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Chapter 179: Heaven, Demon, and the Power of the Holy Soldiers

Chapter 179: Heaven, Demon, and the Power of the Holy Soldiers

2024-02-27 作者: 枚可

   Chapter 179: Heaven, Man, Demon, and the Power of the Holy Soldiers

  Longquan Palace completely collapsed and turned into ruins.

  Yang Shifei looked at the wounds on the ground and breathed a sigh of relief: “In this way, the source of filth has been solved. Hmm?”

  There seemed to be something in the blood egg residue.

  He was about to take a closer look, and a bloody scarlet sword suddenly stood up in the ruins, and the cold air was stirring!

  ”This is…”

  Qiu Buhuan widened his beautiful eyes: “The Holy Soldiers of Liang Kingdom?!”

  Yang Shifei was shocked.

  But the blood egg just now continued to emit filth, connecting the palace with flesh and blood, and even spreading to the entire palace. Doesn’t it mean that

  the source of the palace’s changes is the Holy Soldiers themselves? !

  The sword inserted in the ground shook suddenly, and a large number of tentacles stretched out from the cracks around it, aiming at everyone.

  ”Suppress it first!”

  As soon as Yang Shifei finished speaking, Luo Xian’er immediately drew his sword.

  The brilliant sword light flashed, and the flesh and blood tentacles around the Holy Soldiers were instantly shattered, leaving only the sword standing alone in place.

  Yang Shifei saw the opportunity and stepped forward to hold the holy weapon tightly, trying to pull it out of the ground.

  But as soon as he pulled it hard, it didn’t move at all!

  ”This is…”

  Yang Shifei’s heart was shaken, and he felt something was wrong.

  It’s not that the holy weapon is heavy, but that this knife seems to have become a “part” of a huge existence and can’t be pulled out!

  Qiu Buhuan hurried over: “Shifei, what’s going on?!”

  Yang Shifei said in a deep voice: “This knife seems to have merged with the filth under the ground.”

  At the same time, he tried to absorb the filth, and a cold air suddenly surged in his palm, and severe pain suddenly appeared!

  But what frightened him even more was that there seemed to be endless filth under the holy weapon!

  ”It’s like a huge underground network, gathering all the filth here.”

  A flash of enlightenment flashed through Yang Shifei’s mind: “The Taiwu Holy Weapon and the True Demon Knife have suffered the same fate, being eroded and fused, and even used as a “nail” to chisel the earth, becoming the center of the filth explosion!” As soon

  as the guess flashed through his mind, the endless pain made him stagger and almost lose his balance.

  The overwhelming cold air kept pouring in, almost bursting the meridians, and gathered in the Dantian in the body.

  Seeing Yang Shifei sweating profusely from the pain, the three women were about to join forces to draw their swords.

  However, the True Demon Knife in Yue Rui’s hand moved first, and instantly opened its bloody mouth, quickly wrapped around the upper arm, and the broken knife almost pierced into the body.

  ”Young Master?!”

  ”I’m fine.”

  Yang Shifei’s expression eased a lot, and he said in a low voice: “She is helping me share the pressure.” The

  True Demon Knife on his arm kept squirming, and his sleeves were torn into pieces, sucking non-stop.

  Yue Rui’s eyes condensed slightly, and she quickly looked around:

  ”The filth has not dissipated, it is flowing in a certain direction.”

  Not only her, Luo Xian’er and Qiu Buhuan also noticed it.

  There seemed to be flesh and blood squirming in the cracks under her feet, like a net of flesh and blood, and countless filth was like essence and nutrition, being transported outward.

  The next moment, Yue Rui suddenly looked back.

  ”The filth, all flows there!”


  The earth shook, cracks crisscrossed, and countless tentacles stretched out from the ground, dancing wildly!

  Amid the shouts of shock and anger, the Golden Hall was completely wrapped in flesh and blood tentacles, interweaving into a two-meter-tall black giant.

  Waves of green smoke filled its body, and its strong muscles and bones stretched out. The cold air surged instantly, and the entire palace seemed to fall into a winter night.

  Yang Shifei only glanced at it, and his face suddenly darkened.

  ”This power is much stronger than the monster just now!”

  ”The filth is all gathering in its body. Is this monster related to Emperor Liang?”

  The flesh and blood coiled around the feet of the black giant, and a scarlet giant sword rose up, and countless meridians were beating non-stop.

  Hundreds of archers were already in place on the high walls of the palace, and they quickly drew their bows and shot arrows.

  The giant just drew his sword and swung it casually, and the sharp wind whistled past, and the arrows were scattered like raindrops in all directions, without any damage.

  ”No matter if it’s related or not, you have to go back and help!”

  Yang Shifei hurriedly said: “Xian’er Buhuan, you guys go to help, leave this to me and the girl!”


  The battle situation was urgent, and the two women could not hesitate, and quickly ran back to the Jintang Palace.

  Yue Rui and Yang Shifei grabbed the handle together, tensed their bodies, and worked together to draw the sword.

  ”One, two, use force!”

  The holy weapon trembled, the ground shook continuously, and a blade slowly left the ground.

  In the smoke and dust, the dark giant raised his sword and raised his head, his faceless face facing the sky, as if he was slowly exhaling.

  ”What kind of monster is this?!”

  A huge shadow enveloped, and the warriors of various factions around him retreated in horror.

  ”This is even weirder than the original master of Bingtan!”

  The soldiers of the three armies who were originally rescuing the people also saw this huge black monster like a hill, and they were even more frightened.

  ”Is this the demon hidden in the palace?!”

  King Dingjiang and others were dumbfounded, and their clothes on their backs were already soaked with cold sweat.

  ”Don’t stay where you are!” Liang Xin grabbed the railing of the carriage and shouted in shock: “Quickly retreat and evacuate!”

  Several flesh and blood demons passed through the guards and Tan Xiang quickly waved his long whip to forcibly cut them off.

  ”Don’t mess up the formation, guard the gate of the palace!”

  The dark giant suddenly raised his sword and slashed, and the ground covered with flesh and blood exploded in

  an instant! Many warriors who were close were blown away by the impact and stumbled and fell.

  ”Demon. Demon.”

  The face of the dark giant cracked, as if it turned into a bloody mouth: “Suppress. Demons guard Liangguo”

  The next moment, it raised the giant sword again and chopped it down brazenly!


  The giant sword sank deep into the ground, and then swept it to the side, and dust and flesh flew up in an instant!

  ”Retreat quickly!”

  Several elderly warriors of the upper third rank shouted in a deep voice and pulled people back.

  But the dark giant seemed to be staring at everyone, and suddenly took a step, raised his sword and chopped at the crowd again!

  More than a dozen warriors used their weapons to resist, but the moment they made contact, the weapons in their hands shattered instantly. If no experts had stepped in to pull them away, the weapons would have been torn into pieces by the sword.

  ”Youngsters, retreat, let us do it!”

  Several leaders of the major sects stepped forward, and the elders of the Yunshang Sect held the Taiwu Saint Weapon in their hands, wanting to slay the demons.

  But at this moment, a vast martial thought burst out and swept across, making them look horrified:

  ”Heavenly man?!”

  The black flames ignited all over the dark giant’s body, attached to the flesh and blood giant sword, and the terrifying murderous intent descended on the entire palace! The

  two elders of the Yunshang Sect trembled all over and roared in shock: “This monster is going to use the Jiwu Xuanfa, everyone retreat from the palace!”

  But halfway through the retreat, the dark giant swung his sword and swept across, and the black flames burst out.

  The violent sword intent swept like a gust of wind, shocking everyone’s mind.

  ”It’s over-”


  The starry sword light seemed to cover the sky, falling like a meteorite, and forcibly hit the black flame sword.

  The two Jiwu Xuanfas hit head-on, the earth collapsed, and the aftermath forced everyone within a radius of dozens of feet to fly away.

  Seeing Luo Xian’er land gracefully, the elder of Yunshang Sect holding the holy weapon shouted anxiously: “Be careful!”

  The smoke and dust of the explosion suddenly dissipated, and the dark giant suddenly swung his fist to hit!

  But as the blood light suddenly appeared, the terrifying fist force that could destroy mountains and split rocks was forcibly blocked, like a thunderous explosion.

  Qiu Buhuan’s dress rustled, and his arms blocked in front of him. The ground under his feet was cracked and sunken, and he retreated more than a few feet.

  Luo Xian’er’s sword power rose again, and the vast sword light poured out, forcibly forcing the dark giant who was about to chase back.


  Witnessing the battle between the heavenly man and the black tortoise with their own eyes, many warriors couldn’t help but be shocked on the spot. After

  practicing martial arts until now, I just understand how terrifying the heavenly man is, just like a god–

  ”Don’t stand there, quickly kill those flesh and blood demons!”

  Everyone woke up as if from a dream, and saw more demons coming like a tide, and hurriedly took action to parry.

  ”Elder Qiu, give me the Holy Weapon!”


  The battlefield changed rapidly. The elder of Yunshang Sect killed two demons and threw the Holy Weapon into the battle between the gods and humans.

  Luo Xian’er grabbed the hilt of the sword without looking back and was about to fight with both swords, but after a hard punch with Qiu Buhuan, the pitch-black giant suddenly spoke gloomily:

  ”Holy Weapon. The source of disaster”

  Luo Xian’er and Qiu Buhuan were both stunned.

  What does this mean?

  ”Hundreds of years limit”

  The pitch-black giant raised his hand and clenched it, and suddenly threw it to the side.

  Luo Xian’er’s face changed slightly, and she felt the Holy Weapon in her hand tremble uncontrollably until it flew out of her hand and pierced into the high wall a hundred feet away.

  ”How is this?”
Qiu Buhuan looked

  back in surprise: “What happened?!”

  Luo Xian’er looked at the scar on her palm and said in doubt: “The filth suddenly broke out in the weapon and stabbed me.”

  Qiu Buhuan’s eyes flashed with surprise.

  Even the Taiwu Holy Weapon of Yunshang Sect is also breeding filthy aura? !

  As soon as the thought flashed through her mind, she held her breath.

  No wonder, even though the Taiwu Holy Soldier was here, filth continued to pour out.

  Could it be because the two Holy Soldier weapons present were all——

  ”Holy Soldier can suppress evil and can also turn into filth”

  The dark giant raised his giant sword and said hoarsely: “I want to kill all the demons”

  Luo Xian’er was shocked: “Father, are you still conscious?!”

  ”You are not my daughter.”

  The dark giant grinned grimly: “You demon.”


  Luo Xian’er pursed her lips and her eyes returned to calm: “Father, please rest in peace.”

  The eldest lady turned into a breeze and leaped up to meet him. Seeing this, Qiu Buhuan hurriedly followed.

  The battle between heaven and man started again, and the fist wind and sword light swept everywhere like a storm, roaring and shaking continuously. In front of

  the gate of the palace, thousands of soldiers defended here to the death, fighting fiercely with the flesh and blood demons that kept pouring in. Warriors from all sides rushed into the battle fiercely, killing and killing, and blood flowed into a river.

  ”Take the wounded away from here as soon as possible, and go to the west five miles away, there is still space for the camp!”

  ”Send these people to the pharmacy, there are ready-made healing medicines!”

  ”Surround the palace to prevent demons from escaping!”

  The faces of the generals from all sides were extremely heavy, and they had no time to wipe the cold sweat. They couldn’t help feeling dizzy when they glanced at the bloody and horrible battlefield.

  In such a bloody battle, can the three armies hold on?

  Dozens of Luo family spies guarded the palace gate and killed the demons that escaped from the palace gate on the spot.

  ”Second Miss, let’s retreat for the time being to avoid accidental injuries!”

  Tan Xiang whipped the two demons away, but she and Liang Xin were stunned.

  In the distance behind the dark giant, there seemed to be a black shadow leaping high –

  ”That is…”

  Many masters were always paying attention to the battle between heaven and man, and they also found the figure in the air.

  ”Young Master Yang?!”


  The scarlet knife light shone, as if a blood moon was in the sky.

  Yang Shifei held the holy weapon tightly in both hands, the real devil knife wrapped around his arms, and twisted his waist to prepare.

  The muscles all over his body swelled and bulged, and the rolling cold air that filled it burst out violently, as if there was a blood-colored thunder roaring and exploding, and the hair stood up.



  Yue Rui behind him shouted delicately, grabbed Yang Shifei’s waist and back with a phantom, and threw it towards the pitch-black giant with all her strength.

  The Taiwu Holy Soldier’s arrogance surged, and the scarlet knife light swept across dozens of feet, rapidly approaching.

  The pitch-black giant seemed to sense something, and forcibly broke free from the siege of the two heavenly beings, and suddenly turned back. Yang Shifei had gathered all his strength, roared and swung the big knife, sweeping it across!


  The shrill knife light passed across his neck, and the pitch-black giant’s body suddenly stagnated, and his head slowly rolled down.

  Yang Shifei stepped on the giant’s shoulder, used the force to rush to the ground, and held the knife in his backhand and stabbed it heavily into the ground-

  ”The national sacred knife should play a role!”

  The scarlet big knife trembled violently, and a wave of waves spread out instantly, sweeping across the entire palace!

  In an instant, tens of thousands of flesh and blood demons all stopped moving, their bodies quickly melting.

  Blood rushed up from the cracks all over the palace, and the might of the Taiwu Saint Soldiers exploded, annihilating the filthy evil spirits in an instant!

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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