I’m already very worthy of you.”

  Looking at the young man whose face was gradually pale, Chu Guang didn’t continue to scare him, but smiled and patted his shoulder.

  ”Do you know what I encountered when I first came to this world… ahem, I mean, when I first woke up?”

  Yin Fang swallowed his saliva, his voice trembling slightly.

  ”What did I encounter…”

  ”A dog with two heads, it was like it ran out of hell to pick me up,” Chu Guang said casually after putting the holographic videotape into his pocket, “If I had been a little slower at the time, I might have died. In fact, I later found out that if I had run east or north at the time, it would also be a dead end. I was lucky to survive, and I will cherish this life, so I advise you, it’s best not to make me feel that you are a threat.”

  To the west is a lake, a dead end. To the north, you will run into the predators, and to the east, you will run directly into the mutants’ pot, both of which are worse than death.

  Even now when thinking about it, Chu Guang can’t help but sweat for himself.

  Yin Fang opened his mouth, and his expression looked a little dull.

  Chu Guang ignored him, folded his arms and closed his eyes to rest, sorting out the information he had obtained from the videotape before, and thinking about how to edit and update this holographic image on the official website.

  The players sitting on the truck looked at each other, their expressions were like watching a foreign language movie without subtitles for a long time, with a look of confusion.

  Fountain hooked his finger at the battlefield guy, motioning him to come over, and whispered in a low voice.

  ”How do you think we should hint to the manager to give us rewards?”

  The battlefield guy looked confused.

  ”I don’t know… just ask?”

  Both of them were embarrassed to

  speak first. At this time, I was the darkest who had been silent.

  ”Manager! May I ask if our mission is completed?”

  Looking up and meeting a pair of expectant eyes, Chu Guang suddenly realized that he seemed to have forgotten to pay.

  The majestic expression on his face did not change, and he nodded calmly and said.

  ”You did a good job, all of you are very good.”

  After thinking about it, Chu Guang finally decided to give the players a little sweetness, selected a pre-edited task reward on the VM, and clicked send.

  [Hint: Trigger hidden branch. ]

  [Reward: 10 silver coins, 100 contribution points]

  As for the several hibernation capsules on the truck, that is the job of the warehouse manager, and Chu Guang is not responsible for helping them calculate how much these garbage are worth.

  Seeing the prompt pop up on the VM screen, the players’ faces showed excitement.

  Not to mention 10 silver coins, there is actually a 100 contribution point reward for completing the plot!

  This is too cool!

  Seeing them so happy, Chu Guang was also happy.

  If only everyone in the wasteland was as cute as his little players.

  The truck kept driving in the direction of Changjiu Farm.

  However, at this moment, a gunshot suddenly came from the front, and the bullet whizzed past the truck, and one of them hit the front window.


  ”It’s the looters!”

  There were quite a few people on the opposite side. There were at least thirty gunshots in that round of volleys, but these people were obviously amateurs, with poor equipment and firing from such a distance, and no one fell.

  The player driving the car was also a ruthless person. Seeing that the bullets were coming from the front, he was not panicked at all. He turned the steering wheel slightly and skillfully pushed the front of the car into the snow.

  While preventing the engine from being damaged, he pulled the handbrake and stopped with the cushion of the snow, grabbed the rifle and jumped out of the car.

  ”The ones pulling the bolts, stay behind. Brothers with assault rifles, follow me! Let’s surround them from the flank!”


  ”Here we go!”

  Seeing the opportunity to make a contribution, the players on the truck had green eyes and jumped out of the truck with their weapons. Only the Fountain Commander remained on the truck.

  Although this guy wanted to go, he had only a centurion pistol on him. He couldn’t hit anyone at such a long distance. He was afraid that his equipment would fall off if he got too close to the face. In a

  moment of desperation, he shouted loudly.

  ”You guys hurry up! I’ll guard the house!”

  As he said that, he symbolically fired a shot in front of him, regardless of whether he hit it or not. Anyway, this combat state should be considered as hanging up. Bullets

  whizzed around, and Yin Fang, who got up from the car with his head covered, looked around nervously.

  ”What’s going on?!”

  Could it be that the people from the academy are chasing us? !

  ”It’s a small scene, don’t panic.”

  Chu Guang held the hammer in his right hand, but after seeing the situation on the opposite side, he curled his lips, let go of the hammer and held the Gauss rifle.

  The magazine was filled with imitation ammunition.

  It’s a little bit uncertain about the armor penetration, but it’s more than enough to fight these miscellaneous soldiers…


  At the same time, behind the snow pile 300 meters in front of the truck, there were more than 30 men in navy blue uniforms.

  They were holding the same iron-barreled rifles in their hands. At first glance, they were all centurions of the legion, but they had no soldiers under their command. They looked ugly and malnourished.

  The man with a tattoo on his bare face was holding a loudspeaker made of rolled iron sheets in his hand, and he was lying behind the bunker and shouting loudly.

  ”Listen, people in front, do you see our clothes? You are surrounded by the legion! If you know what’s good for you, drop your weapons and surrender! Otherwise, you will be punished by the legion!”

  He shouted for a long time but there was no response.

  The other side seemed to have heard nothing, and the bullets still whizzed over their heads or whizzed down on the bunkers in front.

  The man with the mohawk shaved head looked nervously at the bald man next to him and said with panicked eyes.

  ”Boss! These people… are not easy to deal with!”

  There was no reaction to their morale offensive!

  He even felt that the other side fought back more fiercely after the loudspeaker was shouted.

  The bald man slapped his head and cursed.

  ”Useless thing, what’s there to be afraid of! Including the driver, there are only nine of them. We have 32 guns here, can’t we kill them? Shoot them! Don’t let them run away!”

  After saying that, he added another sentence.

  ”By the way, don’t kill them all! Leave two hostages, we still have to ask the people in their village for ransom!”

  The bald man’s name is Tu, and he was originally a predator active in the central part of the River Valley Province. As for why he came to the southernmost part of the River Valley Province, it’s a long story.

  The Legion had been fighting the people of the Great Rift Valley for a whole year in the north, and the progress had not been very smooth. A few days ago, they suffered a great defeat. Some of General Krass’s men died, some were injured, and some fled. The whole army was defeated.

  According to the people who fled from the north, the remnants of the Legion were like locusts. Wherever they passed, no grass grew, and even the aliens had to avoid them.

  Tu naturally did not believe such nonsense. He just thought that the idiot was scared and said some nonsense to survive. He was dragged out and bled to be thrown into the pot with wine.


  Oh, isn’t that the defeated general of the Great Rift Valley?

  They came to give him equipment!

  However, Tu himself might not have expected that on the third day after he and his friends boasted that he would make the head of the Legion Commander into a chamber pot, the deserters of the Legion really ran to the town in front of his house.

  There were not many people, only nine centurions, and not a single clone slave. These people may have been driven crazy by the shells of the Great Rift Valley, or by their own shells. In short, they were so bloodthirsty that they would shoot at anyone they saw without even saying hello.

  Tu, who had more than a hundred brothers under his command, was naturally not afraid of them. He led his men to surround them, and indeed, he solved the opponent in a short time.

  However, something happened that made Tu confused. More than a hundred people fought against nine people, and the casualties were beaten one for one. He was so angry that he chopped the only prisoner he caught on the spot and even forgot about the ransom!

  Not two days later, another wave of deserters came. This time, there were a little more centurions, twelve, and seventeen or eighteen clone slaves. They didn’t kill anyone they saw like the previous group of crazy people, but chose a survivor settlement and occupied it directly.

  That settlement paid protection fees to Tu. Seeing that his meal ticket was gone, Tu certainly couldn’t stand it, so he led his men to surround it again.

  However, this fight was terrible. One-third of the enemy’s troops were killed. If the enemy had not run out of bullets, they would have almost lost.

  This time, Tu was really scared. He finally realized the horror of locusts. In less than a week, thirty or forty brothers died, and countless were injured.

  Even if they made a living by looting, they could not bear such exaggerated losses.

  Hearing that the deserters of the legion had come again, Tu was scared out of his wits. This time he didn’t even dare to fight. He took his confidants and packed up his things and ran south.

  After experiencing the ups and downs along the way, half of the people on the road dispersed, and they finally found a survivor’s base that seemed to be living a wealthy life.

  However, the people here didn’t seem to be easy to mess with. The soldiers standing on the wall were holding uniform rifles, and the smoke in the camp never stopped. Only a hundred people could be seen living outside, and no one knew how many people lived inside.

  Tu didn’t act rashly, and didn’t even dare to get too close. He found a high ground in the north and looked over there with a telescope.

  After waiting for two days, the brothers were almost unable to hold back, and finally they got the chance to take action.

  A truck was heading towards the abandoned city in the north. There were not many people on the truck, only a few.

  Tu did not hesitate, and immediately seized the opportunity, and ambushed them on their way back with his men, preparing to ambush them.

  However, what Tu did not expect was that the progress did not seem to be as smooth as he expected. After being hit head-on, those people not only did not panic as expected, but even sent people to outflank them.

  At this time, something suddenly exploded next to them, making a “pop” sound, which scared Tu who was about to lean out of the bunker to fire.

  ”Fuck, what the hell is going on–” Tu turned his head suddenly, and it didn’t matter what he saw, he was shocked on the spot.

  He saw that one of his brothers’ heads was like being bombarded, and the whole brain was blown away, leaving only a lonely half neck standing there, and blood kept pouring out.

  Before he could react to what happened, another explosion came from the side.

  This brother was even worse than the last one. A big hole was blasted in his chest, including his body and the bunker. He fell to the ground and struggled for a while before he swallowed the breath that was hanging on his lips.

  This time, not only Tu was confused.

  The predator brothers standing next to him were also confused, and for a moment they even forgot to shoot.

  ”…What kind of weapon is that!?”

  ”It’s the man on the truck!”

  ”Fuck! Gauss rifle?! How can they have a Gauss rifle!”

  The predators had heard about the Gauss rifle. Although they didn’t know how it worked, they heard that it could penetrate power armor with one shot, which was better than the anti-material rifles of the legion.

  When they heard that it was a Gauss rifle, everyone panicked and didn’t dare to show their heads to fight back. However, the more they did so, the more dangerous their situation became.

  The predator with a mohawk looked at the boss and said in panic.

  ”Boss, let’s retreat!”

  There is always hope. If the fight continues, they might be wiped out. Four-legged sheep are hard to find, but two-legged ones are plentiful. This survivor base is too big to bite, so at most

  he can just switch to another one. Tu was still hesitating. Reason told him that he should withdraw, but he couldn’t bear to let go of the fat sheep that was right in front of him. Even with a Gauss rifle, they still had the advantage in numbers. As long as he sent some people to attack them from the side, they would get close to them

  . Just as he was thinking this, gunshots came from another direction, followed by a row of bullets whizzing at their backs.

  Caught off guard, several looters at the back screamed and died.

  Tu was startled and looked back quickly. He saw that a group of people had come from the direction of Elm District without knowing when.

  And there were quite a few people!

  There seemed to be more than ten of them!

  ”Boss! Their reinforcements have arrived!”

  ”Shut up, I need your reminder! Damn it!” Tu was shocked and angry. He quickly sent some people to the west to stop the reinforcements from moving forward.

  He couldn’t figure out how these people were able to provide support so quickly. It was only ten minutes from the time the gunfire sounded.

  Even if they reacted, they would have to react for a while, right? !

  The situation was reversed in an instant. The two groups of people were in an east-west trend, sandwiching them on a gentle slope running north-south!

  There were people on both the west and east sides. No matter which side of the reverse slope was used as a cover, they were pressed halfway up the slope by the other side.

  After a while, several more people fell to the ground, and several more were blasted into slag by Gauss rifles.

  In just a dozen minutes, the casualties approached 30%. How could these mobs have the courage to continue fighting?

  Tu could no longer control his subordinates.

  Everyone abandoned their fighting positions and fled to the north, running wildly as if they were dying. However, whether in terms of physical strength or physical fitness, they were far inferior to the players who ate three meals a day.

  Especially in the eyes of the players, these fleeing looters were like walking silver coins, contributions, and regional reputation!

  This was an encounter battle triggered near Changjiu Farm. Is it not too much to give a 100 or 200 regional reputation?

  The benevolent and generous administrator was on the scene. Even if the dog planner A Guang was stingy, the Shuguang master who had the server authority would definitely not be stingy with this little reward!

  Watching their fleeing backs, the chasing players were like hungry wolves with green eyes, howling and chasing after them.

  ”Don’t run!”

  ”Surrender your guns and we won’t kill you!”

  ”Hold your head and squat down!”

  During this period, some old players still learned a few words that NPCs can understand. They shouted a lot, and a few predators really understood, dropped their weapons, and squatted on the ground with their hands on their heads.

  In the whole encounter battle, the players had 0 deaths and 3 injuries, and all of them were minor injuries. Another one was too fierce in the pursuit and was tripped by a tree root buried in the snow and hit his nose.

  In reality, it would definitely hurt for a long time, but in the game, it would be fine even if you leave it alone.

  As for the looters, it was too tragic, with 11 dead and 26 captured.

  Each player who participated in the battle was rewarded with 50 silver, 50 tribute and 100 regional reputation. Chu Guang then ordered the little players who cheered for the victory to take the prisoners to the open space in front of the north gate of Changjiu Farm and squat on the ground with their hands on their heads.

  Walking up to the prisoners with two guards, Chu Guang glanced at their navy blue coats and asked.

  ”Are you from the legion? Who is your commander?”

  Tu, who was bruised and swollen, tried to raise his hand tremblingly, but before he could speak, the little minions next to him answered tremblingly.

  ”I, we are not, sir.”

  That is an ordinary looter.

  Chu Guang understood and continued to look at them and ask.

  ”Where are your clothes from?”

  Tu, who was squatting on the side, said hurriedly.

  ”The northern legion was defeated. I heard that the expeditionary army’s main commander, General Kras, was executed by the people of the Great Rift Valley. The legion’s deserters either ran west or south, killing people like locusts. Our clothes and guns were picked up from those deserters of the centurions.”

  This set of clothes is very useful, especially in the north. Many survivors were scared to death when they saw the navy blue coat and turned around and ran away.

  Tu was also wondering, aren’t these people afraid

  ? The legion lost?

  Chu Guang was surprised, but not surprised.

  Such heavy snow must be more unfriendly to the attackers with long supply lines. If he were the general of the expeditionary army, he would definitely consider launching a decisive battle before the situation worsens, to completely decide the outcome, and to return to his own home if he loses, and live in the enemy’s home if he wins.

  The appearance of Vanus further confirmed his guess that these people could no longer fight. But what Chu Guang didn’t expect was that the expeditionary army was defeated so thoroughly that even General Kras was killed.

  The legion’s defeated soldiers were in chaos everywhere, and even the looters were forced to go south.

  I’m afraid this winter won’t be easy…

  Seeing Chu Guang lost in thought, Old Luca thought he was unsure about how to deal with these prisoners, so he stepped forward and whispered.

  ”Sir, if you can’t decide what to do, you might as well refer to my advice.”

  ”Go ahead.”

  ”We need people to work right now, it would be a pity to kill them directly, it’s better to send them to do hard labor, wait until the next spring, and see whether to keep them for use or sell them to the mines in Honghe Town.”

  This is a good idea.

  Chu Guang nodded.

  But there is still a problem.

  ”The guard team is not enough, what if someone escapes?”

  Old Luca continued.

  ”This is actually very easy to solve. New prisoners and old prisoners are mixed together, two in a cell, one missing, the other three are all hanged.”

  Chu Guang’s eyes lit up: “This is a good idea, how did you come up with it?”

  Luca smiled slightly awkwardly, bowed his head and said respectfully.

  ”Sir, this is not a rare thing… Many slave survivors do this.”


  It seems that I am too kind.

  Chu Guang sighed in his heart, then looked at the looters, put on a majestic expression on his face, looked down at them and said.

  ”I was going to hang you on the gallows, but killing prisoners is not a just act.”

  Looking at the trembling prisoners, he continued.

  ”From today on, you will be transformed by labor and strive to be something useful to society, civilization, and mankind.”

  After saying that, Chu Guang looked at Old Luca without looking at them.

  ”These people are handed over to you.”

  Old Luca nodded respectfully.

  ”Yes, sir.”


  Official website:

  [Announcement: The intelligence of the academy’s forces has increased, linking Shelter No. 117 and the Great Rift Valley. Version 0.9 is in production, and new gameplay is waiting for you! ]

  [Today’s recommended recipe: The administrator doesn’t know what to eat today, so he decided to leave it to you. 】

  【Base System Announcement: Plunderers are active in the north of Changjiu Farm (Prosperity +10)】

  Quit Smoking: “Wait, why did the prosperity increase when barbarian activity appeared?”

  Fang Chang: “Because those people are too weak, it’s no different from sending heads. But I think only 10 points is too little, maybe it’s because of the impact of plunderers’ activities on local security and immigration.”

  Ye Shi: “Thanks for the gift of nature. (Funny)”

  Quit Smoking: “I see, you are indeed Brother Fang. I never expected that the planning boss is so awesome!”

  Fang Chang: “……?”

  Ye Shi: “Pfft.”

  Construction Site Boy and Brick: “Boss Crow, why don’t you sell mushrooms recently?”

  Crow: “Where can I find mushrooms in such a cold weather? They are gone, gone before spring! QAQ”

  Macabab: “Damn! My life is so bleak.”

  Stop Bullshitting: “+1, I’ll die without Boss Crow’s mushroom soup.”

  Crow: “Is this so serious?”

  Sisi: “Don’t believe it, you’ll be fooled this way . ”

  Tail: “Hey! How did Sisi know that Tail was thinking about how to trick the unemployed Crow boss into wearing a maid outfit and calling him master while pouring wine for Tail! !!∑(Дノ)ノ”

  Sisi: “……?” ”

  Teng Teng: “?” ”

  Ye Shi: “If you don’t understand, just ask. Is this content that can be seen without paying? (funny)”

  Irena: “@Canyon Escape Mole, you know (nosebleed)”

  Crow: “I’ll kill you. ^o^”

  After returning to the shelter, Chu Guang browsed the official website, especially checking the progress of the strategy for the entrance of Shelter No. 117.

  Brother Mole is still very powerful. He cooperated with Mosquito to develop a set of cancer fighting methods, that is – find an agile newbie to pull monsters, pull the monsters up and kill them with concentrated fire. The monsters

  in “Wasteland OL” have no pursuit distance limit. For those monsters that do not have fixed nests, theoretically, as long as you are shrewd enough, the monsters can chase you to the ends of the earth.

  They have already killed 2 creepers with this set of fighting methods!

  Mole thought he had found a bug and didn’t dare to say it too clearly on the forum, but what he didn’t know was that VM would record their communication information and secretly upload it to the cloud.

  Chu Guang could guess it without Xiaoqi’s help based on their route of action.

  In addition to Mole, another relatively active closed beta player on the forum today was the “European Emperor” Fountain.

  This guy found 10 hibernation capsules, all of which were in good condition. He got a total of 700 silver coins, which he shared with two teammates, for an average of 233.3 silver coins per person.

  This does not include the income from the subsequent battle and the story.

  In addition, Fountain also opened a separate post to recommend Mosquito’s “Steel Nail 1.0” and called it a melee artifact.

  ”Brother Meng, believe me, old Mosquito can be reliable occasionally. I swear, I have never seen a better melee weapon than this thing! At that time, I was pounced on by the Creeper, and my neck was about to be bitten off. I made a prompt decision and clenched my fist. Then, with a bang, a hole was pierced in the Creeper’s head! Simple and crude, killed with one blow! I would like to call it the strongest in this version!”

  Ye Shi: “Tell me, how much money did Mosquito pay you to let you advertise against your conscience. (Funny)”

  WC Zhenyou Mosquito: “Gan! What do you mean by occasionally reliable? Aren’t my Hellfire and Storm reliable? They are so powerful!”

  Garbage Picker Level 99: “I testify! Mosquito can be reliable occasionally, but it’s a bit labor-intensive. Last time, I carried a boiler into the trench and had a great time. It took me three days to go online.”

  WC Zhenyou Mosquito: “Pay back your money!”

  Garbage Picker Level 99: “QAQ”

  Chu Guang, who was peeking at the screen, couldn’t help but sigh.

  ”These guys are really talented.”

  At this time, there was a knock on the door.

  Chu Guang didn’t even look up and answered casually.

  ”Come in.”

  He thought it was Boss Xia who came to harass him again, but he didn’t expect it to be Yin Fang.

  The young man didn’t say anything when he entered the door. He stood with his head down for a long time before he spoke with a face full of shame.

  ”I…” ”

  I have to apologize to you.”

  (Today should also be a day of 10,000, my waist can’t take it a little, next week’s update may be a little unstable, the next week will continue to challenge the day of 10,000…)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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