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Chapter 179 Your idea is good. I will consider it in the next update.

Chapter 179 Your idea is good. I will consider it in the next update.


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 179 Your idea is good. I will consider it during the next update.

  Official website:

  [Alpha0.81 version update: Added “Scientific Expedition Team Mission”]

  [Scientific Expedition Team Mission: The scientific expedition team of Shelter No. 404 has been established, and the goal is the remains of pre-war civilization! As the leader of the scientific expedition team, Yin Fang will issue “Scientific Expedition” missions from time to time, place exploration beacons on the map, and give rewards or hidden missions based on the clues of scientific research type relics provided by players. ]

  [Yin Fang: It is not me who betrayed the academy, but the academy betrayed me. The error will be corrected. I will find out what happened two hundred years ago and find the last hope of human civilization – Shelter No. 0! ]

  [Tips from A Guang: When the NPC is in need, a yellow question mark will appear on his icon on the map. Repeated attempts at meaningless dialogue will not trigger hidden tasks, but will only reduce the NPC’s favorability. In addition, it is not necessary to trigger tasks through dialogue. It is also possible to accept tasks through VM. 】

  Tail: “Throne! (`)Ψ”

  Quit Smoking: “Shock! Alpha 0.81 version is out! The planner is awesome!”

  Ye Shi: “Quit Smoking, stop it, A Guang only has one licker Fang Chang, I feel bad for you like this. (Funny)”

  Fang Chang: “Get lost, when did I ever lick him? (Angry)”

  Teng Teng: “(ω)”

  Fang Chang: “?” Chu

  Guang, who started to peek at the screen after posting the announcement, finally couldn’t help laughing out loud when he saw this.

  He can testify that Brother Fang Chang definitely didn’t lick, at most he just knows himself better. There are a lot of bad ideas in his new folder, but they are all borrowed from him.

  After peeking at the screen for a while, Chu Guang felt his eyelids start to fight, glanced at the time and saw that it was getting late, yawned and got up to sleep.

  That night.

  He had a very long dream, dreaming that he was walking by the lake, followed by the guy called Dr. Principle, and followed by a little brother.

  Although he didn’t see the face clearly, Chu Guang felt that it should be Yin Fang.

  After realizing this, Chu Guang was speechless. Why was there no big-breasted girl in the dream today?

  This dream was unreasonable.

  The lake was filled with fog. The road was very long, and the lake was as wide as the sea, with the sparkling water as far as the eye could see.

  The moonlight was bright, and the air was quiet and peaceful.

  After walking for a long time, a voice suddenly came from the side.

  ”What year is it now?”

  Chu Guang was about to answer, but Yin Fang, the number one licker of Dr. Principle, spoke first.

  ”It’s 2340 now!”

  Dr. Principle beside him nodded and suddenly spoke with emotion.


  ”It’s too long.”

  The dream was over.

  After waking up, Chu Guang lay on his back calmly and blinked at the ceiling.

  His back was covered with sweat, as if he had been fished out of the water. Chu Guang even suspected that someone had thrown him into the lake to take a bath while he was asleep.

  The sheets and clothes were all wet.

  There is no doubt that every time this happens, it must have escalated.

  ”Damn… I’ll just sleep in the whole incubator next time.”

  Chu Guang seriously doubted that the players were also sweating when they leveled up, but they were lying in the incubator and all the metabolites were discharged.

  It seems that the recent exercise has paid off.

  Chu Guang turned over and got up, his bones crackled, and his eyes were clearer than ever before, feeling like he had drunk a box of taurine drinks.

  After moving his limbs, Chu Guang simply adapted to this new body, then walked to the resident hall and checked himself with the physical examination equipment there.



  Chu Guang Gene Sequence: Manager (Phase 2)

  Level: LV.11→LV.12

  ——Basic Attributes——

  Strength: 16→17

  Agility: 11

  Constitution: 14

  Perception: 12

  Intelligence: 12→13


  ”Two attribute points were added this time?”

  Chu Guang checked again. He only leveled up one level, but his strength and intelligence grew by 1 attribute point at the same time.

  ”It seems that the growth of ‘body function’ with ‘gene sequence development progress’ is not completely linear.”

  ”Unfortunately, the law is still a mystery.”

  Just as Chu Guang was staring at the physical examination report in thought, there was a light footstep next to him. Boss Xia, who had just got up, yawned and walked in from the corridor next door.

  Noticing the sheets on Chu Guang’s shoulders, she was slightly stunned, with a strange expression.

  ”Why do you change the sheets every day?”

  Chu Guang replied casually.

  ”Not every day.”

  Xia Yan’s eyes unconsciously moved down, just in time to see the sweaty clothes and swollen muscles. To be honest, this is not a rare thing, but it happened to match that lethal face.

  ”You… find something to wear.”

  His face suddenly blushed, and Boss Xia turned his head and walked away.

  Chu Guang ignored her. Before the peak of players going online, he hummed a little song and went to the B2 floor to take a shower. After changing into clean clothes, he threw the sheets into the washing machine.

  There is a public washing machine in the shower area. It is scientifically disinfected and automatically dried. It is very convenient and only costs 1 silver coin to use once. Or you can go to the lakeside. It is free there, but there is a risk of helping fishermen to make nests, but it is not a big problem.

  After washing up, Chu Guang returned to the manager’s office and sat down, ready to rest for a while before going up. However, before the chair was warm, he saw Yin Fang pushing the door and walking in.

  ”Are your residents crazy? They are guarding my door early in the morning! Wherever I go, they follow me. It’s even more exaggerated than yesterday!”

  While saying this, Yin Fang glanced behind him nervously and found that the residents of the shelter did not follow him.

  Seeing his ignorant look, Chu Guang smiled and poured him a cup of hot water.

  ”Relax, they are so excited when they heard that you are going to set up a scientific expedition team. Isn’t this a good thing? Believe me, as long as you find something for them to do, they will naturally disperse… Come, drink some hot water.”

  Yin Fang shook his head after taking the cup.

  ”But I don’t need so many people! Four, eight at most!”

  The clues are very limited now. Maybe more people will be needed in the future, but at least not in the early stage.

  ”I know you don’t have to hire all of them, but at least pick a few who look reliable. There is a level number on the player list I gave you. Basically, the higher the level, the more reliable the player.” Chu Guang shared some life experience with him.

  This is what he summed up through continuous attempts.

  Yin Fang sighed and said, “I don’t know how you formulated this level system, and I don’t know how reliable it is. Excuse me, you should have a professional assessment system, otherwise how do I know if they are better at chopping trees or picking up garbage.”

  Chu Guang’s eyes lit up and said.

  ”Good idea, this can be integrated into the next update.”



  Yin Fang was confused, but he didn’t take it too seriously.

  After all, this was not the first time he didn’t understand the self-made phrases that occasionally popped out of the manager’s mouth.

  ”In any case, take good care of your residents. I’m really worried that their brains are broken. In addition, in order to start the work as soon as possible, I need some information.”

  Chu Guang looked at him and said, “No problem, what information do you need and where is it located? We can help you get it.”

  Yin Fang: “Dr. Principle’s image is related to three locations, the Great Rift Valley, Shelter No. 117, and Xinwu Community College.”

  Chu Guang: “We are cleaning the entrance to Shelter No. 117. Where is Xinwu Community College?”

  Yin Fang: “It’s where we found the videotape, and it’s also where Dr. Principle woke up!”

  ”Is there anything worth investigating there?”

  In Chu Guang’s impression, it seems that the place has been searched quite clean.

  After all, according to the oral account in the video, there were more than a thousand survivors living in that community college.

  Things like tables, chairs, wooden benches, and even the books in the library were burned as fuel two hundred years ago. It was just like a locust plague.

  Yin Fang shook his head and said, “It’s a pity that the damage there is too high, and it’s hard to find any valuable clues. But even so, the place itself is a very important clue.”

  Chu Guang: “How do you say that?”

  ”This has to do with the work process of our explorers!”

  Yin Fang showed a confident smile on his face and continued.

  ”It is common sense in the pre-war era that no scientific research institution can exist independently without the support of society. A research institute may manage hundreds of projects, and these projects may be supported by thousands of funding sources and participated by thousands of researchers. The results born from this will not be stored in only one place. As long as we find one of the clues, we may be able to find all we want.”

  ”Some electronic files may be damaged by EMP or neglect of maintenance, but many important records will be kept in paper archives. The paper and anti-oxidation ink made of polymer materials will not have any problem even for two thousand years, let alone two hundred years!”

  Is this an expert?

  After listening to Yin Fang’s statement, Chu Guang nodded approvingly.

  Sure enough, in terms of archaeology, the people in the academy are still professional. Others just pick up trash and pretend to flip through documents that they can’t understand, but they are the ones who really know how to use those documents.

  Many people think that scientific research is too simple, thinking that it is like copying homework, and they can make an identical one by copying the drawings. In fact, the so-called drawings are not just a piece of paper, but may be many pieces of fragments, and many things that are exactly the same in the macroscopic view are also very different in the microscopic view.

  Unless you have a systematic understanding of these works, archaeology is not something you can take casually.

  If you can find a way to get more people from the college to work here, it will be great. Then

  won’t the research points increase rapidly?

  Chu Guang felt that his requirements were not high. It would be great if he could come up with a series of related technologies from the industrial preparation of metal hydrogen to the storage at room temperature.

  This thing can be used to make bombs and batteries, and it is very useful.

  According to Yin Fang, he plans to start the investigation from four aspects: the archives of scientific researchers at Xinwu Community College, related research projects, cooperative institutions, and sources of funds.

  This may take a little time.

  But it should be rewarding.

  After staying in the manager’s office for a while, Yin Fang left in a hurry when he saw the players outside disperse.

  Before Chu Guang went to the surface, he took a look at the allowance page of the manager system and unexpectedly found that he could draw again.

  A total of 111 reward points, a very auspicious number.

  Chu Guang thought for a while and clicked on the advanced, intermediate, and primary blind boxes.

  Maybe he was unlucky enough before, so the prizes this time were unexpectedly good.

  The primary blind box opened a bag of salt-baked dried fish, which was a snack I had never seen before. The intermediate blind box opened an adrenaline injection, and it was the kind that was injected painlessly, and one shot directly went berserk.

  The advanced blind box was even more amazing, and an SSR was opened – a “Hummingbird” drone!

  Now Chu Guang has two cameras to use!


  Xiao Qi came to Chu Guang’s calf, raised the camera, and looked at him eagerly.

  Chu Guang originally wanted to say that he would keep this drone for himself, but the voice was too pitiful.

  This guy stole a voice pack from somewhere, and he’s really good at it!

  ”Okay, okay, here you go.”

  Chu Guang patted the guy’s round metal head, picked him up from the ground, and said with a smile.

  ”Let’s go.”

  ”It’s almost dawn, let’s go for a walk outside.”


  In fact, it’s not that the sky outside is almost dawn, but it has been dawn for a long time, but Chu Guang has been going out a little late recently, and going out before 8 o’clock is considered relatively early for him.

  This is not because Chu Guang is not diligent, but mainly because his little players are too diligent. They go online on time every day to punch in, which is even more active than going to work.

  Chu Guang hasn’t even thought about the name of the heavy industrial base sandwiched between the outpost and Changjiu Farm, and his diligent little players have already taken the abandoned tire factory back from the hands of the aliens.

  The corpses of mutant rats and cockroaches piled up into a small hill, and those newbies wielding cold weapons have been killing like crazy.

  The strategy for Shelter No. 117 and the Greenhouse Ruins is also progressing steadily.

  Especially the former, the players even evolved a new set of team-forming rules, which even shocked Chu Guang.

  Sure enough, third-rate planners are leeks, second-rate planners are leeks, and first-rate planners can not only leeks

  , but also plant. As a top planner who is proficient in human nature, he can not only mobilize the leeks of leeks, but also make the leeks move themselves.

  ”That’s great.”

  Everyone made a lot of money.

  A world where no one loses is really great! He

  got on the elevator.

  As soon as Chu Guang arrived on the surface, the new warehouse manager trained by Old Luca came up to him and said respectfully.

  ”Sir, Brown Farm has sent an envoy.”

  Chu Guang remembered that the name of the middle-aged man in front of him was Guoba, who was once a slave of Brown Farm and later entered the dungeon of the Blood Hand Clan. Because this name was too difficult to pronounce, he changed his name to Guo Niu, which was more in line with the local customs.

  As for the other granary manager, his name was Guo Ma.

  ”The envoy from Brown Farm? What do they want?”

  Guo Niu said respectfully.

  ”The envoy brought 5,000 kilograms of yams and 5,000 kilograms of Chinese cabbage, saying that they were tributes from Mr. Brown to you, and the envoy also said that they really had no more.”

  Really no more?

  Chu Guang was slightly stunned, confused by this sentence, and didn’t understand what it meant for a while.

  He didn’t remember asking him for it.

  But to be honest, this Mr. Brown, whom he had never met, was willing to give. Ten tons of food, just taken away as soon as he said, it seems that he is not ordinary fat.

  Chu Guang couldn’t help but think in his heart.

  Maybe he can borrow some more.

  ”Did the envoy say anything else?”

  Guo Niu nodded and continued.

  ”The envoy also said that he hoped your residents could restrain themselves a little… They have heard gunshots and explosions from the direction of the Garden Street subway station for several consecutive days. That place is less than one kilometer away from Brown Farm. His original words were, if this is a joke, this joke is not funny at all.”

  Hearing this, Chu Guang’s expression was a little subtle.

  As soon as he heard about the explosion, he immediately guessed that it was probably Mole and Mosquito who made too much noise at the entrance of Shelter No. 117 and scared the people of Brown Farm.

  But think about it.

  There is a neighbor who is very good at fighting next to him. He has a lot of guns and bullets. In just one month, except for the west side near the lake, there was nothing to shoot. He shot all three directions in the east, south and north.

  Now this neighbor has brought people to the door of his house, shooting and setting off fireworks every day. It is obvious that he is celebrating the New Year in advance.

  Anyone would be scared.

  But Chu Guang really didn’t expect that this farmer was so cowardly that he dragged the food to his door to beg for mercy.

  Seeing that the manager didn’t speak, Guo Niu asked cautiously.

  ”Sir, the envoy of Brown Farm is in the reception room. Do you need me to take you to see him?”

  Chu Guang came back to his senses and looked at Guo Niu.

  ”No need. Ask him to take a message to the owner of Brown Farm to thank them for their generous donation. In addition, our residents did not mean to disturb them. They were just conducting… uh, combat exercises against alien species.”

  After a pause, Chu Guang continued.

  ”The exercise will be over within a week. Tell them not to think too much and not to worry too much. Shelter No. 404 is the guardian of regional order. We look forward to conducting friendly and equal trade with them.”

  ”Also, treat those envoys to lunch before letting them go. They generously donated so much food to us, and we still have to show due courtesy.”

  Guo Niu nodded respectfully.

  ”Yes, sir.”


  Reception room.

  Liu Jiuyue paced back and forth in the room with a worried look on his face.

  Mr. Brown did not sleep all night last night and was very angry, which made the servants restless.

  Early in the morning, his boss Liu Zhengyue called him and asked him to take the packed caravan to Linghu Wetland Park four kilometers away to present the supplies on the car to the lord there.

  Liu Jiuyue counted the supplies on the car, and there were 20,000 kilograms, which really surprised him.

  You know, this early winter has caused the farm to produce a full season’s worth of grain. Not only have the serfs’ meals been reduced to one meal a day, but even the meals of these servants have been reduced again and again, and there is not even a drop of oil or water in the bowl.

  The master has allocated so many supplies to the neighbors, doesn’t he worry about not having food in winter?

  However, this is not something that a servant like him can worry about.

  At this time, the door opened.

  Guo Niu, who received him, walked in from outside.

  Liu Jiuyue recognized this person and remembered that he used to be a serf who cut wheat on the farm, but now he can only pretend not to know him, put on a smile on his face, and greeted him and said.

  ”Sir, have you seen the manager?”

  Guo Niu did not give him any preferential treatment because of his identity as a “fellow villager”. He said in an official manner.

  ”The lord has understood your demands and expressed his gratitude to Mr. Brown for his generous donation. The exercise at the Garden Street subway station will be over within a week. He said that this is not aimed at you, so you don’t have to worry too much. In addition, in order to avoid accidental injuries, he hopes that your people will try not to get close during the exercise. This is for your own good.”

  Liu Jiuyue looked confused.


  ”Yes, the lord said that this is an alien combat exercise.” Guo Niu didn’t know how to explain this word, so he could only repeat the original words of the administrator.

  Liu Jiuyue nodded blankly.

  It seems that these people mean that the gunfire at the Garden Street subway station will continue for another week?

  However, what happened there was not aimed at them, so they should not worry.

  In any case, he has received a reply, and this mission is considered completed and he can go back to report. He only hopes that this reply will satisfy Mr. Brown. After all, the man’s temper is really terrible.

  ”Thank you for hearing our demands. I will convey it to Mr. Brown.” Liu Jiuyue said respectfully.

  Guo Niu nodded and looked at him and continued.

  ”In addition, the manager told me that if you are not in a hurry to leave, let me treat you to lunch before you set off. The road conditions will be safer at noon.”

  Liu Jiuyue did not refuse.

  On the one hand, as the person in charge of receiving him said, the road conditions at noon are safer than in the morning. On the other hand, it is more comfortable to have a meal before leaving than to set off on an empty stomach.

  Before he set out, he had nothing to eat. He only stuffed a piece of green wheat cake in his pocket. It was cold and hard, like a stone. The kettle of boiling water hanging on his waist had also been cold for a long time. It was a blessing that it didn’t freeze.

  ”Thank you!”

  Looking at the timid man in front of him, Guo Niu suddenly felt a little sorry for him.

  When they were in the farm before, the serfs envied the servants who could serve the farmer’s family the most, because only those servants could be considered human beings, while they, the serfs

  , could only be considered animals. Even the laundry women and the shoemakers who polished the shoes for the farmer were much more noble than them. Not only could they live in a house made of wood or bricks, but they could also eat two hot meals. If they made a mistake occasionally, they would be punished, and they would not be dragged out and dealt with just because they were old or disabled.

  But now, he felt that this man who was once high and mighty in front of him was like a pitiful worm at this moment.

  Perhaps in this world, only the administrator could liberate them.

  ”You’re welcome.”

  Guo Niu paused and repeated the words of the administrator.

  ”The administrator said that this is proper etiquette.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode