Switch Mode

Chapter 18 It was obviously me who made the reservation first

Chapter 18 It was obviously me who made the reservation first


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 18 It was obviously me who made the reservation first

  Since these players are so self-conscious, Chu Guang thinks it is better not to control them too much and let them play freely.

  After piling the supplies next to the elevator, Chu Guang returned to the shelter and called out the manager system. Soon, a pop-up window of task completion appeared in front of him.

  [Congratulations to the host, you have completed the daily task: stockpiling wood, reward: reward point +2]

  [Congratulations to the host, you have completed the daily task: burning cement, reward: reward point +5]

  The daily tasks completed add up to 7 reward points, which is not enough for an intermediate blind box.

  But Chu Guang didn’t care.

  His players have already dealt with cement, and now the food reserves have exceeded ten kilograms. Soon he will be able to recruit a few more players to come in as free labor.

  ”System, all reward points, all redeem primary blind boxes!”

  The reward points in the manager’s allowance were instantly cleared.

  The alloy door on the wall opened, and the conveyor belt began to roll, sending out the rewards from the blind box.

  Five lollipops, a piece of chocolate with a net content of 200g, and a bag of salt with a net content of 500g. Just like the previous ones, none of them had expiration dates or trademarks.

  How much did this damn first-generation manager like sweets?

  Looking at the five lollipops and chocolates, Chu Guang didn’t know how to complain for a moment.

  But this white salt is a good thing.

  Chu Guang reached out and picked it up, with a look of surprise.

  The salt that can be bought on Bet Street is all coarse salt shipped from Boulder City. It is waxy yellow in color, expensive, and of poor quality. The bitterness can even cover the saltiness.

  This kind of white refined salt is usually very expensive, and ordinary survivors can’t afford it.

  ”If only I could have more!”

  This amount is okay for cooking, but it’s a bit of a waste to make bacon or sausages.

  Of course, trading it might be a good choice. This white refined salt can be exchanged for at least 10 times, or even 20 or 30 times the weight of coarse salt.

  However, there are other risks here.

  The Valley Province is an inland province.

  Salt is a kind of thing that makes huge profits second only to arms. If you don’t have enough strength, it’s a bit irrational to want to do this business.

  After confirming the reward, Chu Guang then opened the player list and confirmed the players’ offline time yesterday and online time today. What surprised

  him was that Lao Bai actually upgraded?

  ”Can you upgrade by cutting trees?”

  Chu Guang was shocked.

  The development progress of the gene sequences of these players was 0 before, but the development progress of Lao Bai’s gene sequence has been increased to 1%.

  The corresponding level is LV1.

  But Chu Guang thought about it and felt relieved.

  Cutting trees is a physical job, which is equivalent to a kind of exercise. In addition, Lao Bai’s gene sequence is a strength system, so there is nothing strange about the increase in development progress.

  You don’t have to fight to gain experience.

  Although the latter is a relatively shortcut…

  Turn off the system interface.

  Sitting in front of the computer in the resident hall, Chu Guang logged into the background of the Wasteland OL official website.

  Previously, a reservation threshold was set. You need to fill in the delivery address and phone number and register an account to make a reservation. Chu Guang had originally prepared for the number of reservations to slow down or even stagnate, but he didn’t expect that when he opened it today, the number of reservations had increased from 35 to 45.


  Are there so many people in the Niu Ma Club?

  Surprised, Chu Guang then logged into Penguin and opened the game group called Niu Ma Club. After flipping through the chat records for a while, he saw some clues.

  It turned out that just yesterday, a large number of new people poured into the group, and the number of group members has soared from more than 100 to over 200.

  Most of these new people were invited by group friends to come and watch, and many of them were group hangers-on, active in major game groups all year round.

  Now in the PC game circle, an urban legend about “fully immersive virtual reality online games” has begun to circulate.

  Although most people sneered after hearing it, there are always one or two who believe it and took great pains to find the “Niu Ma Club” and join it.

  Everyone is not sure whether the dog managers have joined forces to make trouble, but in short, this official website is well made.

  ——Historical chat records——

  Quit smoking: [Why are there so many new people in the group? (confused.jpg)]

  Garbage picker 99th level: [Big guys! How do I make an appointment for that game? Does it cost money?]

  Quit smoking: [What the hell? Are you all here for Wasteland OL? (Surprised.jpg)]

  Get up more than ten times overnight: [The group name can be changed to Wasteland OL player group. (Funny)]

  What can I do with you: [No money is required during the closed beta stage. I don’t know about the future. You can queue up by registering an account and filling out a form. As for when you can get in line, it depends on your face… Hey, I give up. Some people really believe it.]

  Quit smoking: [Brother Ye Shi! Did you go online last night? ? ? Did you test new content? ? ? (Excited)]

  Get up more than ten times overnight: [We tested it. We tested it all night and made cement. Haha. Ask Fang Chang. I have to go to class. Let’s chat later.]

  Quit smoking: [Cement? ? ?]

  Garbage picker 99th level: [Aren’t you picking up garbage? ? ? 】

  The group chatted for a long time.

  Chu Guang skipped the long string of nonsense and turned to Fang Chang’s speech.

  The future is long: [To be honest, the authenticity of this game exceeded my expectations! Unlike most sandbox construction games, in Wasteland OL, logs will not turn into wood by themselves, and synthetic charcoal is not simply thrown into the furnace to synthesize with one click, but you need to build a charcoal kiln first, and the burning method is basically the same as in reality. The same is true for making cement. There is no one-click synthesis workbench, but you need to start by burning wood ash. 】

  Quit smoking: [What the hell? So real? ! 】

  The future is long: [Yes, it is so real! The combat system has not been tested yet, but as for the sandbox gameplay, Lao Bai and I have not yet discovered the upper limit of this game! 】

  The future is long: [In theory, all the materials we are currently exposed to can be transformed according to the physical and chemical rules in reality, and these modifications to the map environment are still permanently retained! They will not be refreshed! This is also what surprised me the most!

  This reminded him of the “pseudo-sandbox game” Death Stranding, which is about building roads all over the world.


  , this game is not just about building roads. It has more interactive content than the pixel-style “Minecraft”, but the graphics are not blurred at all, and it is even more realistic than the photography-level racing game “Horizon 4”.

  Especially the immersive experience.

  It was something he had never seen before.

  In a nutshell, he was praising this game!

  What can I do with my arrogance: [Haha, he laughed. If it was really that awesome, I could build a Jinling city on the wasteland.]

  Spare his life: [I don’t believe it either! It’s too outrageous.]

  Time flies: [Stop bragging, you’ll know when you enter the game, this game is the most grueling I’ve ever seen, all the materials are hand-made, and it doesn’t support AFK. In other games, you can turn on the computer and AFK to kill monsters all night, but in this game, you can get so tired by chopping a few pieces of wood that you can’t even lift your hands!]

  Level 8 Gale: [Indeed, I deeply understand this.]

  Quit smoking: [Oh, oh, oh, I really want to play it after hearing what you guys say!!! Brother Guang, I know you’re peeking at the screen, I’m kneeling to you, please give me a chance!!!]

  Chu Guang continued to scroll down the chat history.

  The bad managers and group owners who got the closed beta qualification basically praised Wasteland OL, saying things like “sandbox gameplay yyds” and “annual hegemony reservation”.

  There were also some envious players who would occasionally interject, “One hundred thousand yuan for the closed beta qualification”, “One hundred thousand is too little, I’ll pay one hundred million (funny)”

  and so on. Then, the group members talked about wilderness survival.

  Perhaps they were interested in the gameplay described in [The Future is Long], and many players who did not believe that “fully immersive virtual reality online games really exist” also participated in the discussion and even made suggestions.

  Among them, the one that Chu Guang was most interested in was a group brother with the ID [WC Zhenyou Mosquito].

  Judging from the time he joined the group, this brother had only joined the group not long ago and was a newcomer.

  While others were discussing the game, he was seriously talking about the eighteen uses of wood.

  Burning charcoal and making furniture were the most basic.

  In addition, he also mentioned the “dry distillation” of wood.

  The specific principle is that in the process of baking wood to make carbon in a closed container, a large amount of combustible gas and smoke rich in various organic chemical components will be released.

  These complex mixtures are collectively called “charred wood” and are chemical precursors of many chemical products-until coal tar and petroleum were widely used.

  According to the description of this group brother, by filtering the collected condensate, an aqueous solution composed of acetic acid, acetone, and methanol, as well as a thick tar-like residue, can be obtained.

  Both are complex mixtures, but different organic chemical components can be extracted by fractionation.

  Not to mention acetic acid and methanol, acetone is a good thing. It can not only be used as an organic solvent, but also used to make smokeless gunpowder!

  When Chu Guang saw this, he was shocked.

  ”Is this guy in the chemical industry?”

  He subconsciously clicked on the man’s head portrait and then clicked on the space.

  The space was not locked, but it was easy to get in, but there was nothing related to chemical industry inside, but some advertisements for furniture and building materials.


  it seems that he is a furniture seller. He

  knows so much about wood because of interest.

  However, his knowledge might come in handy here.

  Chu Guang thought for a moment, and suddenly had an idea in his mind, so he sent him a private chat pop-up window.

  ”Friend, are you interested in joining the closed beta test?”

  It was nine o’clock in the morning on the wasteland, and it should be nine o’clock in the evening in China in the parallel world. It was the time to have fun, so it was impossible for him to fall asleep.

  Sure enough, the brother named [WC Zhenyou Mosquito] sent a question mark.

  [? ]

  [Who are you? ]

  Chu Guang typed.

  [I am the planner of Wasteland OL. ]

  WC Zhenyou Mosquito: [What the hell? ! Are you the planner? ]

  WC Zhenyou Mosquito: [Brother, how do I test it? Does it cost money? I don’t have any money. ]

  Chu Guang explained patiently.

  [No need to spend money, just fill in a form, I’ll send you the link. ]

  Although he was full of doubts, WC Zhenyou Mosquito still clicked on the link and filled in the address and phone number on the official website reservation page.

  However, when filling in the address, he was still careful and wrote the post station in the community, not the house number.

  WC Zhenyou Mosquito: [What’s next? Is there any other procedure? ]

  Guang: [No, send me the reservation number, I will mark it for you in the background, and I will notify you when it goes online in three days. ]

  It takes three days to make a clone.

  Just when Chu Guang was thinking that now that the carpenter is available, what kind of talent is still lacking in the outpost, the group message suddenly exploded.

  Opening the group chat, it turned out that [WC Zhenyou Mosquito] had just filled in the form and went to the group to show off.

  [Hahahaha, my friends, I got the closed beta qualification!!! ]

  Quit smoking: [What the hell? What the hell! ]

  Quit smoking: [Why! Obviously I made the reservation first! TT]

  The group message exploded instantly.

  Chu Guang’s private chat also exploded.

  Looking at the long string of red dots, Chu Guang’s scalp tingled. He knew that he could not dive any further, so he quickly came out to explain.

  Guang: [Everyone, please be patient. The closed beta is also for everyone’s gaming experience. At this stage, we need to test whether the game systems are complete, so we need some players with special knowledge to act as guinea pigs. ]

  Quit smoking: [I can be a guinea pig too! I have seven years of driving experience! TT]

  Spare someone else’s life: [Tsk, your seven years of driving experience is nothing. I can also drive an excavator! ]

  What can I do with you: [You all stop arguing. Didn’t you notice that there are really mosquitoes in this WC? Did you join the group just yesterday? Maybe it’s a small account managed by a dog! What kind of fully immersive virtual reality game is this? Rubbish! It’s all fake! ]

  ④ Who knows: [It doesn’t look like a small account from the space…]

  Quit smoking: [Brother Guang! I kneel down to you! Give me a chance! 】

  Guang: […Wait a few more days, a hundred qualifications will be released in a few days, believe me, everyone will have a chance! ]

  The group members were excited again.

  Chu Guang tried to calm the emotions of the group members, but found that it was useless. At this moment, other managers were in the game and could not manage this at all.

  This can’t go on…

  How about releasing another qualification?

  Chu Guang touched his chin and pondered.

  Anyway, there are more than ten kilograms of food stored in the base. With a gun, we can go hunting soon. Two more pairs of chopsticks should be no problem…

  Oh, food!

  Chu Guang’s eyes suddenly lit up, and he typed on the keyboard.

  Guang: [Oh, we’re still short of a chef.]

  Guang: [Test the cooking system.]

  What Chu Guang didn’t expect was that after he sent this message, the arguments in the group became more intense.

  Not everyone can do carpentry, but the threshold for being a chef is too low.

  Who can’t make two dishes and a soup these days?

  You just need hands!

  Regardless of whether they really know how to do it or not, the brothers in the group are more boastful than each other, saying things like “I can fry a plate of Kung Pao Chicken with my eyes closed” and “My dog ​​can make spicy chicken”, and they almost boasted that they were the reincarnation of the God of Cooking or the God of Food.

  In order to get the qualification for the closed beta test, these netizens did everything they could, but they made Chu Guang unable to do it.

  How the hell should I choose!

  The argument lasted for half an hour until an old man showed off his New Oriental certificate.

  This thing is indeed more convincing than bragging.

  Chu Guang immediately announced the sixth closed beta test qualification, and after asking for the reservation number in a private message, he logged off at lightning speed.

   Thanks to the leader of “Xue Ling Qi Yuan” for the reward! !


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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