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Chapter 178: College Branches and Players’ Tactics

Chapter 178: College Branches and Players’ Tactics


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 178: The College Branch and the Players’ Tactics

  When Yin Fang said the word “apology”, the atmosphere in the office was a little subtle.

  Chu Guang thought carefully for a while, but couldn’t think of what this guy could do to let him down.

  After a moment of silence, Chu Guang looked at him and asked.

  ”Did you forget your password?”

  ”That’s not the case,” Yin Fang, who seemed to have not expected Chu Guang to ask this, coughed dryly and said, “My memory is still okay.”

  ”Did you dismantle Xiaoqi?”


  It seems that it’s not.

  Chu Guang sighed: “So what’s the matter?”

  Yin Fang looked embarrassed and hesitated for a long time before finally speaking, “It’s about what I said on the way… I want to hand over Dr. Principle’s relics to the college. I have to apologize to you. I didn’t think it through.”

  That’s it.

  Chu Guang breathed a sigh of relief, but he couldn’t help but be speechless.

  This guy had a serious expression on his face, which made him think that something serious had happened, but he didn’t expect it to be such a trivial matter.

  ”Oh, that… Don’t worry about it. I would have almost forgotten it if you hadn’t said it.”

  Chu Guang is not such a petty man. This trivial matter is not enough to make him hold a grudge.

  Seeing that Chu Guang didn’t take it to heart, Yin Fang was relieved, but he continued to speak seriously.

  ”Anyway, I did not consider this matter well… I thought about it carefully later. If I handed the remains to the college, they would definitely come here to track down the whereabouts of the suitcase after watching the complete video.”

  ”Congratulations, you thought of something that everyone can think of,” Chu Guang looked at him and continued, “and even if you handed this videotape to the college, there is no way to make up for it. At most, they will give them another reason to kill you.”

  Yin Fang was stunned.


  ”You said that this is inconsistent with the history of the college you know. Dr. Principle, one of the three founders, has never been to the Valley Province, let alone Qingquan City, the southernmost part of the Valley Province. Have you considered the reason why the college concealed this clue?”

  Yin Fang fell into thought.

  It can be seen that although this child is a little naive, he is not really stupid.

  After taking a sip of the warm water in the cup, Chu Guang paused for a moment and continued.

  ”There are two reasonable speculations. The first is that Dr. Principle had an accident on the way to the Great Rift Valley or in the Great Rift Valley, but this is not very realistic, because you said that Dr. Principle made outstanding contributions to the establishment of the academy.”

  Yin Fang nodded seriously.

  ”Yes… The head of the three major branches is named after him, including our laser rifle. If it weren’t for him, the academy would not have been born.”

  Chu Guang: “Then there is another possibility. After your Dr. Principle established the academy, he thought that the worst B might happen, so he concealed the existence of the holographic videotape.”

  Yin Fang retorted: “This doesn’t make sense. Since the worst case scenario he imagined has already happened, shouldn’t he guide his descendants to find hope?”

  Chu Guang: “Maybe he thinks he can’t rely on you.”

  Yin Fang was stunned.

  ”…What do you mean.”

  Chu Guang smiled faintly and said.

  ”Nothing, you said it yourself, the academy has a history of 200 years, and a lot of things must have happened during this period. Perhaps, it is no longer the academy of the past.”

  When hearing this, Yin Fang almost instinctively concluded that this was an unfounded conjecture, but he could not think of a reason to refute it.

  In fact, the influence of the academy has indeed weakened a lot in the past two centuries. From the original spread throughout the wasteland, it has now shrunk to the depths of the Wandering Swamp, and even hunting down traitors requires issuing rewards to those bounty hunters.

  Looking at Yin Fang who was silent, Chu Guang comforted him and said.

  ”In fact, you don’t have to feel too frustrated. Whether it is out of distrust or just not wanting to put all your eggs in one basket, this holographic image has finally fallen into our hands. If you are confused about Dr. Principle’s decision, shouldn’t you do it now to find out what happened two centuries ago?”

  Hearing Chu Guang’s last words, Yin Fang’s confused eyes suddenly showed a hint of enlightenment, as if he had figured something out.

  ”Thank you… I think I figured it out.”

  Chu Guang didn’t expect this guy to be so easy to fool. He just comforted him casually, but he looked shocked.

  However, it saved him a lot of trouble.

  ”It’s good that you understand. Now you-”

  ”Just like you said, the reason why Dr. Principle left the holographic image there and didn’t let the academy take it back must be that there is some hidden reason. Maybe that image was left for us,” Yin Fang’s eyes gradually became firm, looking at Chu Guang seriously, “I’ve decided, I must find out what happened two hundred years ago!”

  Chu Guang was slightly stunned, looked at him and nodded.

  ”This is not a bad idea, but… I am unlikely to let you go, at least not in the short term.”

  Yin Fang shook his head and said, “I won’t leave, on the contrary, I will stay. This is not an exchange, but a request, I need your help.”

  Chu Guang: “…what do you need me to help you with.”

  ”I want to form a scientific expedition team!”

  Yin Fang looked at him firmly and continued, “When I worked for the college before, I was always engaged in data recovery work on the front line. I am very familiar with the entire work process of research data recovery, and I can also do second-line data analysis work! As long as you are willing to lend me some manpower, I can completely imitate the college’s model and rebuild a research data recovery system in your shelter!”

  ”I know what you mean, it’s equivalent to an independent branch of the college, right?”

  Chu Guang got up from the computer chair with a look of joy, walked up to Yin Fang, patted him on the shoulder, and gave him an encouraging look.

  ”I’m glad you have such an ideal. Just go for it! Someone has to correct mistakes when they happen. Shelter 404 will be your strong backing. We have sufficient manpower. We can go to places that the academy can’t go to, and we can do things that they can’t do.”

  ”I will give you a sufficient budget. We will start from Qingquan City. After we have dug up all the treasures here, we will go to the next city. You will become the fourth founder of the academy!”

  I was surprised and moved by Chu Guang’s enthusiasm.

  Although my goal is not to dig for treasures, but to find the truth, these two things do not seem to conflict.

  Glancing at Chu Guang with gratitude, Yin Fang responded to this trust and support with a firm look.

  ”Thank you, thank you for your support.”

  ”You’re welcome!”

  Chu Guang had a bright smile on his face.

  Yin Fang got the truth he wanted. The “scientific research ability” of Shelter No. 404 was finally no longer 0, and players unlocked more tasks – or more abundant gameplay.

  This wave.

  It’s a win-win

  situation for all three parties! Is there anything more pleasant than this?

  Probably not.


  The edge of the Fifth Ring Road in Qingquan City.

  Near the Huayuan Street subway entrance, two gunshots from the subway entrance broke the tranquility of the street. I saw an agile player running out of the subway entrance, followed by dozens or even hundreds of gnawers swarming out.

  They are not fast in action, nor are they agile, but they are persistent enough to even catch up for a whole day. Once they form a scale, individuals with abnormal speed and physical fitness begin to appear in the group, and even veterans who have been walking in the wasteland for many years will find it difficult.

  However, this is only generally speaking.

  What they were facing at the moment was not the group of poor wastelanders, but a group of organized, coordinated, well-supported and tireless players.

  The agile players began to speed up and rushed across the line drawn on the snow. The players who were ambushing on the side of the street lit the fuse.

  Almost when the Gnawer rushed out of the subway station entrance about ten meters away, the gunpowder barrel placed on the street exploded instantly.


  The thick smoke instantly engulfed half of the street, and the flames of the explosion flew all over the street with shrapnel, and the Gnawers who rushed in front fell down like wheat being cut.

  ”Damn! You almost blew me to death!” The exhausted little newbie panted and glared at the mosquito fiercely.

  In order to attract more monsters, he ran for a long time below and almost couldn’t come back.

  ”I’m just afraid that you’ll be caught up,” Mosquito said with a grin, then he opened his throat and shouted to the front, “Brothers, it’s time to go up and finish off the enemies, quick!”



  ”Kill them!”

  The players who had been waiting for a long time picked up their weapons and rushed forward after hearing the order.

  Some had spears, some had axes, and some imitated the administrator and made hammers. All kinds of cold weapons were used.

  The stronger the gnawers, the faster they ran. The ones running in the front had already been blown up to the sky. The rest were just miscellaneous soldiers. There was no need to waste bullets. They were directly executed in close combat.

  Ye Shi, who was standing aside and watching the battle, couldn’t help but sigh.

  ”I’m afraid it will cost a lot of money for you to fight,”

  said Mosquito with a grin.

  ”It doesn’t cost much, actually. I made the bomb myself, so it costs nothing.”

  Ye Shi didn’t believe his lies, rolled his eyes and said, “What about the gunpowder? And hiring extras, these have to cost money, right?”

  Due to the gradual increase in mission income, the gradual increase in difficulty, and the particularity of the gameplay, the players of Wasteland OL have formed a third set of rules for sharing the spoils in addition to the original equal sharing and G group rules.

  That is, the hiring system.

  The average hourly median income of a new player is 1 silver coin for 1 contribution. As long as you pay 2 silver coins, you can have a fearless mercenary.

  They don’t need good equipment, and they can’t afford it. On the contrary, when dealing with single-unit weaker aliens such as gnawers or devil moths, guns are not as useful as crowbars.

  After all, the former costs 1 silver coin per bullet, while the latter are everywhere in the wasteland.

  Ye Shi estimates that the price they offer to these newcomers should be around 3 or 4 copper coins per gnawer.

  After all, if it is too low, it is better to cut down trees.

  ”You don’t need very good gunpowder to deal with these gnawers, ordinary black gunpowder is enough. As for the extras, uh, this will cost a little bit, but not much…” Mosquito’s expression was a little subtle, and he quickly changed the subject, “By the way, aren’t you going to make a bet today?”

  Ye Shi showed a smug smile on his face.

  ”We just cleared the B3 floor, and we decided to relax and split up for a day.”

  Lao Bai and Kuangfeng took Quitting to the Elm District to level up. Fang Chang didn’t know where he went to fool around. He didn’t know what to do alone, and the perception system was not suitable for solo training, so he just wandered here to join in the fun.

  ”Rich people,” Mosquito smacked his lips and said with envy, “If you guys reach the last floor, the total profit will probably be tens of thousands.”

  The Greenhouse Ruins is currently recognized as the most profitable map, especially after the problem of weaving the devil’s silk has been solved, the profit of the first floor is at least a thousand. Fang Chang is too unkind. He stopped revealing the profit from the B2 floor, which is really a brother’s behavior.

  There is nothing to keep secret about the profit.

  Post it generously for everyone to see!

  How do you know if there is any shady dealings behind this if you don’t take a look? What if there is some unspeakable PY transaction behind this?

  ”Hehe, it’s not bad, it’s not bad,” Ye Shi was about to show off, but suddenly remembered that Fang Chang and the others had just told him to keep his mouth shut in the morning, so he coughed dryly and changed his words, “Actually, it’s not as exaggerated as you think. Equipment loss, supply consumption, and other miscellaneous things count, there is not much money to be made. Moreover, this broken map becomes more and more difficult to play as you go down, and the profits have to be shared by four people. Oh, poor.”

  This time it was Mosquito’s turn to roll his eyes.

  ”Can you tell me the truth, how much did you make?”

  ”Not much.”


  The battle not far away has ended.

  After a wave of monsters were cleared, the players began to clean up the battlefield and count their own achievements.

  And the old Mole, who had fought side by side with the newcomers before, checked and distributed their deserved rewards based on the results they had counted.

  The battlefield was bustling with laughter and joy. You couldn’t tell that a brutal battle had just taken place.

  ”This task was too easy. I killed eleven by myself.”

  ”Awesome! I killed eight. Haha! All those heads chopped open by the axe were mine!”

  ”Got 5 silver coins! Woohoo, I can watch Xiaoyu count the money!”

  ”Brother Mole, remember to call me next time you have such a good job!”

  ”Of course! Thank you all for your support.”

  The mole who was handing out the money had a smile on his face, but his heart was bleeding.

  Just now he counted, there are 136 gnawers on the ground, 20 killed on the spot by the gunpowder barrel, and 15 killed by him. The newbies killed 101 of them, and he had to pay them 50.5 silver coins at the price of 5 copper coins.


  This is almost as much as a Panzerfaust rocket launcher!

  Mole really felt that he and Mosquito were like contractors working for the manager, and they were the kind of “0 advance payment” and “advance payment”. If he couldn’t finish this task within two days, he was afraid that he would be dragged into bankruptcy.

  ”Planning dad, please Ning, please open a new version quickly!”

  Looking at the newbies who were happy to get the reward, Mole had a faint sadness on his face.

  If a new version is not released, when these little leeks level up, the labor cost will be even more expensive!

  At this time, the agile player who had pulled the monsters before finally counted the bodies on the ground and ran to the side of Mosquito.

  ”I just pulled up 136 gnawers, you have to give me 13 silver and 6 copper.”

  Mosquito’s face was as sad as the mole, but he still managed to squeeze out a kind smile.

  ”No problem, can you round it off? I just don’t have any copper coins.”

  ”You want to give me 20?”

  Ye Shi couldn’t help laughing out loud. Mosquito’s eyebrows jumped fiercely, and he took out a few coins from his pocket and stuffed them into the hands of the newbie.

  The newbie took the coins and counted them, with a look of surprise.

  ”13 silver and 6 copper are just…Huh? Didn’t you have no copper coins?”

  Mosquito: “Suddenly I have them again.”

  Newbie: “…”

  Ye Shi smiled and patted the newbie’s shoulder, and said with a smile: “Young man, not bad, not bad, what’s your ID name, let’s team up next time.”

  Unexpectedly, the newbie didn’t appreciate it, glanced at him and said: “Who are you calling young man, I’m already 30 years old, how old are you?”

  Ye Shiyi was embarrassed and took his hand back.


  Seeing this guy being humiliated, Mosquito laughed like a pig, patted Ye Shi’s shoulder with a playful smile, and winked at the newbie.

  ”He’s just a little brother. I remember he just started college.”

  Ye Shi blushed and argued, “Get lost! I’m already a sophomore!”

  The newbie smacked his lips and said, “He’s still just a little brother.”

  Mosquito smiled and said, “Brother, you’re so interesting. What’s your ID?”

  ”Zhang Hai.”

  ”Uh, no, I asked you your game name. Why did you tell me your real name?”

  ”Just Zhang Hai. I won’t change my name or surname. I’ll use this name when I play games.” Zhang Hai said with a glare.

  Ye Shi: “What if someone else has registered it?”

  Zhang Hai said with a groan: “It’s okay, I still have Zhang Hai 001, Zhang Hai 111, and Zhang Hai 000.”

  Ye Shi: “Pfft.”

  Mosquito, who has a low sense of laughter, laughed so hard that his stomach hurt. He coughed and said: “Brother, your style… why don’t you play with a strength system or a physical system, why choose agility?”

  Zhang Hai said with a beaming face: “You don’t understand this. The only martial arts in the world that can’t be broken is speed. Fast is strong, and I am fast!”

  Mosquito: “Hahahahaha.”

  ”Wait,” Ye Shi suddenly frowned and looked around vigilantly, “I always feel like something is staring at us.”

  ”It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s not shameful,” Mosquito smiled and patted his shoulder and said, “We’ll be done for a while, do you want to eat something?”

  Zhang Hai’s eyes lit up and said: “Go to my stall to eat, I’ll make you ramen, authentic.”



  The feeling of being stared at gradually faded, and Ye Shi suspiciously moved his eyes away from the distant street.

  At the same time, on a high building hundreds of meters away,

  a mercenary holding a sniper rifle, with a look on his face as if he had seen a ghost, pressed his back against the wall.

  Just now, he just wanted to use the scope to observe what was happening on that street, but before he could see clearly how many people were on the opposite side, one of them suddenly looked around alertly, and then looked towards him.

  Is it a coincidence?

  But this is too coincidental!

  At this time, the captain’s voice came from the communication channel.

  ”Karl, what did you see?”

  ”A lot of people.”

  ”How many?”

  ”I didn’t see clearly… give me some more time.”

  Swallowing his saliva, the mercenary named Karl continued nervously.

  ”Those people… maybe there are awakened ones.”

  (My body can’t take it anymore. I have persisted in updating more than 8K for two months, and I only sleep six hours a day. I feel like my body is already warning me. The doctor suggested that I have a good rest and not damage my liver at such a young age. He also recommended liver protection tablets to me. If you don’t pay me for advertising, I won’t advertise… I’m

  really sorry brothers, there may be only one update in the next few days, but I will try to keep the number of words at 5~6K. Compared with my previous two updates of 2K, this should be considered a normal update? I will resume two updates on the 24th and continue to challenge 10,000 a day… Let me slow down, and take this time to catch my breath, sort out the plot, and make the pace faster.)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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